

Three highschool students are sent to detention where they encounter a mysterious event that would change their lives forever. The event leaves them in a state of coma for nine months, and when they finally become conscious, the Earth had been invaded by Demons and the world had been thrown into complete darkness and peril. In exchange to preserving the rest of humanity from destruction, the Demons decided to rule over Earth as tyrants with mystical powers, making every human a slave in their own world. However, hope is born when Shelby, Julia, and Jordan discover that the mysterious event they had encountered nine months ago had left them with magical abilities. They must now play heroes to redeem mankind back to it's former glory... but the question is, WOULD THEY BE STRONG AND EXPERIENCED ENOUGH? Follow the journey of three teenage highschoolers as they fight for freedom with magic and bravery! ________________________________________ AUTHOR'S NOTE FOR THE READER Hi there, if you're really a fan of fantasy novels dealing with magic especially in an urban setting, young teenage characters, a dash of romance in-between a serious and thrilling story mood, a well-described fight scene, then guess what? this is the right book for you! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't read if you aren't a fan of books involving any of the categories I mentioned above, I strongly recommend this book to anyone who loves reading. However, I would like you to know that I am a very cinematic writer, so try not to get lost at any point in the story because I use the chronological plot with the involvement of lots of flashbacks and flash-forwards. Also, I love to hide information from my readers and reveal them at a specific time when I wish. So while reading, try to be patient. I won't disappoint you or kill your interest, thanks. If you wish to contact me, you can send an email to ariekokoshalom8@gmail.com

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" I guess I'll have to kill y'all, bloody! " The Koman official chuckles with a mischievous intent evident in his tone.

" No one is dying here, Hammond... At least, not on my watch. " Dr. Mike says through gritted teeth. He was suddenly pumped with confidence and an overwhelming dose of heroism. At this point in time, he stood between the nurse who hurriedly pushed out the three victims through the magic portal he created and the Koman officials who had entered the room. The two other nurses, one with a file and the other with nothing, stood at opposite sides in the room, terrified to their wit's end. They dare not intervene or run if they hoped to survive this situation.

" The doctor even knows my actual name, guys. " Hammond laughs ridiculously, speaking to the two other Koman officials that stood by his sides. They also join him in his loud mocking laugh and he abruptly snaps a finger to call it off, his face had become stern with anger. " Knowing my actual name means you were there on the day of Armageddon...the day evil triumphed over good. We utterly killed every one of your kind, how did you escape? " Hammond's canine teeth began to stick out like a werewolf under a full moon.

" Wrong, Hammond. Evil never triumphed over good, and it never will. You're only ignorant to the fact that the battle of Armageddon is still ongoing and because of that... " Dr. Mike inhales deeply and makes a fighting stance, his fingers formed hand-sign symbols that had a gold light radiate over them like a burning lamp. "...I'm going to take your head with me. "

" You realize for you to have kept your identity hidden all this while would mean you've been suppressing your magic and aura at a dangerous level. " Hammond smirks, he takes off his gloves and effortlessly rips off the right sleeve of his leather jacket, revealing a well defined right arm consumed with demon tattoos all over.

" I'm fully aware of that. " Dr. Mike intensifies his magic and suddenly, his entire body is beaming like an incandescent light bulb on high voltage.

" Bloody! And you say you'd take my head?! You must be overly confident for a fool! " Hammond cackles.

" The only fool here is you for underestimating me, and that is where your demise lies. " Dr. Mike retorted. " Full magic circle: Atlas Shield of protection. " He mutters a spell and a gigantic magic circle like a compass appears before him and smaller versions appear before the two other nurses who stood with eyes glued. " Go! " Dr. Mike peeped behind him quickly to see the nurse who had volunteered to take the victims to safety, she still had one more person to push through the magic portal.

" In all my years of fighting your kind, I've never met someone who has disgraced me this much... " Hammond said softly with his head bowed while walking slowly towards Dr. Mike's magic shield.

" Oh boy, here it comes. "

" I can't believe General Hammond is about to use his demon tattoo. " The two other Koman officials begin to chit-chat within themselves as Hammond gets closer to the shield.

" ...even my nose can smell and calculate the gap between my power level and yours... " Hammond places his demon tattoo arm on the shield and Dr. Mike gasps in fear, the shield should naturally burn any demon just by contact. " ...yet, you decided to be a hero in order to protect those three lab rats you let escape... " He squeezed his arm, enclosing his fist which makes the shield to shatter into a million pieces.

" Huh? " Dr. Mike gasped in surprise. ' He didn't even use magic ' he said within himself as the pieces of shield like glass butterfly across his face.

" ...and now... " Hammond raises his chin upwards revealing a deadly right eye that was as intense and as fierce as the scorching of the sun, glowing like a piece of metal reflecting light rays. The demon tattoo on his right arm had spread all the way to his neck and covered the right half of his face. At this point, Dr. Mike was completely frozen in fear, his magic aura that beamed all over his body like a burning lamp was completely erased by the intensity of Hammond's demonic aura. " ...Demon eye technique: Lucifer's glare! " Hammond's lips makes a spell and ends it with a cheeky smirk. A sudden vertical red beam of light flashes like lightning and Dr. Mike's body was completely split into two equal halves before he could even blink. The two other nurses in the room shriek at the same time and the one with the file loses consciousness and slumps to the ground.

" Did she just...faint? " One of the Koman officials that came with Hammond questioned his partner with a humourous stricken face.

