

Putting on a large smile, Bailey acted as excited as he could as the door opened and saw the Connors on the other side. "Come in, come in. I am so happy to see you both!" Derrick let his daughter go past him to enter first and the two gave one another a large hug. Candi pulled back leaving her hands on Bailey's shoulers. "Oh my god girl, look at you!" Keeping the act going Bailey gave a little giggle and looked the teenager over in front of him. Candi was wearing a long sleeved blouse that was cut lower on the chest, a pleated red skirt with a bow at her hip, then white tights that ended in some modest, but cute red heels.

"Aww, thank you, but Candi you look amazing!" The tone of voice and inflection were completely fake, but the words themselves were true. Candace was a little hottie and would be legal in just a few days. That last thought he squashed quickly, knowing it was wrong and at the same time he didn't need to let his mind go to a place like that if he wanted the tuck to stay in place. Candace took two steps past Bailey and spun around a little to take in the room, while Derrick came up and gave Bailey a large hug. When he pulled back he didn't keep a hold of Bailey, but his focus was still on the teenager in front of him.

"Are you doing okay after what happened yesterday? I didn't tell anyone, but if you need to talk. I'm just a phone call away."

The memory of the bullies from the day before quickly sped through Bailey's mind, the event felt so traumatic yesterday and today he hadn't thought about it once, not with everything else going on. 'Fuck I am going to need therapy after this.' Bailey thought before giving Derrick a shrug. "I'm like okay, thanks for helping me and being like a really good guy." The last part was horrible to say, he didn't want to compliment or think good things about another man that was hitting on his girlfriend, but not only was it in character… it was true.

Bailey wasn't sure he would have the presence of mind if the situation was reversed to remember the daughter's emotional needs of the woman he wanted to sleep with. "I try to be good, maybe one day I will work myself to being great." he punctuated the sentence with a little wink before handing Bailey a tote bag that had a few wine bottles in it that he could see. Before walking past Bailey put one hand on her shoulder and smiled. "I mean it Bailey, call me if you need to talk." Bailey gave him a small nod before shutting the door and thinking that call will come right around the time hell freezes over.

Looking around his own apartment and seeing Mandy not back out yet Bailey moved into the kitchen to put down the bag and empty it out. "Mommy will be out in a few." he said pulling out three wine bottles. Holding one up Bailey smiled, he really did like Riesling. His mood just started to sour when he remembered that he would not be able to partake as he was just eighteen now, when Derrick pulled it from his hands as he was putting it down.

"You know, I think I could convince your mom it would be okay for you and Candace to have a glass of this if you can promise to give me the first slice of that delicious pie later tonight." Not being able to help himself, Bailey smiled at the idea of getting to drink alcohol again after so many days of it being denied to him. "Oh like of course Mr. Connors, the first slice is yours!" the statement caused Candi to laugh.

"You don't have to promise Daddy anything, he lets me have a single glass at dinner for special occasions at home." Derrick laughed as he placed the bottle of wine in the fridge. "Candace, don't be going and telling all my secrets to Bailey." Candi could see the bedroom door from where she was standing and saw Amanda coming out, so she quickly turned to her dad and said. "No secrets between me and my little sis, get used to it." Amanda came into the room looking much like she did when she left to Bailey except she had on some more dramatic makeup and swapped out her stud earrings for large gold hoops, and added a gold tennis bracelet to her ensemble. "Wow, you look hot Ms Best!"

Candi declared before looking to her dad who was very much looking at the woman. "Right Daddy?" Derrick's eyes did not waver to his daughter as he smiled over at Amanda. "Mandy, you look beautiful tonight." As if breaking from a spell he looked to his daughter and then Bailey before continuing. "All of you look beautiful tonight, can't believe how lucky I am."

Amanda smiled at Candi and gave her a quick hug. "Thank you dear, and you can call me Amanda or Mandy like your dad if you want. We are friends now remember?." The reply Amanda got was just a big smile from the teen and she moved on walking past her and around the table to meet Derrick who was making his way to her. They had a quick hug that she ended with a kiss to his cheek.

"You Mr. Connors, while all of us appreciate your words, do you think we are just pretty tonight?" Derrick tilted his head at her teasing. "The trap has been sprung and I have been caught. I'm sorry ladies, I have been a blind fool not to see your beauty other days, can you forgive me?" Every word his uttered was full of drama like he was acting in an old play. Amanda looked at the other two well dressed women in the room. "How about it, can we forgive him?" Candi put her finger to her chin as if thinking the question through and Bailey wanted no part of it.

"Forgiven, now we can have dinner right?" The intention was to get this over with, the sooner dinner happened the sooner they left, but the pretend teens' words only encouraged laughter. Derrick put one arm around Bailey's shoulder and smiled at the rest of the room. "Well at least she is on my side and from what I hear she cooked. Who else wants to be on the side with all the food tonight?"

As people started to take their seats Candi was insistent she sit next to Amanda, and Bailey to sit across from her, next to her Daddy. Bailey really didn't care about the seating, but wasn't fond of the older man holding the chair out for him. "You know, if you just played along I could have gotten Daddy to buy us something." Candi announced to the other girls. Amanda smiled looking at the girl and then to Derrick.

"Oh, what does one get to earn my forgiveness?" she said, raising an eyebrow to the older man across from her. "Hmm, I think the traditional apology is flowers, but I don't do that. Flowers are just something to say I was thinking about you. A gift that says I'm sorry for me would be picking up your favorite candy or ice cream. Showing you that I pay attention and do care. How is that, would that work? I mean if I wasn't already forgiven by your wonderful daughter who doesn't need to be paid off." Derrick gave a small smile to Bailey before returning his attention to the blonde woman in front of him. The smile already told him she liked the answer, but was happy to hear her say it.

"That would do it, for me. Candi, how about you?" The teen girl gave her dad a little wink with her smile. "Every time." she said happily.

With everyone in a good mood Amanda stood back up from her chair and motioned for Derrick to follow her into the small apartment kitchen. "I will set the plates, you get to pour the wine for us." With a glance back to Bailey, who's back was now facing him he looked back to Amanda. "Is it okay if the girls have a glass tonight, one wont hurt them." She leaned in and gave him another kiss on the cheek.

"Just one then." she agreed. Just a few minutes later all four had their dinner plated in front of them and a glass of wine. Derrick looked to be enjoying each bite of food, while Candi pointed her fork that had a sliced carrot on it to Bailey. "Bailey, you are like an amazing cook. Could you show me how to cook all this? Oh wait, even better we can make a video for your youtube channel!" Amanda smiled at the comment and Bailey hurriedly finished swallowing.

"Ahh, umm. Actually it was… wasn't me. It was like all Mommy. She told me what to do and umm like no way could I do this again without her." Candi ate the carrot and narrowed her eyes to her best friend not buying what she was selling and then the sly smile came to her lips.

"Maybe we could totally setup a video call and you and your mom could show me how after I go home. Do you think you could help me learn to cook Ms… I mean Amanda." Amanda ran her hand though the green eyed girl's hair, smiled at her.

"I think Bailey is just being modest, but I would love to show you and Bailey here a few things in the kitchen." The idea of a mother-like figure teaching her filled Candi full of glee and she couldn't help but bounce a little in her seat and clap rapidly. "Daddy, do you want to learn to cook with me?" Derrick made a face that told everyone he was pondering the question.

"Hmm you do complain every time I try to cook." He then looked to Amanda and reached his hand over to hers and rub his thumb on the back of her hand as she grasped his. "Seeing more of Mandy here, I think I would take every opportunity I could for that." The comment brought a blush to Amanda's face, a look of 'Aww that is so cute' from Candi, while Bailey just rolled his eyes.

The dinner went really well, Bailey was genuinely happy at the reception of his food. The compliments and his own enjoyment of the meal left him completely forgetting the fact he had his stocking covered legs crossed under the table like the dainty girl he was portraying. Bailey's mood was not lost on Amanda, who looked over at him. She saw a young woman, dressed up and happy. Bailey needed to learn to take smaller bites and to be more careful with her lipstick, but from the look of Candi her dad hadn't taught her ladylike table manners either, though she was a far cry better than Bailey. When her pretty daughter looked at her Amanda gave her a big smile and Bailey replied with the same. It was something small, but little moments like that felt wonderful.

Everyone at the table had one reason or another to be happy, with Bailey with the food even if he couldn't finish a whole piece of chicken anymore. Candi was beyond happy, sitting at the table having dinner like this felt like she had a complete family again. A mother beside her, her Daddy happy and a sister for her to share the things she loved.

For Derrick this was one of the first times he had a home cooked meal in ages. Candace had tried once or twice to make him a meal, but it just wasn't something she seemed interested in, at least till now. Amanda seemed to easily inspire her daughter to follow in her footsteps and he just loved how Candace was taking to her. One thing he always worried about if he ever started dating was his daughter and here she was verbally pushing him to this incredible and smart woman. When he looked at Amanda smiling at Bailey he made up his mind. Candace had been begging him to stay for the summer instead of heading back to California. Bless her heart she even said that is what she wanted for her birthday gift, and looking at this beautiful woman across from him he couldn't deny it anymore. She didn't want to try a relationship because of the distance, but he wasn't going to let that stand in the way any longer.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Amanda said to Derrick, pulling him out of his head. "Hmm, oh I was just savoring the moment and thinking about the future. For example, I was promised apple pie." Derrick felt the beautiful blue eyed blonde give his hand a squeeze before looking to her daughter.

"Sweetie, would you like to help me clear the table?" Derrick watched as Bailey quickly got up from her seat to start to clear the table with no complaints. Not being the type to see others working while he relaxed, Derrick went to stand up, but was stopped. Amanda pointed back to his seat with her index finger that ended in a pretty painted nail.

"Sit, you are a guest. We have this, and if you do not behave Bailey will withhold your pie." With that Derrick sat back down and gave a little sour look that made Candi giggle. As Bailey took Derrick's plate he whispered to him. "You can have pie." It wasn't that Bailey was taking his side in their play argument, it was that he just wanted to see if he really did do a good job on the pie and wasn't sure if he would get a slice if Derrick wasn't allowed one.

