
i forget somthing

me take Leave out of store room (my eyes were teary now also) i fill bad and then this cat also (i start walking while crying)

me : huh, why only me, my lige is only playing with me, no one have my care, and everyone het me, no one love me i want to stay Alone now,

and suddnely i bump on someone

me : i am sorry, and i am gonna leave, but that purson grab my hand and pull towards him,

i look upside who is he,

me : how dare you i said sorry na... and i look he was my childhood friend kai

kai : wait trupti you forget me, wait why are you crying.

is someone scold on you again

me : hum no or yes

kai : so you fight with someone?

me : hum yes or no

kai : is someone brock my kitten heart again

me : humm yes or no

kai : so lets go to our meeting pleace

me : yes,

then he grab my hand and start draging me to that pleace

when he grab my hand start draging that time we cross the hiroto ,

when i look at hiroto i start cry

kai : is he brock your heart

hiroto : who is he trupti

me : (ignore him) and pull kai and start walk but hiroto grab my hand

hiroto : were are you going

i suffered his hand and then leave without talking and while crying

kai : hiroto what you do with her why she is crying,

hiroto : who are you, and why i have to told you

kai : dont come near to her again and then kai run towards me

and our meeting place is pound

we sit beside of pull

kai : what happend, dont cry anotherlly i will also cry

me : start cry

kai : (he start fake cry)

me : drama king stop now (and i start laughing,

kai : now told me what happend

after that i told him all

kai : oh your so brave i want to go on ride with you

me :(winded my eyes) you also laughing at me na

kai : is not big this type things always happend with you but really a cat talk with you,

now dont care i am always with you. because i am also take admission here,

me : really?

kai : lets go home now,

me : okey

and then we get up amd we gonna ho but we heared sound

😈cat : hey girl now can we gome

(kai get shoocked and winded his eyes)

me : mr. cat i am going, you go to your room now

😈cat :you relise me now your home is my home, now lets go

me : i think i forget somthing

and here....

kejiro : were is didi?

and that time hiroto taking leave and my brother see him

kejiro : hey mr. crush did you see my didi, (he turn around kejiro)

hiroto : your didi go somewere with someone, and she live you alone, so you can come with me

kejiro : lets go mr. crush and then they two take leave

and here....

kai : lets go home

me : okey and then we three start walking

kai : hey mr. cat how your filling after relising

😈cat :yes its not bad,

and then we start adking quations each other

kai : by the way were is kejiro?

me : huhh! i forget to pick kejiro and i run towards the school

and then we get into school

i start to find kejiro but he is not there,.

me :(i start crying and sit on knees)i lost kejiro, were my brother is gone,