Updated every Wednesday and Sunday! Everyone wants to be the greatest, but for most people, that's nothing more than a pipe dream; for others, they feel like it's their destiny. Gladiators of the Gridiron is a story that follows two boys who are two sides of the same coin on their journey through their high school American Football careers to become the greatest of all time.
After the QB had taken the final knee necessary to run out the rest of the clock, the Dons rushed over to Rabbit, starting the official celebration of their first victory that season as they crowded around him and hoisted his tiny frame up into the air.
It was clear without any need for an announcement just who was going to be receiving the game ball for today's victory, and no one had any objections about it.
'That's the way Rabbit!' Before JJ had shouted out his congratulations to Rabbit, Ty had no idea that he was even sitting nearby.
JJ pushed his fingers into his mouth, whistling loudly as he and the other players crowded near the Dons bench continued cheering.
Even Megan had put her book aside, clapping loudly with a smile. 'Isn't it great that they won, big bro?' She nudged Ty.
Ty grunted. 'Eh, who cares if they won. It doesn't change anything for us… and what if that Rabbit played well. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Even a shitty player can have a good game every season, especially if they play against shit enough competition.'
JJ turned back to face Ty. 'Come on, Ty. Rabbit did good today. Even you have to admit he's the reason they won.'
Ty flashed his grinding teeth. 'It's a fluke, like I said.'
JJ shrugged and shook his head, sitting back down.
The JV players rushed to the locker room, spirits still soaring as they were giddy over their first win.
'That's the way we do it! Wooo!' Bella was grinning widely.
Her dad hugged her gently and laughed. 'Let's make this a habit, huh? If we keep playing like that we can win every week.'
Coach Long handed the game ball over to his daughter and then nodded towards Rabbit who was still swarmed with players.
Coach Short pushed her way through the small crowd and then held the ball out to Rabbit. 'This couldn't go to anyone else.'
Rabbit's cheeks were a deep red as he stared at the ball and slowly reached out, taking it. 'Th-Th-Thank you!' He clutched it close, grinning up at her.
She laughed and returned the grin. 'Great game everyone! Let's keep it up and win next week too!'
The boys roared and cheered more, the small locker room shaking.
Back outside, the rest of the varsity players were arriving for their game that would be starting shortly. When all of the Dons' senior players had arrived, they headed towards the locker room as well.
'See you soon, Megan. I'll show you how MEG defence is supposed to look.' Ty squeezed her hand before starting down the steps of the stands.
Megan blushed and giggled, wishing him luck.
As Ty reached the bottom of the stands, an ear-piercing, collective squeal erupted behind him.
'Oh my god, Justin!'
'Yeaaah! Justin! You're the best!'
'Look over here! Eeei! He smiled at me!'
The girls filling the stands continued shrieking and squealing.
Both Ty and Megan's faces curled up in disgust, with the latter covering her ears as she looked around at the obnoxious fangirls sharing the stands with her.
While Ty looked towards the object of their attention and admiration.
A tall, fluffy-haired boy was walking in front of the bleachers. Shyly laughing and waving up at his fans with one hand, he carried a sports bag over his shoulder. With his sparkling smile and expressive, green eyes, Ty thought he looked more like a model than an athlete.
Justin looked down at Ty as he walked past him, offering him a smile. 'Hey, good luck, tonight. I'm Justin.' The taller boy offered his hand by Ty slapped it away.
'I don't need luck to beat a fraud like you.'
'Whoa. No need to be so angry, dude. Let's just have fun.'
Justin kept his smile as Ty walked away, grinding his teeth.
As Ty headed for the locker room, he was showered with boos from Justin's fangirls.
'Who do you think you are!?'
'How dare you hit Justin like that!'
'His hand is worth more than your life!'
'Drop dead you ugly little gremlin!'
Megan grit her teeth and clenched her fists, turning around and snapping at the other girls. 'Hey! Leave my brother alone you stupid idiots!'
'Who does this ugly bitch think she is!'
'Go home and cry to your momma!'
'You brother's gonna get embarrassed by Justin, just watch!'
Megan turned away again and chewed on her nails, mumbling to herself. 'There's no way Ty could lose to that stupid boy. Ty's the best. He'll make that pretty boy cry, then we'll see who's uglier.'
Ty walked into the locker room, just as Rabbit was about to leave. Rabbit stopped and looked away before brushing past and squeaking out, 'Good luck.'
'Fuck off!' Ty snapped. Rabbit jumped a bit and scurried out as Ty stomped over to an empty locker and sat down.
'Hey. Don't forget what we've been practising, alright?' Coach Long said, addressing the room of varsity players.
Bella had once again taken a back seat now that the JV game was over.
'They're going to come at us hard right from the get-go. And they'll be used to whatever pressure we can bring at them, but that's alright, just cause they're used to it doesn't mean it won't affect them in the end.'
'That's right.' Coach Hoang pushed himself forward. 'Defence, we need to strangle them. Don't give any of their Receivers an inch to breathe. They're gonna want everything short and quick, and when that doesn't work, they'll panic. And the pass rush, don't let them off the hook with any runs. Keep them controlled and hemmed in with nowhere to go.'
Coach Norman was over by Jay, going over the plan with him personally, reminding him to keep a level head like always and get the ball out quickly.
