
Glory & Honor

Aranuak a world hidden in mysteries clouded by lies and deceit a world where the gods have no mercy, what is a teen supposed to do when thrown into such a dangerous world?

Jurassic_Threat · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Identity Theft

As suddenly as darkness appeared it left.

*Huh* *Huh* Huh*

' I'm alive? How I'm certain he shot me, no he shot me that pain, I couldn't have imagined that. So how am I alive?'

"So where am I?"

I was then struck with unbearable pain all over my body.


As my vision began to fade I saw a figure rushing toward me. When he got to me my vision turned black.

When I woke up I was yet again in an unknown situation.

But that wasn't what had my attention instead the new memories I received.

'Well first of all I seem to be in the body of a Young boy going by the name Allister. Secondly, I'm currently in a small village called Veil-Frewin."

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the entrance of a short slender and beautiful woman.

'This is Allister's mother, I think her name is Daisy.'

"Allister, are you okay? how do you feel, any pain anywhere?"

'This "I'm a fine mom my head hurts a little but that's all." Replied Daisy

"Are you sure, we can take you to the healer if you're hurt,"

Daisy asked.

" I'm okay I feel great just a few bruises here, and there," Adam replied

"Oh okay, Mark should be here with some herbs so just wait for a while okay," Daisy responded

"Yes mom"

' I feel a little guilty taking on someone else's identity and lying to others but I don't know what else to do in a situation like this.'

After a short while, the old tattered door announced someone's entrance with a loud screech.

"Daisy I'm back, and I go the herbs for Allister's bruises." replied a tall, muscular man with a strong jawline and a trimmed beard.

'This should be Allister's father Marcus. What a glorious beard"

"Oh dear he's awake you can place the herbs on the table," she replied

"Hmm alright can you prepare the herbs dear?"

"Alright, it should only take a few minutes to prepare."

"hmmm, thanks."

When the young lady left the room descended into an uncomfortable silence.

"Allister, why did you go into the forest?"

After he asked the question the room once more descended into silence.

"ahh about that I... was chasing a butterfly and I kinda got lost"

Alister replied while scratching his cheek.

The older man released a tired sigh and put his hand on his face.

" Allister, please pay more attention to your surroundings, you had me and your mother worried."

"I'm sorry dad I won't do it again," Allister replied with a somber tone while holding his head down.

The man stands up and placed his hand atop the boy's head and started to shuffle his hair.

" It's alright as long as you learn from your mistakes and understand what you did wrong so that you don't repeat them."

" hmm yeah, I understand"

"I'm back and I've got the treatment."

A sudden unconscious shake goes up the boy's spine as he notices the medicine Daisy was carrying.

Allister then jumped off the bed and tried to run away.

Key word being tried as he was held close to Marcus, chest.

"It's not going to kill you it's just going to sting a little, no need to overreact."

Yet it seemed as if the boy didn't hear anything, as he continued to struggle out of the Marcus, grasp to no avail."

"No, no pleas it's just a minor grade there's no need to apply medicine to it."

"It might be a small graze but it might get infected so it's best to be cautious."

" Still that seems unnecessary you could just wash it instead."

No matter how much he pleaded for her to reconsider she did not stop her approach.

Eventually dealing with the inevitable Allister closed his eyes and prepared himself for the pain that was to come.