When the table was cleared, Amanda started to brew a pot of coffee and Bailey put the pie back in the oven to warm it up a little bit before consumption. When the pie was nice and warm Bailey cut a large slice out and put it in front of the older man. Instead of moving to cut more slices, Bailey stayed standing next to him to wait, not so patiently for his reaction. As he put a large bite into his mouth Derrick could see the pretty girl in the red polka dot dress lean closer in anticipation. "Mmmm, Bailey my dear." he paused, smiling at her.

"This is marvelous, one day you are going to make a boy very happy." He saw her get wide eyed and mouth getting a little slack. He gave a glance to Amanda then back to Bailey thinking he said something wrong. "Or girl if that is who you like." The comment was demoralizing, on one hand he wanted the praise. Then on the other hand, the idea of becoming some guys girlfriend or wife was not something he wanted to hear, let alone think about. Bailey blushed in embarrassment and Candi was helpful to come to her defense. "Daddy, we like boys. Now stop teasing her and eat your pie." She then looked to Bailey to give a small smile to let her friend know she was here for her. Bailey still stood there not moving and had to be prodded to continue serving the desert. "Earth to Bailey, come on sis no time to be a ditz. That smells too good to wait!"

The embarrassment aside, Bailey was rather happy, seeing everyone enjoy his hard work and getting to savor it himself. Biting into another morsel of the pie, Bailey felt so content, but completely stuffed. A glance down showed him the slice of pie was still mostly there. He was a little sad. He desperately wanted to keep eating, but between the corset and the diet his stomach just couldn't handle any more. A look at Candi showed him she only ate half of hers and had pushed the plate forward to keep the temptation away. While Derrick was getting up to have another slice. Amanda tapped the hand of Candi and smiled at her.

"Are you two girls going to spend the evening with us or going to get up to something else?" Candi made eye contact with her best friend and smiled before looking at her Dad. "I think we can keep ourselves busy while you two talk about business or I don't know… maybe how much fun you had at the park together yesterday." Bailey rolled his eyes at Candi being as subtle as an oncoming train.

For Amanda's part she played along, knowing the apartment wasn't exactly big enough for Derrick to not hear everything they were saying. "That does sound like a good topic." The young girl's smile beamed like a thousand watt bulb and it continued as she almost hopped to her heeled feet and beckoned Bailey to follow back to his own bedroom. Having a pretty young thing like Candi beckon and lead him to his own room would have sounded a lot better a week ago. Instead now he was dressed up like some sexy housewife and the girl that was leading him was taking him to an ultra girly teens room, where nothing really fun could happen.

Looking over her shoulder as she was slightly turned in her seat Amanda watched Bailey walk off to her bedroom following her best friend. It wasn't lost on her that Bailey still walked with an exaggerated sexy walk and wished she had taken the time to correct that at least, but by now the Connors would have noticed her daughters 'natural' gait. The idea of Bailey being a girl and not her boyfriend had gotten firm enough in her mind that she didn't think anything of the bedroom door closing behind them. "They found something special with each other." Amanda twisted back forward to look at Derrick, who was now seated with his second slice of pie.

"You think so?'' She said leaning forward on the table, placing her hands on her cheeks so her head could rest between them and put her elbows onto the wooden surface to support herself. Derrick's eyes glanced down to the beautiful woman's breasts now that she had given him a better vantage. Amanda noticed the shift of where he was looking and smirked, it felt good to be appreciated, and Derrick's eyes didn't linger before he looked back up to her gaze.

"I don't know enough about girls, and that is sad when I'm trying to raise one by myself. Though I don't recall any one I know growing up calling a friend sisters, let alone demoting them to little sister. That connection is special."

"I was already the little sister growing up, but no you are right. Beyond college Sororities, and that is just tradition." Amanda looked down to the pie Derrick took a not so small bite of for his second helping.

"You look like you found something special there yourself." she said motioning to his half empty plate. Tapping the fork twice on the plate Derrick smiled back at Amanda. "This really is phenomenal, I can tell the care and attention that went into making it and even if Bailey was just following your sister's instructions the results were all her. Little things like this, and how I see that same care in you in everything you do Mandy. At the office you try to elevate those you see as succeeding, coach those you see as struggling and honestly with just how I see you interact with Candace. Mandy…" his voice trailed off briefly saying her name and let go of his fork, abandoning the mostly eaten pie to reach out with both hands to gently take hers.

"I, no. We have found something special." The words flowed into Amanda, causing a blush to come to her cheeks like she was a girl again, and her smile dialed itself up to ten. Derrick's touch, his green eyes, that smile, all of it made it feel like she was going to melt. Lost completely in the moment, emotions taking control, Amanda held his gaze briefly before looking away, knowing if she didn't the blush would only intensify. "Derrick.." her voice was weak as she tried to fight back the inferno of feelings inside. "We talked about this."

Derrick didn't let go of her hands and she didn't try to pull away. "When I find something special I fight for it. The hurdle is distance, that is something tangible that can be worked on. For now though we can enjoy the time we have. I don't have the power to hold the moon in the sky to extend the seconds we have together, but that just means I will cherish every second I do have with you that much more."

Amanda's mind knew the words were cheesy, but it wasn't a line. The sentiment was real and she was torn between wanting to cry from happiness or drag him to her bedroom. Pulling away from his hands, Amanda walked around the table before pushing Derrick back on the wooden seat. Bending down Amanda gave a soft lingering kiss to the seated man, the lingering flavor of the pie mixed with the warmth of his body and the ramped up emotions made it feel magical. When she pulled away he looked dazed with bliss and before he said a word she sat down sideways onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck so that she could find his lips again. She could feel the older man's arms wrap around her to pull her tight to him and as the kissing intensified from romantic and sweet to something more forceful as passion took hold.

The passion rose and she could feel something getting harder and pressing into her behind and when she felt that Amanda pressed herself into his lap more and moving her backside to grinding into him. One of her hands moving up to the back of his head to run her long nails through his hair. She wanted him and could feel he wanted her, the rest of the world was gone as they pressed into each other, but the sound a girls laughing pulled her from the revelry. The sound reminded her that they were not alone and that one of those girls was her boyfriend, a man she loved.

The sound of the two girls seemed to have the same effect on Derrick, both of them looked over to the bedroom door to see if they were about to be interrupted. Looking back to the man that held her, Amanda smiled and then gave him one more kiss that lingered though the passion had waned. She reluctantly stood up, pulling free of his arms and the feeling of his hardon pressing into her. Bailey had given her the freedom to be happy, but now that the moment was broken she still felt a pang of guilt. "Coffee?'' She offered to break the tension and he nodded.

When the door closed to the bedroom Candi jumped backwards onto the bed. The seated position she landed in left her red skirt pulled up so that Bailey could see more of her white pantyhose covered legs. The extra exposed legs and the smile she had made Bailey wish he wasn't attracted to her, because all he wanted to do was push her onto her back and climb on top of her. The idea was laughable as he felt his weight shift on the red heels and the rustle of the dress as he moved to sit at the vanity and face the teen. Even as he had the very male thought of making out with a pretty girl he sat down smoothing the skirt of the dress and crossing his stocking covered leg at the knee, the actions practiced and drilled into him. Candi kicked off her heels and tilted her head from one side to the other as she kicked her feet back and forth happily. "Bailey, like I can't believe you made all that tonight. With the way you dressed, you really got into the spirit. I just love it!"

"Stop, you know it was mostly my Aunt and Mommy that did it." The disguised man said while blushing a little from the uncomfortable praise. The cleaning and all the cooking were things woman did, they were the things Mandy was supposed to do. Yet here he was just like Candi said looking like she had gotten into the spirit of the day. "Stop being modest, it doesn't suit you. Come on, tell me how happy you are. I saw how you were watching Daddy take that first bite." Bailey waved his hand in the air as if to dismiss the girl's words.

"No, Bailey Ann Best, you are amazing and we will sit here in silence with me staring at you until you admit how happy you are and how fantastic you are." she said, crossing her arms and giving Bailey a not so serious glare. Bailey met her gave and just glared back for a second before he just felt stupid. Here he was being petulant about saying he was amazing and that he enjoyed being praised for his hard work.

"You win." he said, throwing up his hands. "I Bailey Ann Best am incredible, and I'm happy you and your Daddy enjoyed my food." Candi started to giggle and laughed loudly as she kicked her feet in the air. "You are going to need to learn that I always win, and no little sister of mine is going to get away with having a low self esteem. Not even sure how you are so why, stand up and look at yourself in the mirror on the back of your door." she said pointing over to the large mirror. Knowing it was best to not argue with the girl, Bailey got up and looked at himself in the mirror. In it he saw the pretty girl wearing a nice red dress and heels, a large white belt that seemed to help accentuate her figure. It was odd to feel attracted to himself, but as he swiveled from side to side he felt the petticoat brushing on the stockings and the feeling allowed him to see the shiny red lips of the girl in the mirror smile.

"See, you are like so pretty. You should love how you look, I know August does." Her voice's tone changed a bit to a teasing one at the end. Bailey could see the gleefulness on her face in the mirror. He agreed that the young woman in the mirror was pretty, his own arousal was plenty of proof of that. He just hated the idea that it was him that he was looking at and did not need a reminder of men finding him attractive. "I am pretty, but…" Bailey's words were cut off by the blonde teen as she practically vaulted to her feet and wrapped her arms around Bailey's waist, placing her chin on his shoulder to look into the mirror.

Candi was a little taller than Bailey, but in the heels it caused her to be on the balls of her feet to pull off the embrace. "No buts, Bailey Ann! Unless you want to talk about how fantastic yours or mine are. Now tell me that you are beautiful just the way you are." The smile faded from Bailey's face the second he said the word 'but' and was surprised at the sudden hug.

