

The car ride to school was quiet. Even though my brothers chattered in English in the back seat, I found my self wanting to be going to my old school in Germany not in a new one in a different country away from my friends. I watched the unfamiliar neighborhood passing by and longed to see my old one. This one was so empty,no kids walking to school,no parents dropping their kids off at the bus stop. There where very little cars n the main road and the air around me seemed foggy and mystical.

"Hannah?" my mother chirps " I think your gonna like this school."

I sigh. "Yeah- I hope I will. "

"It's a private school! Most the people here speak German." My mother smiles happily.

I nod bored by her sudden rush of Energy.

I watch out the window saying nothing for what seemed like forever. My brothers giggled and sang in the background. I wanted to leap from the car as the trees and other things rushed passed. "Where they in a hurry too? " I asked myself.

We pulled up to a large school. Kids got off busses and others rushed inside.

" Have a good day Hannah banana "My mother says smiling in English.

I open my door and nod. " bye boys! bye mom! " I say in German.

"English! " My mother says in english.

I nod before closing the door. I watch my mother drive off. Now I felt alone, new place, new rules. People rush around me, I felt short and small compared to them.

"Now to the office."I think to myself. I walk along with the people into the school. people around me talking in english and in german. It made me kinda ok as I finally found my way to the office. I was given a paper schedule and sent to class.

" Great. " I think as I walk into class. "I'm the last one. "