

        In 'Glance,' love and fate collide in a story of second chances. Follow Zavier, a man scarred by betrayal, as he finds unexpected love with Tessa. But Tessa's heart is divided between the man who saved her and her departed best friend. In this emotional rollercoaster, 'Glance' explores the power of forgiveness, redemption, and the unbreakable bonds of the heart. Dive into a tale of love's twists and turns that will keep you turning pages until the very end On a misty, moonlit night, Zavier found himself on the edge of destiny. Beneath the canopy of stars, he stood overlooking a tranquil lake, its waters mirroring the shimmering night sky. In that serenity, his thoughts were consumed by one memory—a single glance. It was the glance that had ignited a fire in his heart, the moment he met Tessa. In that gaze, he found not just a reflection of his own longing but also a promise of a love deeper than any he had known. Little did he realize that this glance would become the first chapter of a love story written in the language of whispered secrets and stolen kisses. As he breathed in the fragrant night air, Zavier made a vow to himself—to cherish and protect this love, to build a life with Tessa that would forever be a testament to the power of that one enchanting glance.

Blue_Beauty7 · perkotaan
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27 Chs

Chapter Three

Zavier smoked heavily as he watched his ex-girlfriend rush into his close friend 's house. She looked worried as she ran past his car. He watched her exiting back from his mirror and sighed. He blew out the smoke that settled in his mouth and picked up his ringing phone. He threw a glance at the caller ID and threw his face in the opposite direction to resume his smoking. He could call his mum later. Right now, he needs to free his mind and then set his new mission.

************ ************* ************

"I think I gained weight", Tessa said as she walked into Kim's room in a dashing outfit.

"Wow! Girl! You look stunning. I knew you'll look great in a dark green outfit but it looks kinda-"


"Tight?!", Kim exclaimed as she got off the bed. Her fingers went to the hem of Tessa's dress and dragged it down a little. "I was about to say short but", she dragged the 'u' in 'but'.

"It's perfect!", She shrieked in excitement.

"I look like....like... I look weird", Tessa finally blurted and Kim gasped. "Oh no. Away with that bad thought. You look okay Tess. We look fine, okay? I don't know why you are bringing that negative thought all of a sudden", Kim frowned as she looked at Tessa.

"I'm sorry kim. It's not that I don't wanna go. I'm sorry", She apologized and they embraced each other. Their bags came on their shoulder and the next thing that was heard was their heels clicking against the cold tiles as they both walked towards the door. Kim locked the door and joined Tessa in the uber. The car sped off and Tessa released a sigh.

They alighted from the car after about half an hour. Tessa yawned and stretched a little as her eyes widened in shock. She just saw the person she was meant to be running away from.

"Kim?", Tessa called a little shocked. "Kim!", She raised her voice to face the surprised Kim that sent her a glare at her for interrupting her conversation with the cute young driver.

Tessa ignored her scowling face and went on to tug her clothes. "I saw Raphael", Tessa blurted to Kim's bewilderment. Kim paused for a second and stared at Tessa's face.

"Oh my God!", She exclaimed after what seemed liked forever and held Tessa's palm tightly. "Please take your mind off him baby girl", Kim muttered and stared into her eyes to see any emotions but she couldn't see any.

Kim paid the driver after keeping him behind for casual talks. The two friends made their way into the classy bar with an emotionless look on their face. They displayed their fake ID cards to the man at the security post for the VVIP guest. The man took the cards and looked at the picture in it. His eyes were fixed on Kim's face and then to her ID card - dong!.

He banged a small hammer on a small flat iron board at his side. He returned their cards to them and tore a small piece of paper from his jotter. He grabbed his fountain pen and briskly wrote something on the paper before stuffing it into Tessa's palm. He then winked at her and pointed in a direction.

They thanked him and went towards the direction they were pointed to.

Tessa made an attempt to open the crumpled paper in her palm when Kim retorted with a snort, "Don't. It is either his number or his house address. Men like him are shameless scums".

