
Global Descent: I Can Purchase for free in the Lord's Mall.

In the wake of a cosmic upheaval, the entirety of Earth's population finds themselves transported to a mysterious and untamed realm—a brand new plane ripe for exploration and conquest. Among them is Liam, an ordinary individual thrust into an extraordinary situation. In this new world, every inhabitant has been granted the opportunity to rise as a lord, commanding their own unique armies and territories. However, fate is not kind to Liam. While others receive powerful troops and resources, he is bestowed only the lowest tier of soldiers, a blue slime, seemingly chosen randomly. Despite this disadvantage, Liam discovers a hidden advantage—a mysterious ability to access a "cheat" once a week, which allows him to purchase one item for free in the mall once a week. With this newfound advantage, Liam sets out to defy the odds and carve out his own path to dominance in this cutthroat landscape. But as he rises through the ranks, he attracts the attention of powerful rivals and dark forces lurking in the shadows. Alongside his ragtag army, Liam must navigate treacherous landscapes, confront mythical beasts, and outmaneuver cunning adversaries in order to survive. I suks at making thumbnails, don't mind me. HEUHEUHEUE

ToTallyNoTmE · Fantasi
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38 Chs

chapter 14: Territory development, the arrogant captive

As the soft hues of dawn seeped through the curtains, Liam stirred from his slumber, his movements slow and deliberate.

 With a calm determination, he gradually became aware of his surroundings, his mind easing into wakefulness.

Glancing around the room, Liam noticed the delicate rays of sunlight dancing across the floor, casting a warm glow upon the chamber. 

It was a peaceful sight that filled him with a quiet sense of serenity.

Before he could fully collect his thoughts, there was a gentle knock on the door, followed by the soft voice of one of his maids seeking permission to enter.

"Excuse me, my Lord."

 The maid's voice called out, polite yet unobtrusive. 

"May I come in?"

Liam nodded in response, his tone measured as he granted her entry. 

"Yes, please, come in."

With careful steps, the maid entered the room, her movements graceful as she approached his bedside. She greeted him with a respectful bow, her demeanor poised and professional.

"Good morning, my Lord." 

She greeted him with a respectful nod, her voice soft but composed. 

"I hope you slept well."

Liam returned her greeting with a nod of acknowledgment, his expression neutral yet courteous. 

"Good morning," 

He replied evenly, polite but reserved. 

"Thank you, I did."

The maid inclined her head in understanding, her gaze respectful as she continued her duties. 

"Is there anything you need this morning, my Lord?" 

She inquired.

Liam momentarily considered her question, his mind drifting towards the day ahead. 

"Prepare the bath for me and as for the food. I presume everything is ready?"

He replied calmly, his voice steady and composed. 

"Yes, My lord. We have prepared everything. We are waiting for the Lord's presence."

The maid nodded in acknowledgment, her movements fluid as she attended to her tasks. 

With a final nod of gratitude, Liam watched the maid quietly go about her duties, her presence comforting in the morning light. 

As Liam emerged from his chambers, the soft glow of morning enveloped him, casting a golden hue across the castle's corridors. 

Entering the grand bathroom, he found the maid awaiting him, her demeanor composed as she attended to her duties. 

The steam rising from the pool indicated that the bathwater had been heated, its warmth inviting and comforting.

Liam stepped into the water with a nod of approval, feeling its soothing embrace envelop him. His thoughts turned to the upcoming meal as he relaxed in the comforting warmth.

Heading towards the dining hall, Liam was greeted by the enticing aroma of freshly prepared food. The table had various dishes, each more tantalizing than the last.

"Today's spread looks particularly sumptuous." 

Liam remarked, his eyes lingering on the savory meats and rich sauces.

The maid nodded in agreement, her expression proud.

 "Indeed, my Lord. Sir Rudolf and the people worked diligently through the night to ensure that we had a bountiful feast."

Liam's brow furrowed slightly in curiosity. 

"And where did the meat come from?" 

He inquired, his interest piqued.

The maid hesitated for a moment before replying. 

"During your rest, Sir Rudolf ordered the handling of the beast corpses and meat with the assistance of the people."

"Oh, then how about the seasoning and the sauce?"

"My Lord, the sauce and the seasoning are among the many things we brought into this world when we were summoned."

