
Get Love from Streaming App

Natalie Malca Moana, is a woman who came to Chicago hoping to find a job to help support her family's economy. However, not all went well. She finally tried her luck by doing a live stream on an adult app. She felt bittersweet there, but for the sake of her mother and two brothers and sisters, Natalie keeps trying hard and getting out of her comfort zone. With the fake name LORETTA and the flashy colored wigs she wore, Natalie became a very different person. Until finally, she was met with an account called Zeus The Lorax, an account that continues to provide the most expensive gifts in the three applications that Natalie uses. It was as if the figure in the account was following where Natalie was, without telling her who he really was. Because her curiosity was getting higher, she tried to invite Zeus through a video call, which is also a service in the application. The figure of a handsome man with golden blonde hair, sharp bright blue eyes, a firm jaw, and other facial features that further perfect this creature of God's creation. Natalie never thought that behind the account was hidden a prince with a white horse! The man's name was Nicholas Ramirez. Nothing else Natalie knew because Nicholas was so mysterious, he didn't even talk much. How will their relationship continue? Does it end there? So what was Nicholas' goal is always giving gifts without trying to interact with Natalie? Because to be honest, Natalie was getting increasingly curious about this man named Nicholas.

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22 Chs

Fifty Two Palace Gifts

"Oh, I found him!" Natalie exclaimed after searching for Zeus The Lorax's account for an hour and a half because of the many accounts that messaged her until the account sank and was difficult to find. Natalie looked at the chat room between them, there were only automated messages that had been created from the app. Zeus doesn't even use a profile photo, it's really mysterious and makes Natalie curious.

She swallowed her saliva roughly as she started typing word for word to Zeus to ask him to make a video call.

[Hi, I'm Loretta. You seem to give me gifts quite often when I'm live streaming. If you have time, would you like to make a video call with me? I wanna directly thank you]


Natalie pressed the send button as she closed her eyes and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ugh, but isn't that too much, is it? What if he doesn't want to?" Natalie muttered pursing her lips, a little worried. "Nonsense, I'll just have to wait."

An hour, two hours, and up to a day, the Zeus account really didn't reply to her messages.

"Damn it, why like this?!" Natalie cried in frustration. Her life had depended on the reply from the account but until the next day there was really no reply at all. "A-am I unattractive?" Natalie muttered, feeling that her charm could not make the Zeus account immediately reply to her message.

"Argh, I don't care about you anymore! I'd better do a live stream," Natalie grumbled as she sat in her dressing table chair. Polishing her face a little thicker but still looking natural when in front of the camera, wearing clothes that are slightly open at the shoulders to show how sexy Natalie's shoulders are. And the final touch is the wig. Natalie put on that coral gold wig and was done! Her appearance was perfect and she was ready to go live.

Natalie walks into her live streaming room, this time she will bring Oreo into the broadcast. Oreo is a Birman male cat that Natalie owns. She adopted Oreo last year so she wouldn't feel lonely living alone.

When she felt he was ready, she started the live stream. It wasn't even a minute before she started, many people had come in and wanted to watch Natalie's live stream. And when she had a large enough audience, she began to greet the people who were there.

"Hi everyone! Back with me, Loretta! I'm a little early on live today, and it might be longer than usual. So don't get bored with me, okay?" Natalie said, blinking her eyes to tease the men who came. The chat fields are already too many and keep coming until Natalie finds it difficult to read the chats one by one. She began receiving gifts and has not stopped since.

Natalie continues to invite them to talk about their daily lives or something that is currently being discussed on social media. Even though she is only a high school graduate, she can talk on any topic and is packaged very interestingly. She is also good at story telling, that's why people like watching her.

While she was engrossed in holding Oreos, Natalie's eyeballs almost popped out when the Zeus The Lorax account again gave her a gift.

"Wow, Zeus gave me another gift! I really appreciate it. Looks like you have so much money that you don't even consider giving me a palace gift," Natalie joked, trying to focus on the chat column to find Zeus's account there, but it never existed, despite the fact that people were curious and asked Zeus to come out. "Zeus, instead of having to spend a lot of money on me, how about you give me a job? I'll work at your place, so I don't have to work live stream anymore," Natalie continued jokingly. She tried to lure Zeus to come out. More and more chat columns say they are not willing if Natalie no longer broadcasts live streaming anymore.

"I'm kidding, guys! But seriously, wouldn't Zeus come out for a little bit for me? I wanted to thank you in person," Natalie pleaded. She was hoping for Zeus to type something in the chat field, even if it's just one letter, is fine so he can determine if Zeus is a human and not a robot or a ghost.

However, instead of sending a message, Zeus returned to give Natalie a palace gift.

"Oh my god! Is the way you speak through gifts? Hmm, how about typing Hello using gifts, hmm for example, 52 times? H is the eighth letter, and then–"

Natalie gaped in disbelief when Zeus actually did the joke Natalie said. Zeus the Lorax's account gave 52 palace gifts!

"W–wait, stop! I'm just kidding, that's too much!" Natalie screamed frantically, but Zeus wouldn't listen. Natalie could only surrender, but Zeus really proved that he really watched Natalie live. "Hi Zeus. Thank you so much for the gift, but next time there's no need to respond to my jokes. I'm afraid you're broke for giving me too many gifts," Natalie complained seriously but was entertaining to those watching.

For four hours she live streamed, and finally she ended it. Natalie immediately lay down on the sofa in the room. The woman's back was sore, as was her mouth, which had been talking nonstop for four hours. And perhaps, this is the live stream that made the most money in the two years she worked as a host. And Zeus's account is the highest rank in giving gifts, which is sixty times. She had no idea what Zeus' job was anymore, so he could easily press that many palace gifts for her.

However, Zeus has yet to respond to her messages!

"God damn it, what exactly do you want?!" Natalie cursed annoyed, looking at the private chat. The message was completely unanswered, Natalie's heart broke. However, because her curiosity was still very high, she didn't care about her pride anymore and sent a message to Zeus again. After sending, she threw the phone a little because Natalie was angry that the person ignored her.


Natalie glared and immediately grabbed her phone again. Her heart was beating very fast as she read the message from Zeus. Yes, Zeus is now replying to her messages very quickly!

[Hi Zeus, I thought my message was sinking and you didn't notice. That's why I messaged you again. So, can we make a video call, even for a while?]

[Hello, Loretta. I can do it, wanna do it now?]

Natalie wanted to scream as loud as she could. Luckily, she hadn't removed her make-up yet. Natalie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before replying to Zeus's message. Oh, God! Tonight she will have a video call with Zeus!

"No, no. You can't have high expectations for the person behind Zeus The Lorax's account. There's no way a handsome and rich man is in this application, he must be a man with a big belly and out of nowhere the money he has. Anyway, I can't get my hopes up too high!" Natalie reassured herself, whoever she was going to see, it didn't matter. Because her intention was only to thank Zeus directly.

[Okay! Let's do it now.]