
Ghost in the DC Universe

The story of a lost soul that ends up in the body of Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell in the AU DC Cocmics universe. The city of Gotham and other cities from the DC universe will be a mix of Cyberpunk 2077, Batman: Arkham Knight and comic books and series from the DC universe and the ghost in the shell ================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.

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It turned out that I could set the landmarks just like in the game. I mean, I doubted they would ever work like they do in games where quests would automatically update and such, but if I had an address I could set it up so my implant would give me directions. Basically just a GPS app.

So after a bit of practice, I put my suit back on with my gun ready and started going to the gun shop.

I walked straight out of the apartment across the street. I did it for the first time in the city. I made sure to check every page, even when the crosswalk told me to go.

I didn't trust the people of Gotham City not to trip me up.

Then I had a few blocks to walk almost straight, walking through a shopping district of sorts, with lots of little shops on both sides of the long street. I even saw a clothing store across the street that was worth checking out. It had a very Asian feel to it. Maybe I'll find something cool. At the very end of the street, I crossed the street and found a gun shop. As I entered, I hesitated a little. The place was full of guns, and the fact that the owner was standing behind reinforced glass with a gun that looked powerful enough to be ready to fire a shot through the glass made me a little nervous. But I wasn't here to cause trouble. Because he wasn't involved with anyone. to deal with, I approached. "I'm looking for a holster for a P99 and a sheath for a knife." I told him as he nodded, acknowledging my presence.

– Do you have a knife on you?

I nod softly as I pull it out, making sure it's in slow motion.

I didn't want to get shot by security or whatever security this guy had.

"Hmmph. Maybe I have something that will fit. Give me a moment". He called, turning to walk around his back room and coming back again in about 30 seconds. Two pieces of metal and fabric in their hands.

"Full pussy and vagina. It should fit the knife. I will check." He motioned for me to push the knife through the crack under the glass.

I did so and he slid it into my vagina, adjusting it for a moment or two before nodding and showing me how well it fit.

"$50 covers."

I grimaced, that was most of the bucks Yuta left me. I hadn't spent much on food since Yuta brought home his disgusting burrito every night, but I needed it, it wasn't safe to keep a gun in my belt or a knife in my pocket.

"All right." I agreed, paying him the money before he slid both items back into the glass. I took a moment to set everything up. The gun holster was actually supposed to be placed on my lower back, which the store owner told me while I was trying to figure out how to attach this weird clip to the side of my belt. Instead, he left the gun behind me within easy reach. Which would take some getting used to.

My jacket definitely wasn't long enough to hide it. But I think it was a good solution in this city? The knife stuck into my left hip. This way I could draw the gun with my right hand and the knife with my left. Satisfied, I gave the owner a thumbs up and he simply nodded as I left. As I was leaving, I noticed that I felt... better. The entire city was now seemingly in front of me, and here I was much better protected and now clearly armed.

I wasn't an ordinary civilian, open to any gangster you could mess with.

I was dangerous myself. Thanks to this, the city in front of me looked different. Listen... Well, curiosity has killed a lot of cats. I decided to go home, but I'll stop at the phone technician.

I really needed to learn more about my Gear.


Walking into Technician was a strange experience. There was a small office at the front of the store that made me feel like I had just walked into the dentist's office.

"Can I help you?" – the receptionist asked, looking at me.

"Yes, I need some information, not just the ripper. Do you have a waynetech Promax4 manual or manual?"

The receptionist blinked, confused by my question. – Umm, I'm not sure I understand. She suggested and I sighed. Seriously, what is it with these people and lack of understanding?

– I don't know how to use all this. I suggest pointing to my Smartphone. "I need instructions or instructions on how to... Or something." I mumbled, waving my arms about how annoying this was.

The receptionist took a moment before I could see her lips twitch slightly. As she spoke next, I could see she was holding back a laugh.

"We don't have anything like that. This is something that is given away… to children." She laughed. – Did you never play with your phone as a child? – the receptionist asked, but I knew she wasn't really interested. She was just acting like a female dog.

"Listen, if you don't have it. I am leaving. Have a nice day". I growled at her and she almost turned around when a serious voice rang out.

"One sec." I froze as the woman I was looking at was twirling me around where I was. I remember this store. The old Asian woman who was the Technician here looked like she had been in a fight with a bear. Her face was slightly scarred.

It was a woman who had a psychotic effect on the operating table. I remembered her little line of dialogue in the game.

– Come in, girl. I can help. She spoke, ignoring the receptionist, who looked like she realized she might have gone a little overboard.

Bitch. I walked into the technician's office, looking at the many pieces of equipment set up next to her chair.

"It's rare to see a girl this old who doesn't know how to use her Smartphone."

"Yeah, well…" I hesitated, but fuck it. "Amnesia will do that to a person. Apparently I was caught by some triad, they knocked my brain around a bit. I was saved, but I was in a coma for a year. When I wake up, I don't remember anything. That is, apart from how to talk and so on. I'm still getting used to my Smartphone, at least I'm trying.

"Ah. But did they show you how to make calls and send text messages?"


"You are still in user setup mode." She said simply waving at me and taking a long drag on the cigarette she held in her chrome hand. "Come on, sit down. I'll show you how to set everything up just the way you like it."

"Oh thank you." I said as I sat down, and a few moments later the woman walked me through setting up the smartphone interface.

"Most people don't remember how to do it. They did it as kids with their first tech and they never have to do it again. I can't tell you how many frustrated adults I've dealt with after completely resetting their Smartphone or losing their phone like you." It tells me when I'm adjusting a few settings after I finally find that damn settings menu. What nonsense is this? I had to make a fucking Konami code to make it pop up!

Swipe up, down, left, right, in a faster circle. Reverse this circle, then turn off and wake up your phone. What a lot of shit! Anyway. This brought the full Settings Panel into view, covering my screen and allowing me to adjust where I wanted everything. This would also mean that my stuff would stop moving as a result of accidentally touching the screen. It would be locked, giving me easier access to everything.

I was literally stuck in "set up my smartphone" mode and so everything kept changing.

Piece of shit.

Finally finished, I restarted my phone and was able to see everything again, and after a while I was able to access my interface, including the Gamer app that was associated with my system, with almost surprising ease. I literally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the stress melt away.

"Thanks, Technician."

"Bright. Come back when you want to buy some apps. I have a feeling I'll see you again." He tells me this with a nod and then shoos me away. I rush, almost wanting to jump, ignoring the receptionist and heading out into the street.

I sighed with relief. I actually felt like a person who belonged to me now.

Time to grab some delicious food from the street vendors and head home… Oh wait. I was broke. Damn. I moaned the whole way home.

================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.

If you like the story please give me power stones.