"But, you don't..." Bailey felt Candi pull one of the arms from his waist and swat his butt in a hard spank. "You have a great butt Bailey, mine is of course better. So are we going to talk about our asses, oh even better. August seemed to have a great butt didn't he?" Bailey had let out a surprised "Eeep" when the teen girl acted so brazen, but he really didn't want this embrace to continue.

Candi's perfume and feeling her hold him was having an effect, one that was firmly secured and he really didn't like the topic of talking about another man's ass, so he relented to praise his girlish good looks. "I admit, I'm pretty." Candi smiled at that and resumed holding her friend. "Just pretty?" Scrunching his nose at the thought she was continuing after she won he relented again. "So pretty. Actually!" he said turning around to face Candi with a small smile as he had an idea that should more than distract her.

"I feel pretty, oh so pretty." Bailey sang as he looked Candi in the eye. The song would give the girl what she wanted and he would be able to be free of her embrace. "I feel pretty and witty and bright, and I pity any girl who isn't me tonight!" Candi threw her head back and laughed before looking back to her friend. Stepping back she pointing to herself. "Me?" Bailey gave a playful shrug to the question.

"Well, I feel charming, oh so charming. It's alarming how charming I feel. I'm so pretty that I hardly believe I'm real." The words didn't exactly match the song, but Bailey was more than happy she was playing along. Taking Candi's hands he pulled her forward and then walked behind her to point at the mirror. "See the pretty girls in that mirror there. Who can those attractive girls be? Such pretty faces, such pretty dresses. Such pretty smiles, such pretty us!" The teen girl's thousand watt smile returned and she started to giggle and laugh before looking back to the bed falling backwards, flopping her hands to either side.

It took her a few seconds to compose herself before she sat up and patted the bed next to her. Taking the direction Bailey smoothed his skirt to sit at the edge of the bed next to Candi. "That was fun, and no wonder you said you liked choir in school, you are a great voice." Bailey had forgotten about that part of the cover story, it seemed like forever ago he was sitting in the passenger seat next to Mandy as they discussed the girl he was to be. "It isn't that good." The expression on her face told Bailey that he didn't want to start this conversation over again about self esteem.

"I mean like I am good, but not like Ariana Grande or anything." Candi scooted closer and leaned to the side into Bailey, putting her head on her shoulder. "You don't need to be her, you can be happy being you." Candi knew one of the reasons Bailey had low self esteem was being such a late bloomer and really hoped those vitamins she got her to take would help with that soon, but her not having much of a chest shouldn't stop her from seeing everything else she had going for her.

"Sometimes you are shy, and others you know exactly what to do. Like with boys, you know exactly what you want and how to do it. Like at the water park with that lifeguard. I was shocked you were doing that at first, but like I couldn't help being turned on. When he called you my name, it was like I got to live through you. I felt this rush and felt myself like…" she trailed off for a second and put her hand on top of Bailey's. He could tell she didn't feel comfortable about the subject, but he was also sure he was much more uncomfortable.

"I got you know, like horny and had to touch myself. You didn't though, how come?" Bailey remembered seeing Candi next to him looking spectacular in her bathing suit, her hand down the front rubbing herself. The memory would be enough for him to jerk off to, if it wasn't also tied to a dick being in his face and rubbing on him. He racked his brain to come up with an answer as to why a girl wouldn't try to get off. He always wanted to get off when he saw a sexy girl like Mandy or fuck Candi here.

He gulped when he thought about how wrong it was to be attracted to her, she was only seventeen, but.. She would be eighteen in a few days, that was only a couple years younger, less of a gap than him and Mandy. "Umm like." he tried to stall before it hit him. "Well like I don't need to put my hand down there and touch myself. I got off when he did." He said thinking about the time he got so turned on hearing Mandy's moans and feeling her squirm around him as he went down on her that he came right there on the sheets without being inside of her or touching himself.

"Really!? That is like amazing Bailey! I heard some girls don't even organism when they are umm, having sex." Bailey leaned his head to the side on top of hers as she leaned into him, proud to know that he never had that problem with any of the women he had been with. It did not even occur to him that anyone would ever fake it.

"We all have our gifts." he said happily as he mentally went through the girls he had been with. They stayed like that leaning on each other and holding hands for just over a minute before Candi sat up straight. "So what do you want to do now?" she asked before seeing Bailey's laptop sitting on her night stand.

"Oh, I know we can make a video!" Candi said excitedly as she picked up the device. Before she could open it Bailey put his hand on top of the lid as he remembered the last thing he had open was the porn video Megan had sent him and all he did was close the lid when he was done. "Umm, if I sing another song will you forget about putting me on camera tonight?"

Candi frowned and put her hand on top of Bailey's. "Come on, it will be fun!" Bailey looked around the room quickly to think of what they could do instead. The first thing he saw was the stuffed bear, that didn't help. Then it was the vanity full of makeup and nail polish, that was one option. A very girly one, but she might want to do that on video too. A glance at the shut closet door made Bailey think of all the outfits and did not want to go down the road of some fashion show. Then his eyes fell on the little toy figurines of horses on his dresser and it made him think of things he actually did enjoy doing and he had an idea.

"Umm How about this. My mom's ex left some video games here and we could go play those." Candi put the laptop down on the bed and gave a more reserved smile than the one she had when they were singing, but still one that could captivate most men's hearts. "I would love to play some video games, but on one condition." Her smile seemed to somehow look devious now even though it didn't change, but Bailey didn't care. Not with getting to forgo the world of a teenage girl and back into something he enjoyed.

"Sure, like whatever you want." Scooting forward on the bed, Candi slipped her heels back and pulled Bailey to his own heeled feet. "Whatever I want, dangerous words. You should know better by now, you are either the biggest ditz or you like it when I take charge." She said laughing.

Bailey bit his lip at the uncomfortable idea that he really did stick his foot in his mouth, he really should know better, but she did say something kinda true. He did enjoy a strong woman, at least one that still did what he wanted. "So we are going to have a bet, you pick the game and then when you lose." Bailey already started to move to the door and put his hand on the door knob before cockily cutting his friend off. "Oh, I won't lose. This ditz knows what she is doing and has a plan." Better to lean into the joke than fight it and make it worse he figured and if he acted hurt at the phrase she might want to spend more time consoling her friend and building her up. Opening the door while still looking back to Candi, Bailey stepped into the rest of the apartment and then stopped dead in his tracks, seeing the back of the heads of Mandy and Derrick as they sat on the couch. With a glance back to Candi who motioned back to the room, she obviously didn't want to interrupt the couple. Though he very much did and also didn't want to go back to the alone time with this girl.

"Umm, Mommy. Candi and I were hoping we could play some video games. Is that okay?" Amanda sat up from her position, who was leaning into Derrick. Shifting in the seat to look behind the couch caused Derrick's arm to slip from her shoulders. Bailey had never asked permission to play his video games before and thought it was cute he was going to play with Candi.

"No problem princess, come sit with us." Candi grabbed Bailey's hand with both of hers from behind, causing Bailey to turn with a look of confusion. Candi shook her head and whispered. "Let's leave them alone so the plan will work." It hadn't been lost on Bailey that she wanted to convince her dad to stay, he didn't believe she had the power to do any such thing, but he also didn't want to leave the two alone to cuddle on the couch. So he leaned in close to Candi and smiled.

"I told you I have a plan, and it involves having fun." Candi didn't let go at first and he read the expression on the girl's face as 'Are you sure'. So he nodded and tried to give a reassuring smile while leaning close like he was telling a secret. "I feel charming, oh so charming." he whispered in a sing song melody. It caused Candi to giggle and start to hum the song as she walked past Bailey to go sit on the couch next to Amanda, leaving him the only spot open on the end next to his video game opponent.

"Oh you are in a good mood honey, not often I hear you humming a song. What is that one, it sounds familiar?" Looking past Amanda to her Dad, Candi smiled. "I feel pretty, Daddy." Not getting it he smiled back at his lovely daughter. "You are beautiful and I'm happy you are in such a good mood. Tonight has been really nice I think." Bailey took his seat at the end of the couch while they were about to talk themselves into a circle. The four of them on the couch was a tight fit, but with Candia and Bailey's small frames and the others leaning into one another they all were able to get comfortable. Amanda gave a peck to Derrick's cheek.

"You are sweet, but she is telling you that is the name of the song." Feeling a bit of a fool, Derrick just nodded and tried to pretend he knew all along. "I know that, but it's always nice to build up a young girls confidence. How about you Bailey, do you feel pretty?" Bailey tried to see if he could kill another person with his mind and a look alone. It wasn't working, but it did earn him a light slap on the thigh from Candi. "Stop being embarrassed and tell him." she whispered even though the close proximity allowed the others to hear what she was saying. With a more forced looking smile he looked at the the rest of the couch that sat to his right.

"I do feel pretty, thank you Mr. Connors." he said with a large blush and was unable to meet the man's eyes. He felt small and fragile saying something like in front of the woman he loved. She smiled back at him, but he wasn't sure if it was to reassure him that she appreciated his act or if she was just in agreement.

Wanting, no needing an outlet and escape from how he felt Bailey turned on the tv and went over to the tv and bent down at the waist in a very un-lady like fashion to put a game into one of his systems and pick up some controllers. The dress was not short to reveal the panties underneath, but it was enough for them to get a look at her petticoat. Sitting back down Bailey handed a controller to the green eyed teen next to him. He had a big smile on his face thinking how this was just the ticket to feeling better about today. The screen loaded showing Marvel Vs Capcom. He was going to beat up a girl and not only not feel guilty about, but he was going to feel happy doing so. The only thing that gave him pause was when she said. "Oh, like yay! I love this game!" and wiggled in her seat.

Bailey smiled as he used the controller to move over the Captain America character and selected it. 'Let's see how much you love it after I beat you a few times and then we can hand a control over to your super nice Daddy and I can do the same to him.' The thought was a mix between a mental gloat and a grumble when thinking of Derrick, Bailey really didn't like how nice the guy was to him.

