
I Have Found A Man

"Mom?!.. Mom?!" I called once I arrived home.

"Yes Liza... can you lower your voice?" she said from upstairs, walking down to the living room to where I stood.

"Mom" I released a breath. I initiated a hug which she received.

"Mom, you won't believe it," I said, still hugging her.

Feeling inquisitive she asked "What dear... you've passed your exams?" She asked.

"No even better" pulling back, I grinned.

"Oh" she said blankly as if disappointed.

"I have found a man" I proclaimed with a high pitched voice.

She furrowed her brows "What do you mean by you've found a man?... men are everywhere, I'm certain you've seen numerous of them"

I mentally smacked my head. She was doing this on purpose.

"Mom come on you know what I mean" I held her hands.

"Liza last time I checked you weren't searching for a man." She walked her way to the kitchen while I followed from behind.

"Mom?" I wanted to know her line of thought.