

Inside of a building, Gin, Kagura, and Shinpachi were watching the television. On it, was Ketsuno reporting about an Amanto embassy having been blown up.

Then, on the screen, the faces of Gin, Kagura, and Shinpachi clearly right after the explosion.

"Do you suppose this is all some sort of conspiracy?" Shinpachi asked "How did we get into this mess? Meeting Katsura was the only good that came out of it."

That's right, after having 'blown' up an Amanto embassy, the three were quickly saved by Katsura, who just happened to be nearby.

"Gin, you're a friend of his right? And didn't he mention Hiro as well?" Shinpachi asked, "What kind of person is he?"

"Hmm… A terrorist." Gin casually said.

Shinpachi made a surprised expression.

"Stop using that word, Gintoki." A voice came from a nearby room, as the door to their room opened up, to reveal a man wearing a blue kimono, white haori. He had long hair and a sword in hand as he marched into the room with several other people behind him.

"We're not terrorists. We're Freedom Fighters!" Katsura said resolutely.

Just as Katsura was about to continue, a familiar voice interrupted him from outside.

"You're still going on about that, Zura? Isn't it about time to move past such things?"

"It's not Zura, it's Katsura!" Katsura responded, before realizing whose voice it belonged to.

Opening the door, the red hair of Hiroto appeared in front of everyone as he threw the same deliveryman from before to the ground in front of them.

"So, want to explain this?" Hiroto said as he crossed his arms.

"It's good to see you again, Hiroto. As expected, you knew exactly what was going on." Katsura said.

"Hiro! Why did you bring the delivery man here? Isn't he injured?" Shinpachi asked worriedly.

"Ha, this guy? He's no delivery man." Hiroto said.

Gin got up and said, "It seems we've been manipulated."

"Manipulated?" Kagura asked.

Gin nodded and continued, "It's all your doing, isn't it, Katsura? All these recent attacks that have everyone in a panic."

Katsura scoffed and said, "There was something I had to get my hands on, even if it meant dirtying them." Picking up another sword from the side, Katsura held two swords in his hands and raised them.

"Gintoki, Hiroto, will you take up your sword alongside me in order to rebuild this corrupt country?" Katsura said, looking at Gin and Hiroto.

Katsura first turned to Gin and said, "Once again, will you lend me the strength that made you feared as the White Demon?"

He then turned to Hiroto and said, "Hiroto, will you once again, lead us? Lend us your strength and ways that made the Amanto's feared you, as the Crimson Shadow."

"What? Gin… and Hiro?" Shinpachi muttered, incredulously.

"You two should join us, once again, to fight against the Amanto." Katsura continued.

Gin casually picked his ear while Hiroto just watched Katsura with his arms crossed.

Katsura spoke up again, "Hiroto. I know what I did was disrespectful to you, manipulating you like that. But, as your junior, we need your strength. Both you and Gintoki's."

"Gin… Hiro… You two were involved in the Foreigner Expulsion War too?" Shinpachi asked, as Kagura just kept on eating her cookies.

"They both disappeared after the battle." Katsura explained, "I never really knew what was going on in your head, Gintoki. But, Hiroto. I never expected you to just suddenly leave us."

Hiroto shrugged and said, "What can I say, I was craving some french fries, and you guys didn't have any."

Katsura ignored this remark, as Gin spoke up, "I like a nice loud fight, but I hate morbid crap like terrorism. The battle is over. How long are you going to go on and on? What are you, my mother-in-law?"

"Are you stupid?! Mothers always pester their sons." Katsura responded, "Nobody likes you because your heart isn't big enough to embrace."

"You little… If I didn't have naturally wavy hair I'd definitely be popular with girls. I think." Gin said back.

"There you go again blaming everything on your naturally wavy hair." Katsura refuted, as the two faced each other and argued.

Hiroto shook his head and said, "*sigh* These two are at it again. Besides, you can't just blame everything on your hair, Gin? Same with Zura, maybe if he cut off his hair he wouldn't be mistaken for a girl."

"Oi! Stay out of this, ketchup head!" Gin shouted.

"It's not Zura, It's Katsura! Don't blame it on my long hair! Everyone is not like you, where girls are always flocking to you!" Katsura shouted back.

Hiroto scratched his head and said, "Don't take your grievances out on me, it's not my fault that you guys are insecure about your hairs."

"You… you better watch what you say or not only the top of your head is gonna be red, but the rest of you as well." Gin said as he rolled up his sleeves.

"You can't, Gintoki! His red hair acts as a deterrent to people like us! It's a warning! It's similar to how delinquents in highschool would dye their hairs to intimidate the others and act cool!" Katsura shouted as he held Gin back.

"You! What did you say about my hair! I'll have you know that unlike you, at least I have it cut and not lazily let it grow out! Pathetic." Hiroto shouted back.

"He's right, Zura. Just because you're lazy doesn't mean you should let your hair grow out that long." Gin said.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?!" Shinpachi shouted.

As the 3 were arguing with one another, outside of the building were a group of men that started their assault on the building. In front of a squad, stood a tall man with a cigarette in his mouth.

Blowing out a trail of smoke, he said, "You'll finally meet your end here Katsura."

Let me know your thoughts on the chapter in the comments! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Peace out!

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