
Go Home a Like Turtle

WPC #304 (...) Go home at a snail's pace. It seems to be the watchword of the X-Monk survivors. Go home. It is the before and after of a tripolar life: Plant-Animal-Human. You will know how the characters live or lived at home. With or without their spirits or demons. With gifts and kindnesses that help them to continue. And Bierny opens her heart to listen to her friends and give timely advice and help. They are short stories of the intermediate places between the lost home and the new conquered home. Patience and Hope. Soon you will arrive at a firm and safe place appropriate to your circumstances. The third novel: (WPC #308) Academy Artesan ProCreation, belongs to the saga: GenX2022 along with the novels: https://www.webnovel.com/book/academy-artesan-procreation_23934150405486205 Second novel: Go Home a Like Turtle: (Two 1,500-word Chapters twice a week: Thursday and Monday) (WPC #304) https://www.webnovel.com/book/go-home-at-pace-turtle_23822104806738905 Third novel: XMonk Apocalypse Primate: (A 1,500-word Chapter once a week: Wednesday) (WPC #302) https://www.webnovel.com/book/x-monky-apocalypse-x-primate_23770584306263105 The edition/update of the 2021 novels, between Saturday and Sunday. BitLove, DarkMan, X Prays... And if you like the characters and their characterized stories, there are a series of illustrations of all the novels on the Instagram account: @genxprays. Discord: #9340 Fanpage: facebook.com/genxprays WhatsApp Business: +51 933 123 278 Patreon / PayPal: genxconectados Thank you for your reviews, votes, collections and comments on the WPC #304.

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62 Chs

«Argumentation No. 7». Teddy beware! – The inner voice cried out!

<Bierny's Argument>

These five attitudes are positive actions in life. Like a self-denial but with compliance.

Is it difficult to be an adult? –She listened to his work, in relation to his parents'.

But the premonitory dream "poses" first: exclusion, and second: "admission"

I must take this as a sign of change (do not understand that they failed but that it is up to the child, according to this family, to join a parallel universe and even multiverses)

-Because if his exclusion is the reconciliation of the world,

-What will be your admission, but life from the dead?

First of all, exclusion has an end: "the reconciliation of the world"; the second has another purpose: "life among the dead".

So: What materials will I use to procreate heroes?

Answer: MDF.

And how are these creations supposed to come to life? Teddy asked again.

And the inner voice answers: "In your innocent imagination."

-I understand-: He answered, Teddy.

The life of these beings: depends on being connected to them in innocence or goodness and never in evil.

-You said well! –The voice affirmed-: The day you lose: "the innocent spirit"; that, day: "the spirit of evil" will visit you in troops of antiheroes. And you will have to fight against them and even more against yourself: I hope: "You will be a winner when you defeat yourself".

At the time, his parents came and sang to him: other lullabies.

Every song. Lullaby, from Dad was an impulse that strengthened the goodness in his inner being.

Each kiss. Caress, from mom was the peace that goodness ignited in his inner being.

And almost, at dawn, it was heard:

Would there be anyone who would give up not lavish these and other attentions on his children today, to the point that he "does not allow her to treasure other things" other than goodness?

Teddy beware! – Cried the inner voice! Recommending:

Better wake up at once and do what you're told to do. And do it well and better every day. And wait until nightfall, these fatherly promises.

There are so many others chosen, as called: Are you one of them?