
Global Civilization: Just an Ordinary Lord Talent

On the first day of the 22nd century, an unusual event takes place when people find themselves transmigrated to a different world called [Main Plane]. As they awaken, a user interface resembling RPG genre in video games appears, offering a choice between two roles: Traveler or Lord. Confusion reigns as people flock to the Earthen World Chat feature, seeking answers about their sudden displacement. An electrifying conversation ensues, filled with curiosity and disbelief. Anonymous users flood the chat, their words buzzing with excitement. Anonymous: "Hello?" Anonymous: "What's going on? I suddenly spawned in the middle of nowhere next to a strange building when I chose to become a Lord." Anonymous: "Me too!" Anonymous: "Hahaha, guess what? I ended up with an Extraordinary Lord Talent called 'Church of Light' (Epic-Grade Talent). It is said that this building can summon Paladins for me!" Anonymous: "Are you serious? Did we actually transmigrate into a fantasy world?" Anonymous: "I chose to be a Traveler, and here I am, spawned inside the grand cathedral of an Empire! They offered me to become a Dragon Knight!" Anonymous: "What? This is unfair! I also chose to be a Traveler but spawned inside a house in a small village. They didn't even offer me anything(T_T)." Amidst the fervor in the chat, Arthur quietly observes as a notification appears in his UI Panel: [Congratulations, you have received an Ordinary Lord Talent, Persuasion (Legendary-Grade Talent)] "Huh? Ordinary?" "Whatever... this is my second chance, I won't let it slip away!" "Angel Race? Dragon Race?" "Pfft..." "I'll even make the Gods listen and cower before my Persuasion!"

Tora_Ratom · Game
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44 Chs

The Beginning of the Catastrophe.

Arthur surveyed his newly summoned subjects, and then several panel screens showed up:

[Name: Roderick Stormhelm]

[Class: Swordsman]

[Strength: White-Mid Tier]

[Skill: Slash(White-Low Tier)]

[Loyalty: 70]

[Background: A seasoned warrior who had once served as a knight]

Roderick standing tall with resolute and spoke. "My lord, it is an honor to serve under your command. I pledge my sword to your cause."

Arthur nodded appreciatively.

[Name: Elysia Windrider]

[Class: Archer]

[Strength: White-Low Tier]

[Skill: Bow Mastery (White-Low Tier), trap (White-Low Tier)]

[Loyalty: 66]

[Background: An archer of exceptional skill. Since little, her keen eyes and steady aim made her have specialize in hunting.]

Elysia with her bow in hand, spoke next. "Lord Arthur, I have long sought a purpose that aligns with my skills. I am ready to unleash my arrows in defense of our lands."

Arthur also nodded appreciatively.

[Name: Marcus Swiftblade]

[Class: blacksmith]

[Strength: White-Low Tier]

[Skill: Basic Weapons Blueprint (White-Low Tier)]

[Loyalty: 68]

[Background: A skilled young blacksmith with a gentle heart from Tura Town.]

Marcus stepped forward, his muscular arms crossed. "Lord Arthur, I am skilled in the art of forging. With my craftsmanship, I shall provide our forces with the finest weapons and armor."

Arthur nodded, recognizing the importance of Marcus' role.

[Name: Amelia Shadowheart]

[Class: Rogue]

[Strength: White-Mid Tier]

[Skill: Speed Talent (White-Low Tier), Espionage (White-Mid Tier)]

[Loyalty: 65]

[Background: A cunning rogue, who used work for bandits.]

Amelia with her eyes sharp and observant, approached Arthur cautiously. "Lord Arthur, my talents lie in the shadows. I pledge my skills to gather intelligence for our territory."

Arthur regarded Amelia with a smile of reassurance. "Your expertise in espionage will be crucial, Amelia. We shall outwit our adversaries and secure our territory's safety."


[Amelia Shadowheart's Loyalty +5]

`Hmm? Her loyalty just increased because I said that? ` thought Arthur.

[Name: Alistair Stonehammer]

[Class: Lumberjack]

[Strength: White-Low Tier]

[Skill: Chopping (White-Low Tier)]

[Loyalty: 55]

[Background: A burly lumberjack who just wants to try to make a living.]

Alistair with his massive frame and rugged appearance, spoke last. "Lord Arthur, I would do my best for your Territory."

Arthur raised his eyebrows and smirked. Then, he nodded with a hidden smile. "Your strength will be pivotal, Alistair. I hope we can work together wholeheartedly for the future of Our Territory. However, can I put my trust in your words, Alistair?...."


Alistair felt a jolt throughout his body, guilt filled him for making his master doubt his loyalty. Then, a mysterious feeling suddenly enveloped him wanting him to correct his mistake.

Alistair knelt before Arthur.

"Please assign me with any task my lord!! I will definitely live up to your expectations My Lord!!"

Burning desire could be seen in his eyes.


[Alistair Stonehammer's Loyalty +15]

`What a useful talent` Arhtur smirked, but then nodded appreciatively at Alistair.

"You may rise, Alistair" spoke Arthur.

With his subjects assembled before him, Arthur's confidence swelled. He addressed them with determination, "Together, we shall build a civilization that stands as a beacon of hope and prosperity. The Dawn Light Village shall be a testament to our unity and strength. Rise, my loyal subjects, and let us begin this grand endeavor!"