"Going to fight me with a super soldier huh? Oh wait you said he was your favorite hero right!?" Candi said smiling, happy to remember the little detail. "Ahh, yeah. We both grew up small, but he got a super serum to become better. Who wouldn't want to transform like that." Bailey quickly explained. "Well if you are choosing him, I will go with Chun-Li, let's like see if you can keep up."

As the game announced the round to start, Bailey rushed forward with a shield charge, it didn't connect as Candi leaped over the quick assault. Bailey stopped her from capitalizing on his back with a block that transitioned into a grabbing throw. The four on the couch watched on the screen as Captain America tossed Chun-Li and let loose his shield while she was still mid air. It was a good combination, but as Bailey went to get in close to start a combo his longer than normal fingernail caused him to hit the wrong key. Nothing big, but starting the combo with a slower more powerful hit allowed Candi the split second she needed to recover and block and follow up with Chun-Li's spinning bird kick. More blows exchanged, but it was only at the start of the match Bailey landed any decisive blow. The characters reset for the second match and Bailey glanced down at his long red glossy nails and glowered at them. To Candi it just looked like her friend was pouting at the loss.

"That was really good! I thought you almost had me at the beginning, if you were able to trap me in the corner I would have been toast with that throw." Candi said trying to encourage her friend as she bumped her with her shoulder.

The second round Bailey tried to be less aggressive and capitalize on openings and Candi had no problem being the one to start the battle. The conflict was over with only a few second to spare on the timer, Candi was down to a sliver of life, but had finished off Bailey with a hyper combo.

Bailey couldn't believe how good this girl was. How was he losing to some teenage girl? "So much for super serum." Bailey grumbled. "Aww don't be that way, as the older sister it is my job to win." she said, teasing the disguised man.

"We can do best two out of three if you like, you did almost have me. But when you lose, just remember you don't need some super serum to be incredible, you already are amazing." The statement made Bailey want to gag on the sweetness, while on the other end of the couch Derrick was proud of his daughter for helping build her up. Amanda watched as her feminized boyfriend in the match went from sitting with his legs crossed at his ankle to his knee as he was concentrating on the screen in the match. She wondered how much fun he was having playing the game and even letting someone beat him.

The rematch went worse for Bailey, the second round Candi even got a perfect score, with him not landing a single hit. It was just a video game, yet at the start he thought he was going to destroy her and the reverse happening felt emasculating. The idea he was sitting on a couch in a red dress, crossing his stocking covered legs and wearing heels didn't play into it, he was too focused on just being beaten at a game he chose with the sole purpose of winning.

"I win again! That means you lost the bet and I get to choose your outfit for tomorrow night!" The young girl explained happily. "We like totally didn't say that for the bet!" Bailey whined, as he imagined showing up to dinner the following evening in some Jessica Rabbit looking gown.

"If you don't set what you win and still accept the bet, then it is your fault." she said, giving a large grin to Bailey, who only shook his head. "Oh umm, I can't. Umm like I already sorta know what I want to wear." He really had no idea, but Megan was clear on how he was to dress the following night and it looked like it couldn't wait till the guests were gone. "Umm, Mommy I wanted you to help me for tomorrow night so we could match."

Amanda smiled broadly as the idea of her daughter, even her pretend one wanting to have mother daughter matching outfits filled her with such happiness. "I would love to do that with you honey, but we believe in honoring our words here. So you will have to follow through with your deal." Candi bounced to her heeled feet so she could see both Bailey and Amanda.

"No, you should like totally do that. It will be like sooo cute!" Her focus then shifted to just Bailey. "You can pay up on the bet another time." Wearing matching outfits to his girlfriend and having to ask her to do so in front of others wasn't exactly a happy moment, but knowing this pushy girl wouldn't get her way brought a genuine smile to his face.

"Like fer sure, I can't wait." Bailey did his best to keep his eyes from rolling. "Now sit and like let me beat you." He was thinking about what character he can try to overcome the girl as he demanded a rematch, while the others heard Bailey happily looking forward to playing dress up before whining about not winning. Candi sat back down, all too happy to play another round. "I won't let you do anything, you will have to earn it, but now the bet is double or nothing."

The next round Bailey chose the Hulk, so he could have the biggest and strongest character to crush Chun-Li. He wasn't fast, but he had a few attacks that couldn't be interrupted. Candi moved her character select over to Captain Marvel, thinking it was only fair to change characters too. The first match had Bailey come out as the victor. "Got you, one more now!" The good feelings of redemption didn't last as the second match and then the third ended with the big green character laying on the ground.

"Fuck, I thought I had you." Bailey said, clenching his jaw in a way that made it look like he was pouting. "Bailey Ann Best, that is not appropriate language." Amanda said sterning to the feminized man. Bailey looked to the blue eyed blonde woman slack jawed before it dawned on him why she said such a thing.

"Oh, umm I'm sorry Mommy, I just..." Bailey said as he motioned to the tv screen as if the motion completed the sentence. Derrick laughed, not at Bailey but the situation. "Don't worry about it Bailey, we all get flustered from time to time, but how about you pass the controller over. You might feel better knowing Candace beats up on boys too."

Sheepishly, Bailey passed the controller over to the man that was trying to win over the woman he loved, all while acting as a supporting figure to who he believed was her daughter. Mandy calling out the false name in that motherly stern tone had cut into him. Reminding him of when his own mother did the same, the tone said he was to stop what he was doing and she was disappointed she had to do it at all. He wasn't sure why, but Bailey had to fight back a wave of emotions that brought tears to his eyes.

Looking down at his hands, his dainty looking red nailed hands the desire to cry didn't go away. His thoughts were interrupted when Candi leaned into him. "Aww, don't feel bad sis. I have had a lot of practice playing games when Daddy drags me along on his trips and leaves me alone. Now cheer up and watch me beat him!" she said before pulling Bailey in for a side hug. Before the embrace ended Candi whispered. "The super cute pout won't get you out of losing the bet though."

Derrick picked Mega Man to fight Candi's Captain Marvel and while he didn't do a bad job he was no match for his daughter. Bailey wanted to go back to his room, but the idea of seeing Derrick taken down a peg was enough motivation to stay even if he was still unhappy. Crossing his arms, Bailey went to continue his sulking when the movement caused him to pause. When he crossed his arms under the too ample fake bosom he had glued to his chest he felt a little pain as the breasts moved up over his arms. His mind went to the swelling and how it must be irritated, just another terrible thing to add to the pile for the day.

"Did you see that, did you see how I got him!?" Looking at Candi and then the screen, Bailey realized he did miss it and shook his head. "Darn, it's okay, but now it's your Mom's turn." she said leaning to her other side and into Amanda. "You want to play with my Daddy?" Amanda took the controller and gave a half smile to the green eyed girl.

"This will not be pretty, I have never played this game before." Candi went to say something encouraging to the older woman when her Dad beat her to it. "You are more than pretty Mandy, you are beautiful." For her part Amanda just gave him a side eye and pointed to the screen.

"The thought is appreciated, but you know the topic was my ability in a game." Derrick's grin didn't waver as he looked at Amanda. "I will never pass up the opportunity to try to make you smile."

Bailey told her she was pretty or sexy, it wasn't as if she had low self esteem, but something about this man really did make her want to smile. It seemed much of the time, like now she couldn't help herself when he talked to her. "Feel free to admire me while I try to do what Candi did. Oh! This is that character from the Gaurdian's move, I love the Racoon!" Amanda said excitedly as she found the character she wanted to try.

The two adults played a few matches, it was clear Derrick was giving her time to play around and figure out the character and while doing so she even beat him one match. With that victory she got excited and looked to her left at the girls. "Did you see that, I beat him! Now I just need to do it again." While no other victory came to her, Amanda stayed just as engaged in the little fighting game and the banter between her and the man at her side.

Watching all of this Bailey sat sullenly, none of this had gone to plan. He didn't get to win and picking a fighting game was going to be a sure fire way to keep Mandy from having fun, and yet she was laughing in amusement. Candi reached over and pulled Bailey's hand into hers as she whispered to her friend. "You were so right! You lost the battle with me, but looking at our parents I think you are helping win the war."

With a glance around the blonde girl Bailey could see Mandy lean into Derrick to push him into the arm of the couch so she could distract him and try to win the match. The sight of her getting into a game he couldn't even get her to try before just darkened his mood. He looked back to Candi and thought how close he was to this being over. No more dresses and heels, no more taking forever to apply makeup and best of all no more Derrick flirting with his girlfriend.

Bailey considered telling the teenager how none of this mattered, but considered all he went through today. He really didn't want Megan showing up tomorrow to make him clean himself out or well anything really, he just really didn't want to hear from that woman, so instead he kept playing this horrible role. "Like I said, this ditz has plans." he said while thinking about the simple plan of fucking his girlfriend tomorrow night after they all went to dinner.

He wished he could do that to her now with how she was dressed, but knew that wouldn't be happening. Hearing a dinging sound Candi got up from the couch. "Be right back, I forgot my phone in your bedroom."

Candi didn't walk like she was trying to get a man's attention, but when she tried to move quickly in her red heels it certainly got Baileys. When she came back Candi didn't sit gently and smooth her skirt out, she just plopped down and handed Bailey his phone. "Wasn't mine, think it was yours." Even the sight of his red painted nails gripping Mandy's old phone case was bothering him tonight and he hoped it was some text about voting or other spam instead of August.

Last thing he needed was this girl to try and play matchmaker. Typing in the code to get into the phone Bailey saw the message and it was worse than August flirting with him. The message was from Megan, it showed an image of him all dolled up, with curlers in his hair, wearing the frilly apron while he vacuumed. The message read "I loved this shot and thought you would too."

"Oh my god, look at you!" Candi said leaning into Bailey. "Can I see that!?" She had already seen the image of him being the little Suzy homemaker, letting her get a closer look wasn't going to make this worse, so he handed the phone over to the excited girl. "Aunt Megan was right to love this photo. Amanda, did you see this?" she said turning the phone to the older woman.

