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  Chapter 191 Luck value surge

   "Sister Liu, what is hiding behind you?"

  Han Dong noticed Liu Yun's little move.

   "It's nothing, you go out first, I will find you later."

  Liu Yun squeezed out a smile and said.

   "Okay, hurry up."

  Han Dong turned and walked out of the tent.

  Liu Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the war is tense, the imperial court spent all their money to drive the wolves from Jingzhou City to the vicinity of Chishui County.

   When the wolves were wiped out in one go, Han Dong, as the left general of the wolf slaughter army, could not be easily influenced.

  Thinking of this, Liu Yun took out the letter, intending to burn it with a candle.


  But Han Dong, who had just turned around and walked out of the tent, suddenly came in and snatched the letter from Liu Yun's hand with lightning speed.

   smiled and said: "Sister Liu, what content can't I see? Could it be a letter from my little lover."

  Han Dong smiled while holding up the letter in his hand.

   "Give it back to me, it's a military secret, you can't read it."

   Liu Yun said anxiously, she was caught off guard, and she was not prepared for Han Dong, otherwise Han Dong would not be able to easily succeed.

   "I'm General Zuo, I can't read any secrets."

  Han Dong decided that this was definitely not a confidential letter, because a confidential document could not be such a simple envelope.

   Immediately unfold it to see clearly.

  There is only one sentence above.

   "Jiang Feng went into a rage, turned his blood and died, and the position of deputy commander was replaced by Huangputou of Longdu Yamen!"

  Han Dong was stunned.

   "I told you everything, so don't watch it."

  Liu Yun knew something was wrong when she saw Han Dong's expression, so she quickly snatched the letter and tore it into pieces.

   "Going into a rage, turning his blood to death, it's impossible, there's no way something happened to him."

  Han Dong shook his head.

  I think this is ridiculous.

  She didn't dare to say that she fully understood Jiang Feng, but she knew that Jiang Feng was a cautious person, how could he become obsessed and die?

  He didn't practice cult skills?

   What's more, in her eyes, Jiang Feng is still a strong man with innate strength.

   "Don't get excited, maybe it's just the wrong message."

   Liu Yun comforted her.

   "I'm not excited, Jiang Feng won't go mad, he won't die."

  Han Dong shook his head.

  She felt that things were too weird.

   There is no sign at all, as if someone else is talking nonsense.

  But thinking this way in her heart, she couldn't help but walk out of the tent, wanting to investigate clearly.

"Where are you going?"

   Liu Yun hurriedly followed.

  Han Dong went to find the officials who delivered the supplies. They just came from Longdu. If Jiang Feng died, they would know for sure.

  However, she asked several questions in a row.

   Never get exact news.

  Jiang Feng was in Longdu, his reputation was actually limited to the four major prisons, although it was spread in Longdu during the period when the head of the prison was exceptionally promoted to deputy commander.

  But at this stage recently, the war is tense and the flames of war are raging. The matter about Jiang Feng was quickly dissipated at that time, and there are very few people who can really remember him after his death.

  Let's not talk about these people who deliver the supplies, they don't care about the life and death of a prison deputy commander at all.

   "Sister Liu, I want to use your Flying Eagle to seek evidence from Lord Bao for me."

  Han Dong decided to ask Bao Longwei himself.

  Where she is far away in Nanfu City, she can only get definite news in the shortest time by using Liu Yun's messenger Flying Eagle.

   "Maybe someone else is talking nonsense, don't take it seriously."

  Liu Yun knew that there was no need to ask for proof, because the letter was sent by Bao Longwei.

   "Sister Liu, you believe me, even if he is really dead, I won't do stupid things, I just don't understand some things."

  Han Dong said sincerely.

"All right."

  Liu Yun nodded helplessly, and reminded: "The speed of the messenger flying eagle, it will take at least six days to go to Longdu once, so don't mess around during this time."

   "I'm not a three-year-old, don't worry!"

  Han Dong nodded.

   Immediately, she used Liu Yun's message to Feiying to write a letter, tied it to Feiying's leg, and asked it to be handed over to Bao Longwei.

  The content is very simple.

  Is Jiang Feng really dead?

   Really dead.

   What was the cause of death?

   Go crazy.

  How to go crazy.

  Why go crazy and so on.

  Several questions in a row, as long as Han Dong can understand these contents, he can judge whether Jiang Feng is really dead.

  The eagle flies to Longdu.

  Jiang Feng settled down near Laojun Mountain outside the North City Gate as a hunter.

  Why don't you live in Longdu?

  The fluctuations in the spiritual power of Zhenbei Prison made him terrified, and he always felt that something big had happened. If it was affected in Longdu, it would be meaningless to leave Zhenbei Prison.

  In this case, why don't you hide away?

Nowadays, wars are raging everywhere, Turks in the north are staring at each other, small countries in the east and west are frequently invading, wolves in the south are still alive, Xiao Zhan's million-strong army is stationed, and the remnants of the demon sect's rebel party are running around, that is not a suitable place for Jiang Feng to go. .

   Of course this is not the main reason.

  He chose to stay outside Longdu, mainly because he wanted to see what was hidden under the underground palace of Zhenbei Prison?

  He will not pass easily.

  But he expected that the underground palace of Zhenbei Prison must have been targeted.

  During the days when the corpse was buried in the room, Jiang Feng could clearly feel that the spiritual power fluctuations coming from the underground palace were gradually getting stronger.

   What is tricky in the underground palace, maybe it will be cleared up in the near future.

   According to legend, there is an underground palace larger than the capital hidden in the underground of Longdu. Jiang Feng does not know the truth, but the opportunity to cultivate immortals may be hidden in the underground palace.

  Now he is about to step into the field of cultivating immortals. If he can get a chance, such as cultivating immortals, there will be an extra layer of treasure on top of safety.

  In addition, Jiang Feng also wanted to see what kind of people could be attracted by the things in the underground palace of Zhenbei Prison.

  Is it the immortal cultivation power hidden in the secular world?

  Will the strong in the imperial city come out in full force?

   "There are countless people who have fled from the south of you recently. The houses outside the city are full of people. You are very lucky to find this courtyard."

   "What you said is that I am very satisfied with this yard."

  Jiang Feng rented a small courtyard from a landlord surnamed Guo. The lease was for five years and cost him two taels of silver.

   This is a sky-high price.

   You must know that when the refugees first entered the city, Jiang Feng sold the courtyard in Chaoyang Alley for only six or seven taels of silver, which was considered a very good price at that time.

