
Gifted Eyes

Species War Quintet Book 4: Gifted Eyes In this world where 'Guilds' arise with tremendous magical powers and battle the demons from the defenseless humankind, but later on, war broke out between two species. However, no one knew what will happen next. After 500 years the War suddenly stop and no one cannot answer it, therefore, they slowly forgotten and decide to live a peaceful life, but in the shadows, the 'phantoms' carried out the long- struggle blood battle between the 'war veterans' and the demons this war will named as "War of Silence" no one will ever know this event. Still, there is one man will change the entire world and turn the tides of war... John Kennedy was a prodigy, and he has a natural talent, but he witnessed the death of his family by "demons' when he was 10. He was picked by his one of his relatives in the age of 13. The relatives are fighting over the heritage for their own 'interests'. all of that a sudden 'unknown power' came into John's life and he never knew that the path will be a risky and dangerous one. No one knew the boy will surely be predicted and see the possibility be in the future. On the other side, the mysterious power is still unknown. He swore to himself that he will avenge and bring Justice to his 'Adopted Family' as he walks right into the top. Follow John Kennedy as he embarks on his adventurous on his long and dangerous journey along with his unparalleled-existence the unknown power of the 'Gifted Eyes'.

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Chapter 21: Past Life and Family Issue

John's POV

Before the Great War started, we lived a normal life and system before the so-called 'Level Up System' introduced when I was a young man about 21 years old lying about my age in the military. But, my original age was 13, my friend Vincent filled me up with his uncle before his death in Syria, fighting the Coalition Army. I and Vincent hunted down the gangs: Italians, Chinese, Arabians, Federals, French, Mexicans, Germans, British, and lastly the Russians. Those gangs leaders were led by three people they were, Ruslan Pentreko, Nikolai Ivanov, and lastly Borin Vladimir.

These three gentlemen killed our grandmother they united in one banner of their own, promise to become a gang nation to bring down the government nations. When I and Vincent are going to school cause our uncle ordered me to keep an eye on Vincent when we studying in Storm Academy, Samuel Adams the father of James Adams whose teaching about the history of both World Wars Samuel keen his eyes on the scar in my right hand, he called both of us and I explain about the life of being a soldier.

After that, James whose standing on the door and told us that our uncle who is the President of Russia his name was Tadeo Lenkov visiting us because of the news of his friend which is our grandmother while we are talking about some stuff, the mafias decided to surprise attack while we are 'off guard', luckily we fend them off thanks for my friends who came and rescue us from the attack but sadly our uncle was injured and almost 3 years he didn't wake up because he was in a comatose state.

I and John were sworn ourselves to hunt down the three people who responsible for attacking our dear uncle and investigate the Gang System who decided to 'revolt', as we hunted down the three people who responded on the incident called " The Attack of Storm Academy " the other schools were discriminate us and telling us that we should transfer or something worse may happen.

On the next day, John with his friends was packing their stuff to execute their plans in Russia and hunt down the Russian Gang then proceeded to Italy to destroy Italian Gang whose holding a festival in the Colosseum in Rome. And that leaves me with the Federals and Chinese, as I was headed to my house and saw my friends who preparing for war with the mafias, the other nations know our intentions and our plans to destroy the gang just to avenge our grandmother and also the people who suffered from them.

After a few months and we finally destroy the four mafias my uncle's friend visited with Vincent whose looking at the ground in despair, I widened my eyes knowing that our uncle was dead, he was killed in action while fighting the Coalition in Syria. Vincent and a man named Jeremiah shocked at my reaction without saying any word. Vincent smirk because of my unknown 'abilities', after that, we hunted down the mafias three to one before comforting the three people who killed our grandmother.

We killed Ruslan Pentreko and Nikolai Ivanov but, Borin Vladimir was escaped before we killed him. After that, we never heard him again he disappeared like a ghost. We parted ways after we killed the killers of our grandmother and started our new life, after 10 years after killing the mafias we decided to the reunion and all of a sudden.

We saw a blue portal opened in front of us, we ready ourselves for unknown threat whom in front of us. Suddenly a man who is in his 20's white skin, blue eyes, dark blue faded hair, he has a pistol that familiar with. The Walther P99 is a semi-automatic pistol developed by the German and also he wore a blue samurai armor with light blue Sashimono a banner was attached to the backs of the chest armor.

Our eyes were so keen at the banner that it has a sword with a dark circle in the middle with flames on it, as we gazed at the banner the man cough to get out attention. We looked at him and he introduced him to us, his name was Eron K. Arisato.

We escort him to our house and asked him so many questions like 'who are you', 'what are you doing here' etc. He stated that he was from the world called " De Stenen Wereld", We were shocked at his statement because the language he uses was German, a german language, I asked about how did he learn that and he said, "Our world has the same languages such as yours yet different". We got shocked about the world he was living in, he warned us that the demons who lived the same world as Eron.

n the meantime, he mentioned my brothers who helped the demon to win a war with them. I told him about my 'revenge' then he said to me that revenge was not an answer but rather find some answers to know what is the true reason for such an act. That left me off guard, as his words ringing in my head repeating the words that struck me in my very core.

My whole life hating my brothers for such a selfish act, I cannot bring my hate to them, without knowing it's 'true' purpose. Eron stated that struck me the most, "When I was young, I was so naive that my goal to bring peace? Was not so easily controlled. Many people die for the sake of peace where it can sparks the war from bad to worse and also getting worst, If only I had possessed the humility to say to myself, I have seen enough for one life".

After that, I pause a moment and thinking myself about my true goal... that moment my mind, the memories of the past reflect me. The happiness, the bondings, my brothers were not hostile but show love and joy. I swore myself that I will save them even if it kills me, my family and I live in California and Vincent lived in New York City before he departed and lived in Tokyo, Japan.

The families of Gutierrez and McCain Kennedy were best friends by our great grandfather, since the start of the Vietnam War. We have uncles and aunties all around the world considered us famous or just too many cousins or etc. After 15 years of fighting, here we are standing at the new system, new environments, new rules, new players and also new enemies...

As I finished our story with my brother about our past life, the people in the room were astonished at the brothers. James sigh as he was scratching his head in frustration as he remembers their past lives. Thomas asked, " Hey John, I have something to asked".

John replied "okay then, shoot" Thomas continued " John when you killed two killers who responded to your grandmother's death, what happens to the one who escaped?" I and Vincent looked at each other and answered in chorus " We killed him while Eron was here on earth".

Thomas nodded then James shook his head, Sora asked " Vincent-san",Vincent replied while sipping his coffee "What is it Sora-dono? Sora inhaled and said " Are you a gang leader or hired Assassin?

Vincent replied, "Yes I am but, I was a good gang leader who owned a company for good business and good purpose for the people who needed a job to live". Sora smiled and lastly, Vincent started to speak "Alright then, you guys know what is the past life that leads us to this day, for once. I was curious about the whole new 'system' that introduced?"

The people who served their respective guilds smiled and James replied " Well, it is time to teach about the whole new world that John and our friends lived in". I chuckles and asked Vincent " So, Vincent do you still remember the Modern Warfare System?" Vincent nodded and said " Yeah why?". John got up to bring the details about the 'new system', after a few minutes, they saw me carrying books, cartolinas, notebooks and etc. Every detail I bring to know my brother about the system that was introduced 4 years ago. I stand at the table then placed it, with a joker smiled in my face and answered

" Vincent, It is time to learn about the 'Guilds and also the 'Class' System".

Hello guys, sorry for the long wait, and here's the new chapter so, currently I was working with my animation on my youtube channel that resembles a little bit from this book. But anyway, I will still write this book though.

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