Tessa supported what she said and threw the paper into the nearest bin. Her face scrunched in disgust as soon as she walked into the VVIP suite for the bar. She could really see the wealthy freaks and what Kim had been saying for some time now. However, the sweat and heat that welcomed her made her want to puke but she doesn't want to ruin the mission.

She adjusted her gown when she made an eye contact with a man with a protruding tummy. He was old enough to be her father but he gave her a dirty and seductive look. Yeah, she knows what that meant. She inhaled the foul odour of the mixture of perspiration and alcohol once more and felt the urgent need to puke.

"Kim", she grabbed Kim's sleeve and she halted. "I might need to puke right now. Continue with the mission. Text me your location as soon as you okay? I'll be there in a jiffy", She patted her back and moved in a different position.

"Yeah. Thanks hun", Tessa thanked the male attendant she inquired direction to the female restroom. The guy blushed a little before carrying on with his work.

He looked back and smiled and marched forward with his tray of bottles of water.

'That's nice', Tessa thought as she rinsed her mouth. 'Oh no! My make up!', she groaned in a frustrated manner and took out her make up kits to retouch her makeup.

'Pah! Pah! Pah!', Three sharp claps echoed with the sound of heels clicking against the cold tiles.

"R-Rap-h-hael?", Tessa stammered and gasped.

"Tessa my love ", Raphael called gently as he smiled at her. Tessa quickly held her bag and swung it at him. "D-don't come closer jerk!", She yelled and swung her bag at him again as he smirked.

"You're still dumb my sweet Tessa and that means-", he approached her slowly as she took a step backward with every step he takes forward. Her back came in contact with the wall and then his lips went to her right ear before hearing his raspy voice: "You're still a virgin".

Her eyes widened a lot as his hand snaked her around her not so tiny waist. "I'm gonna take that away from you tonight. If I can't have first, no one can have it bitch", he spat to Tessa's dismay.

'Why the hell ain't no one coming to the bathroom?', Tessa thought.

"Guess what Tess?", He spoke and pressed his body to hers. "I'm gonna become a father in few months time. You should come see my baby when you're free", he laughed like a maniac and hot tears rolled down Tessa's cheeks.

She shouldn't have retouched her makeup. She shouldn't have taken out the pepper spray from her bag. She shouldn't have puked. She shouldn't have left Kim. Her phone was ringing,that she knows because it is vibrating in her bag. They were told to put their phone on silence when meeting their client.

It should be Kim that is calling.

"Gosh! It's boring here. I have planned a lot of things to do to you love", Raphael chuckled and grabbed her hair as she groaned in pain.

"Now, we can't be walking out like this can we?", He let out a devilish smile.

"You are drunk you monster!"

"Drunk? You are what I need for my hangover. If you don't do what I asked you to do", he pulled out a pistol from his trouser pocket and placed it to her temple as she shivered in fear. "Your brain goes- boom!", He concluded with an evil grin as a tear rolled down her eye.

He held her arm tightly and led them out of the ladies room. Tessa still can't wrap her head around the reason why he was allowed into the ladies toilet. He must have bribed them or something.

She could feel the end of the pistol underneath his jacket nudging at her arm. Any slight mistake and he will harm her. Her eyes searched for Kim rampantly without success. She kicked a well built guy whose leg was in an awkward manner and gave him a pitiful look. It seemed like she knew the guy.

'He looks so familiar', she thought as their eyes met for a second. Tessa kicked his high stool with more force and met a smack on her stomach.


"Don't try anything funny", She heard Raphael's annoying voice. She turned back and muttered the word 'help' to the guy as he frowned at her.

"Please. Help. Me", She mouthed the word slowly while making sure he followed the movement of her lips and kept the eye contact.

He was suddenly blocked as someone else came into her view and she kept a straight face ahead.

"Where are we going to?", She asked Raphael but didn't get any response. She watched him slide a transparent card across a machine and dragged her across the glass.

"I said-"

"I heard what you said", he cut in. "Just-KEEP SHUT!", He raised his voice and dragged her out of the foggy space as cool breeze kissed her face unexpectedly.