[Loyalty of all 5 subjects +5]

"Yes, my lord!" they chimed in unison as their loyalty increase.

`As expected from the effect of a Legendary-Grade talent! With this I wouldn't have to worry much about the loyalty of my subjects.'

He remembered the hardest part as being a lord was to gain the Loyalty of their subjects. Because, the moment he loses the loyalty of his subjects, rebellions within the territory will occur.

However, with his Persuasion, he had a way of preventing that from happening in his territory.

Immediately, Arthur began assigning tasks to each of his subjects.

Since the Village was still short of manpower, he first assigned Roderick, Alistair, and Marcus to gather resources within the territory such as woods, stone, gravel, and sand.

As for Amelia, he assigned her with scouting the surroundings outside the territory to see if there were any possible threats outside the territory.

And as for Elysia, he assigned her to hunt wild animals as a food source for the Village.

As Arthur watched his subjects disperse, he saw an announcement notification.

[Lord's Event Announcement!]

[Congratulation [Ten-days Shield Protection] has been activated in your territory]

[Monster Feast: After 10 days, all Lords required to be ready to defend their territories from Monster Waves]

[Time ratio have been adjusted to 1:1 between Main Plane and all Worlds.]

Arthur already knew that this event would appear, but in his previous life he received a Traveler's Event instead of a Lord's Event.

Meanwhile, on the forums, conversations were buzzing about the announcement.

["What's with this announcement?"]

["Does anyone have any idea about this?"]

["I don't know, but I'm guessing it's similar to a game event, maybe?"]

["Who is it?! I'm a man with high authority! don't play a tricks on me! I'm not just someone you can mess with!!"]

["Well, you can return back to earth sir, just find the exit menu"]




["How do you know it would return you back to earth?"]

["I just came back here after sleeping again"]


["That's makes no sense!"]

["Yeah, Trust Me"]

["Yes, I also just came back here again while I was sleeping"]

Arthur also read the conversation that had taken place in the Earth World Chat and pondered for a moment.

`Wait! I forgot that before the first year of the Catastrophe, anyone could still return to their respective worlds`

`Does that mean I also can return to Earth?`

Then, Arthur search for the [Leave Main Plane] feature.


Arthur sighed heavily in disappointment. he found the feature, but it didn't work, he still couldn't leave the Main Plane even after clicking it for so many times.

`I guess I just need to be grateful to be alive in here. What's more, I don't have any good memories either on earth, so I should be fine`

Arthur soothed up his mood. Although he has some speculations about this, he decided to not think it through, as he only need to focus on what's in front of him right now.

`With this, I should be able to get the upper hand over anyone since I can focus on fully developing my Territory 24 hours a day! `

Arthur could see the bustling in Earth World Chat, most of them more excited to return to earth rather than to prepare for the upcoming event.


Arthur heaved a heavy sigh again, as he remembered the casualties from the first event were the greatest, a third of the human population on earth died.

A total of over 3 billion people!

Once that happened, everyone would refer to this as the Beginning of the Catastrophe.


Meanwhile on earth.

A man woke up from his bed with a terrified expression, "Wa-Was that a dream?!"

While frightened, he started calling everyone close to him, but no one picked up making him panic even more.

"Just pick up the phone, Goddamit!" Shouted that man while frustrated.

Seeing that his attempts to call someone were unsuccessful, he tried to calm himself down.

"Alright, alright... I need to calm down" The man took a deep breath to calm his mind.

He then turned on his television to watch the news and hoping that what had happened to him was just a dream.

[Breaking News: The end of the world is near due to the appearance of an enigma called the 'Main Plane'. Will the enigma become our savior or our demise? Stay Tuned!]

[Breaking News: The end of the world...]

[Breaking News: The end...]


Harsh reality fell on the man as he saw the Breaking News was hotly talking about the incident 'Main Plane' also happened to everyone on earth.

~Ding ~Dong

The man was startled when his doorbell rang. Since he only lived alone in his house, he went down to check who was looking for him.

Soon, he saw several agent-looking people in dark suits waiting outside his door, then he frantically asked. "Who are you people?"

"Excuse me sir, we would like to ask if your name is Arthur, sir?" one of the agent asked politely.

"Yes, what happened?" The man named Arthur asked confusedly.

"Please follow us and don't refuse, this is an order. We are from the military, we will ensure your safety sir."


Soon, as the sun began to set in Icemoor Region, Amelia arrived and immediately reported the information she had gathered to Arthur.

"My lord, I have scouted some places near our Territory. It appears that there are no immediate threats in our vicinity. However, I did come across a group of bandits, and after tailing them for a while, I found their camp was quite far to the west of our Territory. They may pose a future threat if left unchecked."

Arthur listened intently, "Bandit camp? Do you know how many bandits there are?"

Amelia nodded, "20 Bandits and 5 captivities my lord."

Arthur nodded, his mind already formulating plans.

"Call Roderick and Elysia here, tonight we will set out for the bandit camp."

Amelia was stunned, but then immediately nodded and left.

Meanwhile, Arthur was deep in thought.

`It's time to put my Legendary Level Persuasion Talent to the test! `