   As a result, the five-year rent in a remote village outside the city cost him two taels of silver, which was unimaginable before.

   sent away the landlord surnamed Guo.

  Jiang Feng tidied up the house.

  He moved in as a hunter, and gave two wild rabbits to the landlord surnamed Guo.

  Wait after everything is done.

  Jiang Feng checked the panel information.

  Name: Jiang Feng

   Air luck: 427759

  Cultivation method: Yangchunjue (proficient)

  Skills: Loulan Slash (Consummation+) Shunfeng Palm (Small Success+) Tripod Movement (Small Success+)

   Realm: innate (such as artistic conception)

  Supernatural Power: Immortality

  Jiang Feng found out that after getting rid of Zhenbei Prison and living near Laojun Mountain at the North City Gate, his luck value suddenly increased by over 400,000.

  This is even more terrifying than the luck value brought by beheading Liu Jinhu and the old devil boy.

  This shows that there is indeed a huge danger hidden in Zhenbei Prison.

  Secondly, he is now a Ruyijing cultivator, and he can increase his Luck by so much at once, which shows that the danger is far greater than he imagined.

   "Should I hide further away?"

  Jiang Feng instinctively thought of it.

   "It shouldn't be so. If the vicinity of Laojun Mountain is not safe enough, the luck value will not increase so much all at once. As long as I don't approach Zhenbei Prison easily, I won't be implicated."

  Jiang Feng has sufficient experience, after careful analysis, he feels that Laojun Mountain is the most appropriate place to shelter.

   "Forget it, just guard here, I have enough time, and sooner or later I will know what kind of opportunity is hidden in the underground palace."

  Jiang Feng is ready.

  It would be best if you can get a chance.

  If you can't get it, then treat it as watching a show, and you won't suffer anyway.

   Six days passed in a blink of an eye.

  The small village where Jiang Feng is located is called Hippo Village, backed by Laojun Mountain, twenty or thirty miles away from the North City Gate.

   There were not many people in the village at first, but the people who moved in recently were all those who fled from the south.

  Jiang Feng integrated into Hippo Village as a hunter.

  Like an ordinary hunter, he hides at night and goes out at night, and returns from the mountain the next morning. Every time he returns, he either carries a rabbit or catches a few birds.

  Sometimes if you are lucky, you will also hit a wild boar.

   Jiang Feng would sell the meat that he couldn't finish, the price was the same as other hunters, and he would also bargain with other villagers, all in the same manner as ordinary people.

  Sometimes he would go up the mountain with other hunters, and when asked where he came from the south, Jiang Feng mentioned Nanfu City, and in just a few days, the neighbors nearby had accepted Jiang Feng, and everything seemed calm and harmonious.

  Six days passed.

  Han Dong, who was guarding Nanfu City, finally received the letter from Bao Longwei.

  In the past six days, Han Dong led troops out of the city several times to encircle and suppress the blood wolves, and didn't think about Jiang Feng's affairs, but she found that the more she didn't think about it, the more restless she became.

   When Feiying was summoned to return to the city, she couldn't wait to go to Liu Yun to get the envelope, and tore it open in front of Liu Yun to read it.

  At the beginning of the letter, Bao Longwei offered some comfort.

   Later, it was confirmed that Jiang Feng had lost his temper, and died of his qi and blood reversed. He explained to Han Dong the experience of Duotian Fortune and Jiang Feng's reading in the academy.

   At the same time, he stated that he had personally checked Jiang Feng's body, and watched Jiang Feng seal the coffin into the cave, and a series of details.

  Han Dongyue looked at it more and more hard to let go.

  By the end the paper was crumpled up.

  She knew that Bao Longwei would not fool him. With Bao Longwei's confirmation, plus Jiang Feng's receiving court favors and being buried in a grand funeral, Han Dong couldn't help doubting himself.

   "Is he really..."

  Han Dong slowly sat on the chair, and the scenes of the past with Jiang Feng kept replaying in his mind.

  The two met for the first time.

   It was the Red Lotus Sect who rebelled against the party and robbed the prison.

  In order to take away the poisonous needle from the young master of the Red Lotus Sect, Jiang Feng volunteered to carry the corpse away, leaving an impression on her.

   Then he showed his strength in front of Li Minhe, and was noticed by her, which aroused Yuan Tiangang's suspicion.

   The two were suspicious of each other at first.

  Because of the similar smell, the dream of walking the rivers and lakes with swords became friends.

  She was used by Jiang Feng several times, and Jiang Feng also rescued her several times.

  Baihu Mountain defends against the enemy together.

  Heitieshan fought against Liu Jinhu.

   A series of things, such as Jiang Feng, has long been left in Han Dong's life.

   are siblings.

   Still friends.

  The relationship is not very clear.

  But when she heard the sad news about Jiang Feng, she felt as sad as when she saw Xiao Ran die on Heitieshan.

"Are you OK!"

   Liu Yun was a little worried about Han Dong.

   "I'm fine, I want to meet alone."

  Han Dong walked out of the tent in a daze.

   An hour later.

  Liu Yun's subordinates came to report: "It's not good, General Han rode out of the city alone and rushed towards the wolves."

   "Is she crazy?"

   "Choo chirp!"

   Liu Yun was shocked.

   Hastily blew the whistle on his body.

   While running towards the outside of the camp.

  A falcon swooped down from above to the entrance of the camp.

  Liu Yun leaped forward.

  Riding a falcon to chase Han Dong.


   "Master Ma, are you going into the mountains again?"

   "Hey, go to the mountain earlier, you can get more goods."

   "I'm asking you, see if you can catch a live pheasant back. My daughter-in-law is pregnant, and I want to nourish her body."

   "Let me help you pay attention."

   "Don't forget, the price is negotiable."

  Master Ma went hunting in the mountains, and Aunt Yang, who was at the door, asked hopefully.

  Hippo Village today.

   Not many people know Jiang Feng.

  But the families living next door to Jiang Feng knew that Jiang Feng was good at craftsmanship, basically every time he went into the mountains, he would never return empty-handed.

   You can always catch one or two rabbits, or one or two pheasants.

   "Master Ma, let's go into the mountains together!"

   "There are many wolves in the mountains at night, we have a mutual help."

   "Master Ma won't mind!"

  The three hunters at the entrance of the village waved to Jiang Feng.

  They are the three brothers of the Zhang family in Hippo Village, they are also hunters, and they often move in the mountains. In the past, there were few people here, and there were many goods in the mountains. The three brothers went to the mountains to pick goods, and then went to the city to sell the goods the next day.

