

-3rd POV-

The moment Meliodas heard the gun loading it's elemental bullet in the chamber, he knew he was in trouble.

He wouldn't be able to draw his sword before the fire bullet hit him.

He could use [Blut Vene] but he wasn't sure it would defend him enough considering how below average his controll of Reishi was.

And dodging to the side wasn't an option since that would mean the kid's would get hurt in his stead.

So now there was only one choice left, one he hasn't tried before.

Placing his arm behind his neck, a black fog consumed it before leaving his arm fully armored.

[Semi-Prime: Odin]


The fire bullet hit his armored arm directly, thankfully his gamble worked and he came out unscathed the first hit.


As the sharp pitch-black blade appeared at hand, he spun around and sent a dark slash, hacking the man in half horizontally.

Now that the threat was gone, he had to escape. The yell (yes, once again) had alerted the whole camp of his presence.

Meliodas's could already hear all the steps approaching the tent he was in.

He began to walk towards the cages, the children looking at him with soulless eyes.

"Fuck, a lock" He muttered under his breath. 

Grabbing two of the steel bars from the cage, he began to pump Reishi and Aether through his body.


With his bare hands, he bent the steel bars, giving him access to save the children.

Time to run!

"Hey, Kids. Let's get the hell out of here!" Spoke Meliodas softly as he stretched his hand to them.

The six children trembled in fear as he approached. The six of them have been through constant physical and mental abuse. The scars that riddled their bodies were proof of that.

"Ah, crap! right" Meliodas realized why they were scared of him so much, he was still wearing the Fatui Assasin uniform.

He immediately removed it, revealing his original Quincy uniform that was hidden under the Fatui Uniform.

Looking towards the kids, Meliodas could tell that their guards were now down, at least less than before.

-Scene Change-

"Positions! Surround the intruder" ordered the mirror maiden as the other Fatui agents responded to her orders.

Guns aimed, swords readied, hammers raised.

Usually, they wouldn't have the whole camp pinning down a single intruder, but this intruder was an exception.

Not only did he get past their INVISIBLE and HIGHLY trained Fatui assassins, he also got past ALL of the rest of them without being seen ONCE without the trace.

But what got the Mirror Maiden so worried was that the man inside the tent was able to get past every. single. one. of her water traps.

Mirror Maiden within the Fatui are extremely skilled water manipulators via their Hydro Vision. And once trained as a MIrror Maiden, you learn many nifty tricks.

This particular Miror Maiden, who was the current highest-ranking officer within the camp right now, was a fan of the [Wasserseide].

It is a technique in which one uses water to create incredibly thin and fragile water strings and spreads them throughout a certain area. Anything that touches them will be immediately detected by the caster.

This technique may not be for offensive purposes, but it sure as hell is good for detection and scouting. It also takes a certain amount of incredible control of elemental energy and concentration to keep it up for a long time.

As everyone was finally in position, the Mirror Maiden raised her hand "Fire-!"

Before she could give her orders, a loud neigh echoed from the tent. 


A dark and heavy fog swept through their ranks, and none of them could see, smell, or hear. Their senses dulled and unable to move.

All they could feel was the dark and swift phantom sweeping past them.

After a few minutes, the pitch-black fog lifted as if it had never been there.

All that was left behind was a crowd of coughing Fatui agents and a furious Mirror Maiden, filled with fear knowing she would be the one to inform "The Doctor" that the children he had ordered to kidnap had been....reverse kidnaped?

-Meliodas POV-

Sleipnir continued to gallop across these grassy fields while carrying me and the kids, leaving behind the previous chaos I had created. The six children hanging on my body by kid-sized carrier wraps I had created out of Reishi.

Fucking hell that was close.

Back there in that tent, I didn't have a single clue on how to get out of that situation. Well, that was until I felt every single living being within the camp surrounding the tent.

Them being spread out was a problem, made it hard for me to get out without getting a bullet shot at me from every single corner in that camp.

but when they all came together in my position, it made things WAYYYYY much easier for me.

Using [Odins] power of darkness, I harnessed as much [Dakness] as I could in the moment they were gathering around me and released it when they were about to shoot. This gave me the chance to trap them within the darkness and escape.

Sigh~ at least I'm out of there.

My eyes lingered on the small figure that was clinging to me on my chest. Despite the dirty rags and brown discolored hair due to mud and not showering, I could tell that she was a girl.

Those small and deep emerald eyes of hers' were looking at me with some sort of "Hope".


I guess I'm stuck with them from now on. Quest or not, I don't think I could have been heartless enough to abandon them from the beginning.

One hell of a way to start my Isekai I guess.