"Hey!", A guy shouted from behind and Raphael was forced to turn back. A guy in a gray joggers and black hood was approaching them with medium speed.

"What the fuck is your problem dude?", Raphael asked as he stared at the stranger in hatred.

"Let the girl be", the stranger commanded and he scoffed.

'Girl?', Tessa thought in her mind. 'He can call me anything as long as he saves me from his kidnapper'.

"Why don't you mind your fucking business and go your way pervert", Raphael shouted at him. Tessa lifted her eyes to meet the stranger that had come to help her and blushed immediately their eyes met.

He's freaking handsome. She tried to make an eye contact again but this time his eyes were cold and she quickly diverted her eyes to another direction.

"Let the girl go", the stranger said and walked to Raphael.

"And if I don't -", he replied and staggered a bit.

"You will receive a good beating. It wil be much easier since you're wasted you jerk", he added as Raphael balled his fist in anger.

"You bastard!!", Raphael yelled as he rushed to the stranger with his fist.

Tessa didn't know what to do as she watched the two male exchange punches. Of course, she was rooting for the handsome stranger.

"Yeah Kim?", Tessa's over-excited voice was heard from across the phone. Kim's brows were furrowed in annoyance. "Where the hell are you Tess? I have called you till eternity but you won't pick. Where the fuck are you I repeat?", Kim roared but was confused by Tessa's response from the other end.

"Yeah! Get him dude!"

"Get him dude?", Kim parroted with a brow raised.

"I gotta go Kim. I'll explain when we meet"

"What? I-", The line got disconnected and Kim hissed out loudly.

Tessa saw Raphael on the floor. He looked weak and his lip was blooded. The stranger must have done a good job teaching him a lesson. The stranger looked at her and her heart skipped a beat.

She quickly walked up to him and introduced herself, "Hi! My name is Tessa". The stranger looked at her outstretched hand and tsked. Tessa was about to take back her hand when he shook it to her amazement.

"Luke", he said with a deep voice.

"Luke? Nice to neet you Luke and thank you", Tessa appreciated and he nodded.

"You're welcome" he said. "Still don't know what a pretty girl like you is doing with an ass hole like him", he muttered quietly but Tessa heard him and blushed.

"You will be fine on your own right or you'd like me to walk you to the bus stop?", He asked and threw a glance at Raphael groaning on the floor.

"I- I- K-kim, my friend is inside b-but she will meet me here soonest ", Tessa stammered and looked at her feet.

Luke got it that she was damn nervous and chuckled slightly. "You're nervous right?", He asked.

Tessa widened her eyes, "Nervous? What? Me? No, I am not nervous ", Tessa laughed as she hopped from one foot to another.

"Oh! There she is", she waved at Kim that looked angry as she approached them but her face was transformed into a sweet one when she saw the guy.

"Hello! Nice to meet you I'm Kim", She stretched forth her hand with a pleasant smile plastered on her face.

"Luke", the guy took her hand and shook it. Kim's eyes went to the groaning Raphael on the floor and rolled her eyes.

"Actually he-"

"Oh nevermind ", she interrupted his speech about Raphael. "He's popular for being a pain in the ass. Thank you so much for rescuing Tessa", she held her hand and smiled.

"We will be on our way now", Kim declared and turned to go with Tessa. "Bye Luke", her voice changed into something sweeter and Tessa raised her voice. Austin paused for a second to look at their departing figure and then kicked Raphael for the last time before he turned to go home.

As soon as they got into the cab, Kim began her job as the leading questionnaire. She asked all sorts of questions but all Tessa could do was to answer it.

"So, he said you're pretty?!", She exclaimed and Tessa rolled her eyes. "So?", Tessa asked as she was making it a big deal.

"Oh! He's so cute! Luke. "L-uuuu-kee", Kim said his name in a flirty manner.

"Oh please. We ain't gonna see him anymore so dream of him tonight", Tessa said and heaved a sign.

"I don't like Damon anymore. I love Luke", She cried out and stared into nothingness but Tessa knew she was imagining Luke in that head of hers.