  Now there are more and more refugees going north.

  The goods in the mountains are getting less and less.

   And every time Jiang Feng went to the mountain to pick goods, he would bring back some small goods. The three of them were surprised, thinking that there was a nest hidden in Jiang Feng Mountain, and wanted to go and see.

   "Of course not, with a few masters accompanying me, maybe I can make a big one tonight."

  Jiang Feng laughed.

  He sighed in his heart.

  He knew what the three brothers were thinking.

   secretly blamed himself for picking goods too frequently, even if it was just a small one, it attracted attention.

   "Haha, I hope what Master Ma said is right."


   "Which way does Master Ma usually take?"

   "Not necessarily, the guy in the sky, if you fly there, I will run to the opposite place?"

   "Oh, Master Ma thinks the birds are scared away by the big goods?"


   Several people communicated along the way.

  The three brothers of the Zhang family are experienced hunters.

  The success of picking goods depends on experience, courage, and good skills, but every time Jiang Feng goes up the mountain to pick goods, he relies on the perception of the Perfect Realm.

   It is not easy for him to find a few rabbits and pheasants on the mountain.

   But following the three brothers of the Zhang family into the mountains, Jiang Feng has the same habit as them, he will take the initiative to pay attention to the feces on the ground and the hair left by the big guy.

   "Brother Zhang, this place has goods."

  Jiang Feng stopped in his tracks.

  The three brothers of the Zhang family looked suspicious. They walked around this area all year round, and traps were rarely placed in this area. Where did they come from?

   There are finally two chapters today, and I hope it can continue as usual.

   Ask for a reward of one dollar to be on the list. It is very important to be on the list and have exposure, so I have been brazenly begging for a reward. But I know my level, so I only dare to ask for a reward of one dollar!

thanks for your support!

  (end of this chapter)

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Inquiring about Immortal Dao Space Cultivating Immortals: Rebirth and Counterattack Little Orphan Girl Heluo Xianxia Biography of Mortals: Immortal Dao of Immortal Life

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  Chapter 192 Jiang Feng, you are not dead

  The three brothers of the Zhang family looked confused.

  Jiang Feng didn't explain much.

  He took out a handful of brown rice from his pocket, sprinkled it on the side of the road, then retreated to the side, looking for a place to hide.

  The three Zhang family brothers looked at each other, and hid behind Jiang Feng together.


   After a while, a pheasant came out of the grass and picked up the brown rice on the ground.

   Before it finished eating the brown rice on the ground, it staggered and fell to the ground.

   "The goods have been picked."

  Jiang Feng rushed over, picked up the pheasant, weighed it in his hands, and said with a smile: "It's about two catties, it's just right to take it home and sell it to Aunt Yang."

   "Master Ma always picks goods like this?"

   "There are only small goods nearby?"

   "How does Master Ma know that there are goods in the grass?"

  The three of them asked in succession.

"I raised a nest here, and every time I came here, or on the way back, I sprinkled a handful of brown rice here. I saw that the brown rice sprinkled in the morning hadn't been eaten yet, so I decided that there was something in the grass. ."

  Jiang Feng explained.

   "Did you put medicine in brown rice?"

   Boss Zhang asked.

   "You smell it."

  Jiang Feng grabbed a handful from his pocket.

  The three brothers of the Zhang family all stepped forward and sniffed it carefully.


   "Yellow rice wine."

   "You've been drinking."

  The three of them smelled alcohol.


  The pheasant that had fainted fell down in Jiang Feng's hands.

   "These little people in the mountains are greedy for food and have little alcohol capacity. The handful of brown rice in my hand has been soaked in wine for a whole day. If the little people can't eat a few bites, they will fall down drunk."

   "Of course, most of the materials I throw here to raise the nest have not been soaked in wine."

  Jiang Feng said and sprinkled a handful of unsoaked brown rice in the grass.

   "You rely on these to pick goods every day?"

   "Master Ma takes care of the nest well, most people don't have your patience."

   "Master Ma's ingredients are well prepared."

  The three Zhang family brothers sighed.

  They thought that Jiang Feng knew where there was a nest on the mountain, but they didn't expect that it was in the most barren place of Laojun Mountain, and he told them how to raise the nest.

   is an extremely superficial method.

  The three brothers used it for hunting when they were children, but the scattered food was either eaten by the goods, or when they saw the goods, the goods were already dead.

   Like Jiang Feng, they would not be able to do things like making wine with brown rice, patiently standing aside, and going out to pick it up when they fainted.

  First of all, it consumes a lot of time and cost.

  Secondly, the three of them didn't have such patience either.

   More importantly, they couldn't be as accurate as Jiang Feng.

  At the same time, in the eyes of the three brothers of the Zhang family, qualified hunters hunt big things in the mountains and forests, and big insects like tigers are their targets.

   "It doesn't work every time. Sometimes it takes two or three catties of rice to catch a small one. Recently, I'm researching some traps to see if I can catch some big ones."

  Jiang Feng laughed.


   "Master Ma, why don't you stay here, the three of us will go to the back mountain to have a look."

   "Yes, if there are many people, it can scare Xiaohuo away."

  The three brothers of the Zhang family suggested.

   "Okay, everyone be careful."

  Jiang Feng watched them leave.

  He did not embarrass the three brothers of the Zhang family. Not everything requires killing people to solve the problem. The three brothers of the Zhang family are only hostile to him because of their competition.

   Now telling the three brothers how he raised a nest and picked goods, and caught a small one in front of them, the three brothers felt incredible, and even more disdainful.

  Thought that Jiang Feng could only play small items.

   Sometimes you can get a big deal, it's pure luck.

  Such hunters pose no threat to them.

   Following the three brothers of the Zhang family letting go of their hostility, Jiang Feng's luck value increased by more than 300 points.

  At this moment, Jiang Feng picked up a branch and threw it to the grass a hundred meters away. A hare that had just emerged from the hole felt as if it had been hit in the head and passed out at the hole.

  Jiang Feng went to pick up the rabbit.

  The next morning.

  The three brothers of the Zhang family returned to Hippo Village with a wild boar weighing more than a hundred catties.

  The villagers are not stingy with praise.

  The three brothers set up a pot to boil water at the entrance of the village, and prepared to sell wild boar meat to the villagers. If they couldn't sell it all, the three brothers would marinate it into bacon and sell it at the city market during the festival.

   "Master Ma is back."

   "Yo, Master Ma is a little out of stock today, why only a rabbit and a pheasant."

