
indication of problems and a market full of thieves (Updated)

Gahrkal had managed to evolve successfully again and had obtained 5 bodies of divine dragons that Lhiara and Hiara kept in the inventory.

Gahrkal took the last dragon named "Alinor" as he saw an opportunity to get more information about the old Gahrkal, but he was not sure if that "Alinor" would be cooperative after seeing how his companions were killed.

Upon returning to the main road that he had used from the exit of the forest, the extermination of goblins and the collapse of the crystal cave, besides that there was no other route or path or marked trails which made the navigation of an area very easy. To another but it was not the same at the time of exploration of forests and other different places and a clear area to take as an example was the labyrinth from which Gahrkal woke up.

Gahrkal walked through the same town where the soldiers and the priestess of the church had been but at that moment he noticed something different. The bodies that had previously been burned were no longer there and there was no sign of the area in which they were stacked. And burned which made Gahrkal's mind feel uneasy.

Gahrkal this time decided to head to the mountain as he had planned to go out and explore remote areas and the other kingdoms as it seemed that the northern kingdom instantly became hostile to him without any reason and now that he had killed 5 divine dragons sent by a goddess the news would surely spread quickly and the heroes would surely try to kill Gahrkal to gain fame.

Using the main route, Gahrkal could observe the landscape as if it were a beautiful painting the distant crops in the hills while the breeze rocked them and the distant and multiple farms and in the vast skies the birds flew in all directions.

Gahrkal continued to walk very calmly enjoying the peace until he felt that his passenger was beginning to wake up, and he decided to give her a help to wake up by letting her fall face down and Gahrkal spoke.

[Good morning sleeping beauty ... I hope you've been comfortable.] (Gahrkal)

A gruff voice was heard which made Lhiara and Hiara come out of their windows to see why there was so much commotion.

[Why did you do that!?] (Alinor)

[What's happening here?] (Lhiara)

[Good morning ...] (Hiara)

Hiara kept rubbing her hand in her eyes, so she could wake up completely while Lhiara looked at Alinor on the floor and Gahrkal's voice was heard.

[Are we enemies do you remember?] (Gahrkal)

[At least show some respect for your enemies you bastard!] (Alinor)

Gahrkal raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders interpreting a typical * who cares * making Alinor more furious than before but in the eyes of Lhiara it seemed that these two were old friends.

[Looks like they're having fun.] (Lhiara)

Alinor answered with a sarcastic voice.

[Of course we are great friends, and we will also eat a cake in the light of the moon, let me feed him too!] (Alinor)

[I'd prefer a hydra to feed me before your at least one hydra would concentrate on the task to focus on me.] (Gahrkal)

Alinor was about to speak again until his stomach was heard and Gahrkal spoke.

[...better eat something, and then we continue arguing uselessly.] (Gahrkal)

Gahrkal took out from his inventory a couple of small wooden boxes that emitted magic very clearly, and he sat on the side of the road to open them and see the inside of each box.

When opening one of the boxes it contained a bottle of blue liquid, a cheesecake, a good piece of dried meat, 3 cooked potatoes, two steel forks and two knives of the same material and finally a couple of yellow colored apple when extracting the last item the box completely lost its magic turning into a simple wooden box.

Alinor refused to eat at first but after observing how Hiara and Lharia ate so well he decided to join Gahrkal on the other hand at no time since he had felt hunger or thirst or sleep or anything, but he did not really care much Francis was never someone who ate much.

Alinor and the pair of fairies enjoyed the food while Gahrkal lay on a tree, feeling the gentle breeze.

[Never in my whole life have I felt so much peace...it's a shame that peace is something that does not last forever, whether we want it or not.] (Gahrkal)

Alinor felt curious but the pair of fairies at no time changed their attitude, and they continued eating.

[What do you mean with that? Is that you do not see around you everything is very peaceful and the kingdoms are at peace with each other.] (Alinor)

[Maybe it's true or maybe you spent too much time locked in some strange place and you do not know anything about the world but in my opinion wars can happen at any moment.] (Gahrkal)

The assumption of Gahrkal was that at some point a war would surely begin and there were currently 4 kingdoms which made this probability even higher since some kingdom would surely try to start a war to try to dominate the others human history is very clear. When a human tastes what is the power it will not stop until it gets more and more.

Alinor understood what he was referring to, so she began to feel curious about what Gahrkal would do in a war situation and Alinor decided to let his curiosity beat her.

[What will you do if the war starts between the kingdoms? Will you support a particular kingdom or will you fight for your own cause?] (Alinor)

Gahrkal thought that if a war started the first thing he needed would be information and that while he was sitting he was not going to get it, so he got up and asked the fairies.

[You two have already finished eating? If it's not like that, give me the leftovers we have to get moving. I want to be on the other side of the mountains at the end of the day.] (Gahrkal)

The pair of fairies stuffed the leftovers from the food into Gahrkal's inventory and spoke at the same time.

[We're ready to go.] (Lhiara / Hiara)

Gahrkal concentrated on Alinor.

[from now on you are free to decide...you can come with us or you can go back to your church although who knows how you are going to be treated by that goddess who sent you to fight with me to know that I killed 5 of your companions.] (Gahrkal)

Gahrkal got moving while the pair of fairies landed on his shoulders and Alinor hesitated for a few seconds until she decided to leave with Gahrkal.

[huh ... it seems that you are not as stupid as you seem it will be a pleasure to work with you.] (Gahrkal)

The sun could be seen in the distance and it was not long before it started to descend.

Gahrkal was finally reaching the mountain until he saw a couple of logs covered with ribbons of different colors as they approached there were a lot of stairs, and they could see several people going up and down and Alinor decided to ask a person who happened to his side.