'Ding dong!', the bell rang for the umpteenth time.

The door flew open aggressively to reveal a messy guy in his twenties.

"Hey!", Tessa waved as soon as she saw Kim's brother at the door.

"What the hell were you doing that can't wait?!", Kim yelled while dragging her tired self into the house. "That isn't a way to talk to your older brother Kim", her brother hissed angrily.

"Older brother my foot", She stared angrily at him and they engaged in a staring contest.

Tessa jumped in the front of her brother, "Oh c'mon! Kim's a playful idiot". She dragged him away from Kim as she gave her the 'fuck you' sign.

"I shouldn't have come home", her brother muttered.

"I know you like Kim. You're just pretending Kelvin", Tessa said quietly as she picked his earpiece from the floor.

"You're still a messy fellow. You are getting married soon-"

"Don't nag at me okay? I am not in the mood Tess", Kelvin sighed and fell backwards on the bed.

"You're not in the mood? Give me some minutes. I'll be back", She promised and rushed to Kim's room.

They discussed for some time and argued for some time. They later came out together with their game pads though Kim has a little frown on her face. Their make up was gone and they were now in their night gown. Their nipples were visible but they didn't mind. To Kim, he's her brother and to Tessa, she is not shy of her body.

Kim knocked on Kelvin's door twice before hearing his annoying voice. "Come in dear sister", Kelvin said sweetly when he saw her game pad in her hand. He made sure to add the 'dear' to the 'sister' when he addressed her. He was grinning like a fool but Kim didn't mind him being happy for some time with her.

"Come sit dear sis-", his speech got interrupted when he saw Tessa by the door. She also had her game pad and waved it at him.

"This is sweet. Let's move to the living room then", he proposed and took out his game pad. 

"I will set it up real quick. Ladies", he stretched out his hands towards the door; indirectly telling them go to the living room.

Kim sighed and left his room with Tessa. "Bring me some snacks too", Kim shouted from the parlor. Tessa went to the kitchen to bring some snacks. She found an orange juice, a chocolate bar and biscuits, some tasty cookies and few gums. She also saw some mint but she didn't take it. She rather grabbed some milk candy. 

"What's taking you so long?", Kim yelled from her place. "Would you come and do it then?", Tessa yelled back and then Kim was silent. She was a lazy dog in some aspect and that was house chores. 

Kelvin set up the game and Kim was surprised that it was not the usual game that they used to play. Kim had heard of the game and have been longing to play it but she wouldn't spend her money on some stupid game. She would rather watch a barbie movie with it. 

Her interest in the game was something surprising to Tessa. She seemed determined to win.

"Ah! Sorry Tess. I didn't mean to hit you", Kim apologized when her weapon hit Tessa and deducted some life span from her character. Tessa nodded and continued with the game. 

"Kelvin!!!!", She exclaimed loudly with annoyance. Kelvin sent her a flying kick. 

"Oh! I didn't know it was you", he smirked. "Your character looked like the enemy for a second", he added and Kim was determined to kill Kelvin's character. All Tessa could hear next was the endless sound of the buttons of their game pad. 

"Pah", a fire came over Kim's character and fell to the ground in defeat. 

'GAME OVER! FIRE GODDESS IS ELIMINATED!', a programmed voice announced as Kim sent a glare at Kelvin. 

"Fire goddess got killed brutally by fire", Kelvin cackled as he held his chest. "Isn't that hilarious Tess?", He asked but Tessa didn't seem to hear what he asked her instead he felt Kim's anger and quickly left her space. She went to him and dragged his pad as they fought over it.

"RED SMOKE IS ELIMINATED!!', the programmed voice from the tv announced once more. 

"BLOODY SEDUCER WINS!!!", the programmed voice announced. 


"That was because of Kim", Kelvin said and casted a defeated look at Tessa. 

Tessa is actually a badass at playing games so Kelvin knew his excuse was lame unlike his sister that is a mere failure at things like this. She is just a badass at cooking but sometimes she does the most stupid things when cooking. 

