
Girlfriend just wants to have sex

When the male protagonist's lust value in the sweet pet world increases by 10 times, and the female protagonist cannot satisfy the male protagonist's desire, what will happen? Countless small worlds began to collapse. Su Nian, as the old sex critic of the lust group, was ordered to take on two tasks: first, to satisfy the male lead's desire; In order to let Su Nian complete the task carefully, she did not engage in seven and eight, and the Tianfang universe was equipped with a monitoring system 008, and she was not allowed to have any words and deeds that seduce men's initiative. its google translation:

Ink88seeker9 · Fantasi
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56 Chs

【Gold Digger】12 and her brother-in-law hid in the closet

How dare she! !

Chen Mohan never expected that Su Nian would be so bold!

He regretted so much now that he shouldn't have anything to do with this woman, let alone let her jump around carelessly for a while, forcing himself into a dilemma.

If there is no this video, and what happened in the conference room that day, he can tell the truth. In the current situation, Su Nian is just seducing him, and he is unwilling. This is also true.

However, the existence of that video, and every expression of himself in the video, constantly reminded Chen Mohan that no matter how many reasons he found and how he wanted to rein in the precipice, the wrong things could not be covered up.

He hated Su Nian, but he hated himself the most. He hated her so much, but he couldn't control his body.

But even if he wanted to confess everything to Yue Ying, it shouldn't be in such a bad situation. The wife should not have seen with her own eyes, in her wedding room, her own sister wearing her clothes and hugging her husband.

Su Nian looked at the opponent's face that alternated between blue and white, and gave the final blow without hesitation. She wrapped her arms around the opponent's neck, and softly hit the man's ear with her breath:

"Oh brother-in-law, my sister looks down on me the most. If I find out that I have robbed my husband, I'm afraid I will go crazy... I want to tell my sister how to suck out my brother-in-law's semen, so that my sister can also learn~~"

The eyes of the woman in front of her were full of anticipation, from her hair to the tip of her toes, there was an aura of "I am a bad woman".

Anger surged in his chest, at this moment, Chen Mohan made up his mind, never let Su Nian get what he wanted, and never let Yueying see her! Otherwise, depending on how bad this woman is, she might be able to say anything.

A few seconds before the door was pushed open, Chen Mohan opened the closet by the door, hugged Su Nian and hid inside, restrained her body, pulled a tie with his backhand and stuffed it into the woman's mouth, with a serious tone: "I warn you If you dare to make a little noise, you will definitely have a miserable life for the rest of your life!"

At the same time, 008 trembled: Host, the hero's disgust value is 100...

In terms of being disgusted by the male protagonist, its host is really awesome.

Su Nian laughed instead: Little 8, you said he hates me so much, would it be different if he did it~~

008 was in admiration of Su Nian's calmness, an old color criticism is an old color criticism, and at any time, the color word takes precedence.

Of course, Su Nian was not unsure of provoking the other party, she could see it clearly, and she didn't think that Chen Mohan would really do anything to her. This person spoke harshly, but in fact, even hiding in the closet in a hurry, he habitually used his hands to separate the hanger on her back. At that moment, it didn't matter whether Su Nian was the one he hated or loved. , is just an instinct in human nature.

Enduring ten times the desire for ten years like a day is not a simple matter. After finally finding the antidote, he can bear it, and even wants to end the wrong relationship rationally. In fact, Su Nian is already very impressed.

It's no wonder that he will become the hero of this world's luck.

From a certain perspective, Chen Mohan is actually a person who naturally likes to set limits for himself. He has set various elements for himself, her woman, and even the employees around him, such as restraint, kindness, such as hard work...

He has his own set of rules, and it is precisely because of this that when he deviates from the original track and meets a woman who is completely out of his element, he is so easily angry and contradictory.

He struggled between desire and rationality, the more he couldn't find Su Nian's half strengths, the traits he should like, the more he would loathe himself.

At this time, if Su Nian really intends to attack him, as long as he rebounds from the bottom and puts on one or two pleasing characters for himself, he will be sure...

