
Giving Into You

"Please stay inside your homes with your doors locked and do not panic. These creatures may be strong, but have faith that we shall surely pull through this crisis and eliminate the threat." That was just the beginning of the chaos that ensued when Sasha's life was turned upside down. Humans were no longer on top of the food chain. Instead, three factions of supernatural arose from the ashes: werewolves, vampires, and fairies. Being a slave or following new laws that favored supernaturals, however, was the least of Sasha's worries. Instead, after it is discovered that she is a potential mate for the strongest most powerful supernatural from each of the factions she is forced to choose just one. This is a short story of only 27 chapters. It is now complete and it shall remain free to read forever. This is not my best work as it was written over a decade ago, but hey! Free is free!

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Four

I woke up to the feeling of light pants of breath on my face and when I opened my eyes I was met with Mark's beautiful blue eyes looking back at me.

"Good Morning, beautiful!"

He was so happy and I couldn't help but smile.

"I could get used to waking up with you right beside me. It's so comforting to know that I have a sexy mate to wake up to every morning for the rest of our lives, you know?"

He broke out into a huge grin that left me breathless and kissed me on top of the head.

"I have to say I agree there. Waking up to your beautiful, angelic face and holding you in my arms as I fall asleep at night is the best."

As soon as he finished speaking he pulled me up and into his lap where he began to kiss me. It was such a careful, sweet, and soft kiss. I didn't like that and wanted more so I pulled his head closer to mine as I gripped onto his hair. Mark seemed to get the point as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, nibling on my lip so I would open up to him. I gladly gave in, wanting to savour the feeling of him exploring every part of me and devouring me again.

Knowing that I had to sleep with Mark again today didn't bother me, I'd gladly give my self over to him again right here, right now.

"Goodness, Sasha, you are killing me. With just one kiss you've got me wanting to continue what we started last night, but I wanted to have some romance today, not just to spend all day in bed."

I groan as I pull away and go to get some clothes out before going to take a shower. I never would have expected for Mark to follow me into the shower. So when I felt his arms around me I squealed and jumped back, nearly knocking us both over. Good thing Mark was there to hold me up and keep us from falling.

"Careful there, babe. I wouldn't want you to fall and hurt yourself."

I turned to see a small smile on his face as his eyes glowed with mischief.

"What are you doing in the shower, Mark?"

If anything, his smile seemed to grow wider as he answered me.

"I thought it would be nice to save some water. Plus I can't help but want to spend every second I can with you."

I smiled back at him, loving the fact that he enjoyed my company as much as I did his.

"Okay, but remember what you said, no funny business!"

He laughed, shaking his head.

"Not that you wouldn't enjoy it, but, don't worry, we have plenty of time for that later. Besides, later this week your lust will be so much worse and if you can't stay away from me now what will you do then?"

I just shrugged my shoulders.

Mark picked up a sponge and lathered it up with soap. He then went to wash my back and, let me tell you, it felt amazing! Every touch and caress was like heaven and we weren't even really doing anything of a sexual nature.

When he finished washing my back he handed me the sponge so i could do the rest while he washed my hair. My mom used to wash my hair when i was younger and she always loved my long hair. She'd always take her time, but it was nothing like having Mark wash my hair. I could feel every stroke and touch and it felt so sensual. I was in heaven and so comfortable in mark's hands. Taking his time to wash it, rinse it out, and then using conditioner.

It felt so blissful that i didn't notice when he had finished. It wasn't until his lips were brushing against my neck and his hands wrapped around my waist that I realized he'd finished.

"I love how you purr, Sasha. It's like music to my ears, but we really need to go."

I was purring? Gosh, how did I miss such a thing?

'Shut up, it's not like it should embarrass you. He's our mate and may i just say I'd love to purr for him any day!'

'You do realize that purring is for cats right?'

'Wolves too! Now pay attention to our mate!'

"Sasha? Are you listening, babe?"

Huh? Oh, oops I must have been talking to my wolf and tuned him out.

"Oh my goodness, Mark! I'm so sorry! My wolf just makes me tune out sometimes."

He gave a light laugh as he finished putting on his shirt. He got dressed too? How did I miss all of this?

"So what was your wolf talking about, gorgeous?"

He was so close to me again and I could breathe in his scent and if I leaned in a bit I would have been kissing him. I was so distracted by his scent that i didn't realize what I was saying until I'd already said it.

