
Girlfriend just wants to have sex

When the male protagonist's lust value in the sweet pet world increases by 10 times, and the female protagonist cannot satisfy the male protagonist's desire, what will happen? Countless small worlds began to collapse. Su Nian, as the old sex critic of the lust group, was ordered to take on two tasks: first, to satisfy the male lead's desire; In order to let Su Nian complete the task carefully, she did not engage in seven and eight, and the Tianfang universe was equipped with a monitoring system 008, and she was not allowed to have any words and deeds that seduce men's initiative. its google translation:

Ink88seeker9 · Fantasi
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56 Chs

【Gold Digger】 9 Can everyone hear me sucking your dick

"Stop!! What about the discipline of the meeting? Get back to your seats!"

The big boss was ruthless, and he yelled everyone to stand still, his face was pale and unstable, his hands were bulging, and there was a hoarse pain hidden in his voice, as if he was trying to suppress something.

Even Wang Tezhu, who was worried about the boss's physical condition, was stunned by the sharp eyes. For a moment, his brain had an illusion that today's meeting was not an ordinary morning meeting held every half a month, but a decision about Chen's life and death. A top-secret meeting that goes wrong, the kind that makes hundreds of millions of decisions every minute.

Everyone returned to their positions in a daze, and the little assistant who was about to turn off the lights was also in a dilemma.

Only Su Nian, who was lying under the table, became more and more comfortable, her seductive eyes hooked—brother-in-law is so domineering, does your meeting discipline include being sucked by a dick? Can I go faster then? Can everyone hear me suck your dick?

Chen Mo's cold sweat was about to drip down. This woman was clearly doing it on purpose. Her voice was too loud. The entire conference room just fell silent because of his anger. The sound of things will definitely be heard.

He had to hold down the woman's shaking head with one hand.

At the very next moment, Chen Mohan realized that Su Nian's skills could no longer be described simply as good. Perhaps it was the night when he pretended to be Yueying that he only showed less than one-tenth of her skills.

Now she was pinned down tightly by him, and the huge dick had stuffed her mouth so much that she couldn't move at all. But she didn't know how to do it, she flexibly rolled her tongue into a U-shape, O-shape, or even an S-shape. Even if she didn't move the rest of the place, she could make his waist and eyes tremble just by licking around with a small piece of tongue , Almost want to go crazy.

He almost snorted "It's so cool" under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Hmm...an old problem, I have a stomachache...what are you doing in a daze? Turn off the lights and continue the meeting!"

It was already impossible to stop. At this moment, it would be even more suspicious to end the meeting suddenly and let everyone leave. The key point was that he couldn't hold on for a moment. Only by turning off the lights immediately could he conceal his uncontrollable pleasure.

For the first time, Chen Mohan felt regretful. He should have listened to her to end the meeting just after the first round of meeting was over, so he wouldn't be in such a mess in front of everyone.


Chen Mohan thought with all his heart that the situation would get better after turning off the lights.

It was indeed like this at the beginning. Although the people below were worried about his health, they all knew that it was normal for Mr. Chen to work desperately, and they didn't doubt it.

But in the dimness, the woman seemed to have opened the two veins of Ren and Du, her cheeks contracted regularly, and she sucked vigorously, her dexterous tongue was entangled in the crevices of the corners, and could always be bent into shapes that Chen Mohan could not imagine. Wrapping his penis from various angles is extremely tricky and ecstasy.

In a daze, Chen Mohan felt a bit like when he was treated in the hospital for the first time and was hit by a micro-current, the dense pleasure flooded the stick, but compared to the instrument, Su Nian's control was obviously better, she could hold several times at the same time. Point attack, horse eyes, glans, veins, pouch... All places are explosive points, making this current continuous, and even superimposed continuously.

How could it be that it was just being licked? How is it possible to do this?

The changes in his body made Chen Mohan inexplicably helpless. He panted heavily, his breathing was hot and short, and he began to feel thankful that the lights were off now, so no one could clearly see the expression on his face, and no one knew how immersed he was in it.

It was the moment of extreme pleasure, but suddenly, all the movements under him stopped suddenly.

Su Nian's evil intention came, insisting on making the man more nervous, she spit out her already thick and terrifying giant roots, and half raised her body under the cover of the dark environment.


A soft breath sounded, and Chen Mohan's scalp went numb. Is she crazy? Get up at this time, and still talk, is she trying to make the affair between President Chen and his sister-in-law spread throughout City A tomorrow? ?

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through Chen Mohan's mind, and he even felt that maybe he had followed Su Nian's way. In Yue Ying's ears, their marriage must be in jeopardy. And if he did such a thing in public, in order to quell the scandal, he might really be forced to marry her.

Chen Mohan deeply hated himself for not being vigilant enough. He overestimated his self-control and always thought that no matter what the situation, he could control it. It was really wrong.

Painful and angry, but no matter how violent the emotional ups and downs were, he couldn't restrain the reaction below him. It was as if he had been bewitched by this woman, and he wanted to be licked by her crazily, and he didn't want to stop for a moment.

At this moment, the enchanting female voice continued to sound:

"Brother-in-law, can you transfer the money first?"