
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
131 Chs

Chaos Unleashed (Part 3)

"Wow! That was the best thing I've ever done in my entire life!" shouted William, supported by three other Rangers who cheered enthusiastically, "What else are we going to do, Z?"

"Now I'm not here to play around. It's time to finish all of this," he said.

The music changed to a phonk genre. The bass sounded, shaking the entire ship and startling those who were unprepared for the loud noise.

William and the three Rangers exchanged glances, worried about what would happen next.

"But we can't move like you, we're just ordinary humans," one of them said.

"Who said you have to be like me?" I snapped my fingers, creating a jetpack with two large cannons, connected to an exoskeleton.

They were amazed to see it, puzzled by the object in front of them.

"Use it to confront the ship behind us. If you take too long, I'll finish them," I said as I ran forward.

William panicked as he saw Z running fast towards the window, asking, "What should we do with this!?"

"Figure it out yourselves!"

I crashed through the window, leaped out of the aircraft along with Sheila, and headed towards the flying ship behind us, the last one before the main performance began.

Once inside, I was no longer playing around.

I conjured ten swords that would follow my lead, attacking as if they had a mind of their own, helping me take down those who wouldn't stay idle.

Bullets flew back and forth, explosions and the Mech's gunfire were unleashed.

Smoke filled the room, blood pooled, and the sound of falling bullets echoed.

Every Ranger shouted.

Some ran to save themselves, while others stood their ground, ready to face the threat.

I dismissed each sword, replacing them with a Scythe with a chain as its handle, and started twirling it like a ballerina.

The difference is, this ballerina is cruel, rough, and far from elegant.

None of them managed to escape from the swift swings of the Scythe. Even the Mech was split in half by it.

Watching all of this made me think, the Glory in front of ordinary humans basically makes you a god. None could survive as long as their Holder could create extraordinary powers like the Scythe I am wielding now.

Do you think this Scythe is just an ordinary sharp piece of iron?

If that were the case, it would never be able to cleave a Mech's body, which is made of thick metal. No, this Scythe is a futuristic weapon with a blade made of bright orange laser beams.

Without it, I would never be able to eliminate them as effortlessly as cutting butter with a hot knife.

As they once said, Glory is not a Pandora's box that grants you something out of nothing. They require principles and detailed thinking that you can quickly provide to have your wishes fulfilled.

A slight delay, especially in the midst of a bullet-filled battlefield like now, and you'll end up dead.

Even the barrier I created is a Force Field that can be created 'in theory' as long as you understand its construction. This way, we are safe from bullets, explosions, or the Mech's attacks.

But what about magic?

I don't know because I've never tried it.

One thing is certain, as Mr. Anderson said, Glory is just a shortcut for those who are not talented or don't possess magic.

It can never defeat true magic.

However, thanks to my imagination and knowledge, I can make it much more useful than they think, especially with futuristic objects they wouldn't understand.

What if I create a black hole or a neutron star?

Of course, I could.

Then why don't I do it?

Because it's too easy.

I want to enjoy the process, to be in the midst of the battle and take them down with my own hands.

Something as boring as a black hole that can suck them in within seconds, I won't use unless forced to. Besides, I don't even know if my soul is strong enough to create something that powerful.

I still want to live too.

Just imagine suddenly dying because of creating a black hole. Not only would you be unable to see what happens, but you'd also lose the ability to enjoy life.

That's why I restrain myself from going too far.

The four former Rangers appeared shortly after, startled to see so many lifeless bodies lying around. Not to mention the split up Mechs.

They exchanged glances, nodded, and separated into two on the left and two on the right. They aimed the cannons at the windows, and the triggers were pulled.

A torrent of plasma shot through, taking out the Rangers, leaving large holes in their bodies. None of the Mechs could shield themselves from it, severely damaged without putting up any resistance.

Their attack even managed to destroy half of the ship, which is now riddled with holes.

They were also surprised, experiencing something this powerful for the first time and finally losing control. They glided towards the Queen's ship, continuing to fire their weapons there.

From inside the ship, I could see them having fun, grinning widely and laughing like patients in a mental hospital.

I started to wonder if I might have unleashed hidden psychopaths among the Rangers.

Sheila looked in that direction, grimacing in horror, and turned to me, "Are you going to let them live after this?"

Her question truly caught me off guard.

"What? Sheila, did you just ask me to kill them? You?" I asked, disbelieving.

Her brow furrowed, indignant, "What do you mean? Aren't they dangerous? They are even more terrifying than the Queen, who is a tyrant ruler."

"And you want me to kill them?" I asked again to be sure.

"What's wrong with that?"

I took a deep breath, exhaling a moment later, and then shook my head slowly.

I really don't know what has happened to her. Sheila is not someone who would take someone else's life just because she feels uncomfortable.

Could it be because of me?

"Who else do you think it could be? You're the one who has been spending time with her all along. Besides, the two of you have been mowing down Rangers for a full thirty minutes. Do you think there won't be any changes in her?" Z replied. "As for you, yourself, you don't need to worry.

You've clearly lost your sanity a long time ago.

But Sheila? She's different from you. She's elegant, assertive, and captivating. Without your influence, she wouldn't have changed like this. In fact, I believe those four people in front are a result of spending time with you."

So you think I'm a walking soul destroyer?

"More or less, yes."

Doesn't that mean I could create a force consisting entirely of them?

Z immediately straightened up his body. "You want to create a force consisting of unhinged individuals?" he repeated, still in disbelief.

Of course, why not?

People like them are fearless. They are willing to do anything, even if it seems irrational to others, and I need those who are ready for that.

"So basically, you want to create a tamer version of yourself."


Wait... What?

Z rubbed his forehead, shaking his head in frustration. "Do whatever you want," he said weakly.

"Z, are we just going to stand still?" Sheila asked, looking eager to destroy the Queen's ship.

"I have a great idea,"

I held her hand, jumped out of the window, and was lifted onto the top of the ship by the Hoverboard. Then we landed there.

I smiled at Sheila, who's now always ready to jump out.

"Why are you smiling at me? Are you starting to fall in love?" she teased as she walked closer.

"What if I said yes?" I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her close, and created a motorcycle for us.

Sheila remained silent, following my lead, sitting behind me with both hands wrapped around my body. I could feel her heart beating fast as she pressed herself against me. From the rearview mirror, I could see her face turning red.

My smile widened.

I revved the engine of the large motorcycle a few times, speeding forward using the ship's body as the track. Sheila's embrace tightened as she saw that I didn't slow down despite the vast and wide chasm ahead.

As we jumped off, she let out a loud scream, her hold on me becoming even tighter, making me slightly breathless.

I created a long connected track from the ship behind to the Queen's ship, leading straight to the front.

Her screams grew louder, not in fear but in excitement, eventually turning into joyful laughter.

I revved the motorcycle faster, hearing the roar and strong vibrations of the engine, like riding a lion.

The four people on top stopped shooting, watching with widening grins at what I was about to do.

They joined us in gliding along the track, following closely from behind, ready to enter through the front windshield.

It could be seen that the Rangers ran to the back, trying to avoid the flying glass shards, but they were a little late. The front wheel of the motorcycle broke through the glass, sending shards everywhere, causing chaos.

An opening for our arrival.

The four individuals entered through four different windows, breaking them with wide grins adorning their faces, full of enthusiasm, surprising the Queen, who now appeared panicked and ordered something to the Rangers.

I slowed down the motorcycle, revved the engine a few more times as a finale before the main event began.

I raised my hand, pointing at the Queen above. She looked at us with a gaze filled with hatred and made a hand gesture, giving her a thumbs-down sign.