Derrick paused the game as their attention was drawn to the phone and the image on it. "That is precious, send that to me please." The image made Amanda happy, Bailey had said more than once that cleaning was woman's work. She of course didn't let that stand, but getting him to help around the apartment was like giving a cat a bath at times. Yet here was a photo of him doing his best to play the part of her loving daughter cleaning up the place while trying to look her best for the night.

Bailey watched Mandy's face light up and realized he was wrong, he was very wrong. Letting Candi have his phone made things worse. The sight of his girlfriend cooing over that photo made him feel like a girl had just said "Does it get bigger?" about his penis, it was just that emasculating when he combined it with everything else had been through today.

When the blonde girl handed the phone back she had already sent the image off to herself and Mandy. Emotions were trying to bubble up, but he was able to push through it as he imagined what he would do to Megan, or what he would like to do to her if he could. For now, he just responded to the text wondering if she really was a witch. The woman had left him alone all day after she left, but just a few minutes after he thought of her she was back at it. He wrote back to her to thank her and try to keep this from happening again.

Bailey: Wow, I like didn't know you took that photo. I do love it, but I'm like not looking my best.

Aunt Megan: You are photogenic and I just knew you would love it.

Bailey: Aww, you are like too kind Aunty, but like could you make sure I'm ready for the day before you take photos of me. It takes forever to get may hair this way and I don't want people seeing me in curlers.

Aunt Megan: Candid shots can be best, but I will see what I can do. No promises.

Tapping the power button to darken the screen, Bailey felt like he lost another battle. This one was a long shot, but at least she didn't take any photos of him baking with flour all over him or something like that. A photo like that and this sounded exactly what a trendy white girl would post on pinterest and that was a can of worms he didn't want to open. He had one more day like this and didn't want to spend it favoriting girly crap on the web site.

All too soon for most of the four it was time to call it a night. Candi was sad to go as she gave Bailey a hug. "Tonight went perfectly, you gave us a home cooked meal and got the adults to loosen up. The next time you don't feel smart, just remember tonight was all you and I couldn't be happier to have been part of it." That hug ended and he lost track of what the girl was doing when her Dad gave him his own hug that lingered longer than he would have liked. With one last squeeze he pulled back and smiled.

"Tonight was wonderful, if you need anything or want to talk just let me know. Have a good night princess." Bailey stood there watching as he walked over to Mandy and gave her a kiss on the cheek and took her hand in his own. Candi gave Bailey a little wave as the Conners left with his girlfriend in tow. "Be right back honey, just going to say good night." Amanda said as the door closed behind her.

Moving to a window, Bailey watched the group as best he could with the light from the street lamps. He saw Candi get in the driver's seat of the vehicle, while Mandy's arms wrapped around Derrick's neck as he pulled her close in an embrace. He couldn't see their lips locking from his vantage, but it was clear what the two were doing with the embrace lasting over a minute. Disgusted with the scene, Bailey went back to his room and took a seat at his Vanity to remove his red shoes from his sore feet and wait. With a glance in the mirror Bailey pushed a strand of hair behind his ear and blew out some air as he gazed at the vision in front of him.

"One more day, just one more day and I can be a man again." he said to himself, while thinking how wrong it was to be attracted to the girl in the mirror.

Bailey heard the apartment door close as his girlfriend came inside and ignored it and just kept looking down at the little pink book he was currently writing inside with a purple inked pen. Inside he was writing about the events of the day from the perspective of the teen girl he kept seeing in the mirror. He saw Mandy come to his open door, but didn't look up from what he was doing. Bailey didn't know if he was more angry or sad that she would cheat on him like that. She was making out with another man right where he could see her.

"Baby, it is time to get ready for bed." Amanda said sweetly as she watched the dolled up girl writing in a little book. When Bailey gave no answer she stepped into the room and repeated herself. "Baby, time to get ready for bed." Now inside the room she was able to get a better look at what Bailey was doing. "What are you writing in that book?"

With her being so close to him Bailey quickly flipped his diary closed, afraid she would read over his shoulder and could no longer ignore her. Standing up Bailey looked her in the eye, he wasn't sure if Mandy was able to read the emotions that were brewing within. "I'm not a baby!" he snapped at her before adding "And the book doesn't matter." then stepped closer to bed and opened his night stand drawer to toss the book inside. As fast as he could, Bailey closed the drawer to hide the contents he saw within. He wasn't sure when she had done it, but inside the nightstand was the dildo Megan had made him use and a small bottle of lube. For Amanda it was easy to forget who this girl was in front of her, she was very much reacting like a teen girl not wanting to be called a baby or child. To her, Bailey looked like she was hurt and then tried to hide her diary. The expression changed when Bailey looked back at her after hiding her book, it was a look of worry.

Amanda moved over to Bailey and pulled the smaller person into her arms. With Bailey removing the heels and Amanda still wearing her own, she towered over Bailey. "I know you are not a baby, you are a young woman. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings after all you did for me today." Bailey wasn't sure why Mandy would say that. Was she fucking with him? Did she no longer see him as a man anymore? He was ready to push her away, when he remembered just a few nights ago when he asked her to spank him and help to keep him acting in character.

Bailey could swear he felt the phantom pain of Megan's slap to his face and Mandy's slap to the ass all at once. Pulling back from the hug Amanda pressed the knuckle of her index finger under Bailey's chin so he would look up at her. She expected him to balk at the remark, but instead she only had a partial shy smile. "Good, I'm glad you can see that." Bailey replied to the woman before him, doing his best to not let the desire to cry as he played the part of the daughter.

"Thank you, for like umm being a good Mom." Bailey said stepping away from Mandy looking to the ground to avoid eye contact. "Could you umm, help me?" he said as he turned his back to Mandy and moved his hair out of the way of the button at the top of the dress and zipper. Amanda was more than happy to help, compliments like that made her feel so happy and it made her wonder how much Bailey was enjoying the chance to live as a teen girl. She thought it might have something to do with not having to worry about things, as a teen she didn't need to consider the bills or how tight money was. Didn't have to have the stress of searching for a job or the constant disappointment of rejection. Being a girl probably wasn't ideal, but without those worries she saw someone flourishing. While all those thoughts and more went through Amanda's mind, she helped Bailey out of her dress and corset.

Soon Amanda could see Bailey removing her makeup, as she stood behind Bailey, humming and brushing her hair. When she was done Amanda knelt down and hugged Bailey from behind as she pressed their cheeks together as she looked into the mirror.

"You said you wanted to match my outfit for tomorrow night right? How about you help me pick out what I will wear tomorrow, does that sound like fun?" Sitting there in a green babydoll nightie Bailey smiled, the type that touches your eyes with excitement or joy.

"I get to pick out what you will wear for dinner tomorrow night?" It took a lot of control for Bailey to not try and kiss Mandy or push her down on the bed as she helped him get undressed. She still looked incredible, and a large part of him wanted to show her, remind her who he was and how he could make her feel. That couldn't happen though, but her letting him pick out her outfit wasn't something she was inclined to do. His mind ran through some of the really sexy outfits she had in the closet, that he would love to unwrap her from after dinner, like a present to himself for going through the week. Another option was to pick something conservative so Derrick didn't get to look at her, after all she would be naked with him after the dinner either way.

"Of course you can help pick, you are already borrowing my clothes. Why would I not want your opinion on what looks good, you have always had a good fashion sense."

After finishing up Bailey found himself sitting at the edge of bed he once slept in, feet dangling off the side and crossed at the ankles as Mandy pulled dress after dress out. He expected he could just look through it and choose what she would wear, but she was pulling out the dresses and holding them to her and asking what Bailey thought. Mandy didn't just want a yes or no, she wanted to discuss the outfits and what could go with them. This went from something quick, to something long and drawn out. Not just that, but he wasn't enjoying his girlfriend treating him like he was some girl fashionista.

Some of the outfits Bailey would get lost in thought as he imagined Mandy in them and what he would do to her, with her in it. The thoughts could never go on long, with Mandy practically demanding his attention.

"Okay, now focus honey. I have narrowed it down to these two dresses. What do you think?" Bailey looked at the two options, neither of them were what he wanted her to wear for Derrick, but very much for him. One was a dark green shoulderless dress, the skirt was long enough that Amanda would have no choice but to wear tall heels to not drag it on the floor. The thing had a long slit up one leg that she would have to be careful with or give someone a look at her panties. The other was a black dress that had one shoulder, a deep neckline that would show off plenty of cleavage and a skirt that would stop at the top of her calves, and a slit by one leg that went up to mid thigh. "Just those two, what about that lacy black dress with the sheer sleeves?" Bailey tried to counter.

Amanda frowned at Bailey. "The one I wore to your Dad's funeral? No that is not even close to being right for tomorrow night, we…" Bailey was a little worried she caught on to him wanting her to look much more conservative and why for a second before the little frown turned into a smile.

"Okay you had your fun, now stop teasing and help me pick." The black dress wouldn't be considered conservative by anyone who saw Mandy in it, but it was less revealing than the other. With a sigh Bailey pointed a red nailed finger to the black dress.

"Little black dress is a classic for a reason, maybe add some color with accessories." Bailey fell backwards onto the bed, thinking it was a false hope anyways to get his pick of what she wore. At least he was able to keep her from wearing that green one. He remembered her getting it for a Christmas party for the office that never happened and how upset she was after spending the money. She even asked him if it was okay if she didn't return it even though they could use the money and it no longer had a purpose. He had told her to keep it and to think of it as an early Christmas gift from the both of them to her. He would find something else for her to wear that gown to, but out with Derrick was not going to be one of them.

Laying on his back Bailey reached up and cupped one of the breasts that were weighing down his chest. Laying like this reminded him how sore they felt right now. "What do you think of this?" Putting his elbows on the bed and sitting up a little Bailey looked over at Mandy, who was holding up a pair of glossy red open toed pumps and some hoop earrings that were red on the outer rim and gold on the inside. Laying back down he rested his right arm over his eyes. It was getting late, he felt drained after the horrible day and didn't want to give fashion advice.

