
Chapter 14: Hellion



- HP: 5M/5M

- Sta: 100/100

- State: Cursed(all stats are 20% lower except health and stamina)

Days left: 21

"Somebody called for an exterminator?"

"Just who are you?"

"I am just a wanderer who seeks for fun. Don't mind if I join?"

"We are in need of help. We have been in the siege for a week"

"Heh heh. Don't mind if I make some clouds?"

"You have permission to do so."

The mysterious man in the hood nods. He lits his pipe with a spark. A small glimmering light surrounds the pipe with a strange white smoke coming out. He lowers his hood to reveal his black hair, a messy one. He inhales the smoke from the pipe and then exhales a fume that slowly becomes a fog.

"Why did you do this?" the commander points at him

"My weapon affinity is <smoke> and <dagger>. I am Walris Hasor <The Fog Reaper>. If you can see me, that means you are a human. Otherwise, I would slash your neck right here, right now."

Walris is notorious for foul plays with smoke along with his chivalric taunt. He is also known as <The White Foul Knight>. For years, he has been a very dangerous adventurer who makes a name for highwaymen and assassins. They fear the fog that he makes. Once one is clouded by it, he is done for. Even if the fog is not there, a faint light moving around would be filled with bloodlust.

The town is now surrounded by fog. A tactical advantage for the defensive side.

At the guild, Walris opens the doors. People look at him. Smokes coming out from his pipe gently dissipate. Walking calmly, then stopping at Hivon's table. He moves the chair and sits down opposite to the masked adventurer.

"Hey there, don't mind if I just make some clouds and speak to you?"

"What are you planning to do?"

"Well, on my way here, I see a cyclops and I wonder if someone is capable of taking its eye while it is still alive. I want that so I can synthesize something"

"You are asking the wrong one to take down"

"I heard there is only one <hook> user around here and I see a hook on your belt. I should get going to find him. He has multiple hooks from what I heard"

"The one you spoke of was my brother. He is now at a very faraway place. From the last words before we parted our ways, he said he was going to kill a level 700 monster."

"Your brother?"

"I lost my previous face so I can't prove it to you here. But every word I said is true"

"Can I..."

"This is my face! Take it away from me, your neck will fly! Even the guild can't stop my anger" Hivon points at his face

"Fine fine. Tell you what, I have a method to gain experience fast within three days. You have <Mark of prey>?"


"We are going to hunt down some outlaws. Make sure to use that to kill them"

"How much per head?"

"On average, around 300 silvers"

"But can we do it after this siege? Because there is no way that I leave these people behind"

"Fine, after this siege."

They shake hands as a sign of trust.

But little do they know, there is a lurking threat much greater than just waves. One of them knows but his knowledge was just a past.

At the forest, where monsters gather.

"This is how humans lay their traps. You should avoid here and here" ??? points on the map

"Hmmmmm, then how many adventurers?" Another ??? puts his hand down

"Let's say around a few dozen and some militias holding at the gate"

"Good. We should cover our siege weapon with goblins and we should send nagas to stall the adventurers so the cavalries should be easy to be dealt with"

"There might be a flaw. What about one or two adventurers in a small strike force?"

"Doesn't matter. The moment he comes close. Then he shall tremble before his past then"

At this point, in the village, Hivon comes to visit the concealed weapons provision shop. The shopkeeper greets the young man.

"Hey, do you happen to have some Hell stones?"

"Hell stone? Perhaps, you have to wait until the siege is over. Our supplier is being stuck on some sort of route. It might take days"

"Then you have some sulfur right?"

"To repel snakes and nagas? We are out of stock. The same supplier"

"What do you have now?"

"Tacks, flash powder, chalks, charcoal, dust and few poison bags."

"Secrets and wonders are knowledge of outer world"

"A few pinches of thunder drop and bravery wine"

Those two items are only sold to special patrons who come here regularly and they are very dangerous to be used on a large scale. Thunder drops can cause big explosions with just a pinch. It is because that thing is so sensitive that even by contacting it with a careless touch, one might die due to either the flame of the shockwave. Bravery wine is made from those zombified fungal creature's brains and other secrets. The biggest downside is that after using it, one might suffer insomnia.

"Thunder drops, tacks, chalks and some flash powder please"

"That would be 30 silver coins"

"Here" Hivon puts 30 silvers on the counter

"Thank for your patron"

A very terrible midterm today

nomanlikecreators' thoughts