
Genshin Impact: The Keyblade Chosen One In Teyvat

An adult teenager who comes to Teyvat Plains from another world after his life ends... makes him shocked that ending up in Teyvat's world or another world is not enough. The biggest surprise for him was that in his hand was a very familiar key, a very large key... and he knew the key name that he hold is a keyblade... he...he ended up becoming his favorite game character in another world!?

alam_Tya · Derivasi dari game
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13 Chs



In the forest

There is a girl walking through the forest, a girl with dark brown hair, gold eyes, and fair skin. She wears a jumper-like outfit composed of dark brown leather shorts, a red hoodie-like top, red stockings, and white thigh-high boots embellished with gold linings and symbols. include a leather belt with two small bags, and her Pyro Vision attached, gloves, a small belt on her right thigh, and gold-framed goggles. Her most distinguishing feature is the headband with the large red bow that rests on her head, resembling the shape of bunny ears. Additionally, her Vision has two red feathers attached below it. Her outfit, 5-Star Outrider, is described to be an outrider's uniform made for maximum mobility.

Like child's play, she run swiftly and through the forest easily, you can see her experience and how she knows the environment around her. Amber is an Outrider of the Knights of Favonius, her title as an outrider isn't bullshit.

"This is worrying..." Said Amber to herself.

("Sigh~ Actually this is a bit scary... just hope this is not another trouble from random deity or something equal to four winds the guardian of mondstadt.... well It's not that I'm not confident in my abilities, but it would make more sense if what I'm facing isn't something impossible... Aaaah~ it will be nice if aether and paimon is here and can help me...no no no! Stop thinking stupid things, jean expects a lot from you amber... let's cheer up").

Amber kept her way forward through the forest, even though she said stupid things to herself and looked relaxed. Amber has always taken her job seriously as an 'outrider', even now she is on high alert and always pays attention to her surroundings.

("I can feel the wind blowing out in the direction ahead, it seems I'm getting closer".)

Amber keep walk carefully...

"....Don't care!"

"What! how dare you!"

"hmm!?" Amber hear someone's voice, "What happen there..." Said amber then hurry.


"How dare you... blessed by our god with the cryo vision, and you still defy us fatui? i dare you to said that again..."

"I DON'T CARE!". Said the woman loudly without restraint and fear.

There were 4 fatui people, feeling shocked and sore in their ears...they could only cover their ears and glared at the woman who kept forcing them to retreat. The 4 people consisted of 1 big man carrying a hammer, 2 men carrying a rifle, and 1 purple woman who always carried a lantern, they all wear masks.

"y...you...you you?!" Said the big guy.

"What? are you surprised? feel offended? You think I'll just back off just because there are more of you? a bunch of idiots who don't understand that you're just a bunch of fanatics people, and nothing more than vermin that keeps sticking in other people's territory?". Said the young woman.


"Eula..." Said amber from a distance and hide herself in a tree.

Eula is an elegant woman with a pale complexion and multicolored heterochromatic eyes that fade from dark purple to pale yellow. She has choppy, unevenly cut light blue hair. Above her bangs, Eula wears a black headband and a four-pointed silver, white, and blue hairpin to her left. She wears a blue cape on her right shoulder, with her Cryo Vision pinned to it.

"What? are you surprised? feel offended? You think I'll just back off just because there are more of you? a bunch of idiots who don't understand that you're just a bunch of fanatics people, and nothing more than vermin that keeps sticking in other people's territory?". Said eula firmly toward people from fatui.

Amber who saw this knew something was wrong, even though Eula often gave a bad impression, she was not a person who fights easily. Instead of fighting, she would probably say ("wait for my revenge") then walk away to ignore the problem. which means people from fatui have crossed a line they shouldn't have crossed.

And there is an argument, this argument looks more and more serious and may end up being a fight. So amber doesn't go towards eula, she reflexively holds her bow instead, then takes aim at the fatui people from a distance, if an argument breaks out and turns into a fight. Then amber is ready to shoot everyone from fatui.

Amber is actually a gentle girl, she is smiling and friendly to everyone. Even so everyone has a side they don't show and they hide. this side is currently visible on amber, like a hunter watching her prey, she continues to aim from a distance and keep an eye on the situation. Cold eyes expressionless, took a comfortable aiming position, then she was ready at any moment.

Actually dealing with fatui is nothing new for Amber. Because she works as an Outrider. In the past she was almost killed by an automaton but luckily Jean was able to save her.

At that time she was trying to find clues about the unknown man from fatui. How surprised she was when it all ended, she found out that person was one of fatui harbingers with the code name 'the doctor'.

Well, there was a black fire incident and she was assigned with Kaeya to find out about that incident. then this and that happened, but all ended well in the end and she was happy.

("Reminds me of my friend who is far away in sumeru, Collei...") Amber smiles a little

("Wait? black flame, stormterror, and now is lightning pillar...what happen to mondstadt... this is a weird coincidence. From the Black Flame incident she befriended Collei, and the Stormterror incident she became friends with Aether and Paimon...")