"That looks really good, I love the red, but maybe just a gold necklace too." he said while trying to fight off a yawn. A moment later he felt the bed move as Mandy climbed onto it next to him.

Amanda got onto the bed and pulled some of the pillows down to them and propped Bailey up. "Okay, we got my outfit, time to find something for you that can be delivered the next day. Ready to do some virtual shopping?" Bailey wasn't sure where her energy was coming from, but Mandy was down right up beat.

"What girl doesn't like shopping." Bailey said shifting so he could look at the screen of Mandy's phone. Forty minutes later Bailey was groaning internally at the excitement his girlfriend had for just purchasing him a new dress. The selected black dress was too short, too tight and the neckline plunged way too much. Something he would rather see someone other than him in and then because Mandy wanted them to match she orders a thin leather red belt that had some little flowers for a buckle.

"I liked that other dress, too bad it was out of our price range." Amanda said, giving the sleepy Bailey a hug. "This was fun, now I think it is past both of our bed times. Tomorrow should be a light day for you honey. Some laundry and clean your room, I noticed you did not make your bed today. I expect that to be corrected tomorrow and get your clothes in the wash. Other than that you are free to spend Friday however you want, so long as you are ready to go for dinner on time." Returning the hug weakly, Bailey slid off the bed and partially mumbled.

"Good night Mom." Amanda smiled at the half a sleep Bailey and called back to the feminized man. "Mom?" She inquired, getting more and more surprised how well Bailey was taking the role. Turning around with half closed eyes Bailey gave a half smile and a partial wave. "Sorry. Good night Mommy." he corrected before heading back to his room to curl up under the blankets.

Walking back through the apartment, turning off the lights as she goes Amanda stopped at Bailey's closed bedroom door. Opening it up a crack she could see Bailey already fast asleep under the covers. "Love you too Bailey." She whispered for closing the door as silently as she could to not disturb her slumbering daughter.

Bailey slowly woke as sunlight streamed into the quiet and empty apartment. Sitting up on the side of the bed and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Bailey glared at his long red nails that made his hands seem feminine before making his way into the kitchen. Bailey began by going to the fridge. He'd had enough of this silly diet that had been forced upon him. He was quickly frustrated however as he began searching the fridge and cabinet, finding a definite lack of food.

"Damn it Mandy!" He cursed seeing that his girlfriend had failed to do any grocery shopping. Here she had been tossing all these chores at him, like some child and forcing him to do all this woman's work and she couldn't even be bothered to buy a box of cereal. They had talked in the past about him doing more around the house, but this was way too far.

"Tomorrow Mandy there are going to be some changes around here! Dang woman needs to remember her place." With no other real choice he grabbed one of the disgusting kale smoothies and began drinking it as he headed back into his bedroom. The cold air washed over Bailey as he pulled the cold drink from the fridge and he gave a shiver, that reminded him of the breasts on his chest and the sexy night time ware.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed Bailey crossed his legs without thought and let out a sigh as he finished the horrible drink. Looking around he tried to calm his emotions and think more clearly, something that seemed harder to do as each day had seen him more and more humiliated. A week ago things were great, Mandy cleaned the house, he took out the trash and made sure all the bills were paid. Money was tight and with his budget they were doing okay, he even had enough to hire someone for fun every so often. That last one he would have to put on hold for a while, till the witch stopped snooping around and showing up.

"Ok Bailey, just one last day and then the nightmare is over. You will have the woman you love and the friendly Connors will be gone." Looking over to the clock and seeing it said 9 am he decided he should get on with his day. Mandy had told him the only chores for today were to make his bed and do his own laundry. Starting with the bed he quickly had the comfortable, but girly thing straightened up. Looking over to the hamper his emotions flared again.

The hamper had clothes spilling out, he decided he had enough of all these chores. With a glance down at all the girly outfits and lacy panties in the hamper that he had been forced to wear this week he decided they could wait. As far as he was concerned all those clothes could be burned tomorrow, and fuck paying Megan back for them. He sure wasn't going to be wearing any of it again so who cares if they got washed or not. If it was so important that they be washed then Mandy could do it herself. The thought of the older Best sister made Bailey go to the living room and look out the window to see if he saw her SUV, as the paranoia seeped in.

That done, he moved on to finding something to wear today. He had tried dressing girly to avoid issues but it always seemed to bite him in the butt so he went hunting. Finally in the bottom drawer he found what he was searching for… pants or at least the closest thing that bitch Megan had let him get. He quickly tossed the gray workout legging over his shoulder. He was tired of all these girly clothes. If he had to be a girl for one last day though he would have pants at least. Knowing that Megan might still drop by at any second thought it best to stay in character so he grabbed a sports bra next. Grimacing, he reluctantly grabbed the least revealing one he could find.

He hated the pink color but it at least looked like it would cover him and these ridiculous tits he was stuck with, and no one would see him in it. Finally he moved over to the underwear draw and began searching for a pair of panties to wear. He was so tired of all the thongs riding up his ass. While the few pairs of boyshorts he had would cover him more they were all lacy affairs that he couldn't stand. At last as he was about to lose hope he found a pair of pink hipster panties that while girly were simple cotton and would cover his entire butt. Sighing again at his misfortune he saw that the panties did however have the words 'Pink' emblazoned on the butt. He didn't like the idea of advertising on his ass but at least no one else would be seeing him in these either. With his new clothes in hand he made his way to the bathroom.

As he walked past his vanity he saw his phone go off with a text from Candi.

Candi: Goooooood Morning!

Candi: How do you sleep in so much, its like almost 9!

Candi: Hey girl what are you upto? You awake yet? I'm so bored.

Bailey: Nothing really just relaxing till Mommy gets home and we get pretty for dinner with you and your Daddy!

Bailey: It like sucks that I can't like see you till tonight, but I bet you would like totally have fun making another video for youtube. Maybe that can help.

Bailey quickly responded, just trying to put the girl off so he could get in the shower. At least August hasn't messaged him. "Hurray for small miracles." Setting his phone back down on the table he then entered the bathroom. Turning on the hot water he happily stripped off the last babydoll he would ever wear and tossed it and his panties in the overflowing hamper, then peeled off the tuck kit. "Oh my god, I need to remember to like take that off before I go to bed. Totally weird what you get used to." he said before quickly jumping in the shower. He let the steaming hot water wash over him but quickly stepped back as the water made contact with his chest.

He normally enjoyed a hot shower but today when the water hit his chest he was met with an overly sensitive and almost painful sensation. Reaching up he cupped the fake breasts and noted how the skin underneath seemed more sore and sensitive today. Concern filled him as he recalled how swollen his chest had been yesterday. That stupid glue must be causing an allergic reaction. He needed to get these things off as soon as he could. He would have to make sure he and Mandy stopped by Megan's for the solvent after dinner tonight. Careful to avoid letting the full force of the water hit his sore chest he soon finished washing and exited the steamy shower.

Bailey patted himself dry and added the moisturizer to his skin as he was told to do before wrapping his hair in a towel to dry. With that done he set about getting dressed. First applying a new tuck kit securely hiding any telling bulge before sliding the panties up his legs and into place. While the pink garment fit snuggly it did at least fully cover his ass. He decided the bra should be next. While he didn't like the idea of having to wear a bra he preferred to keep his new found tits covered. It was just too weird seeing them flopping around on his chest. After a minute of struggling he pulled the bra in place and was happily surprised. All the bras he had worn this week seemed to boost and put his breasts on display.

This bra however while still showing more cleavage than he liked actually compressed his chest making them feel smaller and more secure. With that in place he moved on to the first pair of pants he had gotten all week. He began pulling them up his legs, remarking on how soft they were on his shaved legs and got them fully up before being stopped at his ass. While the stretchy soft material now clung to his legs he was meeting an unexpected resistance as he tried to pull them up the rest of the way. Grabbing a firmer hold on the waist band he gave one final yank managing to finally pull the garment into place the band snapping quickly into place at his waist.

Momentary relief filled him as he rejoiced at his accomplishment. Feeling like he was finally regaining a little of his hurt male pride. Until he looked in the mirror… what he saw in the mirror destroyed any joy he was feeling instantly. The pants he thought would be more masculine were nothing of the sort. The elastic material clung to him like a second skin but hid all his flaws. Making his legs appear smooth and feminine while the waistband compressed his stomach down to a flat girly tummy. Worst of all though was his butt. The pants hugged and lifted in such a way that put his ass on full attention. There was nothing manly about the reflection he saw in the mirror. A hot little teen gym bunny was all that greeted him now. Wanting to be angry but instead feeling tears welling up in his eyes he quickly ran from the bathroom trying to get his feeling under control.

As he entered the bedroom throwing the still damp towel off his hair and back into the bathroom he came to rest sitting at the vanity. Fighting back tears Bailey looked down at his phone as it dinged from a text from Mandy.

Mommy: Hi sweetheart. I hope your having a nice morning. Just wanted to remind you to keep an eye out for your new dress to be delivered. The tracking says it will be there in the next hour.

Mommy: Love you, have a good day.

Setting the phone back down Bailey ignored the other messages from Candi, she could wait as he tried to manage and push the turbulent emotions back down. Looking at the vanity he knew he had to take care of his hair and makeup. While he felt isolated here at home that text had reminded him that the rest of the world was still spinning and the last thing he wanted was for Megan to make another pop-up appearance and find some new reason to torment him. So he set to work applying his makeup. Trying for a lighter look but going a little overboard for a girl just working out. He ended up with a more casual look like he had worn to the mall the other day.

Moving on he brushed out his slightly damp hair which still held a little of yesterday's curl before gathering it up into a high ponytail. Running the brush through his hair caused him to relax as he thought about how Mandy did this to him the last few nights and it was maybe the only good thing that had been happening this week. Once he was sure his appearance would pass a surprise inspection he went and pulled out his diary. Mandy had interrupted him writing in it last night and he needed to finish the entry just in case Megan showed up. Opening the night stand door Bailey pulled out the pink book and did his best to avoid eye contact with the dildo left there to surprise him.

