
Global Transmigration: I Received an X Ranked Talent

Please leave a review and a comment. I always enjoy constructive criticism, or just someone saying they enjoy reading my book. However, I just want to let you all know that I do write this in my free time, so there isn't a consistent update schedule. Chapter 1 WHAT THE FUCK Crystal’s (Pov) ‘Ahh, there is nothing better than a hot shower after a monotonous day of school work’ I thought while washing my hair with pomegranate shampoo. Turning off the water I stepped out of the shower and reached for the towel, and just as I was about to grab it a bright light flashed in front of me. |Congratulations! You and 4 million other humans have been selected from Earth to participate in King/Queen building Games!| |Notice: You will be given a random Talent and Subjects to help you build your empire. It will depend on your leadership, intelligence, and Luck to survive this world of magical beasts, other Kings or Queens, and any other dangers you may face through your journey.| “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” I screamed in surprise as a screen popped up in front of me and a disembodied voice rang out around me. Looking around me I noticed that 1, I was standing outside what appeared to be a cave with a small house nearby and a forest in front of me with a river running through it, and 2, I was still completely naked. Authors Note: This will be one of the most op-bullshit stories I have ever written down, ill try to give it some actual plot but it's pretty much just something fun for me to write in my downtime. I will take any helpful criticisms, suggestions, or reviews. However, if you're just gonna spam smartass bullshit I’ll just delete it. #OP, #System, #Yuri, #Kingdom Building, #Nonhuman MC, #Female Protaganist, #Transmigration, #Etc.

RavenGoddess · Fantasi
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28 Chs


Crystal's (Pov)

'Ahh, there is nothing better than a hot shower after a monotonous day of school work' I thought while washing my hair with pomegranate shampoo. Turning off the water I stepped out of the shower and reached for the towel, and just as I was about to grab it a bright light flashed in front of me.

|Congratulations! You and 6 billion other humans have been selected from Earth to participate in King/Queen building Games!|

|Notice: You will be given a random Talent and Subjects to help you build your empire. It will depend on your leadership, intelligence, and Luck to survive this world of magical beasts, other Kings or Queens, and any other dangers you may face through your journey.|

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I screamed in surprise as a screen popped up in front of me and a disembodied voice rang out around me. Looking around me I noticed that 1, I was standing outside what appeared to be a cave with a small house nearby and a large grassy clearing surrounded by towering green trees in front of me with a river running through it, and 2, I was still completely naked. Before I could react to that last part, a new screen popped up in front of me.

|Notice: For the next 2 weeks there will be a shield surrounding your territory from any dangerous beasts, not even the gods themselves could break this shield.|

|Notice: Randomly selecting Talent|

|Talent: Fusion rank X has been selected. (Information: anything you fuse together be it living or not will improve its quality and rank with no cost to the user.|

|Notice: Loading Subjects|

|Race selected: Amazon's (Information: The Amazon race is a race of warrior women who are naturally talented in martial arts and magic.

|Basic Amazon status|

|Height range 12ft-25ft|

|Rank C-SSS|

|Str 50-10,000+|

|Agi 50-10,000+|

|Con 50-10,000+|

|Int 50-10,000+|

|Chr 50-10,000+|

|Luck 1-??|

|Will 10-??|

|Some of the Amazon race will be born with penises to reproduce with other amazons or other races but the offspring will always be female.|

I just stood there gaping at the information in front of me, and yet again before I could even try to form another thought besides panic and fear at being transported to another world, a new window appeared.

|Notice: As the only person in the universe to receive an X-rated talent you have been given a one-time use character creation skill that will allow you to change your race and appearance.|

My brain couldn't process what was happening any longer and I did what any sane person would do and fainted.

(A few hours later)

Slowly I woke up to birds chirping and a silver window floating in front of my face.

"Sigh, so it wasn't a dream…Fuck" I whispered to myself. Ok, well shit, I had read some novels of this happening and thought it would be cool to happen to me, but I didn't think that it would actually fucking happen. I glanced at the window in front of me, it showed a naked version of myself and a character editor like they have in video games. I vaguely remembered getting a skill that would let me change my race. As if reading my mind another silvery window opened up to the left of the previous one.

|Notice: As the only person in the universe to receive an X-rated talent you have been given a one-time use character creation skill that will allow you to change your race and appearance.|

'Ok, shit that's awesome, realistically the human body is the weakest form. The only reason we were apex predators on earth is that we evolved and had weapons and such.' I pulled up the character editor, now how the fuck am I supposed to edit myself.

|Notice: You can edit yourself by either thinking or talking out loud to the system and it will adjust your profile to the specifications you set to the best of its ability.|

"Ok, um…system give me a 3D scale model representation of myself right now and the stats next to it," I said out loud. Immediately the window in front of me expanded and an exact replica of myself standing in front of me, still naked by the way. The stats of my current form were not great, which, again proved my point that the Human race was weak as fuck.

|Name: Crystal White|

|Race: Human|

|Age: 23|

|Level: 1 Exp 0/100|

|HP 200/200 MP 200/200|

|Rank D|

|Str 3|

|Agi 5|

|Con 3|

|Int 9|

|Chr 5|

|Luck 20|

|Will 10|

|Talent: Rank X (Fusion) Fuse anything together to improve their quality be it living or not|

"Ok System list all races that have the best survival chances in my territory that fit a humanoid profile," I spoke out firmly with a commanding tone. I continued to narrow the profile until I had exactly what I wanted it took about 3 hours but it was worth it. Now my status was what a Queen to be should look like.

|Name: Crystal White|

|Race: Elemental Wolf Queen|

|Age: 23|

|Level: 1 Exp 0/100|

|HP 900/900 MP 1000/1000|

|Rank SS|

|Str 70|

|Agi 100|

|Con 65|

|Int 90|

|Chr 85|

|Luck 40|

|Will 10|

|Magic: Darkness Level Max, Water, Level Max, Air Level Max|

|Skills: (Aura of a Queen: all subjects under you will have a 10% loyalty boost, you also give out a respectful but commanding tone when ordering your subjects to do tasks.) (Transformation: You can transform into a 9ft tall wolf) Etc. (Authors Note: there are other skills but I'll add them when necessary these are the main ones that Crystal will be using for a while.)

|Information: The Elemental Wolf Queen is the highest form of Demi Wolf beast. They have mastered 3 elements of their choosing: Water, Air, and Darkness.|

|Talent: Rank X (Fusion) Fuse anything together to improve their quality be it living or not|

I couldn't believe how vast the options were for designing my new body or how I could add magic and be able to master them with a race change. I could change my bust size, hips, height, everything even my fertility rate. I gave myself some very generous breasts, hips, and waist to go with them. With all the design done, I looked fantastic, I was a pitch black 7ft tall curvy wolf lady with three beautiful soft tails and bright ruby red eyes that glowed in the dark when I wanted them to; as if they were wisps floating in the darkness. As soon as I confirmed my choice, some information about my race and how to use my magic poured into my being like I had learned it for decades.

After my transformation, I immediately tested out my magic, with but a flick of my finger a blob of water coalesced before my eyes, another flick and it turned into ice and another turned it to steam. It was fucking awesome, unfortunately, I had to get back to the rest of the System notifications and figure out how to become the ruler of my territory.