
Getting Married To The Infamous Heir

"Kaia, you have to get married to him, no matter what, or else, your mom won't be treated," Madison threatened as she watched Kaia struggle with her emotions. She could see the tears in her eyes and she felt pleased with herself. Kaia glanced at the windows and she could see her mom connected to various equipments just for her to breath and stay alive and she felt suffocated deep within. She had no power and she had never felt so hurt in her entire life. "Fine, I would marry him in your stead," Kaia answered after thinking thoroughly about it. This was the only way her mom could be saved. She couldn't retract her promise as this was what was best for her mom. She just had to do this. "Perfect, you just made the right decision," Madison replied with a smug smile. She just got rid of that old man and he was Kaia's burden now. She wouldn't care about him anymore. Kaia Benjamin is the second daughter of the head of the Benjamin's but she was always treated as an outcast due to the fact that her mom was a lowly maid, impregnated during a drunken night between her and Kaia's father. Kaia had to become a stand-in bride for her sister and who she was getting married to, she had no idea. She only knew she had to get married so as to save her mom from the illness which troubled her and could take her life away. To gain more information, join my discord server https://discord.com/invite/Wg3CVZ6R Or message me directly on Discord

Starshine_2007 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
81 Chs


Never in her life has she ever felt this weak. But it was all worth it. As long as her mom was okay, then everything would be fine. She whispered these words of encouragement to herself.

She cleaned her tears before she walked back into her mom's ward. She heaved a sigh seeing that her mom was still sleeping peacefully.

"I will do anything just to keep you safe mom, just stay alive for my sake as I don't know what I might do without you," Kaia thought to herself as she watched her mom lay on the bed lifelessly.

"Kaia, who were those men?" The kind nurse asked. It wasn't that she was trying to butt into her affairs, it was just that she had taken a liking to this pitiful girl.

"It was nothing, I will take care of her now, I understand you have a lot to take care of right now," she replied to the nurse and at the same time dismissing her.

The nurse was a smart one and she understood what Kaia meant immediately.

"I would be taking my leave now, take care of yourself, I know you haven't had breakfast yet so I will get you some if you don't mind," the nurse said with a serene smile which caused Kaia to nod.

"I will love some, thank you," she said to the nurse who nodded before leaving the ward immediately.

Kaia placed her left hand on her tummy and chuckled immediately. If the nurse had not mentioned it, she will not have even remember that she was hungry.

She had barely sat down when she got a call from Madison. She didn't want to pick the phone but she figured she might have something she wanted to say so she picked the call though reluctantly.

"What is it now, did you forget anything?" Kaia asked immediately she picked the call up.

"Don't act cocky with me," Madison spat which caused Kaia to roll her eyes. Who was acting cocky between the two?

"Anyways, one of my drivers will pick you up this night, the wedding ceremony is tomorrow, don't mess it up," she spoke to her arrogantly and hung up immediately, not even giving her the chance to reply.

"She's so spoilt," Kaia shook her head at her behavior but then her mind struck.

If she was going to be picked at night, then who will take care of her mom? It seemed she had to trouble that kind nurse.

She then thought of what the married life would entail. Will she end up being a widow just after she had gotten married?

She sighed and decided to take a nap. She had a lot going on her with her right now and she had not had a decent sleep since her mom was hospitalized just two weeks ago.

She didn't know how long she slept because she woke up to the ringing of her phone. On seeing who the caller was, she let out a small hiss before picking it up.

"Why the hell are you not downstairs yet? The driver has been downstairs since an hour, how dare you make my driver wait?" Madison ranted in a loud voice which caused a frown to appear on Kaia's delicate face.

She looked out the window and she gasped internally seeing that it was night time already. She had no idea she would sleep for so long. It clearly showed that she really needed rest.

"I would be down in twenty, can I trouble you to inform your driver to wait a bit, I need to inform the nurse to take care of my mom," Kaia replied after she had successfully calmed herself down.

"Fine, I don't know why you still care about your dying mom, not like she would make it anyway," Madison grumbled and Kaia felt a surge in her blood as she listened to what Madison had to say.

She clenched her fists tightly as that prevented her from lashing out. She knew that once she lashed out, then Madison could very well inform their father and he could stop the treatment on her mom.

She looked at her mom and comforted herself saying she was doing it for her only. Once she opened her eyes, the anger and annoyance which was dancing in her eyes were gone and her eyes were replaced with the usual calmness it had.

"Give me some time," she said and quickly hung up. She didn't want to listen to more of her taunts because she wasn't sure how she might react, she might just end up insulting her.

She sighed out as she tucked a lone strand of her hair back into her ear before walking out of the ward in search of the nurse.

"Hello nurse," she greeted immediately she sighted the nurse who was also making her way to the ward. She scratched her hair trying hard to remember the nurse's name.

The nurse smiled seeing her act. It was obvious that she didn't recall her name.

"It's Angelica," she said with a small smile as she found this young girl cute. She didn't know why but she just liked this cute girl.

"Ah, sorry," she apologized immediately the nurse made mention of her name.

"It's okay, I understand you are passing through a lot so it's only normal you don't recall my name," the nurse replied.

"Do you need something?" Angelica asked seeing that this was the first time Kaia had stepped foot out of her mom's ward ever since she was hospitalized. She had practically made the ward her own home.

"Yes, I need something, so I would be going out right now, it was an impromptu appointment and I really have to go through with it," she replied with an embarrassed smile.

She could not understand why the nurse could always read her emotions without she even speaking.

"Oh, so you need someone to take care of your mom for the night, isn't that so?" Angelica asked as she had already seen where the conversation was leading to.

"Sorry to trouble you," Kaia replied as she lowered her head embarrassedly. The reason why she felt embarrassed was because she was always used to doing things herself and this can be considered the first time she will ask a favor from someone.

"It's okay, thankfully, I'm on the night shift, don't worry, I would take good care of your mom," Angelica said to her sincerely and she nodded I'm relief.

It was good that someone was willing to help take care of her mom. She can now be rest assured that nothing would happen to her mom.

"Thank you nurse Angelica," she said as she stared at her with grateful eyes before rushing out of the hospital.

"This girl," Angelica shook her head with amusement.

"I only hope you find peace and happiness because you truly deserve it," Angelica said whilst looking in the direction she rushed to. She took one last look before she walked into the ward.

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