"I see... "

Liam's gaze softened with appreciation. 

"Rudolf's resourcefulness never ceases to impress me."

 He remarked, a note of admiration in his voice.

Liam settled into his meal with a sense of satisfaction, savoring each bite with relish.

 As he ate, he instructed the maid to summon Rudolf to the throne room, indicating that he would join him after finishing his meal.

"And please,"

 He added as an afterthought. 

"once Rudolf is waiting, have the woman captive brought in, but ensure she is guarded until I arrive."

The maid nodded in understanding, her expression solemn as she took note of his instructions.

 "As you wish, my Lord."

 She replied respectfully before hurrying to fulfill his orders.

Alone in the dining hall, Liam continued to eat, his thoughts drifting toward the tasks that lay ahead. 


As Liam entered the throne room, he found Rudolf waiting for him, his expression composed and respectful. 

Taking his seat on the throne with a nonchalant air, Liam gestured for Rudolf to approach.


He began, his tone is casual yet authoritative.

"I will be summoning people into my territory daily. I want you to send people to the summoning portal to greet them every time they arrive. Do you understand?"

Rudolf nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze unwavering. 

"Yes, my Lord"

 He replied dutifully. 

"I will ensure that the newcomers are welcomed properly and guided to their designated areas."

Satisfied with Rudolf's response, Liam listened attentively as his steward offered suggestions and insights on efficiently managing the influx of newcomers.

"But my lord, with more people coming in, we must build more houses to ensure the people will be settled properly."

Hearing this, Liam couldn't help but ponder for a moment and say.

"Among the people, how many of them possessed the skill of craftsmen?"

"There are roughly 15 people, My Lord."

Rudolf humbly replied. 

"Then task them with the expansion of the houses and the building of the new one. I assume you can handle this matter on your own, no? Rudolf?"

"This... Yes, my Lord. I will directly take charge of this matter."

After discussing the logistics of the summoning process, Liam turned his attention to a more pressing matter.

"By the way, Rudolf."

He interjected, his curiosity piqued. 

"How much meat did we acquire from handling the beast corpses last night?"

Rudolf's brow furrowed slightly as he consulted his notes before responding.

"With the combined efforts of the people and the knights, we gathered approximately 17,000 kilograms of meat."

 He reported, his voice steady.

Liam's eyes widened in surprise at the impressive haul. 

"17,000 kilograms? That's quite a substantial amount."


He remarked, mentally calculating the implications of such a bounty.

"And what about the giant bear?"

He inquired, his curiosity getting better. 

"How much meat did we obtain from that beast alone?"

Rudolf paused for a moment, his expression thoughtful.

 "The giant bear provided us with around 2000 kilograms of meat."

 He replied, his voice tinged with respect for the formidable creature they had faced.

Liam nodded in acknowledgment, impressed by the size of the beast and the resourcefulness of his people in handling it.

"Excellent work, Rudolf"

 He praised, a note of satisfaction in his voice. 

"We must ensure that we properly preserve this meat for future use. Build a storage facility and employ methods to preserve it."

Rudolf nodded in agreement.

"As you command, my Lord."

He replied respectfully.

 "I will oversee the construction of the storage facility and implement preservation methods to ensure the meat remains usable for as long as possible."

"And also, My lord. I have something else to mention in today's report."

"Go ahead"

Liam gestured.

"My Lord, we have encountered a problem with the water source."

 He began, his voice tinged with urgency. 

"The current supply is insufficient to meet the needs of our growing population. "

"The river to the west side of the territory alone won't be sufficient to support over 100 people. But since it is the first day, we managed to make do with what we currently have."

"Though with the addition of the new batch of people soon, we simply can't afford to use the crudest source of a single river."

Hearing this.

Liam furrowed his brow in thought, considering the implications of this issue. 

However, before he could respond, a brilliant idea struck him.

"I have an idea." 

He muttered, his eyes alight with inspiration. 

"We can dig a tunnel to channel water from the castle's large bathroom. Even though the source might be little and the size is quite small, it will be more than enough for a short-term solution before we figure out the next move."

Rudolf's eyes widened in realization, impressed by Liam's ingenuity and kindness.

