
Ghost Agent Protocol

The life of an ordinary student named Aiden Blaze was changed when he met with a Rogue Agent Lisa Chester he became an internationally wanted criminal. This novel contains actions, a harem, romance, spies, agents, etc...

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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Secrets Unveiled

As they rode through the deep forest between the mountains, Aiden couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. The old house they arrived at seemed ordinary from the outside, Lisa brought the bike to a stop, and they dismounted.

She led Aiden towards an ancient post box, but instead of using a key, she scanned her retina. In response, a hidden passage materialized before them, leading underground.

Aiden's eyes widened in astonishment as they descended the stairs, revealing a hidden chamber that seemed like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

The underground hideout was unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was equipped with state-of-the-art technology, advanced combat gear, and holographic screens displaying information that seemed straight out of a spy movie. He felt like he had stepped into a world of secrets and intrigue.

"What is all this?" Aiden asked, unable to hide his fascination

Lisa turned to him with a serious expression. "This is a safe house, a place for us to hide, from people that targeting us."

Lisa gestured for him to sit down as she typed on a holographic keyboard. A live news channel appeared on one of the screens, showing a familiar image of Aiden Blaze with a list of allegations against him—wanted criminal, terrorist, and more.

Aiden's heart sank as he watched the news report. "This... This can't be true! I've never done anything wrong!"

Lisa looked at him sympathetically. "I believe you, Aiden."

Lisa then tells Aiden, "Look, Aiden, I am a secret agent working for a government that deals with highly classified operations. I can't disclose specific details or show you any concrete proof of my identity because, in our line of work, we are like ghosts—disposable and untraceable. But you need to understand that you are being framed because they suspect that you are somehow connected to me. They might have seen our conversation in the airport and suspected that you were my accomplice."

"So, you're telling me that I'm being framed because they think I'm your accomplice?" Aiden asked, trying to make sense of the situation.

Lisa nodded gravely. "Yes, exactly. Our encounter at the airport must have caught their attention. They might have seen us talking, and they're using that as a pretext to connect you to me. They are trying to discredit us, to make us look like criminals, so they can justify their pursuit."

Aiden's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to grasp the magnitude of the situation. "But why? Why would they go to such lengths?"

Lisa's expression hardened. "There are powerful forces at play, Aiden. Forces that operate in the shadows, beyond the knowledge of the general public. They manipulate events, control information, and eliminate anyone who threatens their agenda. I might have something they fear, something they want to keep hidden at all costs."

Aiden felt a chill run down his spine, realizing just how dangerous and far-reaching this conspiracy might be. He had never imagined that his life would take such a perilous turn, but he knew he couldn't turn away now.

Aiden's mind was reeling with questions as he tried to piece together the puzzle of their situation. "What is it that they fear so much, Lisa? What do you have that they're after?" Lisa said "Look in your pockets"

Aiden's mind raced as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key that Lisa had slipped into his possession at the airport. He examined it closely, trying to understand its significance.

"What is this key?" Aiden asked, holding it up to the light.

Lisa's gaze fell on the key in Aiden's hand. "That key is the key to everything, quite literally. It holds access to information that could expose their covert operations, their manipulation of events, and their true intentions. It's a key to unlocking the truth hidden behind layers of deception."

Aiden's eyes widened as he realized the significance of the key. "But how did you manage to get this? And why did you slip it into my pocket?"

Lisa looked at him earnestly. "I knew they were watching me at the airport, and I couldn't risk keeping it with me any longer. I had to pass the key to someone they wouldn't suspect. You seemed like the perfect choice as a time of your crash with me was perfect" Then she paused and said "Aiden I am really sorry for involving in my mess"

Aiden was taken aback by her, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of honor at being chosen for such a critical task. "And what does this key unlock? What is it that they are trying so desperately to keep hidden?"

Lisa hesitated for a moment before answering. "The key unlocks access to a network, a clandestine system that holds classified information about the operations and objectives of these powerful forces. It could expose corruption, conspiracies, and their true intentions. This is information that could change the course of history, and they will stop at nothing to protect it." she paused and said "That's not all their main objective is to assassinate the U.S vice president through blasting during his meeting with the Indian Prime minister which is in 16 days from now and only with the key they can have access to the resources, and money required for them to do this assassination"