
Exposing the Bluff

Jack was stunned. Was this really happening? It couldn't be. Either someone was going to some elaborate lengths to play a practical joke on him, or he was still asleep on the couch with that rerun of "Jeannie" on the TV. He pinched himself. Ow! Ok, must be a joke, then. But hell, why not play along?

"Um, I'm not sure. How CAN you be of service?"

"In any way you wish, master. I am yours to command."

His to command, eh? Yeah, right. Who had set this up, and where had they gotten this beautiful girl? At least if she was a stripper or something, she should be of legal age. As practical jokes went, this was a great one.

Jack thought for a few minutes. Just what would it take to call this girl's bluff? If he was careful, he hoped he could get some enjoyment out of this before exceeding what she was paid to do. Hmmm. She was wearing so little anyway...

"How about, remove your clothes."

"Yes, master." She stood and began to remove her silks.

"No, um, strip for me, please. Make it erotic."

"Yes, master." And she did. For the next ten minutes, Jack was witness to the most incredibly erotic strip tease he had ever seen as she slowly revealed her perfect body. There was no music, no sound. It would have only detracted from the performance. One by one the silks would drift to the floor, leaving a thinner layer behind, a little more of her lightly tanned skin showing through. Yet the remaining filmy material and her continuous movement still managed to conceal her most private places. Even the very last thin silk somehow managed to hide what he so urgently wanted to see. Then it, too, fell to the floor as she gracefully turned to face him, her auburn hair, now slightly tousled, settling over her breasts. It was thick enough to completely conceal them and long enough to almost reach her delicious oval belly button and partially obscure her taut, flat stomach.

By this time Jack was perspiring a bit and his cock was rock-hard. The young woman - she couldn't be more than twenty, if that - was exceptionally talented, and Jack sat in stunned silence, only able to stare at her in lust. Oddly, he found her breasts still being hidden by her glorious mane while the rest of her was exposed a surprising turn-on, focusing more of his attention on a small triangle of trimmed red-gold bush, pointing down to a delectable and completely bare hood and pair of lips, all perfectly framed by lusciously rounded hips flaring from her narrow waist.