
Ghost Rider: Long Live Vengeance

Cain Blaze, the son of Johnny Blaze and Roxanne Simpson-Blaze, is the perfect host of Zarathos, the spirit of vengeance. He begins his journey to become not just a hero or a legend, but a force of vengeance, because what the world needs is a monster.

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10 Chs

The Story of Zarathos

Cain and Fury stroll through the city and witness its nighttime splendor, confirming the truth that the city never sleeps.

 Cain gazed at Fury, his hands tucked into his leather jacket. "Do you know anything about a website discussing the history of Zarathos? I heard someone mention it, and I'm diffidently sure that's not the real story".

Nick looked at him, knowing he wanted the truth, so he said, "Once the Ghost Rider was out and the opening, we tried to find where you came from. We found an old church that was founded in World War II and that sank into the ocean. Inside, there was a mention of The King of Fire who was once an angel that turned into a demon. We read his history and created a website to see if we could find you, but once it was up, there were a few people talking badly about you, but most were talking about how you were bringing justice."

Cain just smirked. "What do you know, trying to turn me into a villain? But the people see me as a hero more than you people," Fury glared at him. "Oh, come on. You know it's true. You spies like to keep secrets, but you don't like when people keep their secrets. You get so mad that you would do anything to get what you want," he said, looking at him to see what his excuse would be.

Fury remained silent while Cain smirked as if waiting for his excuse. Cain chuckled and said, "You know I'm right, so why don't you be a good little soldier and listen to the story about my father including the people who are watching us?" He pointed at all the cameras that were all over the city, watching them. 

Cain looked up at the sky, remembering what his father had told him about how he became who he is. "The story about my Father was that he was born in the Silver City with his brothers and sisters, having the duty to be a warrior. But that wasn't it. He was the youngest and the last of the angels that was created and born from his father, GOD, and Mother, the GODDESS, who created the multiverse, or some of it."

Fury was listening to his father's story when he picked up on something. "Wait, there was a goddess? I thought it was just God," he exclaimed. Cain continued stargazing and replied in a somber tone, "Yeah, you'll know what happened to her once you hear the enter story?"

"My father was a skilled fighter and one of the best because he could reach the level of an archangel. What you may not know is that angels and archangels have different powers. While some of them share similar abilities, every being has a specific power that they control the most. For my father, his specific power is fire, and he is the only one who truly understands the meaning of what lies within the fire," Cain explained, discussing the unique powers that angels possess and what comes naturally to them.

"In a hundred years, he had earned the title of the Archangel of Justice. However, those around him referred to him as the spirit of justice because of his unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle in order to achieve his goals." Cain smiled when he thought about why people called him the spirit of justice instead of the Archangel of Justice.

"But then God told them all to watch over this world, but nobody knows the reason why. They followed their father's order, but he ordered my father to walk on earth, including some of the archangels, while their Mother wanted them close to her," Cain took a moment to breathe. "My father met a lot of people, some good but many of them were bad. He had met a lot of lovers, but they always broke his heart. He kept on fighting to find the one for him."

"Over a thousand years, my father fought and killed a lot of people in the name of what is right. However, some of the Archangels, witnessing how many people walked away without punishment, including the fake Gods, and how messed up it is, didn't like it. You know what was worse? When they went to heaven to speak to God," Cain looked at Fury with an intense stare. "He loved humanity, fake Gods, and creatures more than his own children and told them they can do better if we help them."

"The archangels were angry, but Lucifer was the most furious because they followed without questioning their father. Lucifer had enough including the Goddess that Earth was a place where animals did whatever they wanted, so they started building a rebellion with some archangels and half the angels." As Cain was talking, he slowed down, recounting what happened next, including the fury.