Just as he was about to finish writing about her and her loving Mommy were dress shopping online together and adding a little heart shaped exclamation point. He was startled by a sudden knock at the door. Jumping a little he made his way to the door expecting the delivery guy with the dress. Only to find Candi standing in the doorway with a smile on her face dressed in a simple but cute one shoulder white top and an honest to God pair of jeans that Bailey was incredibly jealous of with a backpack over her shoulder. A shocked Bailey just moved aside to let the girl in.

"Girl you have got to pay better attention to your phones, I sent you like a ton of texts before I came over. You said you weren't busy so I figure we could spend the day together since I have to go home tomorrow. That outfit looks amazing on you, wait did I come at a bad time?" Said Candi as she came in and gave Bailey a hug.

Bailey returned the green eyed girls hug and shut the door behind her as she walked past Bailey. "Oh like totally that's a super idea to come over, I was just about to go work out but I would much rather hang out with my bestie!" responded Bailey as he tried to gather himself and give a reason why he was dressed the way he was. The excuse gave him a moment to recover from the sudden surprise of finding the pretty blonde at the door.

"Ok awesome. I thought maybe we could make some more YouTube videos. My fans just loved you and keep asking if you're going to be on again." Said Candi as she grabbed Bailey by the hand and led him back into the bedroom.

Dear diary

okay so like primo update! Aunty megan came over again to help me of course cause shes the best and I would just be so lost with out her. K so like after I was all ready and did my chores aunt megan had a HUGE surprise for me!

She taught me how to bake a pie! I like never baked anything before and I was so scared I was gonna screw it up but she said I fer sure wouldnt screw up cause were best women hehe. But like the recipe was like something her grandma taught her and like she said I did better than she did when she taught her. But like I can't believe that because aunty is like fer sure the best.

But the smell was just heavenly it was so hard not to just grab a slice right then and there but thankfully she was there to help me again. Besides if I pig out I would probably bust right out of my corset. Before she left she said like she had a date I wonder if it was that totally cute guy the other day???!!!

So mommy came home and she said I looked totally cute in her dress I borrowed from her ^^ but I was back in the kitchen again cause like we had to start dinner lol

And OMG mommy looked so pretty tonight. I hope I can be as pretty as her one day.

Candi and her daddy came over just in time. And she had just the cutest long sleeve white top and red pleated skirt and matching heels that were sooooo cute. She really has a great eye for fashion.

Her daddy asked if I was okay with... everything that happened yesterday…. he's so nice. He even held my chair out for me when we were ready for dinner. And he even asked mommy if I could have a glass of wine at dinner since I promised him the first slice of pie.

Candi really loved dinner and she wants to do a video about it and have mommy teach her how to cook. I think she really misses her mom...I know I miss daddy.

After dinner candi's daddy said he loved my pie! He even said Id like make a good wife one day but like I dont even have a boyfriend yet! August hasn't even tried to like call or text so hes prob like moved on. His loss. I dont care how cute his butt is!! But I was like totally shocked cause like I have never been good at baking but I guess aunty must just be a awesome teacher!

And like I dont think he was just saying it cause he like likes mommy because everyone else said it was totally awesome too!

After dinner me and Candi went into my room so mommy and dadd herdaddy could have some private time. To like kiss and stuff! Cause we like so totally caught them when we came back! Andimlikesohappyformommy!

We all played games together and me and candi had a bet and like I thought I was good but candi was totally better than me! I was like "waa ill totally have the upper hand!" And she was like "lol dream on!" I couldnt even beat her as captain america or hulk! Twice!! Ugh

Mr connors played after me and I felt a little better that she beat him to...boys are usually better at video games.

Mommy and Mr Connors even played after candi kicked his butt too. I was like blown away that mommy wanted to play cause when I asked before shed say she was busy with work or like just didnt think she would enjoy them. I think it's cuz candis daddy

Oh and like while they were playing aunty megan sent this like totally cute pic to me!

And O! M! G! Candi is such an amazing singer! She has such a beautiful voice im like so jealous. Its too bad she's going home soon or we could practice together and maybe even do a video on it! But she wont be...im gonna miss my big sister when she leaves. : (

I only have one more day to spend time with candi and like I know im gonna cry so so so much but I think mommy is gonna miss dad Mr Connors and im gonna miss him to. Hes like really nice its hard n

Mommy came in and helped me get ready for bed and then she said since we were going to match today I could totally help her pick out a dress! So yeah like of course shed obvi come to me. I love mommy but she would be so lost without my help to keep her up to date with the latest fashions and trends.

We narrowed it down too a super long green strapless dress with a slit running up one side starting at the ankle and stopping at her hip. I could like totes rock something like that and have every guys eyes on me but like that one was to long for mommy and shed have to wear heels that were super tall just to keep it off the floor and then shed probably fall and get hurt and I care about mommy too much to let her risk that. So we chose a classic LBD. Little. Black. Dress. Hehe its beautiful knee length single strap dress that was just beautiful on mommy. It didn't have a slit as long as the other one but im sure mommy wont mind.

After we got mommy settled on her dress it was my turn. I don't have anything like that so you know what that means? Shopping! :)

Ok I think my new dress is here ^^

Ttfn <3

Bailey groaned inwardly as he let himself be dragged back into his bedroom. 'Why me, what did I do to deserve this.' He could hear the teen girl talking, but he wasn't listening as he mentally complained. All he wanted was a little peace and quiet but it seemed the world or namely this strong willed teen girl had other things in mind. He briefly checked out Candi's rear before shaking his head and trying to be mentaly firm on that not being appropriate.

"Ok, so your outfit gives me like a super cute idea. Let's do a makeover video!" Candi let go of Bailey's hand and turned to look at her friend just before they made it into the room.

"You sure you don't like mind me interrupting your workout and yoga time?" Bailey glanced down at how he was dressed before looking back at the girl and shaking his head wide eyed as he contemplated her following him to the apartment's gym and watching him pretend to know yoga or do whatever workout routine a girl was supposed to do. "You know you don't always have to drop what you want and do want I want, but… You know I love getting my way." She said with a giggle and a bouncing of excitement.

"Now the plan is we can take you from girl just home from the gym to a girl ready to shop and prowl for cute guys at the mall. I can do your hair and makeup and then pick out just the right outfit!" Candi paused to see look on Bailey's face and when she didn't see the look of excitement that mirrored her own she begged. "Please say yes this will be so much fun, I promise! If I get Daddy to stay or come back to visit I super promise we can go to the gym together." Pleaded Candi as the girls sat down on the bed together.

Bailey wanted no part in any of what she said and especially didn't want to be paraded online again, but he couldn't think of a good reason to say no. Like any male when a pretty girl looked him in the eye, pouted while touching his shoulder it was hard to think. As close as they were sitting it would be easy to lean over and press his lips onto the pouting girls mouth, the intimate thought made him wish had taken the pills this morning. Plus this sweet girl was innocent in all of this.

Candi had been nothing but kind and friendly all week, like when she held Bailey as he cried about his dad. His current situation wasn't her fault. No, that blame lay solidly at the feet of the ever nosey bitch Megan. So if this was how Candi wanted to spend the last day she would ever see or hear from her new friend then so be it. Bailey steeled himself as he decide to just go along with Candi's wishes. Besides any video they made wouldn't matter after girl Bailey stopped existing tomorrow and as long as he really played up his girl persona know would ever connect his normal male self to any videos of a teen girl on YouTube.

"Like that sounds like a totes awesome, I was just thinking about the rest of my plans. Spending the day with my sister sounds so much better!" Bailey said smiling as he popped back up to his bare feet. "You like get the camera ready and stuff. I'll be right back, just need to run to the little girls room." Giggled Bailey as he moved out of the room to take care of the problem and mentally kick himself for giggling like some girl whenever she was around. He wasn't sure if he started to do the girly giggle to sell the act or he picked it up from her and he really hoped he got it out of his system before he had to go out in public and meet his friends after this was over.

"Okay girl. Oh and don't think I like didn't notice our makeup. It's looks good I'm glad you paid attention to some of the pointers I gave you. It like totally makes sense that you're the kinda girl who where's makeup to the gym. I mean you never know what cute hunk you might run into." Giggled Candi as Bailey, now red faced entered the bathroom.

"Oh and go ahead and wash off your makeup while you're in there so I have a fresh canvas to work with." Candi Yelled as the door shut. Bailey grimaced into the mirror as he reached into the drawer and grabbed several of the pills Megan and Candi had given him. If he was going to be around this girl all day and have enough energy to keep up he was going to need these. Quickly filling a paper cup at the sink he downed the pills before. "Oh My God, is this a Diary!?" Candi yelled from in the bedroom as she saw the pink book open on the vanity, where Bailey left it in mid sentence.

"I don't want to pry, but this is so cute, can I read it?" He heard Candi trying to ask him something but couldn't make it out through the door and the running water. Figuring there was no use denying the girl as she had a way of always getting her way anyways he just shouted back. "Like whatever girl go ahead."

Bailey then moved on to carefully untuck himself and relieve his bladder. Then reapplying the tuck kit before fighting the frustratingly tight leggings back over his butt. Then going to wash his hands before setting to work removing the makeup he had just applied. While using one of the makeup wipes something occurred to Bailey. What if she was looking through his drawers and saw the dildo and lube, or going through is laptop. Shutting off the water, Bailey quickly moved to the bedroom and saw that Candi had the tripod and camera ready to go, but was then met with a sight that stopped him cold. Sitting at the vanity with makeup set out and ready Candi was turning through a familiar pink book and giggling to herself before looking up at Bailey.

"Hey so like it's super sweet that you trust me to read your diary. I'm sorry, I know I can be nosy, but I love reading about you and how you see everything. Like I thought you enjoyed how much you've enjoyed our week together as sisters, but seeing it written in your own hand is amazing." Candi said as she got up and gave Bailey another hug.