"She was talking about how much she loves the fact that you appreciate her purr."

He smiled sexily and helped me into my bra, I guess he wanted me to dress, but still wanted to talk.

"Oh, is that so? Then maybe I should just point out how sexy your growls and moans were last night too. How you are so much hotter because you are one of a kind and more than just a fairy. I love how much fire and passion you exude and how your animalistic nature turns me on."

All the compliments were a bit much and I couldn't help turning red and shyly turning away. I was blushing and looking down at the floor when I felt Mark pick me up. He carried me into the bedroom and then helped me put on the rest of my clothes while I continued to blush, embarrassed.

"You know your blush looks so hot, but I'd still prefer to hear your beautiful voice."

I blushed even more, but decided I had to say something.

"I don't even know why I'm blushing, It's not like I'm not comfortable around you. Plus I don't really know what to say."

He gave me a dazzling smile.

"Aw, am I really making you speechless? I love that I can get you to blush, so don't worry about it Sasha. I do have some bad news, however. We have to sit in for a few more trials, but the good news is there are no fairies today, but that's rare anyhow. Then the fun will begin after that. I have all sorts of fun, romantic stuff planned for tonight. Don't worry about the trails, Sasha, I'll be right by your side the whole time."

I nodded and gave a small smile to reassure him before taking his hand so we could head out and get the trials over with. The good news was that the trails we did were on our own terms, at whatever time we could get to them or wanted to, anyhow. Therefore, they weren't set for certain dates as much as whenever we got to it they would be ready for us. As embarrassing as it is to think this I was glad that things were like that so that I could have more alone time with Mark. The thought of his tongue tracing down my skin..... so hot. I guess I shouldn't be thinking about that right now, but I had an excuse. I was in heat so it should be expected that there would be a lot of sexual tension.

I sat down on my throne and took my crown from one of the guards' hands. I saw that Mark did the same and then I waited for the first trial to begin. Turns out that this day wasn't going to be nearly as easy as I thought it would be. I watched as Prince Vincent and his father walked in. They were both shackled and being carried in by a group of guards. There were two from each of the three supernatural kingdoms.

"Looks like there is trouble in paradise, or at least Empusae. Can you tell me why these two royals are chained up and in front of me?"

The vampire who stepped forward to answer seemed nervous and like he'd shatter any moment. He was literally shaking and looked afraid.

"I'm sorry Queen Sasha and King Mark. I'm sure this must be hard for the pair of you, but, as Queen Sasha said, there is a bit of trouble in Empusae. It seems the two royals were caught nearly trying to kill each other. It is a very strict law in our kingdom that anyone who attacks a royal or tries to kill them is killed on the spot, but they're both royals and we don't know what to do."

I nodded and then turned to look at the king.

"I shall hear both sides of the story, but if you'd be so kind, sir, to tell me yours."

He happily obliged and seemed to me to be smiling sinisterly.

"My son simply doesn't know how to respect his elders and have patience. He has always been power-hungry and wanted the throne. So, when you didn't choose him as your king and mate he decided to try to kill me and take over the vampire throne. If he had waited and was patient he would have eventually gotten the throne. Even without his mate, he would have gotten it soon since I have been tiring of the hard work it takes to run a kingdom. You really must understand that I tried to keep matters calm and controlled, but he couldn't be kept at hand."

His speech seemed to be missing specific details as if he was leaving something out. Perhaps he is trying to manipulate things to make himself look better?

"Okay, now you may speak, Prince Vincent."

He looked up at me as if to search my eyes and plead me to listen to him, but I didn't even look too closely at him. I had a mate now and since he was on trial there could be no personal feelings involved.

"After you left with Mark last night, I went to leave with my father just like Brent and his family did, but the matter of having you as my mate wasn't over for my father. He insisted that I either kill Mark and force you to mate with me or else he would kill you. I downright refused to cause harm to Mark because I knew that it would hurt you. Plus the idea of forcing you to mate with me seemed so wrong so I knew I couldn't do what my father asked of me. When he heard me refuse he told me that he was going to kill you and began to describe ways to do so. The idea of you being harmed was bad enough but the fact that he had to plant such vivid images in my head of how he'd harm you drove me half insane. My need to defend my mate, even if you were now officially Mark's, struck and I couldn't help but attack my father. I don't even know now if I would have killed him, but I definitely never would have let him lay a hand on you."