  While the villagers watched the three brothers of the Zhang family burn water and sharpen their knives at the entrance of the village, Jiang Feng also came back from the mountain with a pheasant and a hare.

   "I was unlucky yesterday, and I'm sure I'll be able to catch big things if I go into the mountains at night."

  Jiang Feng boasted.

   "Big goods? Is it like the big goods caught by the old Zhang family?"

   A villager laughed.

   "Master Ma, why did you come back?"

   Zhang Lao Er poured a spoonful of freshly boiled boiling water on the bled wild boar.

Jiang Feng was stunned when he saw the wild boar, and then he said in embarrassment: "Yesterday I also went to the back mountain, the road is not familiar, and I made a big detour, you are busy, I will bring the pheasant to Aunt Yang ."


  Er Zhang nodded.


  The villagers laughed heartily as they watched Jiang Feng run away.

  The three brothers of the Zhang family also beamed with joy. Compared with Jiang Feng, they all felt that they had more face. The villagers' praise became more and more intensive, and they regarded the three brothers as the most powerful hunters in ten miles and eight villages.

  Day and night.

   Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

  Jiang Feng became an unremarkable hunter in Hippo Village.

  The three Zhang family brothers never bothered him again.

   Getting along with the villagers is also peaceful.

  Because they can always find small goods, if any family in the village needs to replenish their bodies, they will tell Jiang Feng in advance to leave some meat for them the next day.

   In the eyes of the villagers, the silver gained from hunting in this way is not considered rich, but they have more than enough food and clothing. Even if they are not as outstanding as the three brothers of the Zhang family, they are still hardworking men.

   Some unmarried girls in the village were introduced to Jiang Feng by matchmakers.

  Widow Liu next door often asks her youngest son to bring food to Jiang Feng.

  Since then, Jiang Feng has caught fewer and fewer goods, often returning empty-handed.

  Sometimes when they managed to catch small goods, they would eat them all by themselves. Gradually, they smelled of alcohol, and Widow Liu and the matchmaker also gradually lost interest in Jiang Feng.

  In two months, Jiang Feng became a transparent person in the village.

   On this day, the entrance of the village was very lively.

  The people who fled from the south formed a large circle, talking about the situation in the south.

   "King Xiao is brave and invincible, and drove the blood wolves back to the forbidden forest."

   "I heard that there were three blood wolf kings, two were killed by King Xiao, and the remaining one went to nowhere."

   "The wolves are gone, the rebels are gone, we can go back."

   "King Xiao will return to the court in a few days, let's go to the city gate to meet him."


  It was two months since Han Dong learned of Jiang Feng's death.

  The wolf-slaying army was in full swing. With the help of Yun Guizong and the masters of the imperial city, they finally drove the blood wolves back to the deep forest of the forbidden area.

   Of the three blood wolf kings, two died on the battlefield.

  The remaining one is missing.

  It was like the three blood moons hanging in the sky, but they also disappeared.

  A large number of refugees from the south are planning to return to their hometown.

  Jiang Feng had a beard on his face.

   Lying on the recliner that he wove out of rattan, he thought to himself: "Sister Dong, are you coming back?"

   Wait until dusk falls.

  Jiang Feng, with a bow and arrow on his back, passed by the entrance of the village and walked towards Laojun Mountain. The villagers talking at the entrance of the village, as if they didn't see him, talked about the situation in the south.

   Night covers the earth.

  Jiang Feng's figure appeared in Longdu.

  He chose to hide in Hippo Village as a hunter, in order to go to Longdu to investigate the movement of Zhenbei Prison when he went into the mountains to hunt goods at night.

   Of course, he was just watching from a distance.

   did not approach rashly.

In today's Zhenbei Prison, the deputy commander is Huang Butou, who used to work in the Longdu yamen. head.

  Now under the manipulation of the backer, he has changed from a headhunter to the deputy commander of Zhenbei Prison.

  Compared to Jiang Feng who lived in Zhenbei Prison all day, Huang Catcher obviously didn't have this habit. Like Cao Zhengyang, he moved into the Commander's Mansion on the first day.

  Jiang Feng has been keeping an eye on him.

  Huang Butou's cultivation is not high.

  But as the deputy commander of the prison, if there are any abnormalities in the prison, he will be easier to spot than ordinary people.

  A month and a half ago, Catcher Huang returned to the Commander's Mansion after finishing his work, and ate and drank with a group of friends at home or in the Sun Moon Building.

  But in the past half month, Jiang Feng discovered that Huang Tutou rarely left Zhenbei Prison.

  The war horse allocated to him by the imperial court has been in the stable of Zhenbei Prison these days.

In addition, the power of heaven and earth around Zhenbei Prison also fluctuated abnormally. Jiang Feng felt that perhaps the fluctuation of spiritual power coming from the underground palace had become very obvious. discovered.

  Although acquired and innate warriors cannot devour spiritual power, if they can bathe in spiritual power, they will feel refreshed, and their qi and blood will grow unconsciously.

  If there is an obvious change in Huang Butou's breath, it means that his deduction is correct.

Late at night.

  Jiang Feng saw that all the horses in the stall were sleeping soundly. It seemed that Huang Butou would not leave tonight, so he could only go back to Hippo Village first, and come back tomorrow night to check.


  But just as he was about to leave, he saw a figure coming out of Zhenbei Prison. That person was none other than Huang Butou.


  Get out of prison.

  Huang Butou opened his hands and howled towards the night sky.

   It seems that I haven't been out of prison for a few days, and I can't stand it anymore, so I come out to do some activities.

   "This voice... the blood has really become stronger?"

  Jiang Feng said in surprise.

  He knew that Huang Tutou only had the strength of the seventh rank at first, but later because of Yang Qi, he became the chief arrester of the Longdu Yamen and obtained the vitality pill, so he became a third-rank warrior.

   Later, because of Yuan Tiangang, he was demoted to an ordinary catcher. Jiang Feng had always been clear about his strength, but Huang catcher's cry just now contained the energy and blood of a third-rank warrior.

   There is a big change from some time ago.

   Is it possible to get an adventure in the prison?

  After he howled, he asked his staff to lead his horse out of the barn, and then rode the horse towards the direction of Sun Moon Building.

  Jiang Feng followed behind.

   After entering the Sun Moon Tower, Huang Tutou and Hua Kui unlocked various actions on the bed. Jiang Feng passed by the door and confirmed that Huang Tutou's strength had changed a lot.

   Perception overrides the past.

