
Gluttony Is Overpowered

Kayden is a 16-year-old male who had the best potential rank evaluation in all of human history of SSS Rank. He was all over the newspapers, he even beat the previous evaluation record of SS Rank, they had high hopes for him but that soon fell short after they found out he had no ability.

Riddlerr · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Gluttony (1)

I thought I was going to live a luxurious life after getting my potential rank evaluation done.

I saw it was SSS Rank, which made my heart beat out of its chest. I didn't have anything special about me.

I had average everything, besides my looks which were slightly above average, I wasn't all that special.

But the evaluation changed my perspective of myself. I thought that maybe I would be able to live a better life than the one I was living now, but that all went down the drain after I found out I had no ability.

An ability determined whether you'd have a chance at raiding dungeons. Some people have abilities but their garbage, and even a garbage ability made you stronger than any non-ability human.

I was hoping to be able to raid dungeons for the first time since it's always been a dream of mine.

But here I am working at a corner store making hardly any pay since the government is now focused on dungeons. There was no longer any minimum wage.

You were given what the CEO wanted, whether it be 1 dollar an hour or 10. It was rare to see a job paying a lot of money and I was lucky to get a position that paid 15 dollars an hour.

The reason it was high was that this store was located in a lawless zone. It wasn't supervised by anyone so you could get away with murder here.


I glanced over to the door that was opened by a group of people. I could instantly tell that they were bad people.

One of them had a gun on his waist while the rest had knives. Some people would've thought that maybe it was for protection considering this place was lawless but wrong.

Normal people couldn't get guns the only way to get a weapon was to be inside the gang that runs this area, and if you were caught with a gun you'd be killed.

The people in this gang always had a serpent tattoo on their necks and the gun with the gun had it.

They walked to the counter and looked at me up and down.

"Haha, aren't you the guy who got an SSS Rank evaluation?"

I sighed since I dealt with this type of stuff daily.

"Huh? Are you ignoring me?"

He took his gun out of his waist and placed it on the counter. I glanced at it and my heart started racing.

"I-I was just shocked that you noticed me."

I tried to give a reason for me not replying and he looked at me for a little then took his gun off the counter.

"Well of course I'd recognize you, you're famous after all."

He grinned slightly and said another thing that ticked me off but I didn't show it since it wasn't something I was going to get myself killed over.

"You got an SSS Rank evaluation, but have no ability, I mean it's quite a pathetic life you got there."

"You probably thought you were going to change your life after hearing such news, but they crumbled the moment you found you you were weak."


Him and his buddies behind him burst out laughing. He wiped a tear off his eye and spoke again.

"Now get me a pack of cigarettes."

I bent down and grabbed the cigarette pack but when I got back up they were already gone, and all of the food and utilities on the shelves were gone.

I wasn't surprised at this scene since it wasn't anything new people stole from here every day.

I looked up at the clock and noticed it was 1:00 AM. I work 9 AM to 1 AM every day just to be able to pay my taxes.

But the payment didn't go to the government it went to the gang that took control over this whole area.

I walked to the back room and grabbed my black sweater and after locking up the store, I left and started walking home.

I put my hands in my pocket and felt the knife I had in it. I had it just in case something happened and I needed it for protection.

I looked on both sides and saw all the homeless people laying on the street resting. They all got kicked out of their apartment after not being able to pay their taxes. 1 missed payment meant you'd get evicted.

It was raining so most of the homeless couldn't fall asleep in this bad weather.

I didn't feel much pity for them since they could also work where I did, but after hearing about all the previous workers' death they grew fearful of working there. Some of them even had kids and they still wouldn't want to work there.

That's why I worked such crazy hours I didn't have anyone to switch shifts with me.

I got to my apartment complex and it was run down. The walls were starting to crumble and the front door was broken down.

I went in and saw cockroaches crawling all over the floors. I lived here for a while so I got used to seeing them around.

I made it to the 3rd floor and entered my room, it was very small and nasty in here but it was better than sleeping outside.

I took off my sweater and hung it and walked to the fridge to pour myself a cup of water.

I grabbed the water bottle but I saw two cockroaches in it, so I spilled the water out.

I went to my bed and checked if there were any bugs on my bedsheets and after not finding anything, I got in a sleeping position and got ready to sleep.

As I was closing my eyes, I saw a faint glow but I was so tired that I couldn't keep them open and fell asleep.

[Gluttony has awakened due to its excessive hunger]