
Global Descent: I Can Purchase for free in the Lord's Mall.

In the wake of a cosmic upheaval, the entirety of Earth's population finds themselves transported to a mysterious and untamed realm—a brand new plane ripe for exploration and conquest. Among them is Liam, an ordinary individual thrust into an extraordinary situation. In this new world, every inhabitant has been granted the opportunity to rise as a lord, commanding their own unique armies and territories. However, fate is not kind to Liam. While others receive powerful troops and resources, he is bestowed only the lowest tier of soldiers, a blue slime, seemingly chosen randomly. Despite this disadvantage, Liam discovers a hidden advantage—a mysterious ability to access a "cheat" once a week, which allows him to purchase one item for free in the mall once a week. With this newfound advantage, Liam sets out to defy the odds and carve out his own path to dominance in this cutthroat landscape. But as he rises through the ranks, he attracts the attention of powerful rivals and dark forces lurking in the shadows. Alongside his ragtag army, Liam must navigate treacherous landscapes, confront mythical beasts, and outmaneuver cunning adversaries in order to survive. I suks at making thumbnails, don't mind me. HEUHEUHEUE

ToTallyNoTmE · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Chapter 6: Basic houses, Summoning the first group of citizen.

As Liam woke in the morning, he first noticed the soft, golden light filtering through the ornate curtains of his chamber in the castle. The room was spacious, with high ceilings and walls adorned with ancient murals depicting scenes from an unknown kingdom's history.

Stretching his limbs, Liam could feel the warmth of the feather-filled mattress beneath him, a luxury befitting his status as a lord within the castle walls.

Taking a deep breath, Liam filled his lungs with the crisp, fresh air flowing through the partially opened window. He could smell the faint scent of the flowers filled with morning air from the castle backyard, mingling with the earthy aroma of the nearby forest.

 As he sat up, he could hear the rhythmic thud of pickaxes hitting stone and the distant sounds of trees falling. The slime troops were already working hard in the forest beyond the castle walls.

Despite the unusual presence of slime troops instead of traditional servants, Liam's routine remained similar to that of his past life. 

He rose from his bed, feeling the coolness of the stone floor beneath his feet, a stark contrast to the warmth of his covers. Though grand in its design, the chamber bore the marks of practicality, with sturdy furnishings provided by the system. 

Despite the weight of his responsibilities as the lord of the castle, Liam couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him in the quiet moments of the morning. With the sun rising steadily in the sky, he knew that another day in his domain would bring new challenges and adventures, but for now, he allowed himself to savor the simple pleasure of the dawn.

Liam went to the bathroom, his footsteps echoing softly in the corridor. Stepping into the vast chamber provided by the mysterious system, he marveled at its opulence. 

Intricately carved marble pillars lined the room, their surfaces gleaming under the soft glow of torches affixed to the walls.

In the center of the room stood a grand bath, large enough to accommodate several people comfortably. Its edges were adorned with intricate designs depicting scenes of unknown myth and legend, a testament to the craftsmanship of the system's capability. 

Liam couldn't help but wonder about the source of the water that filled the bath, as it flowed effortlessly from ornate spouts carved into the walls yet remained a mystery even to him.

Despite the grandeur of his surroundings, Liam approached the simple basin near the entrance, where freshwater awaited him. He splashed his face, feeling the coolness soothe his skin and awaken his senses. With a contented sigh, he took a moment to appreciate the morning's tranquility before preparing himself for the day ahead.

Liam settled into the stone throne with a lazy slouch, his gaze wandering idly across the expanse of the throne room. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned the lord's panel, a holographic display shimmering into existence before him. 

His brow furrowed slightly as he scanned the overnight reports of his slime resources.

"Hmm, let's see what the slimes have gathered."

 He mused, his voice echoing faintly in the vast chamber. His fingers danced over the virtual interface, navigating the various metrics and resources.

"Ah, 4500 woods, 3800 stones, and 5000 food," 

He murmured, his lips curling into a satisfied smile. 

"Not bad, not bad at all."

Leaning back on his throne, Liam pondered the implications of the numbers before him. The steady accumulation of resources was essential for the smoothness of his progress, but it also required careful management and planning.

"It should be more than enough to build the remaining building available in the build panel."

"First, I will use the summoning portal to summon citizens into my territories, but before doing so, I should build some houses first."

"Based on the information that I know, each Lord can summon up to 100 people per day based on the level of the summoning portal."

"That is a large number of people, though luckily enough, the basic house blueprint is permanent in the building panel."

"There's much to consider before summoning people into my territory, such as food and housing. Though these two worries can be easily solved with my current resources."

 He mused, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

With a decisive nod, Liam made his choice. 

He would begin constructing basic houses to the right side of the castle, ensuring they were roughly over 100 meters from the center to provide ample space and privacy for the residents.

 Utilizing the map feature offered by the system panel, Liam could select and adjust the position of each building within the 1km territory at his disposal. It's like a sim-building feature; he discovered this method through the global chat when someone mentioned it.

As Liam initiated the construction process, he watched as each house materialized as a cocoon of energy, shimmering with potential within his chosen designated spot. 

