
Getting Married To The Infamous Heir

"Kaia, you have to get married to him, no matter what, or else, your mom won't be treated," Madison threatened as she watched Kaia struggle with her emotions. She could see the tears in her eyes and she felt pleased with herself. Kaia glanced at the windows and she could see her mom connected to various equipments just for her to breath and stay alive and she felt suffocated deep within. She had no power and she had never felt so hurt in her entire life. "Fine, I would marry him in your stead," Kaia answered after thinking thoroughly about it. This was the only way her mom could be saved. She couldn't retract her promise as this was what was best for her mom. She just had to do this. "Perfect, you just made the right decision," Madison replied with a smug smile. She just got rid of that old man and he was Kaia's burden now. She wouldn't care about him anymore. Kaia Benjamin is the second daughter of the head of the Benjamin's but she was always treated as an outcast due to the fact that her mom was a lowly maid, impregnated during a drunken night between her and Kaia's father. Kaia had to become a stand-in bride for her sister and who she was getting married to, she had no idea. She only knew she had to get married so as to save her mom from the illness which troubled her and could take her life away. To gain more information, join my discord server https://discord.com/invite/Wg3CVZ6R Or message me directly on Discord

Starshine_2007 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
81 Chs

Chapter 11: What Secrets Does Cole Have?

She was fed up, extremely fed up of being thrown around. She was fed up of being tossed around, of being used, of being threatened while using her mom.

"So you agree that you aren't Madison but Kaia," the man slowly said as he stared at the girl who was breathing heavily due to her outburst.

"Yes, my name is Kaia Benjamin, illegitimate daughter of Charles Benjamin," Kaia gave a brief introduction about herself.

"You were threatened by your stepsister into taking her place, do you have any idea as to why she decided such?" This was what was on the handsome man's mind. He was curious as to why Madison made such a decision. The Madison he knew would have jumped up on the offer since she was greedy, then why didn't she?

"Because of the rumours flying about," Kaia replied simply as she held the hem of her dress in fear. She could feel the aura he was exuding and she felt pressured.

"And what might those rumors be if I may ask," the man inquired as he stood from his seat as he took slow steps towards her.

"You, stay back," Kaia foolishly warned as she took few steps back. His aura was so overwhelming and she didn't know if she can stand it for another minute.

"I believe this mister knows what I am talking about," Kaia replied with her head bowed. Never would she have thought that she would be in such a compromising situation such as this.

"But I really have no idea, I have been away from the outside world for so many years, so I really do not have any idea on what rumors are making ground," the man said cluelessly as he took two steps back.

He could sense Kaia's unwillingness to be close to him. He looked at kaia and he noticed she had a much bothered look on.

"This man really has no idea, what if he is telling the truth? He might be right, if he knew, he must have stopped the news from making waves," Kaia thought to herself as she accessed him.

"Well, what do you have to say?" He asked her while staring at her with folded arms. He wondered what she wanted to say.

"Well, they call you old, ugly, a sickling and someone who would die soon," Kaia closed her eyes while saying this. She really had no idea as to how she will face him saying those words seeing that he actually looked the opposite of the rumors.

"Damn these rumors, I won't be in an awkward position if they had just made their findings before it spread," Kaia thought to herself while still closing her eyes.

"Oh, is that so? I had no idea that I was already popular, this is quite interesting," the man clicked his tongue as he muttered causing Kaia to stare at him..

"Do you know who I am?" The man inquired of her. This question threw Kaia of guard as she really had no idea who the person she got married was.

"You really don't," he chuckled as he stared at her ignorant face.

"For all you know, I might be a kidnapper," he paused to see her reaction and of course Kaia didn't fail to deliver in expression as she snapped her head towards him in fright.

"Relax, I'm just kidding but it was fun seeing your look, you looked like a kitten, I will introduce myself," he said to her and he chuckled seeing how her face was relieved when he said he was just joking.

"My name is Cole Williams," he said simply. Everyone in the country was aware of that name, so there was no need to actually explain further.

"You are Cole Williams?" Kaia stuttered as she pointed shakily at him.

"How could it be? The young master who was not loved is my husband?" Kaia thought to herself, not willing to believe it. It can be anyone, just not him. He was bad news.

"Alright, I know what's going through your head right now, but I will need you to be calm," he tried to make her compose but of course, Kaia wasn't having any of those.

"Do not tell me to remain calm, please just free me, I will leave this country with her, we won't appear to you anymore, just let us go," Kaia pleaded with folded palms with her eyes watery.

She really didn't want to stay with him. Not because of the rumors that he was a sickling and bad luck, no not because of that. She wanted to stay far away from him due to the family drama that follows him.

She might not be aware of the real situation in the family but everyone in the country knows that there is a war of power going on in the Williams' family and she didn't want to be caught in between. She still had her mom to think about.

"Listen to me clearly, you are already my wife and there's no way I'm going to let you go, not after looking for you for the past few years," he whispered the last words to himself. Only he knew how long he had searched for Kaia, he wasn't about to let her escape due to the issues from his family.

"No, no, I don't want to stay with you, I beg you, please set my mom and I free, you won't have any cause to see us anymore, we would leave the country immediately," Kaia pleaded and this time, tears fell from her eyes due to how helpless she felt.

If she had known that Madison was getting married to him, she would not have agreed. She would have stood her ground but on recalling that her mom was with her then, she felt extremely helpless and she had no idea as to when her legs gave way and she fell to the floor with her eyes closed.

"Kaia!" Cole screamed as he rushed to her, catching her before she felt.

"I won't let you go now that you are with me, I let you go the first time, well, not this time around," Cole muttered with fierce determination as he stared at the beautiful face which looked pale.

"Just what have they done to you, I will make them pay for making you and aunt suffer so much," Cold vowed as he held her tightly to himself.

"Boss," the door was suddenly opened as the person who came inside called.

"How's aunt?" Cole asked without turning to look at the door.

"Her condition is stabilized now but the doctor is not aware as to when she would regain consciousness, meanwhile, Charles and Madison are heading home for dinner," the man reported.

"Hunter, you know what to do," Cole said as he carried Kaia in a bridal style and walked towards the bed.

He gently laid her on the bed as he watched the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest.

"Yes I am aware boss, do I need to call the doctor?" Hunter asked as he stared at his boss who had a gentle look on and he shuddered. He was used to seeing his boss frown, this was definitely the first time he had seen such a look on.

"Hmm, you may leave and do not forget everything has to go smoothly," Cole ordered and Hunter left the room immediately.

"You are mine Kaia," Cole muttered possessively.

Been sick for the past few days

Now, aren't you curious as to what secret our male lead has? He doesn't want to let Kaia go

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