"Lucifer tried to persuade my father to join the rebellion, but he always said no. However, when they met again, Lucifer said this to him: "They don't care; they just do whatever they want, including if you're trying to find the one, because they always take away from you like they did to your old lovers. So remember that." When my father heard that, he didn't know what to say. Then, the next year, in the middle of the first garden, where he met someone that made his heart skip a beat, he encounters someone so beautiful." Cain said with a smile on his face and then said "Her name was Zofia. They fell in love at first sight, but you know what was really interesting? He was the first Archangel who had ever loved someone other than his family." 

Cain's eyes glowed almost orange, like they were made of gold, just a second ago when he mentioned Zofia. "And a couple of years later, she became his wife. She was a witch of unparalleled power. With her, my father discovered the gentler, more peaceful side of existence. They lived in harmony, far from the chaos of the world," Cain said with a dropped smile. "But one day, some mortals heard about her magic powers. They killed her, and when they drank her blood, they became witches and wizards. You know them, they always want powers," Cain said, looking at Furing with an angry tone.

Fury turned his head away, not knowing how magic had become and what his people do all the time, taking whatever they want.

"My father went to heaven to plead to God, but He didn't do anything - no punishment, just nothing at all to the people who did this to his wife. My father got angry because his brother was right: they always get punished, but the world didn't." Cain walked straight up to Fury, telling him.

 Cain looked straight into Fury's eyes. "He joined the rebellion, fighting heaven for years, killing all those who were evil, and battling brothers and sisters with a broken heart, knowing he was fighting his own family. The world crumbled, no, the whole multiverse crumbled. The faked god, cosmic deities, and anyone else who stood in their way just perished, no longer existing in the universe anymore."

"God saw all of this and didn't want his children to get hurt, so he ended the war and made a deal with the rebellion. Those who had done evil would be punished when they die, rather than going to heaven. This place of punishment was called Hell. However, this decision came at the cost of losing half of his children and his wife," Cain said to Fury, who was looking up at the sky and noticed that it was getting cloudy as if Cain's words were controlling the weather.

Cain explained in a flat tone, "Those who went to hell are now the fallen angels, referring to themselves as ArchDemons and Demons. Their mother oversees the souls entering hell and decides who gets punishment or torture. They have given themselves new titles, similar to my father, the spirit of vengeance, and now new demons and dark deities are emerging in hell. These entities are different from the fallen angels; they are greedy, lustful, and seek control instead of just punishing evil."

"Until someone more powerful came to the same level as God himself." Cain looked at the cloudy sky as rain started to fall and lightning lit up the sky. "His name is Satan. He made a deal with the new dark deities and demons to push us out so they can rule Hell itself, with him being the king - other than Lucifer - and have four Hell lords to have lands to rule with an iron fist." 

Cain walked on, his clothes getting wet, with Fury following him. "They fought, almost killing 90% of those who went against them. The new demons and deities didn't know how to kill them, so they imprisoned them in the deepest, darkest part of hell. They tried to control them, but it never worked until Satan found a way to control one of them. They chose my father because even though he was the strongest and could go toe to toe with the archdemons and archangels, he was the most dangerous of them all."

Cain smirked. "It was hard for them to control him because sometimes he had the spirit to fight back, and hell started to lose faith when knew deities and demons were popping out of nowhere to see the new lords and king were controlling hell other than punishing the souls".

"So, when they found a way to completely control him, they made him possess a mortal, making it seem like he was insane when he came out of the Ghost Rider, you know?" Cain looked at Fury, knowing the myth that he had gone insane for it. "The final person he possessed was my dad. That was when my dad and mom ran away together and found a way to take away the mind control of who was controlling my father. They worked together from then on. But when they had me, they were scared that dark people would come and kill me if they knew I existed. So, my father transferred his blood into mine, making him my father too." Cain looked at Fury, whose eyes pieced it all together, understanding why I had two dads and one mom.

Cain walked into an alley with a somber expression. "At the time of my birth, my powers awakened, attracting a demon to come and find me. As a result, my parents fought and died protecting me. They placed me under a tree and led the demons away," he recounted, pausing in the dimly lit alleyway as he faced Fury. "When someone eventually found me, he was a close friend of my family, an uncle figure, and a mentor to me. I believe you know who he is, given the nickname he used for you, Fury," he said with a smirk.