("Will the lightning pillar incident bring her another new friend? *she chuckle*") Amber thinks.

"*Sigh~*"Amber sighed. while still focusing on Eula who is still arguing with Fatui

"Are you trying to fight us!" Said the big guy.

Amber started tightening the grip on the bow when she hear the big guy just screaming toward eula and starting to lost control.

"Come on eula... I hope this doesn't end up becoming an international incident". said amber hopefully and ready to shoot anytime.


"Are you trying to fight us!" Said the big guy.

Eula without any unnecessary expressions, maintaining a calm and resolute elegant appearance. She standing crossed arms and also keep her gaze always toward people of fatui, right now she really don't undertand why this bunch of fanatics people keep barking toward her.

("Sigh~...Pain") Eula think.

"That word... if you are really serious about your words, then can I take it as an act of hostility from fatui to mondstadt". Said eula looked disinterested and seemed to wish they would attack her first so she could slash at them immediately.

"We fatui! just want to observing what happen here... we want to help people from mondstadt, so that if a crisis occurs, fatui can stop the crisis, before endangering mondstadt". Said the guy.

"How noble you are". Said eula

("Though I think the fatui just want to increase their influence in Mondstadt. Simply find a problem, then try to offer their help in a way that puts the Knights of Favonius in an awkward position".) Eula thinks.

"We are... but then why did you order us to leave here". Said the guy

"Because it's completely unnecessary and the knight can take care of this personally". Eula

"Guh! this is taking too long and i'm sick of this...Cih! This is why you knights are annoying!... I thought this was the land of freedom!". Said the masked man holding the rifle, commonly known as the fatui skirmisher pyroslinger bracer.

"You knights are always like this, so arrogant and ungrateful, when stormterror attacks mondstadt you are not even prepared. We suggested killing Stormterror for safety but you refused, although it must be admitted that the trouble is over and you knights are really lucky. it shows how naive you all are and does not guarantee that the flying lizard will not harm the citizens of mondstadt again". Said fatui skirmisher pyro.

"Are you done". Eula.

"Hmm???" Fatui people.

"This is the second you all have crossed the line, actually i have enough".

Now it could be seen that eula's expression had completely darkened, the atmosphere has completely changed this time. if the fatui don't realize this, then it's nothing more than foolishness.

"Let me tell you... Sure Mondstadt is the City of Freedom, but unchecked freedom without any kind of rules only invites chaos and anxiety. I admit that the knights of Favounius are not completely perfect, but sarcastically insulting the performance of each and every one of us. Who are even willing to sacrifice for our homeland, is something that cannot be forgiven". Said eula firmly.

"I have absolutely no problem, and to be honest anyone deserves to be in mondstadt...Have you ever heard where the land is stepped, there the sky is upheld?". Eula asked.

"Of course not, because in the end I didn't expect anything from you fatui, you all just completely without ethics and ignorant!" Said eula toward all of fatui.

"Wh...What did you say?". Said the big guy, know as fatui skirmisher electrohammer.

"Thats enough!"

An argument broke out and was about to turn into a fight, but before that could happen, a scream was heard by everyone present. Eula almost summoned her claymore, the fatui almost raised their weapon, and amber from a distance in the forest, almost fired her arrows.

A tall young man with a lean build and a tanned complexion appear with ten knight behind him. He is Kaeya the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius.

"More knights huh?...." Said the electro hammer.

"This isn't an ambush isn't it" Said the pyroslinger cautiously.

"No no no ofcourse not" Said kaeya with smile.

Eula just watched and regained her composure after the other knights arrived. On the other hand, deep in the forest, amber is a little calm but still watching from the tree, after all giving help from afar is her forte.

"Though even i say that, I hope you will return, from now on all procedures will be taken care of by the knight...or something I really want to avoid will happen" Said kaeya.

"Kaeya you came" Said eula.

"Ya eula, nice to meet you, you must be happy to see me" Kaeya greets eula.

"Thought you would just watch the whole time, really bastard" Said eula with annoyed face.

"Hard as usual" Kaeya chuckle.

"Kaeya the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius". Said the electro hammer, then the big guy looked at eula, "And Eula the captain of the Reconnaissance Company with the Knights of Favonius".

"I... I don't know about this..." The electro hammer muttered.

"Boris... this is bad, we should retread" Said woman carrying lantern, known as fatui electro cicin mage.

"Now may I ask you to leave, honored guests" Kaeya smirk at fatui.

"I see, then i think we will go back... We apologize if we disturb the knights working" Said the electrohammer.

"And we will never forget about this... Goodbye, i hope next time will different" Said people of fatui who then left the location.

(*Sigh~*) Eula sighed.

new chapter, ~ tell me if there something typo or wrong grammar... i will fix it ~

well the chapter is about report ... so i will name the chapter report... really simple right ~

i know last chapter kinda annoying, cause i just stop suddenly... but please forgive me...~

alam_Tyacreators' thoughts