  Huang Baotou felt a chill down his back, but he didn't take it seriously, and continued to have sex with the oiran.

"Spiritual power."

   "Hey, this guy..."

  Jiang Feng shook his head and sighed, he left quickly, as if he had never been here before.

  As he expected, Huang Butou's strength increased greatly, which was caused by spiritual power.

  However, neither innate nor acquired warriors can devour spiritual power.

  Even Jiang Feng is the same.

  The spiritual power armor he has now is actually just fake spiritual power, and the real energy on his body has not been completely converted into spiritual power.

   Once converted successfully.

  He is a qualified immortal cultivator.

   But before that.

  When the external spiritual power enters his body, he cannot digest it, and it will even leave a powerful hidden danger.

  But Huang Tutou actually absorbed spiritual power. Although his strength increased sharply in a short period of time, it was only an illusion. Once the spiritual power returned, Huang Tutou would die in pain.

   And according to the current situation, Jiang Feng knows that this day is definitely not far away.

  He left the Sun Moon Building, and originally wanted to go out of the city and return to Hippo Village.

  Suddenly saw the figure of Heitieshan.

   Thinking of Xiao Zhan on his way back to the court, if Han Dong knew the news of his death, he would come back to see him as soon as possible after the victory.

  Jiang Feng then quietly came to the Black Iron Mountain.

  Looked at his grave.

  In a few months, the grass on the grave has already grown.

   There are a few wine jugs in front of the grave.

   is a common jug for yellow rice wine. Jiang Feng seemed to see Uncle Huo holding the yellow rice wine and a handful of peanuts, sitting on the top of his grave and cursing.

  He didn't see Han Dong.

   Probably did not return to the city.

   Of course, maybe people don't care about him at all.

  Jiang Feng told himself not to think too much, but just as he was about to leave, a dark shadow in the distance swooped towards the Black Iron Mountain.

   is a falcon.

   "Sister Dong!"

  Jiang Feng saw Han Dong on Falcon's back.


   With a wingspan of more than ten meters, the falcon hovered over Jiang Feng's grave.

  Han Dong jumped off the Falcon's back.

  The falcon spread its wings and flew to the top of the mountain. After turning around, it flew to the south.

   "Sister Dong actually rode Liu Yun's falcon, and came back first alone."

  Jiang Feng was in a complicated mood.

  Han Dong couldn't find Jiang Feng.

   She looked at the name on the tombstone.

  Jiang Feng, deputy commander of Zhenbei Prison!

  She felt a tightness in her chest.

   I wish I didn't have the cultivation base of the third rank, so I couldn't see this line of words in the night.

   "Jiang Feng, come out!"

  Han Dong shouted.

   Then she looked around.

   said angrily: "Come out, you can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me!"

   "Sister Dong."

  Jiang Feng was startled, and was about to go out.

   "She's blowing me up."

  But he realized in an instant that with his current strength, even Xiao Zhan would not be able to spot him, let alone Han Dong.

   "Jiang Feng!"

  Han Dong roared angrily.

  On the Black Iron Mountain, there is only her echo.

  Her eyes returned to the grave.

   "Even if you are dead, I will dig you out and find out!"

  Han Dong took out a small knife.

  She turned around the grave and looked carefully.

   After a few months, new grass grew on the grave.

  Because it is a new tomb, the traces of the past have long since disappeared.

  Han Dong inserted the knife into the grave, trying to scrape the soil away, but after a few times in a row, she stopped, and put the soil back again.

   "How did you go mad and die?"

   "He died in Zhenbei Prison."

   "Die sooner and die later, why did you wait until I went to the south?"

  Han Dongyue said more and more angry, and punched Jiang Feng's grave, and his fist sank into the mud.

   "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

  But the next moment, she was full of apology, as if stroking Jiang Feng's face, and repaired the grave.

   "I heard Uncle Huo say that you and him often go to the tavern to drink together. Every time you drink rice wine, a stack of peanuts, half a catty of pork head meat, and two catties of boiled tofu with pickled vegetables, it is a fairy day."

   "I will often come to drink with you in the future."

  Han Dong smiled when he saw the jug in front of the grave.

  Then she glanced at the woodland of Black Iron Mountain, and said: "I will investigate clearly. If you really went crazy and died, I will take care of your grave. If you are not dead, or..."

  Han Dong clenched his fists.

   Red eyes said: "I don't want you to die!"

   After finishing speaking, Han Dong's figure ran towards the foot of the mountain.

   This time when she went to the south to slaughter wolves, her skill increased greatly, and she didn't know if she had an adventure, and she became a first-rank Qi refining powerhouse.

  She is not slow.

   soon disappeared from Jiang Feng's sight.

  After she left.

  Jiang Feng came to his grave in a depressed mood.

  Looking at the fist marks left by Han Dong on the grave, and the marks that had been smoothed out again, he didn't know how to explain to Han Dong.

   Maybe it's best to keep it that way.

  Time can make each other forget.

  Jiang Feng returned to Hippo Village.

  Han Dong came to Zhenbei Prison the next day.

   "Director Han!"

  When everyone saw Han Dong, they all saluted.

   "I'm no longer the prison director, I'm going to visit Jiang Feng's former yard."

  Han Dong wanted to find out if Jiang Feng had really gone mad and died.

   "No matter what, you have always been the prison director in our hearts."

   Zhao Dutou and three people came out to greet him.

  Han Dong nodded gratifiedly, and said: "The day Jiang Feng went mad, who was there at that time, call me all of them, and look for me in the courtyard where Jiang Feng used to live."

  Han Dong wanted to ask each one clearly.

   As she spoke, she went to the courtyard where Jiang Feng lived before.

   "This...reporting to General Han, Commander Jiang used to live in the courtyard, and now Commander Huang lives."

   Zhao Du bit his head and said.

   "Commander Huang has been practicing in his room recently, let the younger one go and report to him first."

   Duan Tutou said in embarrassment, now Huang Butou is their boss.

   "Commander Huang seems to be beating chicken blood, yelling that he also wants to retreat and practice."

   Yang Dutou said in embarrassment.

  Han Dong broke in directly, Huang Catcher didn't dare to embarrass Han Dong, but he could make trouble for them.


  Han Dong frowned even deeper.

   It is said that living people would be somewhat taboo to move into the room where the dead lived, especially the dead, who died in retreat in the room and became obsessed. How could Catcher Huang follow Jiang Feng to retreat in the room?

   No matter how you listen to it, you feel that there is a problem.