[Excuse me what is this place?] (Alinor)

The person stopped and looked closely at Alinor, and he began to speak.

[Oh this is the Bastion of merchants stationed in the cross between the mountains...it is also the residence of the guild of thieves ... which make a day of peaceful buying and selling impossible... I advise you to move quickly from this place. Thanks to those thieves here it is very hard to make a profit especially his leader "Tiger Claw" is a very fast thief.] (merchant)

Gahrkal immediately upon hearing this decided that maybe he could use those thieves to get information.

[Thank you for the information we will take into account.] (Gahrkal)

The merchant took off his hat with a smile on his face and left.

Gahrkal began to climb the stairs next to Alinor while this attempt to put in order a plan to use the guild of thieves to get information.

At the end of the steps you could see an incredible natural tunnel full of stalls that offered a huge variety of items and different come as food, clothing, jewelry and weapons but among all the people who were in the Gahrkal market could clearly see a few who put their hands in other people's bags stealing small objects or coins.

Gahrkal decided to take advantage of the moment and observed one of the thieves who had stolen an object from the position of a merchant without his realizing it. Gahrkal followed the thief keeping some distance from him until he saw that he entered a door that was in the tunnel.

Gahrkal approached the door and before entering a person stood in front of the blocking the passage this person looked like a thug he had green hair and a scar on his cheek but apparently his muscles prevented his brain to work.

[This place is for members and merchants only get out of here before things get ugly for you.] (thug)

The people who were nearby began to move away while the thug uncovered a sword and smiled.

Gahrkal began to think that all the people in this world had a mental deficiency but Gahrkal was determined to enter and attack without the boy having time to react.

Gahrkal took the head of the thug and raised him from the ground and used it to open the door.

On the other side of the door a guard heard that the door was hit 3 times and moved a protector that was in the door and spoke.

[Password?] (Guard)

The door flew along with the guard while Gahrkal spoke loudly.

[Nock Nock] (Gahrkal)

Gahrkal broke the door frame to get through it and when he entered he found a room full of people who were drinking, dancing and some counting gold coins at some remote tables.

Gahrkal shook his head looking for the thief until he managed to find him, and he got behind a bar of a tavern owner.

Gahrkal approached the bar and took it off the ground and managed to see a door that led to an underground section and this jump using its weight breaking and ruining the frame of that door too.

Falling through the hidden door Gahrkal observed the thief who was fleeing through a long tunnel until it reached a metal door and heard clear sounds that the door was locked but this did not matter to Gahrkal who put his fingers on the wall and ripped the door with its frame.

Upon entering the room Gahrkal observed that there were many people with their daggers prepared to be used and in the midst of all these people a person stood out by an elegant red suit with a hood and his voice could be heard clearly that person was the one called "Tiger Claw".

[gentleman, it seems that one of my boys stole something that belongs to you ... if you can designate the one who took the object, I can personally see it returned.] (Tiger Claw)

Gahrkal observed among all the people who had but all used the same attire to be confused but Gahrkal had gone to that place with other plans.

Gahrkal pulled out his huge scythe and some of those present released their daggers at seeing such a weapon either out of fear or because they realized they could not fight and would be killed if they made a terrible move.

Immediately from among the people the thief appeared and left on the floor what he had stolen and those things were not more than a couple of copper coins but Gahrkal had not gone for those objects.

[actually I come for another matter... I require your light feet so that you look for information for me I am willing to pay in gold for every job you do for me.] (Gahrkal)

"Tiger Claw" did not look at all convinced and was also very suspicious until one of the thieves in the room started talking.

[Are you really going to pay us?!] (Thief)

Gahrkal accented with his head and many of the thieves present spoke to each other and some observed each other, but they were all immediately silenced by "Tiger Claw".

[Silence damn brats from the street! It's me who makes the deals here!] (Tiger Claw)

Gahrkal saw how Tiger treated the thieves and spoke.

[That how you treat those who support you?] (Gahrkal)

Tiger gave a laugh and one of the thieves behind him spoke.

[Every day its like this...one gets used to it.] (Thief)

Gahrkal watched Tiger while he continued laughing until his patience touched his limit and Tiger's head came loose from his shoulders and a notification appeared in the vision of Gahrkal.

[A critical hit has been made to the enemy's neck]

[8,173 physical damage has been achieved]

[Experience gained 10,371]

[3 gold coins acquired]

The thieves remained in total silence when observing how their leader was beheaded in the blink of an eye without this one having any chance to react until one of them recovered his composure and asked again what he had already asked.

[Are you really going to pay us if we get information for you?] (Thief)

Gahrkal checked his inventory and took 50 gold coins and left them on a nearby table

[This is, so they buy decent equipment and do not steal back in the market ... the people who come here are trying to make a living...why do you do not work as guards and spies at the same time and protect this place from other thieves?] (Gahrkal)

The idea of ​​transforming a huge group of thieves into guards was a little twisted but it sounded logical if they wanted to get money and avoid having their heads separated from their shoulders but in the end the thieves agreed to become guards and also work as informants and spies.

[Make sure they also get information from the other realms and any gossip that sounds interesting.] (Gahrkal)

Gahrkal left the place after giving 20 gold coins to the owner of the tavern since he simply gave shelter to the orphans without having learned that these were really thieves.

meanwhile Alinor, Lhiara and Hiara were enjoying spending gold with the shared inventory of Gahrkal.

Gahrkal observed the market and smiled knowing that he had completed the first step of his plan to be able to live peacefully in that new world.

Gahrkal observed how at the entrance of the tunnel the sun was beginning to set and the remaining light of the sun illuminated the tunnel while all the merchant posts were illuminated for a brief moment.

[Tomorrow will be a new day.] (Gahrkal)