
Starting on a trip with company (2)

Dawn of the first day of travel to the capital of the south 30 km to the remaining capital of the south.

Gahrkal was on the back of the wind servant who was moving at an incredible speed which traveled many kilometers of forests and mountains which at foot would have been a headache for Gahrkal.

"My lord, were not we going to walk like you said?" (Lily)

Gahrkal observed the mountains and his mind was filled with ideas that there might be under them perhaps great treasures, minerals or even ancient hidden civilizations but these thoughts were interrupted by Lily's voice.

"Hahahaha would not do any good to walk since I am a skeleton and you are made of orichalcum, so I doubt we get anything with walking and the monsters of the forest thanks to the mask I can see them clearly and you would take a lot of time to make yourself strong it would be better to look powerful monsters and after there are you can kill them and make yourself stronger."(Gahrkal)

Gahrkal could observe the creatures in the forest and could perceive their levels without problems.

Goblin Salvage: level 11

Minotaur minor: level 19

Dark Centaur: level 33

Rock Dragon: level 21

No matter where Gahrkal directed his sight, he could only see weak monsters that would not give anything positive even if the magical core of these monsters were worth it.

In the distance between the mountains you could see a huge city surrounded by walls and mountains that functioned as a natural wall which defended the city from all angles and the only entrance to the city was paved with massive blocks of rock.

The city was very large which could indicate that at least 200 or 300 thousand inhabitants lived in that simple city in the mountains.

The only buildings that stood out in that city were the church and the castle of the king of the south who was also a hero like the king of the north but the city was very different from the north.

This was twice as great and with many more natural resources than before which means that the king of the north was given the poorest kingdom but that changed quickly thanks to Gahrkal who began to live there and the mana emanating from his body made that all the northern territory became richer in terms of crops and natural plants.

Unfortunately, it was only a territory without savage animals since the abundance of monsters in the forest was very large due to the dungeons present in them.

Gahrkal decided to make himself present to the guards who guarded the entrance of the city since he did not want to cause unnecessary problems but if he were to discover that the spy was sent by the king or queen Gahrkal he would have to dirty his hands to know why he was being spied on.

There was a huge line to enter the city which had at least 100 people waiting for their papers to be signed to let them pass.

Most of these people had floats and were dressed strangely.

"They are all merchants." (Gahrkal)

Gahrkal recognized that many of them had a seal on their clothes, the sign was a coin with two crossed swords and an ingot of apparent gold in the center of the two swords.

"It will be stupid to wait for these fools to let us in."(Gahrkal)

Gahrkal did not have much patience for the things that took time and less if it was about standing still waiting for a bum to glance through a couple of papers.

Gahrkal began to walk to the side of the line and ignored the guards until some of them stopped in front of him and these were paralyzed in fear since it was not a person it was a monster that was in front of them.

The guards stood with their weapons ready for a few seconds until Gahrkal lost patience completely.

"Lily take care of them and meet me when you're done."(Gahrkal)

Gahrkal knocked the guards' weapons out of his way and entered the city by raising the huge fence with one hand and releasing it at his back making it possible to hear a loud sound.

The guards watched Gahrkal's back for a few seconds as he entered the city and then focused his vision on Lily.

At first sight, Lily looked like a 16-year-old girl, 1.45 tall, with beautiful red eyes and very long orange hair that reached her waist, and she was wearing a maid suit of a dark and red tone.

Although the guards did not know that maid costume was part of her body which was of orichalcum making it virtually indestructible to any normal attack.

A strange smile crossed the face of the 3 guards while behind them there were about 9 more everyone looked at Lily as if they underestimated her but their faces turned white with terror quickly when Lily raised her hands and these were transformed into two long swords with teeth that stood out from the sheet.

The merchants immediately hid away to avoid being in the middle of the fight and this time a macabre smile with empty eyes appeared in the face of Lily.




Gahrkal entered the city walking through its streets until he could see people walking and there were many adventurers walking the streets.