There was a time Kim added sugar to the soup for dinner. It was a hilarious as well as a disgraceful night because they called almost the whole community to have dinner. They turned up and Kim volunteered to cook. She wanted to show them her skills and mum gave her the permission to cook because she did a good job the other time. Kim said then, "They looked alike and then someone peeled off the name from the container. I didn't know that you'd exchange the containers ".

What a lame excuse! Kim didn't show her face to the community for three days because of that incident. Imagine the look on their face when they taste the sugared rice. 'Yuck!', their face were twisted and all Kim could do was smile at the moment because she was getting the wrong impression. 

That day was so funny that we made a video of it. 

The trio turned the parlor into a mini karaoke centre. Tessa wiped her lips that was stained of chocolate and grabbed the remote control from the table. Kim grabbed the third remote while Kelvin grabbed the third remote.

Kim searched for the song they are going to sing and chose a girly song that pissed Kelvin off. He watched them sing and laughed at his sister's voice.

"You sound like a frog that just badged the title of a choir mistress", he laughed and held his chest. Kim puffed angrily and ignored him. Tessa was more of a singer. "Go Tessa", he was amazed at her high note on the Ariana's song titled "Tears left to cry". 

Kim sang alone next. She chose the song 'level up' by Ciara. Kelvin sang 'Roman's revenge' with Tessa by Nicki Minaj and Eminem. It still amazes him that Tessa could quickly switch her voice to a aggressive voice.



 I swear to God life is a dumb blonde white broad

With fake tits and a bad dye job

Who just spit in my fuckin' face and called me a fuckin' tightwad

So finally I broke down and bought her an iPod

And caught her stealing my music

So I tied her arms and legs to the bed

Set up the camera and pissed twice on her

Look, two pees and a tripod

The moral to the story is life's treating you like dry sod?

Kick it back in its face, my God

It's Shady and Nicki Minaj, you might find the sight quite odd

But don't ask why, bitch, ask why not?

The world-world is my punching bag and

If I'm garbage, you're a bunch of maggots

Make that face, go on, scrunch it up at me

Show me the target so I can lunge and attack it

Like a, rah, rah, like a dungeon dragon

You fell off, off, they must've bumped your wagon

You must've went off the back, I'm 'bout to go off the deep end

Told you to stay in your lane, you just jumped in traffic


Is this the thanks that I get for puttin' you bitches on?

Is it my fault that all of you bitches gone?

Should've sent a thank-you note, you little ho

Now I'ma wrap your coffin with a bow

"Nicki, she's just mad 'cause you took the spot"

Word, that bitch mad 'cause I took the spot?

Well, bitch, if you ain't shittin', then get off the pot

Got some niggas out in Brooklyn that'll off your top

I hear the mumblin', I hear the cacklin'

I got 'em scared, shook, panickin'

Overseas, church, Vatican

You at a standstill, mannequin

You wanna sleep on me? Overnight?

I'm the motherfuckin' boss, overwrite

And when I pull up, vroom, motorbike

Now all my niggas gettin' buck, overbite

I see them dusty-ass Filas, Levis

Raggedy Anns, holes in your knee-highs

I call the play, now do you see why?

These bitches callin' me Manning, Eli

Manning, Eli, these bitches callin' me Manning, Eli


They watched a romance movie together. Tessa sniffed when the couple she was rooting for departed for good. They broke up and got together again but it was not the case this time.

"Oh yeah! They are getting married", Kim dances around and stood in the front of Kelvin and Tessa. "Oh man! Pay up! Daniel got married to Eva not Rachael", she smiled. 

"You promised me twenty dollars each", she reminded them.

"I don't have any money"

"Me too"

Kim hissed, "Liar!".

"I really don't have, Kim", Tessa said. 

"How about you?", She asked Kelvin.

"How about this ", he offered. "I have no money to give you. That's what I meant ", she heard him say and pulled his leg as he shrieked. 

"Stop!", He shouted. "Stop! I'm sagging ", he shouted again. "You crazy girl", he called her but she didn't stop. He later gave her thirty five dollars - for wasting her time. 

