

When 18 Year Old Sofi moves to L.A, a new school awaits her. As does her new roommate, Amy. Sofi's heard tell that Amy's a bitch..But are the rumours true? And Sofi likes guys....right?

Alyssa_Milano · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

New Dorm

I drop my bags. In front of me is my new Dorm. I've been told my roomies a bit of a bitch... Hopefully it should be fine.

With a gulp, I open the door and wheel my suitcase and bags through. The first thing I notice is the amount of Space! I thought my dorm would be tiny, but this?

This is like a whole flat just for the living room.

The next thing I see is Amy. She's my roomate for the next three semesters. She has flamy hair and green eyes staring through a thick fringe.

"Pick your stuff up."

I blink "huh?"

"I said pick your stuff up. I just cleaned the floors idiot."

Not how I was hoping to start the semester, but ok. I pick up my things and head towards her "I'm Sofi! I've heard your Amy?"

In response she just grunts and storms to the bedroom. Wait.. There's only one?!

I gulp.