
Sudden attack [13]

A few weeks had gone by. Nothing, nothing at all, no cultist sightings, no attacks, just nothing. After about 3 weeks, Mr. Collins called me to his office. As I entered, the other members sat there already, they all greeted me happily.

"Settle down.", Mr. Collins demanded. "As you guys know, we have been attacked by the cultists a few weeks ago, thanks to Jin here, they have been defeated but not only that, we could capture them. After questioning and testing, we have found out a few informations that I would like to share with you guys.", he added. All of us snapped out of the funny mode and turned serious as we listened intently. "First of all, our suspicions were confirmed, these people are demons. They don't use mana, but instead curses. Jin, Aria, do you remember the guy who blew up?", he said. I nodded, "Yes, how could I forget.", I answered. Aria also just nodded "If they scream out their cult's name, they will cause that reaction due to a curse. So if you're fighting one of those people, it would be best to remove the vocal cords.", he sighed. "I'm sorry you have to go through this, kids. We will have some highly trained adventurers patrol the area, so if you find something suspicious, be sure to report and DO NOT engage alone.", he said. "Alright. Dismissed.". We all stood up and met up outside the room.

"Kinda crazy, right?", Kael groaned. We all agreed. Lorien sighed, Rowan looked as clueless as ever, Lyra looked at me interested. "Is something wrong?", I asked her. "It's just weird... that they all appear only when you're around... I don't know how strong they are but from what Mr. Collins said you must be hella strong to defeat 4 of them.", she remarked. "Now that you say it, it is truly interesting...", Loriel chimed in. "I wish I could fight one of those!", he lamented. "We all have to get to class. Hurry up and go already.", Kael hissed while walking away. We all didn't know what was wrong because he was always this kind kid, now he was just angry. We didn't care and walked to our respective classes.

I arrived in physics class. The class had gone on for 20 minutes already, I sat down next to Emilia. "So? What was it this time?", she asked. "They are infact demons. And second, they don't use magic but curses. I'll explain later what I mean by that.", I murmured. The whole class I couldn't focus. Why was it that they always appeared when I was there? Was it because I made this whole story? Was it because of the console? "They must be getting suspicious of me...", I thought. "Maybe I could send one to Lyra or something... or Kael, they should be strong enough to handle one...", I continued. I then opened the console and typed it in. I send one to Kael and Lyra. They should ambush them when the class was over.

I walked out with Emilia when Lorien rushed towards me. He was fully out of breath, "Lyra... Kael.. they... are... under attack... new building.... injured... both.", he then fell over onto me. I pushed him to Emilia. "Sorry, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later.", with that I rushed off, I used Shadow step to travel faster. "Kael and Lyra got injured? How though, they should be strong enough to handle one each! I don't understand!", I thought.

I stood on the roof, Kael was protecting the heavily injured Lyra as a last ditch effort but couldn't hold up much longer. I jumped down and did a few flips before shooting a few Shadow darts at them. They all blocked them with barriers. I stood infront of Kael who was now on the ground with Lyra. "Good morning~ Your saviour is here...", I said.

------ Kael's perspective ------

As I walked away from each of them I went into my class. They all looked at me interested but I decided to stay quiet. I just listened to the class and couldn't wait for it to be over. I didn't know why I was suddenly so mad, but I was. I rushed out towards the courtyard at an instant. Sadly Lyra was waiting for me straight outside my classroom. She wanted to talk to me but I just walked past her, she followed me outside, kinda annoying. I noticed some killing intent and pulled her out of the way as a ball of water mixed with lightning magic shot past me. 3 people approached, they wore the cultist robes. "Is this finnaly it? Will I be able to fight them?", I thought. I pulled my sword out of the sheath and imbued fire magic into it. "Lyra, let's fight them.", I told her.

She looked at me worridly. "F-fighting? Aren't we supposed to inform the adventurers?", she questioned. "FUCK THEM!", I said while rushing at the 3. They cast a simple barrier to block my strike and then a guy punched me into my liver, I dropped to my knees, Lyra casted a healing spell onto me and tried blowing them away using wind. I stood back up but while Lyra tried protecting me, a cultists casted a spell and shot it at her. She was defenseless. I tried to jump into the way but it was too late. The water had the form of a blade but it was electrified. It went through her like butter. She dropped to her knees and then fully fell over. "I.. I'll try to heal myself, Kael...", she murmured in a last ditch effort. "OKAY, I'LL TRY TO PROTECT YOU, LYRA!", I declared. "How are they so strong? No ordinary mage can defeat Lyra in just one strike, what the fuck is this? And Jin faced 4 of them already, all alone? That guy has to be a monster...", I though as I got up. I held my sword towards them and I started deflecting every single type of magic, earth, fire, water, lightining and even light. Every single one of them was atleast a dual magic mage, the same as Jin.

The fight went on for another 5 minutes, I tried to protect Lyra until her wound was sealed but a fireball hit me and sent me to the ground when I looked up, I saw a black silhouette. He jumped off the roof and did a few flips before landing on the ground before me. He shot a few bolts of.. shadow. He had out uniform, one golden strike. "Jin...", I thought. "Good morning~ Your saviour is here...", he said.

------ Jin's perspective ------

"Jin...", Kael spoke out to me. "Please... help us...", he whispered. "Yeah, yeah I will.", I quickly answered. "Man, always causing trouble. Could've attacked me from the start, but eh.", I called as I turned towards them. Both 3 mages seemed agitated while I just smiled. "And by the way. I don't like it if people hurt my friends, you know.", I declared. "Kid... like you could do anything, can't you see how bad your friends look?", he snapped at me. "Answer me one question. Why this academy, why focus us when your main goal is dominating every other race.", I questioned. "Quite easy. We want to take care of the bunch that can fight and resist before we take out the trash.", he announced while laughing. "Just... who the fuck are you calling trash? I mean, you are the only trash in sight here.", I noted. The cultist just got more agitated and he scoffed at me.

"So. How do you want to die?", I asked. "Kid. You will be the one dying.", the cultist hissed. "Jin.. they... they are strong... watch out...", Lyra murmured. "Just relax and let me take care of it.", I said while walking towards the cultists. I shortly stopped, there was a crowd around us, that wasn't the problem, I just saw a familiar face in the crowd, Emilia. The cultist noticed this. "Oh? That girl? She means something to you?", he smiled as he created a cylinder of stone and shot it at Emilia. "BURST STEP!", I screamed. This time I didn't use normal fire for burst step, no, I used blue fire. I barely managed to catch the spell. I broke it with my hand. "You've fucked up with this one, cultist.", I stated.

I did some changes to the previous chapter. I will do some yapping now but it isnt really relevant:

So in the last chapter it was said that the cultists were squased like bugs, which wouldn't make sense to happen with just pressure as pressure shouldn't be able to kill, it would just be way too overpowered if it did. I changed it so they get made unconcious with the hands which would seem more like a reasonable approach to this one, it also left me with a new opportunity for this chapter (look at beginning)

Anyways, bye.

Nexsoscreators' thoughts