The trio went to bed when the time was past two in the early morning. They had a sound sleep. They slept late and that was what contributed to them walking up late in the morning. 

Tessa made it back to her house by eleven. She was in some trouble with her mum.


"I know", her mum cut her short.

"You know? What do you know?", Tessa asked with many questions running in her head.

Her mum looked at her and sighed. Tessa was thinking of the impossible. Did she know about her encounter with that bastard last night at the club? Does she know that she went to the club? Does she know…? 

"I know that you slept late and had fun throughout the night", her mum said and Tessa scratched the back of her and laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah. I mean y-yes. How did you know that? We had fun with Kelvin. He came home last night", she said and opened the refrigerator to take a chilled bottle of orange juice.

"I told you to take water instead of juice everytime Tess", her mom scolded.

"I'm trying mum"

"You are? You took juice at Kim's house, didn't you?"

"That was…uhm..just a- you know -"

"You should watch your sugar level young lady. You're not a kid anymore. Or you wanna be a Ryanna?", Her mum asked and Tessa laughed. 

"What? That's ridiculous mum", Tessa replied.

"I'm glad you know. Now, tell me all that happened when you went out yesterday with Kim. Don't leave a single detail out unless you spent time with your boyfriend and I know you're single right?", Her mum declared boldly and Tessa blushed madly.


************ *************** ************

Tessa tied her shoe lace and sat on an empty seat. Kim didn't make it to the university today because she didn't feel like coming. Ryan resumed school today although he wanted to stay back with Austin but mum wasn't having any of it. Dad drove him to school and bought him few snacks on the way. Austin was alone in the house working on a new project. 

"May I sit here?", Someone asked Tessa as she jolted back to reality.

"May I sit here?", The person repeated and Tessa stared at him. She knew she had seen the person somewhere and was trying to remember. 

"Luke", he introduced himself and Tessa's mouth flew open for a moment.

"Yeah Luke. I remember you. Thanks for the other day", she appreciated and he waved it off.

He sat beside her and watched the guys that were playing ball. Tessa went mute for some minutes before asking the main question. "So", she began clasping her thighs, "You are a fresher here right?", She asked. 

"Yeah ", the guy replied.

"So", she interlocked her fingers together shyly. "What course are you studying?", She asked.

"Oh! Medicine", he answered.

"Oh wow! My best friend is also studying medicine but I have a little knowledge about your course",Tessa said excitedly. 

Luke smiled and asked, "What's yours?"

"I'm studying", she said with a serious tone, "please, don't laugh". 

Luke chuckled as he removed non existent dirt from his finger nails. "I won't", he replied.

"Okay. I'm a writer and I am learning how to dance but I am studying nursing ", Tessa said with a wide smile.

"Nursing?", he asked.

"Nursing?", Tessa mimicked him.

 "Are you making fun of me?"

He threw his hands up in the air, "What? No. I'm just surprised. You're many things. You write novels. Let me guess you write romantic novels".

Tessa held up her thumb and smiled. 


Her face scrunched up in disgust, "Eew! I prefer reading a criminal story to that. Eew!", She said again and he laughed. Tessa was stunned. She was just stunned that she saw him laugh. 

'He is so cute', she thought in her head. 

"Zavier is having a party in one of his houses tonight. Will you come Tessa?", two short girls came to interrupt them and dragged Tessa's sleeves when she said 'NO' to them.

"Please? It will be fun", they said with a cute face.

"O-okay", Tessa gave in. "It better be fun", she said. 

"Girl code is purple", one of them winked and left.

"Purple?", Tessa wondered aloud. 

"Are you going Zavier?", Tessa asked.

"Oh no", he answered and she frowned.

"Please Luke", Tessa brought her hands forward and looked at him cutely. Zavier got embarrassed a little when he heard people calling him a bad boyfriend. He blushed and accepted her request. 

"Thank you. We'll leave as early as 7pm", Tessa said. 

"Okay", he smiled and watched the students.