An adventurer noticed Gahrkal and immediately drew his sword aiming at him and shouting at the others adventurers nearby.

"Infiltrated monster!" (Adventurer)

Then many adventurers joined quickly to make a joint attack.

Gahrkal really was not in a good state of mind, he had been spied on and Alinor mentioned that the other kings would go crazy if they learned that the supposed small and defenseless northern territory possessed orichalcum in large numbers which was controlled by monsters.

The imagination of Gahrkal created a situation in which the 3 kingdoms joined forces to fight against the solo to obtain the so precious orichalcum so that he practically made his fury go to the clouds.

Gahrkal observed the adventurers and counted quickly how many had been present.

"69, 75, 93, 93 adventurers present."(Gahrkal)

Gahrkal remained motionless and raised both arms showing that he was not armed but was totally useless because a hail of arrows, spells and throwing weapons flew up to him.

Thanks to the spells a huge cloud of dust arose and the adventurers breathed a sigh of relief that the supposed threat had been finished while the merchants and people around were celebrating the courage of these an archer noticed a pair of red eyes in the cloud of dust.

[Enrage has been activated]

[Physical power enhanced by 50% intelligence has been reduced by 50%]

Gahrkal had received multiple arrows, spells and throwing weapons on his face which activated the buff "Enrage" which activated his physical power by 50% but reduced his intelligence by 50% as well.

The adventurers watched the creature and this time their hearts beat with fear and Gahrkal could see this clearly.

Gahrkal fully controlled by the "Enrage" raised both hands and together and the adventurers watched paralyzed until one of them realized what the monster in front of them was doing and this scream but it was too late.

Gahrkal Under both hands joined and hit the ground creating an expansive wave that rose with the rocks of the ground which violently hit everything in its path.

An even larger cloud of dust rose up and the adventurers who were still alive watched the creature walk up and down the streets.

Gahrkal was determined to prevent everything he had done in the northern city from being thrown away by greedy kings.

Guard after adventurous guard after adventurers faced Gahrkal while this one-shot killed them one by one until the adventurers realized that fighting was useless, and they began to flee but the guards kept trying to fight against him anyway.

An adventurer raised a dagger and teleport behind Gahrkal stabbing him in the back but this was totally in vain but it worked as a distraction.

The huge 3-meter monster was struggling to grab the adventurer mounted on his back while the archers and sorcerers continued their rain until again a spell hit the face of Gahrkal.

[Enrage cool down has been refreshed]

[Physical power enhanced by 50% intelligence has been reduced by 50%]

The adventurers noticed that the monster grew in strength until the adventurer in the back of Gahrkal decided to retire but before activating his teleport he felt that something had grabbed his feet.

The adventurer observed his foot and noticed that the monster's face and his eyes were focused on him.

The adventurer quickly tried to save himself from the claws of the monster, but it was totally useless because the strength of Gahrkal grip with the benefit of "Enrage".

Gahrkal with a quick movement ripped the adventurer's leg and flattened his head with force leaving in silence the other adventurers present.

Gahrkal was already totally deranged for what little he had advanced in the city, and he decided to end it all at once.

Gahrkal opened his mouth and formed the skeletal face of a snake showing a strange green and orange cloud in his mouth and absorbed air.

The adventurers watched the creature while some others attacked it with bows and arrows to avoid whatever the attack was.

Gahrkal release his breath and a mask skill was used.

[Emerging breath has been activated]

[593 poison damage per second will affect all living beings, 1900 fire damage will be afflicted to nearby living beings]

In a few seconds a huge green cloud began to come out of the mouth of Gahrkal covering the adventurers as they began to spit blood and fell to the ground trying to breathe while others experienced the poison and catch fire at the same time.

The cloud quickly began to travel the streets of the city killing everything that was in them men, women, children, the elderly, animals.

Nothing was saved from that breath of poison and the city was flooded with screams for a few seconds until the silence reigned again.