

and start reading numbers...

i get inside the room and close the window. and sit next to him

he : wait a minute what seniors numbers are doing in your dairy.

did you talk with them also.

me : yes ! i mean they are my friends..

he :amd can you explain me how.

me : look when i get into school late. we help each other to get into class. like jumping from wall.

climbing pipes or walls. or distracting teachers to help each other. sometimes if we want run aways we help each other like throwing bag down. and jumping down from window. and they help me with this. so therefore they are my friends

kai :so you want to say you climb walls. pipes or WAIT! (he winded his eyes with shoked expression on face)

kai : dont say that you jump from 3 rd or 4th floor window to run away .

me : (😅 ah and what if o said yes)

kai :dont you love your life. or dont you have your care. even think that your mom dad and brother are worried about you)

me :yes i dont.

kai : your such impressing girl i ever saw in my life.(he turn to look at me)

kai : yah why are you crying.. dont cry..

me :no one is worried about me.. no one care about me.. they want kejiro not me.... no one is here to care about me.

kai : yah dont cry i am here to care you. and i am worried also for you. and i think they also care about you even what if they dont show it. now stop cry. who i know from my childhood is never cry over for this. dont change stay as you are. like me.

me : like you excuse me here is your the one who is changed. not me.

kai : huh how can you say that.

were i change i am as me.

me : look at your face your looking more handsome then before.

kai : stop it kitten. your expert to buttering someone. it means your also changed cause your also looking more

me : ha..

kai : not pretty like before..

ha ha ha..

me : you.. i am taking back my words.. your also looking like cartoon i draw from my left hand..

kai : i am lucky that i got drawed by you.. ha ha ha.. (we both start pillow fight..)