   "General Han, Commander Huang's temper has been very weird recently. Please bear with me. On the day Commander Jiang went mad, I stood guard at the door. If you want to know anything, you can just ask me."

   Director Zhao is confused.

  Obviously, he didn't want Han Dong to disturb Huang Butou.

   "Okay, I will ask you something first, and I will go to Commander Huang after his training is over."

  Han Dong knew the difficulties of the three of them, so she could understand.


  Suddenly, a scream came from the direction of Jiang Feng's former yard.

   "It seems to be Commander Huang's voice."

   Duan Duan was shocked.

   "Go and see."

   Zhao Dutou hurried over.

  The last time he heard Jiang Feng's screams, he didn't dare to go in, and he was worried for the next few days. Fortunately, Bao Longwei didn't make things difficult for him. If something happened to Huang Catcher, it wouldn't be so easy to explain this time.

  (end of this chapter)

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  Chapter 193 Dragons have changed

   "Commander Huang!"

  Having learned the lesson from last time, Zhao Dutou and others ran over desperately. Duan Dutou took the lead and kicked open the door of Huang Butou's room.

   "Commander Huang..."

   Then the three of them were shocked by the situation in front of them.

   Huang Tantou looked pained, his eyes widened, his eyes bulged, blood was spitting all over the ground, and he fell to the ground, completely out of breath.

   "Prison doctor!"

   "Call Prison Doctor Zhang and Prison Doctor Wang over!"

   Yang Dutou shouted loudly.

   "General Han, Huang commanded him..."

  Have you seen Zhao Du's first look? Really none of our business?

  Two vice-commanders died in the prison in a row. In the same room, Zhao Dutou and the other three were in a daze.

  Han Dong didn't speak, and carefully checked Huang Tutou's condition. His meridians were cut off, and his qi and blood were reversed. Could it be that...Jiang Feng is also like this.

   "Give way."

  At this moment, two prison doctors, Zhang and Wang, rushed over.

  The two inspected Huang Butou from beginning to end in front of everyone.

   Prison doctor Zhang sighed: "Commander Huang is dead, my lords mourn."

   "Commander Huang's viscera were torn to pieces by the rebellious qi and blood. It should be that he was too impatient during the practice and died of madness."

  Prison doctor Wang analyzed.

   "This... Commander Huang didn't read the good luck experience?"

   Zhao Du's face collapsed.

   "The two of us don't know much about cultivation, but Huang Catcher's condition does seem to be insane, and his blood is reversed and he died."

   Prison doctor Zhang explained.

   "General Han, what do you think?"

   Duan Duan looked at Han Dong.

  Han Dong looked at Huang Catcher's death and tried to calm herself down, but she still couldn't. She thought of Jiang Feng, did Jiang Feng leave in such pain?

   "General Han."

   "General Han."

   Zhao Du screamed several times.

   "When Commander Jiang left, did he act like Commander Huang?"

  Han Dong finally came to his senses, she trembled.

   "No, Commander Jiang walked on a futon. He closed his eyes. Except for the pool of blood on his chest, he looked like a normal person."

   Yang Du headed back and said.

   "The old man personally inspected Commander Jiang's body. His meridians were also severed, but unlike Commander Huang, his internal organs were torn apart by the reverse qi and blood. His death was only a moment, and he never experienced pain."

   Prison doctor Wang saw that Han Dong had feelings for Jiang Feng, so he stood up and comforted him.

   "Heaven is jealous of talents, how can the two deputy commanders go crazy in the same room a few months apart."

   Prison doctor Zhang asked doubtfully.

   Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and naturally felt strange.

   "Jiang Feng has always been cautious. I don't believe that he will go mad. Maybe the knowledge of Duotian Fortune is just a cover."

   "There must be something wrong here."

  Han Dong wants to investigate clearly.

   "General Han, when Commander Jiang was practicing retreat, his subordinates were guarding the door. The subordinates dared to use their heads as a guarantee. When Commander Jiang was retreating, no one came in to disturb him."

   Director Zhao knelt down and said.

   "You get up, and I didn't doubt you."

  Han Dong walked around the room.

   "Go and ask Mr. Bao to come over."

  Han Dong reminded.


  The three of them were startled, and then Yang Du ran out.

  Han Dong was present, and they were in a trance, thinking Han Dong was the director of the prison, and forgot to report to Bao Longwei for a while.

   "There is no problem here at all. How could Jiang Feng and Huang Butou, one behind the other, go mad in this room?"

  Han Dong searched every corner carefully.

   As a result, nothing unusual was seen.

   "What kind of breath is this?"

  She walked out of the room and came to the yard, when she suddenly noticed a strange breath.

   "This... came out of the ground."

   "The breath in the underground palace?"

  After some searching, Han Dong finally discovered the fluctuation of spiritual power.

   As a first-grade Qi Refining Realm expert.

  The cultivation level is not as good as her Huang Butou. After staying for more than a month, he can still find the fluctuation of spiritual power. How could Han Dong not notice it.

   What's more, the spiritual power fluctuations emerging from the underground palace are slowly becoming stronger these days. Although they are still in an invisible state, when the upper third-rank warriors approach, the blood in the body will feel like being pulled.

  Han Dong tried to catch this breath.

   Use your own strength to pull.


  As a result, she hastily withdrew her hand, she felt that breath, and wanted to follow her Yuanli, rush into her body, and enter her sea of energy.

   "What kind of power is this?"

   "It feels so dangerous."

  Han Dong looked vigilant.

   But it was related to the cause of Jiang Feng's death, so she pulled with Yuanli again, trying to absorb a trace of spiritual energy.

  At that moment, Han Dong felt a soft needle, following his own strength, entering his blood, and swimming into the sea of qi.

  The original turbid energy in Qi Hai began to become extremely restless, and Han Dong felt that his blood seemed to be a little stronger.

  But she tried to control the spiritual power in the sea of qi, wanted to grasp it and use it well, but found that the spiritual power was not controlled by her original power at all.

   In the end, she went on a rampage, causing her Yuanli to explode as if she couldn't control it.

  Han Dong was shocked.

   Hastily used all the power to contain it.


   One palm hit the ground.

  A bloody arrow shot out from Han Dong's palm.

  Han Dong's body shook and he took a few steps back.

  Opening his hand, he saw a wound on the palm, blood beads kept coming out, and the meridian on the arm seemed to be torn apart, and it became extremely sore.

   "General Han, what's the matter with you?"

   "Ni's hand is injured."