" Oops, bloody. I overdid it. " Hammond sighs seeing the amount of blood that splattered all over the wall. ' I guess those four escaped before my demon eye got to them. ' He says in his head seeing that a vertical line was engraved on the wall where the magic portal had been.

" Unbelievable General! "

" You took him out like blowing a candle. "

" No. " Hammond puts his gloves back on and adjusts his hat. " He channelled most of his magic energy in keeping the portal open which made his shield fragile because he knew his magic had grown weak by suppressing it to stay hidden. His top priority wasn't his life, just the portal as long as they escaped. " Hammond states as he glances back at the corpse. " You!... " He turns to the conscious nurse who was completely shivering in fear. " ...you're in charge of this hospital now. Let's go boys, we have a new problem that might threaten the existence of the entire demon faction if my speculations are correct. "


[An alley, somewhere in the outside world, New York city.]

The nurse successfully pushed out the three high-school victims on their hospital beds through the portal that led them all the way to their current location, an alley off the main road, somewhere in New York City.

" This should be very far from the hospital, we're safe a bit now. " The nurse says to herself and turns to look at the people she was risking her life for. They were fast asleep on their beds.

" You've got to be kidding me. " She mutters with a weak look in her eyes. She makes to move towards them and that's when she felt a sharp excruciating pain run through her nerves from her left shoulder. She automatically moves her hand to where she felt the pain and she noticed the area was wet with blood.

" Oh shit... " She cussed and then sighs. " ...good thing it's just a shallow cut. "

She might have been lucky to escape Hammond's demon eye technique, but the real terror that stood before her now was how to get three sleeping teenagers to a safe place with the injury on her left shoulder. She takes a peek into her lab coat pocket to confirm the presence of the diary, then dips a hand into her other pocket to grab her cellphone.

" The main road where this alley leads to would be swarming with demons walking the streets like every other human, there's no way I can do this alone. " She whispers and places the phone on her ears after dialing a number. ' I wonder what kind of humans these three are. Could they be like Dr. Mike? Another magic beings on Earth? ' She thought, staring at them sleep.

" Hello.. "

" Hey Neo, it's Kendra. " She says softly through the phone.

" Why aren't you at base yet? It's 7:45pm already. "

" I know, I know... something happened at the clinic and that's why I'm calling you now. "

" Like?... "

" Look, I don't have time to explain on the phone. I need you to come down here now. "

" To the clinic? "

" Not the clinic, I don't know this exact place so just track me with the device implanted in my neck. " Kendra says hastily.

" Jeez alright then. You're lucky the commander isn't at base yet... "

" Just hurry, and come with one of the armored convoy trucks...I got company. "

" Sounds like you're in a bigger mess than I thought, agent. "

" I'll explain everything when I get to base, the commander himself might love this. "

" I'll be there in five... " Neo ends the call. Kendra moves to the wall and sits on the floor tiredly, resting her back against the wall.

" I should be paid for this. " She sighs and takes off her lab coat revealing two gun pouches hanging around her waist and a dark green and black colored elastic outfit that stayed glued to her skin, covering every inch of her body except her neck and face. She tears a piece of cloth from the coat and adds pressure with it on her bleeding shoulder to slow down the flow of blood. The wound wasn't deep but it could lead to her getting weak and drowsy with time if she continues to lose blood.

" Damn, I almost forgot. " She takes out the diary from the lab coat and squeezes it in an empty gadget pouch somewhere around her waist.

" Are you alright? " A man asked after coming a few meters close to where she sat. Kendra had never noticed him walk all the way from down the alley to her current spot. She jerks up to action in both fear and the instinct of self defense.

" I came here to dump my trash in the dumpster over there and saw you sitting helplessly with...three hospital beds? " The man showed a tone of surprise at the last part of his sentence. Kendra stays ahead of the teenagers as her protective instincts would command.

" It's nothing...I'm fine. " She says and tries to laugh it over.

" Doesn't really explain the unconscious young people behind you. " He states and tries to come a bit closer.

" Please sir, stay back. I appreciate your concern but I'm fine and you don't have to worry about these people, they're also fine. " Kendra strongly responds and shows no intention to let him get any closer.

" 'kay then. If you insist. " He shrugs and turns to leave.

Kendra sighs a relief.

" wait... " He stops in mid-stride. His nose snuffles the air and he suddenly seems excited for no reason. " Those people behind you smell so different from the regular humans like you. " He fully turns to face Kendra.

" What do you mean? They're just regular humans like me. "

" Not at all, they smell far more tastier.... brimming with so much power in them. "

" I have no idea what you're talking about. " Kendra's arm slowly reaches for the gun pouch behind her, hanging around her waist.

" Let me have a look... " He moves forward purposefully and Kendra stops him in his stride with a gun pressing on his forehead.

" One more move and I'll spread your brain matter all over this alley. " Kendra's expression had suddenly changed from a scared-looking naive woman to an emotionless assassin.

" Seems you're the lively one.. " The man smiles. " ...let's put your bravery to the test and see if you'd survive. " He adds then makes a loud beastly growl that echoed throughout the alley and into the main road, and before Kendra could say ' Jack Robinson ' the entire alley and the rooftop of the buildings around them got filled with hungry demons. There was no escaping without a fight.

" You've got to be kidding me. " She mumbles in disbelief.

Next Chapter - NINE MONTHS AGO PT. 1

A quick peek into the origin of things, the story that brought about the story. Are the three high-school victims really humans or demons? Why did demons ravage the Earth in the space of nine months after the high-school incident? Let's find out...

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