
Go kys

Cerealpop · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

School morning

Monday morning

7:40 am

"What the fuck" Alex said as he looked at the alarm on his phone, "shit shit shit IM GONNA BE FUCKING LATE".

Alex quickly got ready, grabbed his shit and ran out the door, 'damn this sucks, schools barely started now imma get myself suspended??' he thought to himself. As he arrived at school, he was suddenly stopped by a student, " Well look who we have here?" The student said, 'nah..are you kidding me' Alex said internally' "heyyy I was just-"

"office right now" the student said

"Kys" he mumbles to himself

" You said something?"

" Nope"


Monday afternoon

12:15 pm

"I swear I'm gonna kill him" Alex said furiously

"You were late again? Damnn, schools barely started and you're gonna get yourself suspended" Daphne said, A close friend of Alex.

" That's what I said but I swear that asshole never takes it easy on me" he says, "Like when I was at the teachers office, he said to me like ' if this keeps happening I'm gonna have to call your mom' mother fucker imma start whoopin your ass like your mama if U dont stfu, don't try me ass face" mf says pissed off

" You really have a lot to say to someone you barely know" Daphne replies

"Barely know? Btch please after a month I know that mf like the back of my ass crack" Alex explained 'calmly'"

"I didn't need to know that but okay I guess.."

"Anyways U gonna eat that pasta? I'm still hungry" she continues saying

"Huh? Oh yeah sure U can take it" Alex replies

After a while, as they were talking, a random ass student went up to them and started to confess their damn ass feelings to Alex

Both of them were in shock

"Heyy..Alex I know we've never talked before but I just wanted you to know that I've had these feelings for you for a while now and I really wanted to get it off my chest..but I like you!"

Silence emerged in the cafeteria


"Damn he must feel embarrassed.."


"Pffftt-" Daphne cackled

"Shut up..!" Alex whispered and nudged her to stfu

" Ah sorry but I'm not interested in relationships at the moment" Alex reassured the student

"Oh I'm so sorry..you must feel embarrassed..IM SORRY!!" The student darted out of there

Students left them embarrassed

"Woww that was so uncalled for, couldn't you at least have pitied them?" Daph teased

"Didn't I tell you to stfu??" Alex said annoyed

"Chill, I was just teasing haha, although I do see why people confess to you? You have a more feminine face, a mole under your eye on both sides of your checks which I, personally think is considered a beauty mark plus you have good clothing taste"

"You crazy or something? I ain't Interested in that shit, now let's go" alex lazily replied


Monday afternoon

2 pm

" Class, pop quiz tomorrow, make sure to study the things we learned or else..I don't know you fail I guess" teacher said

"Are you being for real right now?" Alex said to himself

"Nahh what.."

"Oh geez"

"You've gotta be kidding me"

"Ain't no way" daph said

"Believe it or not y'all still taking the quiz" the teacher remarked



As they were talking they headed over to the school garden to sit on a bench to skip after activities

3 pm

"I swear this school is high on some shit, cuz ain't no wayy" alex rebuked

"Literally like??" Daph replied

While they were complaining, they heard footsteps approaching them, followed by a male voice.

" I don't think the test would be that bad, you guys are just over reacting" the male said

"You! You were the one who sent me to the damn office!" Alex yelled

"Huhh...Victor? The student council president?" Daph added

" Yes I am, anyways I only did my job to send you."

Alex glared at him, "shut your mouth," he says angrily

"Woah chill, don't think I won't send you to the office again for your foul language, also because you're skipping, your lucky I'm sparing you guys" Victor teased.

Alex shot him a pissed off look, just as he looked as if he were to explode, Daphne intervened

"Alex calm down, he had his reasons, no need to make it worse. Why are you here anyways pres?" Daph continued

"Huh? Oh, Uhhh..oh!" Victor mumbled

"This asshole doesn't even know! He's probably only here to piss me off!" Alex snapped

" Ahaha maybe..but no, I was told that you needed a tutor?" Victor says


"I think you're making things up, I never said anything, you tryna gaslight me?" alex declared

"No, they clearly told me needed one? Lucky for you I can help you" insisted

'Im so fucking confused, what is this asshole talking about?'

"Uh it was probably your parents, I mean I don't know why though? You have decent grades so why get a tutor?" Daphne added

"Ughh why are they doing this to me," Alex grumbled

He continues to say, "hey how about you do me a favour and let's not do this, especially since its you of all people" he pleaded

Although what he said was just to humour the situation, what he said seemed to impact Victor's feelings a little bit, as when Alex took a look at Victors face, he seemed a little hurt.A bit surprised, he quickly said,

"Hey damn, did you take it to heart? It was just a joke..hahahah.." Alex stammered

Daphne peaked at Victor then to Alex,

"Wow..making the pres sad? You really are a heartless jerk" Daphne chuckled

Alex shot her a look, "You idiot! It wasn't meant to be taken seriously, it's not that harsh isn't it??" Alex shouted.

Embarrassed, Alex turned his face away, "Ugh fine whatever, I don't care what you do, just don't like report me for bullying or something!"

"Awe getting all soft now?" Daphne cackled

Getting even more embarrassed he replied "I hate you, stop it"


Monday afternoon

5 pm

Alex's house


'why tf is he here now??'

"Hey I didn't know 'tutoring' started today" Alex grumbled

Victor looked at him, and calmly replied, "Oh, my bad, did I forget to remind you?"

"You're really pissing me off" Alex hissed

"Haha, that's not anything new" Victor replied mockingly,

"What if I kill you right now asshole?" Alex sneered,

Victor sighed, "Let's just get this over with."

'I swear I'm gonna punch him'


"What the? I don't understand what the hell this is"

Alex said confusingly

"Which one? Let me see"

Victor leaned in closer to look, making Alex a bit nervous, 'Agh does this mf not know personal space?'

"Oh this? It's easy," Victor reassured him

Victor stared at Alex for a minute, then suddenly leaning in a little more, making Alex even more nervous,

"Want me to show you?"

Because of the minimal space between them, this sudden action made Alex even more flustered.

He pushed his face away, and looked someplace else.

Still looking in the other direction, "Hey mind your damn distance" Alex groaned

With Alex looking the other way, Victor was actually a bit displeased, "sorry, my bad."

----end of 1st part----

It's my first time writing and I'm just dumping my ideas, ain't no way I'm making it as an author

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