

Bees prowled through the flowers; working in unity to sustain their society. The birds sang harmoniously in greetings of friendship, while they made their first evening flights.

The sun was beginning to hide between the clouds, a constant and significant effect, which was observable on a daily basis; After surpassing its peak, it finally began to decrease.

Which was enhanced through the shadows, the product of upright trees; which was enjoyed by an individual, who rested under such an environment in a comfortable reclining chair.

Ambience that was interrupted through the sound of a kettle boiling; Inside the fireplace, Federick silently poured the boiled water into their respective tea cups.

'Every infusion is negative. Cursed be the day, when I fell madly in love with a sensation.' Federick thought with displeasure; It was not a problem of self-control, it went further, entering into conflict with his philosophical thinking.

"All whores." Said a dissatisfied, subjective and tense voice; which did not belong to a man, but to a bird.

Imitating bird, which turned out to be a parrot with subjective colors based on perspective. Who exposed his chest with total pride, capable of monopolizing all his ancestry and descendants.

"Funny, funny that you say it; since it is superb to believe that you have tested the entire population that you generalize." Federick said as he searched his cupboard.

"Shut up, what you are is a weak man, without the ability to stand out. Go and eat meat, build muscles in those shoulders, because you have them flaccid like the flute of... iiiih." The parrot screamed, until he was scared away with a quick blow that he retaliated with one of his feathers.

"You're a man, your pulse doesn't tremble... I respect you. But now go to the circus, Dr. Carlson." Federick said emotionally, while pointing to the open window. In her eye, a non-existent tear hung...

With Dr. Carlson leaving the scene, Federick finally turned his attention to his previous actions. On two cups decorated with thread drawings, their greenish contents were about to overflow.

As he carried the cups on a flat container, he smelled the odor it gave off.

"I see you've done your best... It smells pretty good." Pearl praised as she looked at the cups she had left on the table in the garden.

"I'm a chef, mom." Federick responded with humor. Although he wouldn't lie that his habit entailed considerable expense.

"Without a doubt; you will bake a different world." Perla commented with her ascending humor.

"To form a tea, you must wait for three processes: The first, when it is about to boil and finally, the boiling... I do not have enough time to wait for three processes, Mother." Federick said as he observed the harmonious movement of the branches and the dismissal of the occasional leaves.

"What do you mean, my son?" Pearl asked with doubt in her expressions, while she drank her tea.

"To these emotions that assault me every night I try to fall asleep; surpassing the physical plane, a greater calling. That's why I need you." Federick said expressly communicative, without wasting saliva or hesitation.

This surprised Pearl, who was subjected to a distant memory; the commemoration of ancestral tradition, specifically in the results of her son... The prophecy of the goddess.

"Although this is so, on the physical plane is where the results are understood... Which is governed by issues beyond prestige." Federick complemented his original point.

Despite her slight mental shock, Pearl quickly reflected on her son's allusive words.

"Do you... Do you want power, son?" Pearl suddenly said, with an incompressible cry drowned in her voice.

"This world is cruel, and I do not want to perish in the dust along with other names like "Zedmmon"... Fight, fight, a constant fight over what is predisposed; to achieve it." Federick said decisively, his fists clenching firmly.

Perla observed her son from a height greater than him; from the center of his hair, just as millions of strands were harmoniously arranged to fall gently on a gravitational axis. Beyond were his angelic features, which expressed anger at his words.

"Is this really what you want?" asked Pearl, who held her cup firmly in her hands, even though it will burn her.

"It is not my desire, it is the generalized desire; the muffled cry of all living beings." Federick expressed eloquently. Even he would praise if he observed such political skills if they came from another.

At these words, Perla remembered the incoherent prayers coming from Amagatzu, her husband and Federick's father.

"Do you want a dragon too?" Pearl asked with a smile.

"No, a horse." Federick responded with a stoic expression.


[Lord, you are a genius! Even without the need to require me, you have been able to unravel your near future... If you had really calculated with your fingers, it would have been a 2x1!]

'Remember that this is a xianxia, unfortunately; inheritances cannot be missing, they are taboo!' Federick thought, turning to his system.

[But unfortunately he still can't predict, for example, his death... So you still need to request me]

'I can refute that... Do you want to participate in a bet? The loser must be silenced.' Federick communicated mentally, with a mischievous smile.


'Today, of great heights; What if now he went up to that building and he threw me down. Compliment'. Federick communicated shrewdly, without flaws in his logic.

[But that is a paradox...]

'Be quiet, loser. Here comes Daniel, who is telepathic.' Federick quickly interrupted, while looking at his partner "Daniel".

"Fe-Fe-Fe... Faggot, how are you?" Daniel said as he approached with a big smile.

"I got the damn dollars, bitch!" Federick responded emotionally, while shaking hands.

"Dollars?... Real dollars! You little son of a bitch, how did you do it?!" Daniel shouted in shock.

"Grandma's retirement." Federick summarized with a proud smile.

"Now let's get "affectionate girls", that compares with your mother." Federick complemented.

"Or yours." Daniel accompanied.

Thus, two loyal companions toured the Athenian city, expectant of action. But to their sour expression, they learned that the term "affectionate" did not exist in the extensive stone streets.

"It is impossible". Daniel expressed with a devastated expression; which was not because of the sun...

"Hey, hey... tell me you're seeing the same thing I'm seeing." Federick said suddenly, regaining his color.

"You're not talking about him, are you?" Daniel said with a subjective expression.

"Don't you really know the business of gunfighters?" Federick expressed with a determined face.

"Err devil; in times of drought..." Daniel finished.

Thus, two companions carried out the most psychopathic, criminalistic and terrorist walk on record, surpassing that of "The Beatles."