
Getting $10 Trillion Out Of Nowhere

Connor McDonald delivered food as his part-time job. One day, he had to deliver food to a hotel infamous for being a sex hotel. When the room door opened, he couldn't believe his eyes. His girlfriend was half-naked, cuddling with a rich kid from their class. "Well, now that you've found out, I guess it's time that you know," the rich kid scoffed. "Your girlfriend is dating me now. "Connor, give up on me. You're an orphan and have no money. Even if you deliver food for the rest of your life, there's no way you can compete with him. You are not good enough for me. Let's break up," his girlfriend said. Connor was utterly dumbfounded, wondering why God would inhibit poor people from being in a normal relationship. Just as he was wallowing in pain, his phone suddenly rang. He received an interesting text message. [You have received 1,000,000,000.00 dollars in your account.] "What the hell?" Connor exclaimed. "Who the heck just transferred 1 billion dollars to me?"

Silent Wind · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
1825 Chs

An Apology Or Return My Money

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Hearing what Connor said, the entire classroom instantly started to buzz.

This sentence was like a ticking time bomb exploded in the classroom.

The students who were mocking Connor instantly froze, puzzled.

Even May Young herself did not expect Connor to say that aloud.

May seemed to have been struck by lightning. Her jaw fell as she looked at Connor in a daze.

After Connor finished speaking, a pin-drop silence filled the classroom.

Everyone's eyes were widened as they looked at Connor and May in a daze. It wasn't easy to guess what they were thinking.

After all, the students did not expect Connor to have such a juicy rumor about May Young.

May had stripped naked in a hotel room and asked to have sex with Connor?

To the students, this sounded impossible.

Let alone a beautiful girl like May, even the most ordinary-looking girl in the class, would not ask to have sex with Connor.