
Ghost God System (Dropped)

*This novel has been dropped Zeph has been a worker at a haunted house for 8 years now. One day, Zeph was hiding in his usual hiding spot where he would jump out and spook people. As he heard steps coming towards him, he got ready to jump out with his scary clown mask and fake chainsaw, but something made him hesitate. The appearance of the approaching group was really sketchy. With scars and tattoos covering every inch of their body, they were obviously not normal people. 'Well, what's the worst that can happen?' Nevertheless, he decided to jump out and scare the gangsters, but this was a decision he would come to regret. After he jumped out of his corner, a tragic incident followed and Zeph found himself in an unknown field surrounded by a lush forest. He was missing his physical body, but could still see, smell and hear. He thought that this was the afterlife and he could finally rest for all eternity, until something rudely interrupted him. [Ghost God System Installation 100%] 'W-what? Ghost God?' [The host can grow stronger by making other organisms feel fear] This is where the story of Zeph, the new God of Ghosts, begins. ------------------------------------------- Author Note: This is my first time writing a novel, so don't expect a masterpiece.. Ghost God System is meant to be practice for me to improve my writing skills, so constructive criticism is heavily appreciated. Chapter Length: ∼1500 Words Update Schedule: Don't expect consistent updates. Like I said, this book is just practice for me to improve my writing skills and could be dropped at any moment. Regardless of all that. I still hope you enjoy reading this little side project of mine. ------------------------------------------- Cover Art made by Nora Potwora, @norapotwora. -------------------------------------------

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Possessing a Slime

[Activating (SSS+) Ghost God's Possession on (Slime)]

[Calculating Mana Cost…]

[Mana Cost is 1050, the host has sufficient Mana]

[Possessing the body of (Slime) with a success chance of 100%]

In an instant, I felt my soul being sucked into the Slime's body.

[Possession completed]

Surprisingly, I still had all of the senses that I had back in my ghost body.

I could see, hear and smell, even if the Slime didn't have any necessary organs.

I also regained the sense of touch, but this wasn't like the human touch.

I felt slimy goo pulsating all around me, which I felt like I could control with ease.

I tried making all kinds of shapes from my new slime body to make sure I had true control over it.

While having fun shapeshifting my temporary body, I was interrupted by the system.

[Warning! The host has 1 minute of possession duration left, it is advised that you pick out a skill you wish to steal]

'Crap.. I got carried away. I guess the possession time isn't that long.'

I was a little ashamed for getting distracted that easily, especially with my soul on the line.

'Hmm, I'm not that knowledgeable about these skills, so what do you suggest, system?'

[Answer: In the current situation, the host would be advised to choose [D+] Gel Body. The alternative, [B-] Mana Absorption, may be of a higher tier, but it's not that useful to the host, since they have better ways to gather mana]

'I have a better way to gather mana?'

[Answer: As said before, the host can grow stronger by scaring other organisms. If the host causes enough fear, they gain a large amount of mana]

'Right.. You did say something like that before.'

I thought for a few moments and then made my final decision

'Alright, there is no reason not to trust you.. I choose to steal the Gel Body skill'

[Stealing [D+] Gel Body from Slime..]

[Task Completed. The skill will be available to the host once the possession period ends]

'Phew! It looks like my first ever possession didn't end in my soul exploding.'

I felt relieved and patiently waited for the possession period to end any second now.



I heard some noise in a nearby bush and instantly turned my slime body towards it.

But it was too late..

A whistling sound could be heard in the air.

An arrow was coming straight towards me..


[The possession period has ended. Returning the host to his original body]


The arrow went through the blue slime cleanly, killing it instantly.

'Huff! Huff! I was this close to having my soul go kaboom!'

I panted while watching the poor slime getting torn apart by the arrow.

After a few moments I managed to calm down a little bit.

'I was sure that there was nobody nearby when I used the skill though?'

I looked at the bush where the arrow came from.

The bush shook a little bit and after a few moments something came out of it.

A man covered in scars.

He looked like a typical bandit with dirty clothes and a rugged face.

'System, is there any way that this man can damage my current body?'

I asked, just in case.

[Answer: The only way to damage a spiritual body is to use powerful magic, the man in front of you does not have the required mana to do that]

'Phew! At least I am safe for now'

'Anyways, I should check if the possession skill really worked as promised.'