At the same time, the trees and stones surrounding the area were smoothed out magically. Vanishing into thin air as the ground was flattened for the house's foundation. 

Floating timers appeared above each structure, indicating the time required for completion. And since he can only build two buildings at a time, he will have to wait one by one before continuing to develop the rest. Luckily, each of these basic houses only required 10 minutes to build.

The hours he was passed slowly as Liam worked tirelessly to oversee the construction, his thoughts consumed by the task. With each completed structure, he felt a sense of accomplishment. 

"Each of these houses can accommodate up to 10 people," 

He murmured, calculating.

 "So, I'll need about ten basic houses to meet the initial needs of the people I'll be summoning."

Turning his attention to the finished buildings, Liam couldn't help but admire the simplicity and functionality of their design. The basic houses were constructed from sturdy wood and stone, with thatched roofs sloping gently towards the sky. Small windows punctuated the walls, allowing natural light to filter into the modest interiors.

Turning his attention to the finished buildings, Liam oversees the completed houses from above. From his god-like vantage point, he observed the neat rows of structures taking shape on the castle's outskirts, their simple yet sturdy design standing out against the backdrop of the surrounding landscape.

Inside, the layout was simple yet efficient. A single room provided space for sleeping and living, with a hearth for cooking and warmth during the colder months. 

The system offered Basic furnishings, including wooden tables and chairs, and a few simple decorations to add a touch of homeliness. 

'No wonder no one complained about not having any basic furniture; the system provides everything we need.'

With a satisfied nod, Liam moved on to the next completed house, repeating the process until all ten structures had been inspected. Each one stood as a testament to his efforts to provide for the needs of his future subjects, a tangible symbol of his commitment to their well-being.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm glow over the castle grounds.

 With the basic infrastructure in place, he was ready to move forward with his plans to summon the first wave of citizens into his territory, confident that they would find a welcoming home within the walls of his domain.

But before doing so, Liam first called his slime back to the castle. He suddenly had another brilliant idea for them to perform with. 


The air crackled with tension as Adhart and his mercenaries stood amidst the chaos of their war-torn world. Smoke billowed in the distance, the acrid scent of battle hanging heavy in the air. 

Each group member bore the weariness of endless conflict etched into their faces, their eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and determination. 

"Forward, we can't delay any time here, or else those orcs will catch up!"

"I know that you are tired and at a loss, but set aside those emotions for now! We will have to move, or else we will be butchered under those orc's weapons."

Adhart said in a heavy tone, his gaze swept over the group of refugees behind him.

 From young to old, there were roughly 90 people in this group. Adding in his group of mercenaries, the total of people went up to 100. 

He was mentally and physically exhausted after traveling for hundreds of kilometers without stopping, but he had no choice but to carry on. 

As he was about to walk further.

Suddenly, without warning, a swirling vortex of energy materialized before them, its iridescent hues pulsating with otherworldly power. Adhart's heart raced as he instinctively tightened his grip on his sword, readying himself for whatever lay ahead.

"Stay alert, everyone," 

Adhart commanded, his voice steady despite the uncertainty of their situation. Accordingly to his order, his group of mercenaries formed a circle protecting the people as they readied their weapons towards the unknown phenomena happening before them.

As the portal beckoned, Adhart could feel a strange sensation wash over him, as if invisible hands were pulling at his very essence. The group was pushed forward with a collective breath, crossing the threshold into the unknown. 

They can't even resist the pulling force as if they had lost control of their bodies. Adhart had never felt such helplessness before, with his eyes widened in horror. 

The transition was disorienting, a whirlwind of colors and sensations swirling around them. Adhart felt he was being pulled in a thousand different directions at once, his senses overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the experience.

Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the chaos subsided, and Adhart found himself standing in front of a majestic castle. The air was crisp and clean, starkly contrasting the smoke-filled skies of their war-torn world.

Adhart's heart hammered in his chest as he took in the sight before him, a mix of awe and disbelief washing over him.

 "By the gods."

He murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

 "Where... where are we?"

His companions looked around in stunned silence, their expressions mirroring Adhart's sense of disbelief. It was clear that they were no longer in their world, but the realization of their new surroundings left them speechless. 

There is also this strange information embedded into their mind, telling them of their new identities as the new people of a lord. 

[You have been summoned into the world of the Lord's sovereignty to participate as one of their subjects. Rejoice, for your life has taken upon a brand-new path]

[The basic information will be directly transmitted upon your consciousness. May the will of the mercy bless you with a good life under the Lord's care]

The more they pondered upon this, the stranger it became, but somehow, an unnatural power forced them to adapt to the information regardless of their thoughts.

As they stood there, taking in the strange landscape, Adhart couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stir within him. This was a chance for a fresh start, a new beginning free from the endless cycle of war and destruction.

But as he was about to turn towards his people, a shadow loomed over their position. With a heavy sense of oppression, their eyes widened in horror upon the thing that had come to greet them.

The pace is slow, but I am going to compensate it with frequent update. 2 more chapters coming for today.

ToTallyNoTmEcreators' thoughts