 "That's an excellent suggestion, my Lord," 

He agreed. 

"I will immediately begin preparations and assemble the necessary personnel to complete the task."

With the water supply issue addressed for now, Liam focused on the other matters. 

As Rudolf provided updates on various construction projects throughout the territory, Liam gained a more precise overview of the progress on the town side of the settlement.

He listened intently as Rudolf outlined the implementation of a task system, allowing the people to earn points by completing various tasks, which could then be redeemed for food and water. 

Additionally, Rudolf initiated the construction of stone roads, lumber houses, and stone collection stations to improve infrastructure and resource management.

Despite the simplicity of these measures, Liam couldn't help but be impressed by Rudolf's resourcefulness and efficiency in managing the manpower at their disposal.

"I must admit, Rudolf"

Liam remarked, his tone reflecting a hint of admiration.

"Your approach to governance is quite impressive. It's a relief to know that I can rely on someone capable of handling these matters in my stead."

Rudolf bowed respectfully, his expression one of gratitude.

 "Thank you, my Lord."

 He replied humbly. 

"It is an honor to serve you and our people."

With Rudolf's assurance and the knowledge that the settlement was in capable hands, Liam felt a sense of relief wash over him as they continued to discuss the day's affairs.

As Rudolf wrapped up his report, Liam motioned for him to leave, signaling the maid to bring in the woman from the previous day.

 Rudolf exited the chamber with a nod, leaving Liam alone as he lazily sat back against the throne.

Moments later, the maid returned, escorting the woman into the vast expanse of the throne room. 

As she stepped inside, Liam couldn't help but notice the apprehension etched into her features, mingled with a hint of curiosity. Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the grandeur of her surroundings.

No seats were available for her, and she stood before Liam, her posture poised yet slightly tense. 

Despite the lack of furniture, she maintained an air of elegance, her movements fluid and graceful.

'A noble?'

Liam observed her carefully, noting the subtle sway of her hips as she moved, the curve of her lips as she glanced nervously around the room. 

As the maid guided her into the throne room, the woman's eyes swept across the grandeur of the chamber, taking in the opulent decorations and the imposing figure seated upon the throne.

 Her gaze fell upon Liam, who lounged on the ornate seat with lazy nonchalance.

 Despite his relaxed posture, an unmistakable aura of authority surrounded him, commanding attention and respect.

Approaching closer, she couldn't help but notice the neutral expression that adorned Liam's features, his gaze fixed upon her with a piercing intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

 His demeanor was both domineering and aloof, a potent combination that left her intrigued and apprehensive.

As she stood before him, she felt the weight of his gaze upon her, studying her with a keen scrutiny that seemed to strip away the layers of her facade. 

Feeling the weight of his silent scrutiny bearing down upon her. Despite the oppressive silence between them, she summoned the courage to speak, her voice trembling slightly as she broke the tension.

"I-I am from the village nearby, m-my Lord."

 She stammered, her words hesitant as she sought to fill the void of silence that enveloped them.

But Liam remained unmoved, his gaze fixed on her with an unwavering intensity that seemed to pierce through her soul.

 He did not acknowledge her words, his silence a palpable barrier that made her increasingly unsettled.

Undeterred by his lack of response, she pressed on, her voice growing bolder as she continued to address him.

"I was taken captive by the bandits before being rescued by one of your knights."

 She explained, her tone tinged with a hint of defiance. 

"He said that I was to be brought before you."

Still, Liam remained silent, his expression unreadable as he regarded her with an impassive gaze.

Frustration gnawed at the edges of her composure as she realized that her attempts to engage him were falling on deaf ears.

 It was as if he considered her unworthy of his attention, a mere inconsequential presence in his grand scheme of things.

Gathering her resolve, she pushed aside her unease and met his gaze head-on.

"And who might you be?" 

She demanded, her voice tinged with curiosity and defiance. 

"Why have you summoned me here?"

Liam's demeanor hardened as the woman's tone shifted, her words laced with a newfound boldness. 

His gaze, once neutral, turned cold and piercing, an icy glare that bore into her with unwavering intensity.

A palpable aura of authority emanated from him, pressing down upon her like a weight, suffusing the air with an oppressive tension that left her feeling small and insignificant.

"You are quite bold, woman"