

Julius Nakalis, a Finnish boy, he moved to America at a young age for the same reason as any other, he was seeking a job at Hollywood, he had a dream of directing movies, he was only 14 when he made this move with the help of his friends as his parents had passed in a tragic event, thousands lost their lives that day and Julius counts himself as dying their too, he was a lonely child, wandering the world in hopes of some form of entertainment that could give him purpose, make him wake up in the morning and look at the sky outside and say "What a beautiful day,". Julius' dreams were short lived as he got bullied at school for his accent, everyday he would go to school then go to his job where they would exploit him because they believed foreigners to be dumb, Julius was not dumb, he understood everything that happened to him and he knew that if he spoke out, he would be fired, maybe even deported.

Julius had always wanted to be a rich 'playboy' living a luxury life, surrounded by women, doing whatever he wanted because he was the king. Dreams can become nightmares if they aren't acted upon and sadly enough, Julius didn't have the guts, he developed a fear of the world, leaving school and getting more part time jobs to get more money, in his small free time, he would read comics, he would see the lives of all these heroes, living large, they had everything! But Julius, he was at the bottom, nobody saw him as a person, just an object for money making and easy pickings.

At 15, nearing his 16th birthday, Julius collapsed in his small apartment, dying. He was consumed by the world and when the world decided it had had enough, he was spat out and thrown into the afterlife.

"Why are you here, kid?" A man asked me, I looked up and down at his large body, he was a tall, red-in-colour figure, where am I?! Why are there… demons? I don't count myself as religious but this thing, makes me want to be all the religions! He took out a, blue, holographic clipboard from his hand, like those star wars holographic guys, it grew in his hand and he scrolled through a list of something, I can't read that language, it definitely isn't Finnish.

You're not on the list, boy. Are you an escapee? No… you look clueless, you must be an anomaly, a wrongful death, a glitch in the system, come with me," He said, I cluelessly followed him from behind. Fuck, am I dead?! Look at all those people, I must be dead! I… died a virgin? I looked down in sorrow still following the crooked feet of the lanky demon.

"We should be far enough away from them, I'm gonna make a portal and you'll be sent back to your reality, all right?" The demon said, I nodded, so I didn't really die? Is this a glimpse of the after life? Are the paramedics bringing me back as we speak? I have so many questions. The demon brings out his holographic screen again, it looks weirdly out of place in this dirt-filled place, it's like a desert of dirt out here. He scrolls through a different menu and I see a picture of my face pop up, looking a bit older.
