
next morning

after that kai entre into room were i was sleep and cover me with blanket and then kiss me on forhead and leave into kejiro's room,and sleep there


i am sleeping but they two get ready in early morning,

mom :(look at them and come into room and wake me up)

i wakeup and look hiroto and kai are watching me, i get red

i get up and start to get ready

while thinking what they two doing here,

me : i can think about kai because he drop me home but why hiroto is here? i think i am forgeting something, why i cant remember somthing is missing and then i remember kejiro,

me run out without towards mom while i am doning my bag pack and start cry

they three look at me wizerdlly

me : mom kejiro is missing, my bro what happend if he all ways spread about me into school but he is my bro, mom we lose him

and suddnly i heared

kejiro : didi why are you crying

me : becoz kejiro is lost

and then remember he is kejiro i turn back and look he is standing while eating nashta i get near and huge him tightlly

kejiro : didi really you miss me, and your crying (he smrinked)

i know he spread in school i was cry hard means last time when he did with me i cant forget

so i punch him and said

me : kejiro if you spread this now i will throw you from building

and then i remember they two also look me while i am crying i get up and then kai grab my hand and we start walk towards school hiroto get jelious becoz kai grab my hand, and then hiroto come near to me but this i dont want to talk him because he did wrong with me. but hiroto grab my hand i know i get shyed but grab kai's hand tightlly while walking

and then i get into school,

and then my bro run towards his class, today i arrive early to school

they two also leave me alone then i get into school garden, becoz no one here who want to talk with me, and no one is friend of mine so i sit into garden, while liing on green and smooth grass

😈cat : hi dear are you get in

and i try to remember you. your

look is match with your grandma she was also learn in this school

your grandma also stay alone always and she was toughest girl becoz she catch all ghost and intend them into sleep

me : really?

😈yes : and i am waiting for your happiest day of life,

me :i think i am also but before taking human body i warn you

look human are seems happy but they not ever happy as you think

and then i get into class and then sit on my bench that girls come towards me, i think they want to bully me again

1: hey girl how was get your cleaning

i ignore them

2: how dare to hurt our hiroto

me : i dont hurt him he hurt me

and this time when they gonna attack i lock the door and then we start fight like last time

this time i win the fight and then open the door and try to go out but i bump on hiroto,

i turn my face upside and look into his eyes and then start finding kai, becoz he is my besti and childhood friend i fill familier

so i get near to him and huge him and told him what happend in class he pet me

kai : i know your brave girl and that time hiroto see us and get we look at him he get angry and leave from there,

me : hiroto stop, listen to me

but kai grab my hand

kai : dont go near to him he hurt you