
Same Old Shit

After that, the game was over.

There was still plenty of time to be played out in the final quarter, but we knew it was over. The Monsoons knew it was over too, but you can't just stop playing, even if the losing team has already given up.

The extra point went through after my touchdown, and after I'd made my way to the bench, Coach Hoang said nothing but gave me a small smile and a nod.

The Monsoons failed to get another first down for the rest of the game.

Our offence even managed to add on one last touchdown to make the final score 27–3.

My team erupted with cheers and everyone was quick to begin celebrating once time ran out and we were officially declared victorious. The crowd echoed our jubilation.

We made our way to the locker room, my teammates' moods still at an all-time high. Our coaches had nothing but praise and congratulations for us.

Coach Long did say there were a few things to iron out, but that could be left for the next practice, and for now, we should just focus on having done a great job and enjoying our win.

"Three points…" I was disgusted with myself, even though we won.

'Now, there's only one player who could go home with the game ball today, and I think we all know who that should be,' Coach Long said, holding a football up high.

I didn't hear him walk over. With my head lowered, I only saw his feet stop in front of me, and that's when I looked up. He was holding the ball out to me.

'Great job out there, Tyrese. You were definitely our most valuable player on the field today.'

I took the ball from him—it was a bittersweet victory. On the one hand, I'd gotten two picks, and those interceptions were a sure way to prove my worth and showcase how much better I was than the competition I was facing.

But the only reason the other team was able to put up even three points, was because of me.

'Thanks, Coach. I'll do even better next game,' I said as I took the ball and pulled it close.

'Hahaha! That's what I like to hear. Let that be an example for everyone today. Don't think the season's over just because of one good game. Let's use today as a launching pad and keep on improving each week.'

I set the ball down beside me and started to get changed out of my pads and uniform and back into my regular clothes—our first battle was over.

Before anyone could leave, Coach Long called everyone together one last time.

'Great work, boys. I'll say it as many times as I need to, to make sure that you all truly understand it, you did great, and I'm real proud of the effort you all showed.' He smiled around at everyone and raised a fist into the air at the centre of the circle.

'Rest up tomorrow, and go home to a nice cool bath tonight. I'll see you all at practice on Sunday. For now, remember what we're aiming for. Champs on three. One, two, three.'

'Champs!' everyone hollered. I slowly brought my fist down, staring at it.

"Champion… not just of the state, but the nation too. I won't let anyone stop me from being the best."

I made my way out of the locker room with my bag. Most of the spectators had already left, and the other team had packed up pretty quickly, I didn't see them anywhere.

'Samuels!' Luke called out to me. 'Hey, those interceptions tonight were amazing… you did really good, and I'm glad you trust yourself …' He wheeled alongside me as we walked towards the parking lot.

'But…?' I prodded.

'…But, you should trust in your coaches. I'm not here to hinder you, I'm just trying to help you, and do what's best for the team and best for our victory.'

I frowned and looked away from him, turning my eyes straight ahead. "Should I have just let JJ handle that damn Ogre? Would I have gotten my interceptions? Maybe we wouldn't have let up any points if I did that … but… I'm stronger now aren't I?"

'I understand, Coach. But… we won, and I'm glad I pushed myself to be better, aren't you also here to help me reach my fullest potential?' I stopped walking, looking down at him. He stopped as well and met my gaze.

His eyes sparked and he smiled briefly before masking his emotions behind a straight face. 'Hmph, arrogant little freshy, aren't you? At practice, you're gonna pay for all those receptions you allowed.'

'Of course.' I chuckled and started walking again.

'Ty!' I was tackled and almost knocked off my feet. My little sister Megan hugged me tight and I wrapped my arms around her. 'You were awesome!'

'This your girl?' Luke asked.

'What?! Fuck no! This is my sister, Megan.' I stepped away from her, letting her go. She was blushing.

'Ohh, my bad. Sorry. Nice to meet you, Megan. I'm Luke Hoang, the defensive coordinator for the team. Are your parents here to take you guys home?' Luke looked around, we were near the area where most of the other players were meeting up with their parents and being congratulated.

'Heh, n-nice meeting you too, sir. But um, no, our folks aren't here,' Megan said.

Luke raised a brow. 'Do you guys need a ride?'

'Can you even offer a ride?' I said.

'I'm sure Coach Long wouldn't mind two more passengers tagging along.'

'What's this I'm hearing about?' Coach Long said, walking up to us with Bella by his side.

'Oh, Coach. I was just thinking that you could give Samuels and his sister a ride home seeing as they don't have one.'

I frowned and looked away, that didn't sound good. Megan clutched my arm, pressing closer into my side as she looked Bella over.

'Oh that's fine, where do you two live? We'll drop you home, no problem.'

'Thanks,' I mumbled before following Coach Long over to his car. It was a nice enough silver SUV, so there was plenty of space for us all.

Luke pulled himself up into the passenger seat and Coach Long folded up Luke's wheelchair and put it into the boot.

'I'll sit in the middle!' Megan said before climbing into the backseat. I got in after her, and Bella get in from the other side. Megan hugged herself against me after we buckled up. I was being squished against the car door, but I didn't mind.

Megan had always been like this around other people, always clinging to me like she was scared someone else would snatch her up.

I told Coach Long our address once he pulled out of the parking lot.

It was an awkward and silent drive. Megan only gave short, sharp answers to any questions Coach Long had for her, like how old she was and what school she went to, so he soon stopped questioning her altogether.

Our stop turned out to be the closest and the first, so we quickly hopped out and thanked Coach for driving us home.

'See you at practice,' we said to each other and then he drove off.

Megan and I went inside, she was still clinging to my arm as we got through the door.

No one even noticed we were home. Had they even noticed we were gone? Of course, our mother wasn't home.

The twins were watching some violent movie in the living room, our father was passed out in his chair.

Victoria came through the hall, all dressed up and ready for a long night out. Megan went to say something but I squeezed her wrist and shot her a look. She closed her mouth and frowned.

'I'm going out. If anyone asks, I went to Sarah's to study,' Victoria said as she brushed past us and opened the door.

'Have fun and stay safe, Vicky,' Megan meekly said.

'Yes, Mom.' Victoria rolled her eyes and left, the door swinging shut behind her. Father woke with a jolt.

'Keep it fucking down!... and turn that shit off, get to bed,' he grumbled at everyone, glaring at Megan and me, like it was us who slammed the door. The twins squealed but scrambled out of the room, laughing and running down to our room.

I headed straight for the shower without a word.

'Goodnight, Ty… love you,' Megan said as I pushed open the door.

'Night, love you too, sis.'

When I crawled into bed, Devon was up, playing COD on the crappy little TV we had in our room, trying to fend off the twins and growling at them to leave him alone as they wanted their turns to play.

I faced the wall and curled up, burrowing under my covers and clutching my game ball tight.

In the morning, I was the first one up, along with Megan. I went and had some cereal for breakfast, sitting at the table and slowly eating.

As the day went on and the rest of the family slowly dragged themselves into motion, I sat and watched them go by.

Father left for work. The twins ran around like crazy as Megan tried to get them to calm down and eat something. Devon stayed in bed. Mother and Victoria eventually shambled back home separately after their nights out. And no one said a thing to me.

Not one question about how the game went or if I won or played well. "Do they even know I'm still playing?" One thing was clear, though … they didn't give a shit.

Back to the humdrum of boring old regular life, quite a disappointment after showering in the limelight and adulation of his fans during the game.

Anyway, thanks for reading, let me know what ya thought about it, and stay tuned for more next week. ^-^

SeipoltMPcreators' thoughts