'They'll be coming for your head. You might get hit a few times, but you'll have to grit your teeth and bear it, kid. I know you can do it.' He pat Jay on the shoulder then turned to the Offensive Linemen nearby.
'And y'all have to protect him, you hear? Those bastards out there'll come at him with everything they've got every play, it's your job to be his shield and give him the time he needs.'
'Got it, Coach.' They all nodded.
'Hey! Dons on three, get up here, boys. We're in this together.' JJ had moved to the centre of the room.
The players converged around him, fists raised in the air.
'One, two, three.'
As the Dons ran out onto the field, the stands had filled up, though there was still only a small section supporting them so their cheers were quiet.
Megan did her best to cheer loudly and make up for what the Dons supporters lacked in numbers, though her efforts were drowned out by the chorus of boos from the girls filling the stands behind her.
When the Lancers team trotted out onto the field, the applause was thunderous, with the screams and support for Justin loudest of all.
Justin himself was more than happy to wave up at his fans, even playfully blowing some kisses their way as the team jogged along the sideline in front of the largest set of bleachers.
'Shouldn't this fraud be in a boy band or some shit, what the fuck is this?' Ty said. Whilst some of the other team members looked a little green with jealousy about all the attention the Lancers' star was getting.
The captains for both sides made their way out onto the field for the coin toss, and once again the Dons won the toss, and again they elected to defer the initial kick over to the Lancers so they'd receive the opening kick in the 2nd half instead.
Though the main intention behind that strategic decision, was so that their defence could make the first big statement and set the tone for this match.
'You know what to do.' Coach Hoang moved down the line of defenders as he addressed them. 'Don't let them move an inch. Don't let the crowd get to you, the best way to shut opposing fans up is to smash their team into the dirt and show them how dominant you are. Show them how hopeless fighting is. Get out there and crush them!'
The opening kickoff went short, the Lancers' returner catching it just outside his own endzone before taking it all the way to their own 27-yard line.
Then, the stars of the show sauntered out onto the field.
Led by JJ, the Dons' defence took the field. As Ty got up and left the bench, high-pitched boos came from the stands where Justin's cheer squad was situated.
'Huddle up, hermanos.' JJ pulled his team together. 'You heard Coach Hoang. You know the drill. Let's go out there and crush these bastards, yeah? On three.'
Again their fists met in the middle of the tight circle.
'One, two, three.'
They broke apart, taking up their positions on the field.
Ty came face to face with Justin.
'Ohh.' Justin's smile grew. 'Fancy seeing you out here.' Justin extended his hand towards Ty once more. 'Hey, may the best player win.'
Ty glared at it but rejected the handshake again. 'Stick that thing in my face again and I'll break it.'
'Hey now… just trying to be friendly. It's all in good sport.'
'I'm not here to be your friend. I don't give a fuck about you. You're an obstacle, that's it. I'm here to win… and don't worry. The best, ALWAYS wins.'
Justin slowly lowered his hand, his smile fading.
'Come on, Justin! Put that little gremlin in his place!'
'Don't let that ugly mutt disrespect you! Score a homerun on his stupid head!'
Megan groaned as she kept chewing on one of her nails. "Please, Ty. I know you're the best. You have to shut these cheerleaders up."
Ty stared up at Justin, while Justin turned his head away, looking towards his QB.
There was a long pause as everything settled into place. The QB looked around, checking out the defence. He nodded to Justin who nodded back.
Everyone took a breath, and then the first proper play of the game began.
'Set… …Hike!'
Ty's hand shot out, shoving Justin back as it hit him square in the chest. Justin took a step back, grunting before he slapped the arm away and started running forward, struggling to get by Ty who was glued to his hip.
Justin swivelled his hips to the inside, Ty matched him. Then Justin snapped to the outside and bolted to the sideline. It was a crisp, clean route. It would've bought enough space from most DBs, but Ty was NOT most DBs.
Ty had his eyes locked on the QB, and after Justin made his break towards the outside, that's when the QB began his throw.
Ty was all over it before the ball was even out of the QB's hands. He undercut the route, jumped in front of the pass, and caught it like it was intended for him from the very beginning.
He raced towards the endzone. He was home free, with a touchdown to start the game off. He grinned widely and turned his head to the crowd, staring at their shocked, dismayed faces.
He flipped them off. He didn't care if it'd be an obvious taunting penalty, it would only take effect at the kickoff after his score.
However, as he looked at the section of fangirls, their horrified expressions shifted back to hopeful ones as they began to cheer and shout again.
'Go Justin! Gooo!'
Ty then heard the pounding footsteps behind him. He turned his head back. Justin was chasing him.
"Why?" Was all Ty thought. It was clear Justin wouldn't catch him. No one could catch Ty. And Justin wasn't going to be the one to change that, so why was he chasing so desperately, why was he giving it his all for such a hopeless cause?
Ty turned around fully, running backwards for the last 5 yards before stepping into the endzone.
Whistles blew to signal the touchdown, and Justin slowed to a stop just before Ty, hunching over before him, hands on his own knees as he desperately sucked some air back into his lungs.
Ty glared down at the larger boy who only grinned up at Ty, still trying to catch his breath. "What the fuck is wrong with this guy?"
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