=== {STATUS} ===

Name: Zeph Frost

Type: Junior Ghost

Health: 20/20

Mana: 350/1400

Tier: Silver 4

Skills: [SSS+] Ghost God's Possession, [D+] Gel Body

=== {STATUS} ===

'Wow! I really got the Slime's skill. Alright, now what I have to do is..'


I decided to inspect the newly acquired skill.

=== {INSPECT} ===

Name: Gel Body

Original Owner: Slime

Type: Transformation

Tier: D+

Mana Cost: 1 per 1 hour

Description: A skill that allows Slimes to exert complete control over their amorphous gel body, allowing it to morph and transform at will.

=== {INSPECT} ===

'The Mana Cost is really low compared to my total mana, I can basically use it infinitely if I have a stable mana source.. Hmmm…'

After being in a similar position before, I decided to check something.


[ERROR! There is nothing to inspect here]

'Phew, at least I don't risk my soul exploding when I use this one.'

After confirming that the possession skill had worked I looked at the place where the poor slime once stood.

Instead of a jolly bouncing blob of jelly laid a small bronze crystal of some kind, the remains of the slime were nowhere to be seen.

The crystal was picked up by the bandit looking guy who almost got my soul destroyed.

After picking up the crystal he put it in a pouch on his belt and started walking back to where he came from.

Since I was back in my ghost body, I knew that his arrows could not harm me in any way, so I decided to follow him.

But before completely committing myself to the stalking mission, i decided to see who this guy really was.


=== {INSPECT} ===

Name: Bob Strong

Type: Human

Affiliation: Green Forest Bandits

Health: 300/300

Mana: 0/0

Tier: Silver (9)

Skills: [C+] Bandit Archery

=== {INSPECT} ===

This confirmed my suspicions that the person was indeed a bandit, but more importantly..

'I almost got killed by a guy called Bob Strong… Seriously?'

I was truly ashamed of myself for lowering my guard when I was possessing the slime.

'I see that even bandits have some skills, huh? It doesn't really look that useful to me right now though.'

'System, can you tell me how much mana would it cost to possess this guy?'

[Answer: To possess (Bob Strong) it would take a total of 10,000 mana. When the target is in a state of extreme fear, the mana cost would be lowered to 2000 mana]

'Yikes, that's really expensive. I couldn't afford that even if my mana would be full right now..'

'I guess it's only reasonable that such a powerful skill uses up so much mana.'

'System, now that I know that I can gather mana by scaring people. Is there any way to expand my current mana limit?'

[Answer: To expand the mana pool, the host is advised to undergo a species upgrade, which can only be done after scaring a certain amount of organisms. Other than that, the host has no other ways to expand their mana pool]

'Alright, notify me immediately when I meet the requirements of the species upgrade.'

I was a little disappointed at first, but then quickly realized that all I had to do to increase my mana limit was scare some people, which was the thing I specialized in.

After confirming everything I wanted, I focused on the bandit that was making his way through the lush forest scape.

I knew what I wanted to do next, scare the crap out of him, and after a few minutes of following him, I got an idea.

'I guess now is a good time to test out my new Gel Body skill.'


''Tch! Why couldn't I find any monsters in the forest today, other than that lousy slime? The boss is gonna kill me…''


Suddenly, a wet sound could be heard a few steps away.

''Another Slime? Two bronze crystals are better than one at least..''

Whispered out the bandit while slowly moving closer to the sound.

The bandit moved stealthily through the forest and finally reached the place the sound came from.

He went behind a nearby tree and slowly peeked his head out to get a better look at the target.

''Huh? What? Am I going crazy due to the bad haul today? I swear I heard a slime here.''

The bandit was confused as the place where the Slime was supposed to be was completely empty.

''Tch! I'm gonna be late now, the boss is gonna be even madder at me.''

The man said in a grumpy tone and turned around to start his journey back.

But after turning around, instead of beautiful forest scenery he was met by something else.


The bandit staggered a few steps back, almost tripping over a tree branch.


The bandit let out a horrifying shout that could be heard for miles, he opened his mouth again, but…


Sudden silence..

The forest returned to its original calm state, devoid of any sounds, except the occasional gust of wind.

Compared to a few seconds ago, the forest was now covered in eerie silence…