

A goblin was born with the knowledge of a human from another world. What could go wrong? Donation for Australia's Bushfire: http://www.givit.org.au/

AlpheusFelix · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


I suddenly regained my vision. It was blurry but it was clear that it were rocks. A cave? maybe.

I couldn't move, moreover, I coudn't even speak. This is troublesome but I suddenly feel... sleepy.




Then I woke up, from a sudden shout, "Stand up!" A weird language spoke yet I could understand. What do you mean by stand up? I can't even stand...

Suddenly I could flexibly move my body, "What the fuck is happening?" I covered my mouth, "I can speak?"

The hands that I covered my hands with. It was green, why is it green? I started wondering. Then I looked at my entire arm, then into my entire body. It was all green.

"Even my worm is green." I twitched.

Now that I noticed, I grew taller than the last time I woke up. I clenched my fist and looked at the sorrounding. No doubt it was a cave, it was a small room with other leather-like cloth in the ground.

I noticed I wasn't the only one here so I left the small room to be in another cave but bigger. I looked back and noticed that it was just part of it.

In the distance I noticed that there were creatures that were the same size as me and they were squatting to someone who was a little bigger than us. I walked closer to see what they were then the bigger guy noticed me.

The face that he showed me, I panicked, "What kind of face is that?" It was a face so ugly. It has a huge nose and yellow teeth. The pores were so big, it can be considered a lump.

"What the fuck are you standing there for! Come over here!" The big guy shouted. I was mystified by the moment so the only thing I could do now is listen to him and know what's going on.

So I walked towards them as the others looked at me and boy were they ugly, "What the fuuuck..." I whispered in surprise and then I noticed. I touched my face as my inner-self shouted in agony. I was as ugly as them.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me."