Great so how do I judge this without being unfair. I'd love to have them go into a separate room while I discussed things. It would help me feel safer and less like I'd be judging them based on their reactions to every little thing. I didn't send the people who were on trial during the challenge trial away, though, and so if I sent them away wouldn't that also be seen as unfair?

"Please escort them both to a separate room from us while we deliberate and make sure it's far enough away that they can't hear us, but still secure. I expect you to all remain with them the whole time they're here. Please send a few of our own personal guards in here as well."

Mark's words were heard and immediately followed after a quick glance at me. I didn't nod or anything, but they just took that as good enough since if I disagreed I'd clearly have said or done something.

"Thank you, Mark."

Now that they were out I wanted to make sure he knew how much I appreciated his understanding.

"Don't worry about it so much Sasha. You are allowed to make decisions to send them out of the room without anyone judging you as unfair. You are Queen and people will just think that you are making an informed decision based on the situation and what you know. Now that they're gone why don't you tell me what you think?"

I love how he seems to know me so well and always tries to do what he thinks is best for me. It's so sweet how he's so caring and considerate. I know he has a more aggressive side and he can take control, which is amazing too, but I'm glad that he knows how to make me feel so loved.

"Well, I think that the King's story is missing a lot of details. Since we don't know who to believe I figure the more details the more we can actually judge as to whether or not they're telling the truth. As for Vincent's story it does make sense and has a decent amount of details. The whole mate bit isn't something he could have easily have controlled. He'd have wanted to attack him upon the first word spoken against his mate, even if she's no longer available for him to have as his. The fact that he said that the king described multiple ways of trying to kill his mate makes it so that he had to have had a nearly uncontrollable urge to kill him to protect his mate. He even admitted that he doesn't know if he would have killed the king or not. As for the king's claim on Vincent wanting the kingdom I don't know if that is true or not. He's way too unemotional seeming to read any intentions that may have been dark."

I really hope that seems like it is as fair and unattached as it can be, although, I don't think I could care much for Vincent when I have such a hot, sexy mate right here beside me already.

"I agree completely with what you said, but we should still figure out what our next step will be. I personally think that the King should be executed for threatening you, but I realize that you don't like the idea of unnecessary death. Just remember, if the laws in his kingdom are any factor in showing what kind of King he is, then he can't be a very lenient or kind man. His laws have no respect for humans and instead allow for them to be treated like cattle. They're just a food source up until they're found to be mates of a vampire and then they're at the mercy of their mate. They don't even have laws regarding the safety of humans so they are drank to death. That should be possible at the very least, if only to make sure that their own mates aren't being killed off by other vampires before they meet them. As for Vincent, I think we could test the theory by either temporarily taking over the kingdom or making him sign a paper into law that has some necessary precautions for the humans safety. If he can agree to keep in contact and sign the paper then he has to be at least a decent future king."

I nod at his words, agreeing with him entirely.

"I agree entirely with that decision, Mark. Honestly, you are right about taking lives, but it's mostly just innocent lives. I have to look out for the best interests of everyone.

As for the paper to be signed by Vincent I think we should start setting that up. I think we should make it a rule that no vampire can beat or otherwise abuse humans. Then there is the whole bit where they can't drink them to death like you said. I think it should be made a choice as to whether they become blood slaves unless they are criminals.

What I mean by criminals is murders or other extreme crimes, not petty criminals who steal bread or something. Then the families can send one of them off in order to pay off a debt of up to $20,000 per year the person has to stay there.

While the human stays there, they must be fed, well-clothed, and taken care of. There should be buildings set up for people to sign up as donors, whether it be directly for a day or indirectly and just a certain amount. They could also sign up to be paid $20,000 for a year of voluntarily being a blood slave as well.

Then we should have some rules about what we mean by blood slave. They should only be required to be awake and working for up to 8 hours a day, then be able to have the rest of the time to sleep, eat, bathe, etc.

I also think this whole mate thing is ridiculous. They shouldn't simply own their mates like an object because we still have feelings and we're not objects. You can't just wear me like a piece of jewelry you can leave at home or throw at a wall when you are angry. That's what these vampires are doing to their mates half of the time just because the laws allow them to.

