
Get Love from Streaming App

Natalie Malca Moana, is a woman who came to Chicago hoping to find a job to help support her family's economy. However, not all went well. She finally tried her luck by doing a live stream on an adult app. She felt bittersweet there, but for the sake of her mother and two brothers and sisters, Natalie keeps trying hard and getting out of her comfort zone. With the fake name LORETTA and the flashy colored wigs she wore, Natalie became a very different person. Until finally, she was met with an account called Zeus The Lorax, an account that continues to provide the most expensive gifts in the three applications that Natalie uses. It was as if the figure in the account was following where Natalie was, without telling her who he really was. Because her curiosity was getting higher, she tried to invite Zeus through a video call, which is also a service in the application. The figure of a handsome man with golden blonde hair, sharp bright blue eyes, a firm jaw, and other facial features that further perfect this creature of God's creation. Natalie never thought that behind the account was hidden a prince with a white horse! The man's name was Nicholas Ramirez. Nothing else Natalie knew because Nicholas was so mysterious, he didn't even talk much. How will their relationship continue? Does it end there? So what was Nicholas' goal is always giving gifts without trying to interact with Natalie? Because to be honest, Natalie was getting increasingly curious about this man named Nicholas.

Kinderhun · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Love Language

Natalie slowly opened her eyes, she was still gathering her life before actually waking up. Staring at the ceiling of the room with a blank stare. After a few minutes in a position like a person losing the spirit of life, Natalie intended to get up but was stopped because there was a burly hand wrapped around her waist. Natalie blinked, she looked to her left side.

Nicholas was there. Still asleep, even sleeping like a prince. So handsome. Seeing Nicholas bare-chested also made Natalie check the condition of her own body.

Just like Nicholas, she was also naked. Slowly Natalie's consciousness was fully restored. The woman's face became even redder like a boiled crab. She held her cheeks and screamed inwardly, berating herself for how stupid she was last night. How could she have sex with Nicholas, especially since she had challenged him!

'Natalie you moron, you have no self-respect at all!' Natalie cursed as she grabbed her own mane in frustration.

Natalie looked back at Nicholas who had no sign of waking up. She swallowed her saliva with difficulty, Nicholas was very tempting. It felt like Natalie's face could not resist temptation when she was with the blonde man. However, she had her share of flirting with Nicholas too! Natalie patted her cheeks, trying to snap herself back to reality. Natalie slowly pushed Nicholas' big hand away, but instead of moving away, Nicholas tightened his embrace.

It successfully made it difficult for Natalie to move and even lay back down next to the man. Natalie held her breath when Nicholas said, "Where are you going? Don't go," Nicholas said in a heavy voice typical of a man when waking up.

"Nic, wake up. It's morning." Natalie tried to wake Nicholas up by shaking the man's shoulders, and was still trying to get Nicholas' hands off her waist. However, instead of waking up, Nicholas brought his body closer to Natalie, even pushing the woman's face until it was right in front of Nicholas' broad chest. "N-nic," Natalie called again now her tone sounded nervous.


"I-I can't breathe." With more energy, Natalie finally escaped Nicholas' confinement. Just like that it took Natalie's breath away. She got up from her bed again, shaking Nicholas' body to stop him from sleeping again. Because she knew Nicholas was already awake.

"Why are you waking up so early? I'm still sleepy," Nicholas protested as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He got up and leaned against the back of the bed.

"Are you not working?" Natalie asked confused, her current position was busy hiding her completely naked body with a roll of blankets. Meanwhile, Nicholas was only naked on top.

"I already said I wouldn't come in today," Nicholas replied casually.

"To whom, aren't you his boss?"

"To my secretary. Since I was working with Denzel before, now I'm with my new secretary here. I'm still responsible to my father anyway."

Natalie just nodded her head, she understood.

"Then what are we going to do?" Nicholas asked.

Natalie raised one eyebrow, she asked back, "What do you mean? Of course you have to go home."

"You really want me to go, don't you?" Nicholas asked, the corners of his lips curling downward. The man got off the bed, his perfect body even more obvious. "I was kicked out."

"That's not it! I'm not sure you're going to stay here. Especially since none of the clothes fit you," Natalie said, trying not to scream inwardly despite the handsome prince in front of her.

"Who said I don't feel at home here? Nonsense, even if we're in a graveyard, if it's with you, I'll be happy to do it," Nicholaa said as he approached the cocoon-like Natalie. "Hey, we really did it, didn't we?" asked the blonde man looking pleased.

"Huh? Ma–maybe."

"Then do you want to marry me now?"

A question that actually required spectacular courage but sounded so easy when Nicholas said it.

Natalie pushed Nicholas' face slightly to give her room to breathe normally. She was speechless because she could not get enough of this handsome, rich but strange man in front of her.

Natalie did not deny that the two of them had had sex. She did not understand which demon had possessed her body, allowing her to tempt Nicholas to kiss her even more than that. It was both their fault. Natalie even blamed the weather for being so favorable to their intimacy.

"Sorry, Nic. I haven't decided to marry you yet," Natalie refused for the second time.

Nicholas was a little disappointed, even though they had done something very intimate but Natalie still rejected him. The corners of his lips curled down again, his lips came forward slightly making the man look adorable even though he was pouting. "Ah, but, Nat. If you get pregnant, I will be responsible for marrying you."

"You took it outside! So I definitely won't get pregnant!"

"Apparently you remembered it."

Natalie sighed, her slender legs starting to get off the bed. She looked at the clothes scattered on the floor from her heated activities last night. Embarrassed, very embarrassed. Natalie could feel the warmth creeping up her cheeks, perhaps if she looked at her face in the mirror right now it would be obvious that her cheeks were flushed red.

"Want me to help you? Cleaning your body," Nicholas offered, extending his hand.

"No need, thank you. I can do it myself," Natalie politely declined with a sweet smile. She got out of bed still with the blanket wrapped around her. And as she walked, her foot accidentally stepped on the blanket, causing Natalie to fall. The sound was quite loud, and the first victims of the incident were Natalie's forehead and nose, which kissed the floor.

"Nat!" Nicholas exclaimed in a panic because he could not help Natalie, he helped her to get up. Natalie quickly hid her body again, not wanting Nicholas to see her completely naked.

Even though Nicholas had seen everything.

"Are ... you okay?" Nicholas asked looking at Natalie's face which was slightly reddish in places.

"Do I look okay?" Natalie asked back, her face bent in quite an annoyance. Between annoyed and embarrassed to death for falling so inelegantly like that.

"You're going to the bathroom, right?"

"Huh? Yes-" Natalie's nerves were perfectly rounded and she could not continue with her words as Nicholas picked her up and walked to the bathroom.

"Instead of you falling again, let me carry you all the way here," the blonde man said as he set Natalie down after reaching the destination.

"...Thank you."

Nicholas smiled as he ruffled Natalie's black hair. Then Natalie went inside, immediately her body slumped to the floor because Nicholas' sweet treatment made Natalie's body melt.

"Damn, he keeps attacking my love language!"