However, Su Nian's task is not a strategy. She has only one goal today, to use the most extreme cheating to break all Chen Mohan's expectations, smash his exorbitant sense of morality, and make him realize that she is the same as his previous acquaintance. Knowing is completely different.

Only when the disgust reaches its peak and the body is out of control, under the effect of the broken window, can desire and emotion be completely separated, and Su Nian's mission can continue for as long as possible.

In the narrow closet, Su Nian put her legs around Chen Mohan's waist, and followed the man's back upwards, hooking and hooking her toes gently, ambiguous ripples spread from where they touched, and the closet gradually became stuffy stand up.

"Didn't I tell you not to move?!"

The light outside was already dim, and it became even darker when it came in through the cracks in the cabinet. As a result, Chen Mohan's sharp eyes were weakened a bit. On the contrary, when he spoke softly, the uncontrollable panting in his tone was especially clear.

Su Nian's hands were still pressed down, and her small mouth was tightly blocked by the tie. At this time, she blinked and arched into the man's arms, and pouted again.

"Don't think about it, I won't let you go!"

Su Nian raised her eyebrows, and her toes, which were painted with red nail polish, danced more recklessly. Needless to say, she knew a lot about the man's body. Everywhere she passed was a position that would make one's muscles and bones tingle.

Especially the position of the back waist, every time Su Nian stepped on it, he could feel the place where the two bodies fit together, and the hard area became hotter.

Oh, brother-in-law's big dick is still so powerful.

Chen Mohan's hands pressing on the woman tightened tighter and tighter. The veins and sweat on his forehead all foreshadowed how uncomfortable his body is now, and this feeling again, it seems that as long as he is with this woman, the blood in his body will start to boil and agitate , clamoring to break through the fence.

In the past three days, he thought a lot. On the one hand, his dislike for Su Nian is on the one hand, on the other hand, the intensity of this lust is far beyond his imagination.

He had persuaded himself before that he should see a doctor as a doctor, but no one would be completely irrational and act like a beast when seeing a doctor.

It was precisely because he sensed the trend of getting out of control that he wanted to cut everything off, but he didn't expect that the entanglement would become tighter and tighter, just like the distance between them at this moment.

It was originally the wardrobe of him and his wife, and the coats of the two were originally placed, but at this moment, the smell of that woman is everywhere, sweet and greasy, penetrating into the human body; her waist is stuck on the built-in cabinet, so The whole chest was attached to his chest, and it trembled as he breathed; and the most terrible thing was her legs, which kept mosuo on his back, and nimbly rubbed open the hem of the shirt , completely sticking to the skin...

Chen Mohan had to admit that compared to Su Nian, her body was much more pleasing.

Waves of electric currents are generated from the place where the two meet, rolling in the blood, and finally rushing to the position below the body. The body's reaction is rough and direct, and it can't be suppressed.

No, you can't move, Yue Ying is outside, he must never do anything wrong to her again.

Chen Mohan took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed all distracting thoughts, and gradually calmed down.

But before he could breathe completely evenly, the flaming foot suddenly moved to his buttocks, and through the suit pants, his toes squeezed hard into the gap between his buttocks.


What on earth is this woman trying to do! !

No matter how calm Chen Mohan was, he couldn't stand this. He stretched out one hand and pinched the foot backwards, with such force that it seemed that he wanted to crush the woman's ankle. At the same time, every muscle in his body was working hard, ready to deal with Su Nian's fuss at any time.

However, nothing.

Obviously there was a chance to break free, but Su Nian didn't move at all, just pouted at him again.

Chen Mohan rolled his eyes slightly, and knew that such a stalemate was not the way to go, instead of spending all his energy on controlling Su Nian, it would be better to find a way to let Yueying leave first. What's more, calm down and think about it at this time, if Su Nian's purpose is to let Yue Ying find out, she who recorded the video could have done it long ago, and there is no need to go around such a big circle.

It was he who was panicked by this sudden rape.

After a while, the tie was taken out of his mouth, and it was soaked with a lot of saliva. Su Nian leaned into Chen Mohan's ear, and asked softly, solemnly:

"Brother-in-law, is your butthole so sensitive? It shakes when you poke it!"