   Zhao Dutou and Duan Dutou saw the blood dripping from Han Dong's palm, and they were panicked. If Han Dong also died in Zhenbei Prison, how would they explain it?

   "I'm fine."

  Han Dong shook her head, she was thinking about something.

   "Prison Doctor Zhang and Prison Doctor Wang bandage up General Han."

  Duan Duan shouted.


   Prison doctor Wang applied plaster to the wound on Han Dong's palm, and then wrapped it up with gauze.

  Han Dong didn't seem to feel anything, she put her hands on the table, and let the two prison doctors Zhang and Wang deal with her. Thoughts popped up in her mind.

   "What kind of power is that?"

   "My whole body's energy can't stand it."

   "Could it be that Jiang Feng and Huang Butou were both killed by this force?"

   "Just now I felt that my blood was much stronger. Is that force at work?"

  The more Han Dong thought about it, the more he frowned.

   "The first adult is here!"

   A few quarters of an hour later, Dutou Yang invited Bao Longwei over.

   Knowing that Huang Tutou, like Jiang Feng, lost his temper and died in the same room, Bao Longwei was blown up.

   "Why did this happen again?"

   "From now on, no one is allowed to retreat and practice in prison!"

  Bao Longwei roared with aggrieved face.

   "My lord, I may know the cause of the deaths of Commander Jiang and Commander Huang."

   Han Dong said.

   "Oh, come on, are your hands okay?"

   Bao Longwei seemed to have found a lifeline.

   "Please feel carefully first, is there any abnormal smell in the yard?"

   Han Dong suggested.

  Bao Longwei immediately followed Han Dong's instructions and felt abnormal fluctuations around him. He knew that Han Dong would not fool him.

   "Huh? What kind of power is this?"

   "It came out of the underground palace!"

  With Han Dong's instructions, Bao Longwei's expression changed in surprise after careful inspection.

"My lord, this strange power can make one's blood and energy stronger and more savage, but it cannot be easily controlled. I think Commander Huang must have discovered this power and absorbed too much at once. lost his life."

   Han Dong deduced.

   "This seat will try it first, how overbearing this power is."

  Bao Longwei tried to pull with Yuanli.

   After a while, a wound appeared on his palm.

   Frightened and said: "What kind of power is this? Just a little bit can increase my strength by several levels. You stay here. I have to go to the imperial city immediately and report the matter to the Holy One."


   Bao Longwei left.

  Han Dong stayed to guard the yard, she asked Governor Zhao and Jiang Feng's details before his death.

  Confirming that Jiang Feng's death was not miserable, Han Dong felt better, and thought to himself, "Did you really die because of this strange power?"

   "I want to see Jiang Feng's transcribed experience of the sky."

   Han Dong said.

   "The experience was burned by Mr. Bao. He was worried that someone would learn from Commander Jiang."

   Yang Du turned his head back.

  Han Dong has no choice, he can only find a time, go to the academy, and read the experience of Daotian Fortune by himself.

   A few hours later.

  Bao Longwei brought back from the imperial city Kui Han, an innate strong man, and Han Tieshan, who has been recuperating in the imperial city recently.

  Besides, a snow eagle also appeared above Zhenbei Prison.

  On the snow eagle, a person fell from the sky and jumped from a height of hundreds of meters. He thought he would continue to fall, and his feet sank into the ground.

   Unexpectedly, when he was about to fall to the ground, a spell erupted under his feet, as if a transparent force pulled him, making him fall lightly to the ground.

   "Meet the fairy master!"

   is a middle-aged man in white.

   When Kui Han and Han Tieshan saw him, they saluted him respectfully.

  Bao Longwei, Han Dong and the others even lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at each other easily.

"Spiritual power."

   "It's spiritual fluctuations."

   "The underground is about to be unsealed."

  The middle-aged man in white clothes noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power immediately, he was not shocked, but smiled.

   "What is spiritual power?"

  Han Dong frowned.

   "Spiritual power is the power that can only be possessed by strong immortal masters."

   Han Tieshan said hurriedly.

   "Then can you see if his death was caused by spiritual power?"

  Han Dong pointed to Huang Butou in the room.


  As soon as the middle-aged man in white lifted his hand, Huang Butou's body was forcibly pulled by a force of heaven and earth, and he was thrown at the gate of the courtyard.

   "An acquired martial artist actually tried to control spiritual power, he deserves it!"

  The middle-aged man in white is humane.

   One sentence judged the cause of Huang Tutou's death.

  Han Dong was shocked, and she thought of Jiang Feng again. Could it be that Jiang Feng is also like this.

  Thinking of Jiang Feng's strength, Han Dong asked: "Acquired warriors can't touch spiritual power, what about innate?"

   "It's all the same, court death."

  The middle-aged man's tone was indifferent.

   "Dong'er, it's none of your business here, step back."

  Han Tieshan worried that Han Dong had too many questions and disturbed the middle-aged man in white.

  Han Dong glanced at Huang Catcher's death, and then walked away.

   "This Immortal Master wants to practice here, you all step back, no one is allowed to come in without my order."

   The middle-aged man in white gave an order.


  Han Tieshan, Bao Longwei and others could only retreat obediently, and sealed off this living area, preventing anyone from approaching.


  After Bao Longwei and others left, the middle-aged man in white looked at the stone bricks under his feet. He smiled slightly, stomped hard, and with a bang, the ground collapsed, and there was a secret room under the ground.

   Bricks fall into it.

  The middle-aged man in white stood on the edge of the pit.

  He threw a talisman into the secret room below.

  The talisman entered the secret room below, touched a layer of restriction, and resisted each other with the restriction. The restriction was like a totem made of countless seals, and the talisman weighed a thousand catties. He wanted to reopen the restriction.


  Finally, the talisman was burned.

  The restriction gradually faded under the watchful eyes of the middle-aged man in white, but the middle-aged man in white had a dignified expression, and he never dared to go down easily.

  Snow Eagle fluttered into the sky, as if a little scared.

   "Dong'er, where are you going?"

   "Hey, this girl."

  Han Tieshan was dismissed by the middle-aged man in white, and he ran out in a hurry, and saw Han Dong riding a horse towards Heitieshan.

   "Junior sister is going to see Jiang Feng."

   Bao Longwei explained.

   "For a dead person, he almost ran into the immortal master."

   Han Tieshan said angrily.

   "Jiang Feng was single-handedly picked up by my junior sister. He was honest and reliable. He suddenly went mad and died. Junior sister has always felt strange. Now my junior sister should have confirmed the cause of Jiang Feng's death. Maybe I have something to say to Jiang Feng."