Thinking quickly, Bailey hugged her back as he heard her sniffle a little. The last thing he wanted was anyone reading that book but maybe if he down played it she would just move on. "Oh its like no biggie it's not really private or anything its just a fun way of expressing how my days go. It was like Auntie Megan's idea. It's like totes fun to write in but I think it's a little old fashioned. Oh don't tell her I said that." Bailey said, giggling and inwardly enjoying his slight jab at Megan's age. Pulling back Candi wiped a tear from her eyes as she smiled at Bailey. Understanding dawned on Candi's face as well as a spark of something else that Bailey missed. "I totally get you girl its like an old school vlog. I tried a vlog once but I always ran out of things to say. You seem to be like really good at expressing yourself though." Praised Candi.

"Aww like thanks that is like super sweet of you to say, but why don't we like get this video going." Bailey said trying to get this uncomfortable moment over with so they could move past the subject of the stupid book. Candi scooted over on the small vanity bench seat so she was only half sitting on it, she patted the cushion next to her. Sitting down next to the happy girl, Bailey smiled in the mirror at her. Putting her arm around Bailey's shoulder, Candi look into the mirror at the two blonde, green eyed girls and smile before whispering. "I'm really happy we met, and I really do love you like a sister." Bailey could see his own makeupless face go to one of surprise.

"You… love me?" he asked, not being sure how to respond to something like that. "Of course I do silly, and don't act all surprised. After looking through your book, I know you feel the same way." Candi paused for a second to look down at a sentence in the book before looking back into the mirror. "It means a lot to have you as my friend." It was Bailey's turn to try and fight back some tears while his face smiled unbidden.

"Totally, now stop making me cry and start the video." Bailey said with a sniffle and make sense of the happy feeling he was having. "Just let me start the camera and introduce us." Said Candi as she got into position in front of the camera and tapped record on the tiny remote she had been holding.

"Hi everyone out there in internet land. It's Candi C here again and I've got my baby sis Bailey, back by like popular demand!" Catching his cue, Bailey waved at the camera.

"Like hi everybody it's like super awesome you wanted me to come back. I'm like totes happy you liked our last video!" Taking back up the camera frame Candi set forth explaining what they were doing today.

"So like my little sis just got back from a workout and is totally thinking about heading to the mall in a bit so we thought it would be fun to show you guys a little makeover. Just watch as we transform Bailey from cute gym girl to flirty mall girl ready to catch all the boys attention." Stated a smiling Candi as Bailey just tried his best to play along and not let his embarrassment show.

"The first thing we are going to do is get my girl dressed for success!" With that Candi clicked the stop button on the camera and looked at Bailey with a wide grin. "Time for me to pick out your outfit."

Bailey looked down at himself and over to the full hamper of clothes and thought about some of the options he had left. "I can pick something out, that should look cute." Candi's' smile didn't waver as she wagged her finger. "Nope, I get to pick." Bailey responded with a little annoyed smile and sticking his tongue out at the girl, while repeating the decision he already made. It is her last day and starting tomorrow none of this will matter. A few minutes later Bailey was out of the camera frame while it was pointed at the made bed that had the outfit set out and ready. Resting on the bed was a small white tank top with pink flowers crossing over the chest, a tight pink miniskirt with a tiny slit and a black butterfly design and lastly was a pair of light purple strappy sandal heels with butterfly on it. Bailey remembered Megan holding up the skirt next to the heels and saying

"Bailey sweetie, you will just love this." because apparently because Bailey Ann liked flowers, it also suddenly meant she liked butterflies too. "This is what she is about to wear everyone and you might see me wear it in another video later, I just love her fashion sense!" With the small clip taken, Bailey took the clothes and was ready to head to the bathroom to change when Candi stepped in front of the door. "And where do you think you are going? No more shy girl, you can get changed in front of me. You can let your guard down Bailey, trust me."

Bailey could feel his nails push against his skin as he tightened his grip on the thin blouse. "Ahh, umm Candi you don't…" Candi looked Bailey in the eye and tried to give a reassuring smile as she put one hand on Bailey's left breast.

"I know this is fake." Bailey took a step back, eyes wide, almost tripping on the tripod as he landed on his bed. "It isn't what you think, I umm shit. I didn't want to lie." It felt like a thousand excuses and ideas were fighting for supremacy, what to tell her. What could he say to excuse the fact he was pretending to be a girl, and what if she told her dad. Of course she was going to tell him, that man was going to tear him apart.

"I know you wear breast prosthetics, it is a step over the inserts I used to wear, but I understand." Bailey's look of panic moved to one of confusion. "You are a late bloomer and considering your mom and aunt I can't blame you for feeling like you don't measure up. But it is okay, I wont judge you, I promise." The feeling of the walls crashing down upon him was lifted, but with it he felt some of his energy sapped and mental fatigue coming on. "Thats, like all?" He asked, still partially afraid of the other shoe falling. "That is all of it, I promise to be here for you. Just like you would be for me." The girl was so kind, and Bailey really didn't want to take the time to consider how she was going to feel once her best friend and pseudo sister just up and disappeared, so he pulled off the sports bra and started to peel off the tight pants.

When Bailey was down to just his panties with the word 'Pink' written on them, Candi came up and moved Bailey's hand out of the way to get a better look at his chest. "Wow, they look so real, and how did you get the edges to blend with your skin. I can tell they aren't real, but like I saw you without your top at the park and didn't think about it. Wait, that life guard had his thing between them, was he able to tell?" She reached out and cupped the prosthetics. Bailey pulled back as the girl's grasp strained the skin where the glue held his sore chest.

"Careful, that like hurts. They are still glued to my skin.. And yeah I don't know, Aunt Megan used some special blending cream." Candi snickered a little bit as she appraised Bailey before raising an eyebrow.

"You know, you look bigger than you did back on Tuesday. Maybe someone is getting a visit from the boob fairy." Bailey quickly tugged on the spaghetti strapped tank top over his head.

"I did not!" he snapped back, not liking the idea that he was getting bigger or the implication. "Oh, whoops, I need a bra…" Bailey went over to his dresser to find something when his ever helpful friend stopped him.

"You don't need one with that top, trust me as cute as some of your bras look, the boys will be drooling over you girl. I'm a little jealous and wish you had another top like that for me to wear with you."

Soon Bailey was sitting at the vanity facing away from the mirror so Candi could give him just the right look as the camera recorded every second of the encounter. Through the process Candi explained what she was doing so her audience and Bailey could try and follow along. When it was all done Bailey was standing in front of the camera doing a few poses to show everyone just how happy she was with the look and the attention it would gain her.

Each step caused Bailey's chest to move in a way he did not enjoy feeling, and he wondered how girls could walk around braless feeling this way. The shirt exposed the top of his breasts, left his stomach exposed and the skirt was not only tight, but tiny. The only thing that was okay, was that the heels weren't that tall, being two and a half or three inches. The idea of being thankful for not so tall heels brought its own mental groans, but as he looked in the mirror he really couldn't help but feel turned on by the blonde young woman he saw looking back.

The camera was still rolling as Bailey checked himself out in the mirror, only a step away from mentally undressing the girl he saw when Candi's voice snapped him out. "With that the two of us are ready to hit the City Lake mall in Nevada. Now this is where I would tell you that I love you all for watching, but first I wanted to announce something just amazing. Bailey is going to be posting the first chapter of her vlog later today, check out her channel to see more of her and find out what life is like for this beauty.

Bailey tilted his head just slightly to the side, this video she was talking about was news to him. He slowly started to turn his head to her as she waved at the camera. "Until next time, I love you all, and thank you for watching!" Candi leaned over to give Bailey a quick kiss to her cheek thinking how cute it would look on camera, but did not notice how Bailey was already turning to look at her. So right there on camera the two blonde green eyed teens kissed each other on the lips. Both froze for a split second before Candi pulled back, with eyes as big as saucers.

"Whoops." she said to Bailey before turning to the camera. "Whoops, umm bye everyone." Candi waved a little to the camera before hitting the stop button on the remote and just breaking out in a fit of giggles.

"Oh my god, I did not mean to do that, I'm sorry… But." She paused long enough to catch a breath still fighting off laughter. "They are just going to love that!" Bailey's mouth opened and closed a few times as he tried to say something and stopped more than once, before settling on. "Its, totally okay."

Ten minutes later Bailey had the vanity bench pulled out so he was sitting in front of his white dresser. Candi chose the spot because of the photos and nicknacks Bailey had on it like the cheap pink sunglasses, the little horse figures and a few bottles of nail polish Candi moved over so the camera could see what Bailey was all about. In the frame of the camera was Bailey sitting on the bench, legs crossed at the knee as she held her little pink book in her lap and sat straight, chest out and a vapid smile on his face.

"Like hello everyone, I'm Bailey Ann and I just wanted to thank you all for watching! Today is the start of a new project. I just hope you all love as much as I do. You might have seen me over on Candi C channel and she had the great idea of me telling you about some of my days. That could be like really boring, but she said if I was willing to share with you all what is in here." Bailey paused, tilting his head to the side a little with a smile as he held up the little pink book.

"You all would just love to watch me talk about my day like you were my diary. Let me know what you think and please remember to give me all your likes!" When the camera stopped recording, after Bailey finished the first chapter of the diary he slumped over, covering his face in his hands feeling like every single day more of his life got stripped from him. It was all about to be over, but some fucking mystical force was forcing him more into this role. Briefly he wondered if magic was real, and the Best sisters were really a covin of witches. Mandy an enchantress and Megan the one that gives out curses.

"Awww, don't be embarrassed. I'm sure plenty of people will watch your video, it might not get as many likes as my last one where you kissed me though." Bailey looked up quickly at the source of the teasing words. "I did not kiss you, you kissed me!" Candi just waved her hand in the air as if to push the words away. "Well next time you can kiss me then, I bet if I made a gif of it both August and Ryan wouldn't be able to stop watching it." Candi went into another fit of giggling laughter as she saw Bailey's face turn a shade of red. "You wouldn't!" The teen girl only shrugged her shoulders as she gave her friend a sly smile.