

"Oi!" Gin's angry voice resounded throughout the Odd Jobs office early in the day. "The huge stash of chocolate I was saving disappeared. Whoever ate it, raise your hand now, and I'll only kill you three-fourths of the way."

"Three-fourths? That's pretty much dead." Shin said, drinking his tea. "Besides, if you don't cut it out, you really will get diabetes."

The sound of a toilet flushing came from a nearby room. "You know, there were times where he actually almost got diabetes," Hiroto said as he came out of the bathroom.

"Then what's that brown spot on your cheek?" Gin said, pointing to the corner of Hiroto's mouth.

Hiroto quickly wiped it away and said, "It sh**."

"No, it wasn't! I can smell it from your breath!" Gin shouted.

"Another embassy attacked… serial terrorist bombings rampage continues." Kagura said as she read the newspaper. With blood leaking from her nose. "The world sure is a violent place. Poppy, Mommy, I'm scared."

Hiroto pointed towards her and said, "See, it was her. Her nose is bleeding from sugar overdose. Isn't she the one that's always stuffing her face?"

Gin gripped Kagura's mouth and said, "You're the scary one. Looking so happy with your bloody nose. Were my chocolates tasty?"

"A nosebleed from eating chocolate? Puh-leese!" Kagura responded.

"Don't play dumb! I can smell the sugar in your blood!" Gin shouted, sniffy at the same time. "And you!" Gin pointed to the side of the room, where half of Hiroto's head was already out the window, frozen in place.

"It was you two! I bet you two must have had a feast, a banquet with my chocolate, didn't you! So, how was it?! How was your last meal!" Gin went and pulled Hiroto back into the room.

Hiroto struggled against him, planting his foot on Gin's face and said, "I said, it wasn't me! I was just eating some chocolate flavored french fries!"

"I bet you ate it with my chocolate!" Gin yelled, throwing Hiroto towards Kagura.

Hiroto somersaulted in the air, and landed perfectly, raising his two hands above his head. *clap clap* Shinpachi clapped for him.

"Pft, besides, my nose isn't bleeding from eating chocolate," Kagura responded, rubbing her nose. "I just went in for a booger a little too deep."

"No girl your age would do that. What are you, a cop who's just about to retire?" Gin retorted.

"What kind of nonsense talk is that?" Shinpachi said, pulling Gin away from Kagura and Hiroto. "Anyway, chill out!"


A loud crash from outside shook the building, causing everyone to turn their heads at the same time. "What's the ruckus?" Gin said, leaving the building with the others.

Hiroto stood in front and leaned over the railing. *whistle* "Looks like a crash. Otose is going to be pissed" Hiroto said casually.

"An accident?" Gin said, leaning over the railing with the others.

Coming from out of the snack bar under them, Otose grabbed the man's shirt and shouted, "HEY!!! Moron! What are you doing, crashing into my shop?! I hope you're ready to die!"

Being shook about, the man said haggardly, "S-Sorry. I didn't sleep well last night."

A vein almost popped in Otose's head, and she shouted, "No problem! I'm gonna make sure you close your eyes forever!"

Otose! You shouldn't do that to an injured person!" Shinpachi shouted as he came down the stairs with the others, stopping Otose from punching the man.

"Are you alright?" Shinpachi approached the man.

"Y-Yeah…" The man struggled to say.

"This is bad. Kagura, call for an ambulance." Shinpachi looked to Kagura.

"AMBULANCE!!!" Kagura shouted at the top of her lungs

Slapping on her head, Hiroto said, "Shut up!"

"That's a pretty primitive way of calling an ambulance!" Gin said. Picking up the letters scattered on the ground, Gin said, "You're a postman, huh? Your packages are a mess."

"Th-This…" Gripping his side, the man held out a parcel towards Gin. "Deliver this in my place… Please...I think it's important. If I fail to deliver it… I might lose my job."

Gin took the parcel from the man's hand as he passed out onto the ground. Gin, Shinpachi and Kagura looked at each other.

Hiroto looked over at the passed out man and said, "I'll look after him. You guys go and deliver it."

"Are you sure?" Shinpachi asked.

"What, you don't think I can take one man to a hospital?" Hiroto said, picking the man up and slinging him onto his shoulder. "Go on, like this man said, he could lose his job."

Hiroto then turned to walk away, leaving the three to their own devices.

"I guess we should go and deliver this. Where does the address say to go?" Shinpachi asked Gin.

Gin showed the location on the parcel to Shinpachi and said, "Well, let's just go. Hiro has this covered."

Gin and Shinpachi turned to walk away. Kagura gave one last glance to where Hiroto was, but couldn't find him. Shrugging, she joined the others.


*thud* In an alleyway, Hiroto dropped the delivery man onto the ground. Squatting down next to him, Hiroto said, "Oi. You can wake up now. I know you're faking it."

Silence. The man didn't respond or move. Only laying their still, with some sweat beginning to form on his neck.

Hiroto sighed and said, "You know, when I saw you faint earlier, it caught my attention. I mean, I've seen a lot of people faint before in the past, and whenever they do, they don't use their hands to protect their fall."

No response.

"Fine, play it your way then." Hiroto stood up. He then leaned over the man and began to strip him completely.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" The man who was supposed to be unconscious got up and back up.

"Oh look, you're awake. I just thought that since you were in an accident, you might have had some hidden injuries under your clothes." Hiroto feigned ignorance.

"You didn't have to try and take everything off!" The man shouted, but then his eyes widened.

"Yup, you just realized didn't you? You screwed up." Hiroto said as he smiled.

Shorter chapter today, more of a build-up.

Let me know your thoughts on the chapter in the comments! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Peace out!

Suplolycreators' thoughts