   Bao Longwei explained.

   "Women's colleges are not allowed to stay."

  Han Tieshan had no choice but to return to the imperial city together with Kui Han.

   "Sister Dong, are you looking for me?"

  In the attic some distance away from Zhenbei Prison, Jiang Feng merged with the dark corner.

  He predicted that Huang Tutou would not live for a few days, and the anomalies in Zhenbei Prison would be exposed soon, so he came to check when night fell.

  Hiding at a long distance.

  Seeing Xue Ying appearing above the prison, a middle-aged man in white fell from a height of 100 meters and entered the prison.

   not long.

  Han Dong's figure came out of the prison, and rode his horse towards Heitieshan.

   "Could that person just now be the Sword Immortal of the Imperial City?"

  Jiang Feng was curious about the middle-aged man in white.

   But afraid of disturbing the other party, Jiang Feng didn't dare to approach, so he could only watch from afar. Now seeing Han Dong riding a horse towards Heitieshan, he hesitated and chased after him.

  Bao Longwei and Jiang Feng's predictions were correct.

  Han Dong rode his horse to the foot of the back mountain of Heitie Mountain, and then used his agility to rush all the way to the mountainside and came to Jiang Feng's grave.

   "How can you not resist the temptation? Go and suck those spiritual powers."

  Han Dong sat in front of the grave, facing Jiang Feng's tombstone.

  If there hadn't been that spiritual power, and Huang Catcher had ended up in the same end, Han Dong wouldn't easily believe that Jiang Feng went mad and died.

   Even if dead, it is not necessarily possible to be murdered.

  But a middle-aged man in white clothes confirmed that the spiritual power was dangerous, and Bao Longwei personally checked Jiang Feng's body. Han Dong had to believe it if he didn't believe it.

  Thinking of this, sadness comes from my heart.

  Han Dong didn't cry, but slept in front of the grave all night.

   the next day.

  Bao Longwei went up the mountain to find Han Dong.

   "Junior Sister, death cannot be brought back to life, Jiang Feng was not in pain when he left, so you can relax!"

   Bao Longwei persuaded.

   "What's the situation at Zhenbei Prison now?"

  Han Dong rubbed his eyes and stood up.

   "I just asked someone to remove the prisoners on the third floor, and now it is very lively inside. King Xiao and His Royal Highness the Second Prince rushed back to find out."

   Bao Longwei replied.

   "Is my dad still in there?"

   "He returned to the imperial city with Mr. Kui last night. Immortal Master Xueying didn't allow anyone to approach easily. His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince went there in the morning and was stopped outside."

   "Rumors say that under Longdu, there is an underground palace that is bigger than the capital city. What do you think, brother?"

   "The rumors are just rumors after all. So far, no figure of the underground palace has been dug up in other places."

   "I think it's somewhat true. When I was in the south, I heard the six-armed emperor of Shenzong say that the blood wolf riot is because dragons have things calling them.He told the second prince to cover the ground and not let that thing escape. Now it seems that the thing that summons the blood wolf may be in the underground palace. "

  Han Dong guessed.

   "Junior Sister, don't think about it. Even if there is something terrible in the underground palace, the Holy Majesty has a way to deal with it. You stay on the mountain all night. Be careful not to hurt your body. Come back with me!"

  Bao Longwei doesn't seem to be interested in the six-armed emperor.

  Han Dong nodded and went down the mountain with Bao Longwei. When leaving, she glanced at Jiang Feng's grave and smiled slightly, as if saying goodbye to Jiang Feng.

  After the two left, Jiang Feng's figure appeared in front of his grave again.

   "The blood wolf riot is actually related to the things in the underground palace?"

   "What can summon the blood wolf?"

   "Zhenbei Prison is really dangerous. I don't know if Uncle Huo and the others will be implicated?"

  Jiang Feng came to the top of the mountain.

   Look in the direction of Zhenbei Prison.

   Snow Eagle hovered over the prison.

  It doesn't seem to be tired from flying.

  Jiang Feng felt strange.

   Later, it was discovered that Xue Ying was sucking spiritual power, and the spiritual power was leaking from Zhenbei Prison.

   "No matter what it is, let others snatch it."

  Jiang Feng didn't dare to approach.

   After confirming that Han Dong was fine, he left Longdu and returned to Hippo Village.

   Dusk falls.

  Jiang Feng heard a slight vibration from the ground. He passed Laojun Mountain and came to a hill where he could see the south gate of Longdu.

  I saw the soldiers and horses of the three armies of the Divine Arrow Army, the Forbidden Army, and the Wolf Slaughter Army who were dispatched from various places to the south before, stationed in a mighty way outside the city of Longdu.

   Soldiers and horses appeared in batches at the gates of the four cities.

   "Strange, why did the emperor transfer so many soldiers back to Longdu?"

  The class teacher returned to the court, and it is said that he was gradually scattered in various cities in the north. How could he recall Longdu in large numbers? What if the chief general rebelled?

  Jiang Feng felt something was wrong.

  These soldiers and horses did not enter the city, but stationed outside the city, forming a defensive line that surrounded Longdu.

At first, I thought that Xiao Zhan was rebelling and led his troops to surround Longdu. When he saw their formation, they all faced outside Longdu, and all the city gates were opened to them. A large number of generals rode into the city. Jiang Feng realized this. The soldiers and horses seemed to be defending Longdu.

  He was baffled.

  Now the wolves have been repelled and retreated to the forbidden forest. Although the small countries in the east and west frequently harass the border, they have not been able to rush in.

  The northern Turkic king accepted the peace talks, and there has been no war in the country during this period.

   Could it be that these soldiers and horses surrounded Longdu because of the underground palace?

  Jiang Feng couldn't figure it out for the time being.

  He saw Xiao Zhan and the second prince in the army.

  The two rode into the city and rushed all the way to the imperial city, as if they were in a hurry to see the Emperor of Tang.

   "The dragon is about to change."

   "Sister Dong, Uncle Huo, don't forget to hide."

  The army surrounded Longdu, and the anomalies in Zhenbei Prison had been discovered by the Sword Immortal of the Imperial City. Jiang Feng decided not to enter the city tonight, but to return to Laojun Mountain.

   But just as he turned around.

  His body froze in place. He saw a black shadow approaching from the south. In the distant forest, a blood-colored flame disappeared in the darkness, and there were shattered flames heading towards Longdu.

  (end of this chapter)

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