
Reign of Fire

Sean slowly woke up from his bed seeing Diana next to him completely naked along with a new woman who has light green hair white skin and had bat like wings on her head. This was Morrigan Aensland a succobus woman who had recently joined the heroes of the world along with joining Sean's still growing harem.

Sean smirked before kissing their foreheads making them smile in their sleep.

It's been a couple of weeks since the end of Menendez's war and things had been relatively peaceful for now.

His grandfather was living a quiet peaceful life in the retirement home with Stacy and the others due to him wanting to relax for a while before he rejoined the army again. With the war over the president had offered Global Tech more funding as well as full authorization for any projects that came to mind.

One such project was a new building which would make the Pentagon look like child's play. It was called the Decagon. A new military installation meant for the allies to operate together in a more open area. 3 times the size of the Pentagon and five times more secured.

Sean was about to get up when.

"Leaving so soon love?" Morrigan asked playfully while tracing her fingers over her bare breasts.

"Sorry honey I've got work to do. Though I will enjoy some more private fun when I get back." Sean said making her giggle before resting her head back down on the Pillows.


The twins and Newt were in London walking to one of the Energon mines underground.

"Morning girls. Hows it going now." One of the miners asked in the London accent.

"Good." Dawn said.

"Working late shift now are ya?" Another of the miners asked in amusement.

"Someone has to clean up after you guys." Sarah said as they made it to the Elevator where Price and Soap got off.

"Alright girls come on then." Price said letting them in the elevator.

"Thanks." Dawn said as they made they're way down where Sean and a few others were at before Sean used the fire extinguisher to freeze a few beer cans.

"Nice work boys." Sean said.

"Hey boss heres the new recruits." One of the miners said.

"Employment office is up top." Sean said.

"Hi Sean." Sarah said.

"What are you girls doing here?" Sean asked.

"Our school got destroyed in the drone attack remember?" Dawn said.

"Oh right." Sean said knowing it would take a while before the school was rebuilt.

"Hey Sean." Barry said.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"We got a problem at number 4. Kano says he's hit a void." Barry said.

"There wasn't one on the scanners." Sean said going to the main office to look it over.

One of the drilling machines at the void continued to spin till it stopped and Kano had a look inside.

"Ah hell how was this not seen." Kano said before turning around seeing the girls. "Oy girls. And what brings you three to the asshole of the world?" Kano asked.

"You were passing through it. What does that make you?" Sarah asked making Kano chuckle.

"Good one. Here do me a favor and have a look inside." Kano said handing Dawn a flashlight and they made their way inside. "And be careful. I don't need your brother on my case." Kano said leaving.

Sarah, Dawn and Newt made their way inside the void seeing the walls covered in some kind of rock that looked like scales.

"Wow." Newt said.

"What is this stuff?" Dawn asked.

"Hello girls." A male voice said behind them making them turn and see one of the miners with a rather unsettling look on his face.

"Um can we help you?" Sarah asked.

"Oh I dont know maybe you could convince your brother to give me my job back but then again..." The miner said about to grab them when fire appeared on the ground behind him making him jump while the girls walked closer to a wall.

"Who dares harm the innocent?" An angered voice said echoing around the void.

"Who's there?" The miner said.

"I am a protector of the innocent." The voice said before the cave started to move around somewhat and the miner looked up and.

"Sean I'm telling you there wasn't a void when we scanned this place." Kano said.

"Well then why the hell?" Sean tried to say till he heard the girls screaming echoing.

"Oh SHIT!" Kano yelled as they rushed to the void.

"GIRLS!" Sean yelled looking around till he found the dead miner who's body was ripped in half from the waist.

"Oh good god." Kano said.

"Up here." Sarah said making them look up seeing the girls up on top of...

"Is that what I think it is?" Kano asked.

"A dragon." Sean said.


"Raiden what the hell? Why did you not say anything?" Sean asked.

"I honestly had no idea the legendary Bull dragon was in this mine." Raiden said.

"Bull Dragon?" Sean said confused.

"Yes you see this is the first dragon to ever exist. He is the king of dragons as well as the spirit world." Raiden said.

"So he and others of his kind are allies of Earth then?" Sean said.

"Yes they are guardians of peace." Raiden said before an alert came up.

"Oh what now?" Sean said as they got an alert from command.

"Son we got a problem. Theres a new breach opening up in the Atlantic." Lane said.

"Oh hell." Sean said.

A category 2 Kaiju appeared out of water and roared as it approached London.

"Zilla is to far away and Kong is still recovering from his last fight." Lane said.

"We've got a new asset here." Sean said before the Bulldragon soon flew out of the mine and to the enemy.

The Kaiju almost made it to shore till The BullDragon appeared and knocked it back away from the shore making it roar at the king of the dragons who roared right back at the Kaiju before breathing fire at the monster making it roar in pain.

The BullDragon soon started making some kind of calling sound and out from the mine appeared two more dragons. One with black scales and Red eyes while the other had white scales and blue eyes. (Red Eyes Black Dragon and Blue eyes white Dragon from YUGIOH folks!)

The Kaiju roared before all three dragons blasted the Kaiju with their breaths making it burn to ash before roaring into the air in victory while the citizens of London cheered for their protectors victory.

Hours later

News Footage of the attack was all over the world with every Chanel saying that Dragons of all things had saved London from devastating destruction.

"How about that?" Sean said amused.

"I always thought Dragons were just myths and legends." Tom said.

"Well not anymore." Lane said.

"Raiden also said that the Spirit world also holds unique opportunities for us. Some of the most rarest minerals we need for technology is in the spirit world and they never run out cause they constantly grow. I've authorized a facility to be built there to start extracting these elements. We're looking at an Infinite supply of much needed elements we need to survive." Sean said.

"Well I'll be damned." Briggs said amazed.

"However there is one small issue. In the Spirit world theres this uh how should I put this? Green large monster called Gnasty Gnorc. He's been causing trouble for our new allies for some time. But they insist we stay from him and not cause a full out war in they're homes." Sean said.

"What makes him so dangerous?" Packard asked.

"Well he's able to turn gems into warriors for his own cause." Sean said.

"Gems?" Lane said confused.

"The world is changing Lane get used to it." Sean said.


"So the girls Birthday is next week so considering how they've been to everyplace in the world. I decided to place it in the Dragon world." Sean said.

"Oh really?" Mara asked while looking at the photos for the party. "Still hard to imagine my little angels are almost 13 years old." Mara said mock sadness making him chuckle.

"Oh please you barley cried when I turned 13." Sean said.

"Thats cause you were special on so many levels." Mara said making him chuckle.

"Whatever. Anyway their birthday party will be held in the Artisans world." Sean said.