

Humans have been slaves for far too long, this is their quest to take back the control over their lives. Watch as the hero Gabrian, the warrior Tinqas and the simple farmer Gawyn try to save the world.

MumbleGrumbleJumbl · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Chapter 1 - Just another boring day

A young boy was looking at the sky. Simply looking at the infinity above. The sun was setting off and the sky was slowly being painted of a beautiful orange; it was completely clear that day: there wasn't a single cloud that could obscure that sight. The young boy was completely still, looking at it, lost in his thoughts. That boy didn't stand out that much: he didn't have the most robust of bodies, he was only slightly taller than average, and the only parts that made him appear different were his brown eyes and brown hair: something that was quite rare in the oasis of Garan. His brown eyes seemed as if they could look at the sky until the end of time.

"Boy. Hey! I'm talking to you!"

The voice of an old man brought him back to reality. He was quite short, bald, with a very big white mustache. His whole body was weak, exception made for his blue eyes, still filled with energy and life, and the left leg, substituted by a wooden one.

"Good morning, Mr. Raaskel."

"Good morning? Kid, the sun fell down a bunch of minutes ago!"

The boy looked around and saw that all the people of the town were going back home

"I didn't notice. Well, how may I help you?" he asked

"Ahh." the old man sighed

"I just need a bunch of apples, Gawyn." the old man said with a tired voice

"How many?" the boy asked

"Let's say… eight." Mr. Rasskel said, after thinking for a few seconds

"Ok. Comin' right up!" Gawyn said in a false enthusiastic tone and started taking four apples

"Have you been sleeping well? You often seem worn out." Mr. Raaskel asked while rethinking of the past days

"I've been sleeping just fine." Gawyn responded without even taking his eyes off the apples

"That's good, good. " Mr. Raaskel said while nodding

Gawyn put the apples in a paperbag

"That's going to be two coins." he said

"Only two?" Mr.Raaskel asked a little surprised

"Yes, just like every time." Gawyn said

"Oh, right. Forgive me. Age is catching up to this elderly man. Remembering stuff gets harder every day." Mr.Raaskel said in a very humble tone

"It's fine." Gawyn said

"Ok… so just two coins?" Mr.Raaskel asked

"Yes." Gawyn answered

"Here." Mr.Raaskel said as he handed the coins

"Thank you very much." Gawyn said and took the two coins

"Have a nice evening Gawyn." Mr.Raaskel said

"Thanks" Gawyn said as the old man slowly left, leaving Gawyn completely alone.

And so Gawyn started tidying eveything up, and began making his way home. He looked at the vegetables and saw that there was almost nothing left: he had sold a lot. Something that was no surprise; after all, thanks to his good vegetables and fruits, sold at incredibly low prices, he had become fairly well known.

While thinking of how to spend his money, he realized he had almost gotten to his house. His house was the one farthest away from the main street where he was selling his food. Despite being the house of a farmer, it didn't have fields that covered tons and tons of space: it just had a small garden, instead. On one side there was an apple tree and the tomatoes; on the other side there was lettuce and the other vegetables. He arrived and realised that a girl was standing outside his door, someone that he didn't recognise. She had short black hair and black eyes, she was a little shorter than him and looked a few years older than Gawyn.

"Good evening?" Gawyn said to the girl

"Are you Gawyn Teobad?" she said to him

"Yes" he responded

She paused a second, took a long look at him and then continued

"Good, there are important matters to talk about." she said in a very serious tone

"O-ok" he said a little scared and confused

He left his stuff outside and followed the girl inside. As she was opening the door, Gawyn started wondering about what was actually happening: had he done something wrong, perhaps? Who was she? Was she a relative of someone he knew? If so, then why was this the first time he was meeting her? What did she want to talk about? So many questions were troubling him and before he knew the door was open.


In front of him there was a talking goat sitting down on the chair in the dining room.

Howdy! Did you enjoy the very first chapter of this story? It took reaaaly long to make and I truly hope that you enjoyed it! Anyhow......starting from now I will start uploading chapters more often, so I hope you'll look forward to them!

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