So I think it should be made a law that you treat your mates with respect. If they don't want changed you can't change them. You can't make them your blood servant and you have to ask them if they'll allow you to feed off of them. No sexual contact unless their mate allows them to. You have to mark them as soon as you get them. Now, I don't even like this idea of a law, but if mates get killed off because they aren't marked then problems will arise. If they want to leave after you mark them as yours, then that is the mate's choice, but the human will have to stay and live with them for 3 months at the very least before they're allowed to even think about leaving. That's 90 days to at least begin to decide if you want to stay around with your mate or if they're too awful to stick around and deal with. This way humans have some rights, but vampires still manage to have some of the control and can still have mates and survive. Also, one last thing, the humans all have to take an education course on the supernatural so that they can understand them better."

Mark's eyes were wide in surprise, but also full of love and admiration.

"Wow, that is a lot. Good thing we have someone who can actually keep up with all of that. Now all we have to do is wait a few minutes for an official copy to be drafted. That was rather thought out for just being brought up today. I just wanted to tell you I love you and I'll never treat you like an object, babe. Besides I love how strong and smart of a woman you are, how you can stand independent from me, but still want and need me as much as I do you."

His smile and his words had me love drunk. I felt so happy and whole with him by my side, telling me how much he loved me. I leaned in to kiss him and whispered "I love you" as I pulled away.

I had the King and Vincent brought back in to deliver the verdict. The king's glare was obvious and how much he hated me and Mark.

"How can you have possibly messed up so much son? Do you see how much she loves that boy? That could have been you, you know?"

The king viciously whispered it to his son, but it wasn't quite enough for me to miss with my own vampire hearing.

"Good thing you just gave your own guilt away just now, king. I'd have hated to do this without knowing for sure. Guards please take him away and leave my own here with Vincent. The king is to be executed for threatening the safety of royalty."

The guards all went to work immediately following my orders. Soon there was only my own castle guards and Vincent standing before us.

"Prince Vincent we have an ultimatum for you. Me and Sasha have considered how you and your country has been run and, listening to your father's words, we want to make sure we can trust you if we allow you to return home and become King. We have a paper with laws concerning the treatment of humans in Empusae. If you sign the document, uphold the new laws with the best of your ability, and agree to cooperate with us, keep in touch, and inform us of any major issues we will let you leave and shall have high hopes that you will be a good king."

Mark's voice was steady, calm, and serious, but I couldn't help but find it sexy and extremely appealing. I guess it might have to do with being a King's mate, which means my wolf would love the authority in our mate's voice, except, of course, when it was directed at us. We definitely didn't like taking orders.

"Okay, that sounds fair to me and I was wanting to make changes to the laws regarding those issues anyhow. So I'd like to see the document so I can review it."

Vincent's voice was steady, calm, confident, and relieved. He was handed the document and I watched as his face lit up with surprise and how he seemed extremely interested in the document.

"This is very detailed and actually extremely well thought out. In fact, I'd say it's the perfect way to start my ruling. Maybe some of the vampires will be ticked off, but if it saves more of our mates from being killed off and makes it less likely for the humans to strike back then I'm all for it. The vampires will eventually settle down and the humans will hopefully relax soon. I'm perfectly fine with agreeing to all of the terms you requested and I'm actually ecstatic to be able to have hope for a good standing with you two where we can communicate about our kingdoms easily."

He took the pen he was offered and quickly signed it before handing it back to one of the people in charge of it.

Mark said the goodbyes for the two of us and then we were finally finished.

"Do we have any other trials today?"

I couldn't help the sound of frustration that leaked through in my words. I was having a horrible time concentrating on anything other then Mark.

"No, we actually don't. However, I do have a nice date I have planned for us."

I groaned and Mark smirked.

"You really want to retire to our bedroom for some intimacy that badly? It's still one more day before things start to get really bad too. What am I going to do with you Sasha?"

I smiled flirtatiously as I leaned in towards him.

"You could just give me what I want and kiss me."

His smile was wide and amused, but his eyes betrayed his lust.

"I'd love to Sasha, but I promised to get in some romance, at least, for today, before you are nothing but a bundle of lust. It's not that I don't want to sleep with you and kiss you, but date first."

I pouted but took his hand in mine as he led me out of the throne room and to wherever the date would be.

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