When Fury heard someone call him a nickname that he wished he had never encountered, "Spawn aka Al Simmons the killing machine"

Cain smirked, and fury started to connect the dots, so he spoke, "So he was the one who took care of you and trained you to be the man you are today, with Zarathos helping you harness your power."

Cain chuckled, "Yeah, you see, when I was born, I awakened my mutant powers. It was my ability to control fire, different types of firepower, even not in flaming form, you know." He looked at Fury and continued, "So yeah, I'm a mutant Ghost Rider, Nikkie," he said with a funny tone.

Fury just looked at him for a moment, taking in all of who he is and his parents' story, and then said, "You know, after everything I've been hearing and talking to you, I never got your name."

Cain looked at him in confusion. "Huh, you know I never told you my name," Cain shrugged. "The name's Cain Blaze. I'm a Cambion, Nephilim, and a mutant all together," as he smirked.

Fury nodded, "Cain Blaze has a nice ring to it. I came here to talk to you about joining a team of young members to become the best. Even though I know someone else wants you to join a different team, I believe that when the time comes, we should all come together to fight against the supernatural forces that threaten Earth." Cain looked at him in confusion, about to speak when Fury cut him off. "But I want you to meet the young heroes and more who will come when you meet them in school." Fury's words left Cain confused.

Cain just looked at him, unsure of what to say. "Yeah, I've never been in a school at all," he admitted. Fury looked at him in shock upon hearing this. "You mean to tell me you've never been to school at all?"

"I've been in school," Fury just looked at him and kept on going. "That is, to hunt supernatural things. I've heard that school sucks, that they just let bullies walk away without punishment. And if when I get there, oh, it's going to be their worst nightmare."

Fury gave a smirk and said, "Well, we have SHIELD taking care of the school, but it's hard for us to deal with the bullying when we're busy with work and taking care of the young heroes. With you around, I think the school will be better off if bullies get knocked out."

Cain chuckled and said, "Now that's the school I want to see." Fury just smiled and replied, "Good. Tomorrow, you're going to Midtown High. You'll meet young heroes and show them how to deal with criminals without resorting to killing them." Cain just nodded and said, "Okay then."

Fury looked around, confused about Cain's presence. "Do you have a reason for being here?" Cain replied, "Yes, I'm meeting one of my men to discuss what our criminals are planning to do tonight."

Fury just nodded. "So when are they going to come?" Cain looked at him. "Oh yeah, they've been here the whole time, and he's right there," pointing at a homeless guy who looks like he's high, sitting on the wall.

Fury looked at him as if it was a joke or not. "Is this a joke? How did I not notice him when we were talking?" Cain just smirked. "That's the idea - no one will notice a homeless man like you did," he said as he walked towards the homeless man.

"Everyone thinks they can talk in broad daylight or nighttime without noticing homeless people," Cain chuckled. "So, Paul, what have you got?"

Paul stopped pretending he was high and got a serious look that surprised Fury. "Well, there's this talk about a gang called A.M.O who stole weapons from the Iron industry. They are selling these weapons on the street and I know their locations. I recorded it," Paul said as he took out the new limited edition phone, which surprised Fury even more.

Cain nodded, "Well done. Here's your paycheck. I'll also pay your people to see if there's more information, okay?" Paul nodded while receiving $1,000. Cain turned to Nick and said, "Well, I'll see you later and let's see how the heroes I'll meet, too, because I've got work, if you know what I mean. Later." He stepped back into the shadow as Fury walked and noticed that he was gone.

"That never gets old," Fury turned around and saw Paul counting the money. He looked at fury while he pulled up his Rolex and tapped it. "Tick tock, Mr. because The Rider is about to come out. 

And the city of evil will be singing the ghost rider when they go hell"

Fury walks out of the alley when he hears Paul humming in a dark scary tone.