
Genshin Impact, Teyvat's Starborne

Orion, a young man who arrives suddenly in the mystical world of Teyvat, with no memory of his past. Struggling with amnesia and unsure of his origin or purpose he embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of his existence. Along the way, he encounters formidable challenges, worthy allies and powerful enemies. and discovers latent powers within himself. as he navigates this foreign land, Orion must seek answers for his unknown past while forging a new destiny in a world brimming with danger, mystery and magic. . Also . Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact or characters, Only the MC Orion and the original characters in this story. Support my Patreon if you want to read extra chapters ahead of release here, I might even consider making it a full time commitment and that will naturally mean consistent and extra chapters, so thank you in advance! : https://www.patreon.com/frenzyaren as for this story, I've played this game up to first patch of fontaine, it will not be the same as Genshin impact's story 100%, yet i'll respect the characters and their traits and what makes them unique. I'll also be adding quite a number of stuff and new Original characters. Romance and relationships will progress slowly otherwise it will be plain and boring imo, and yes it's a Harem.

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38 Chs

The Warden's Challenge

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The sharp eyes of Orion darted to Diluc. "You noticed, right? It's all the same. They're not in full control."

Diluc nodded curtly, unwavering gaze and grip tightening on his flaming greatsword, his expression cold and resolute. "Yeah… but I'm still finishing them off, regardless." As with many of his important words, he spoke them as if there couldn't be hesitation, damn whatever was afflicting these beings.

"Naturally," Orion replied, his voice tinged with both resolve and a hint of concern. His polearm spun in his hand, its blade glinting in the flickering light. A mix of emotions swirled within him—pity, for the enemies that seemed to be fighting against themselves, but also a burning resolve to finish what they had started.

The Abyss forces, now fully revealed, surged forward, their movements jagged and unnerving. The Abyss Mages raised their hands, conjuring swirling orbs of their respective elemental energy, while the knights marched with cold precision, their swords raised high.

Xiao wasted no time. With a swift, fluid motion, he launched himself into the air, his polearm gleaming in the feeble light. The transformation was immediate: his form blurred with the speed of his ascent, the air around him crackling with an intense, icy energy. Xiao's movements were a blur of grace and deadly intent, his polearm slicing through the air with a practiced ease.

As he reached the apex of his jump, Xiao twisted mid-air, the Primordial Jade Winged Spear glowing with a vibrant, ethereal light. He brought the spear down in a powerful, sweeping arc, the blade of the weapon shimmering with an otherworldly glow. With a thunderous impact, the spear struck the ground, releasing a wave of devastating energy that rippled outwards in a series of shockwaves.

The shock-waves burst through the ranks of the onrushing Abyss forces, sending Mages and Knights in all directions. The swirling orbs of dark energy flung out their elemental power in violent eruptions as they were caught in the blast, spiralling into chaos. The Knights, taken by surprise when faced with such a savage attack, were hurtled backward, their spent disciplined formations smashed apart.

Xiao landed gracefully with his polearm held securely aloft. Sharp eyes stared from behind the mask, wild in determination. All around him lay the remains of his attack: broken dark orbs, crumbled Abyss Mages, and Knights fighting to stand properly. With the threatening approach of the Abyss forces, the grand chamber came to life: now chaos was the scenery with Xiao as a sentinel in its center, a sentinel of raw power and piercing precision.

The air of the room was tense, thick with chaos. The powerful assault by Xiao had just thrown the ranks of the Abyss forces into disarray, but something seemed off after all of that. The scattered Abyss Mages and Knights slowly regained form, embraced by some ominous dark energy that pulsated and throbbed with each beat, within the oppressive silence of the chamber.

Orion acted on that unjust regeneration that echoed through the thick air.

The very next moment, he brandished his polearm, channeled his Cryo element, and sent it sailing through the air, unnaturally fast like a tempest and with a force that defied the human boundaries. The speed of his launched polearm does not seem natural but, instead, a part of the supernatural blur of shaft, shooting through the air, lodging into the ground with a thump. From the point of impact, an ice explosion shocked and spread quickly, freezing the ground where it hit the enemies and anything in the way.

Following this, Orion summoned a ball of flames with his free hand, the intense heat and energy coalescing into a blazing sphere. He threw it towards the frozen mass of Abyssal forces with precision. The fireball collided with the ice in a spectacular explosion of heat and vapor. The intense flames melted the ice in an instant, sending shards of frozen crystal flying in all directions, and the explosion incinerated the remaining Abyss creatures in a burst of fiery devastation.

Amidst the swirling vapor and smoke from the attack, a chilling realization dawned. Through the mist, the figures of the Abyss Mages and Knights were rising again, their forms now wreathed in a more potent dark energy. Their regenerative abilities were even more alarming, leaving the group in stunned disbelief.

Eula's voice broke through the chaos, her tone a mix of disbelief and frustration. "Impossible! Are they invincible?"

Diluc's face was set, eyes narrowed, as he gruffly took in the room. "so it would seem."

Orion's mind raced through it all, scanning the chamber for the source of this unnatural revival. "Maybe there's something around here enabling this," he suggested, his gaze darting around the room.

Xiao's expression grew dark, and his eyes narrowed in focus as he indicated to the massive crystals that had been buried within the earth, and, by consequence, through Dvalin's very form. "Those," he said, his voice low and rumbling. "It's a security measure to prevent intruders."

Orion's expression changed as he listened, realization settling in. "we need to destroy those damn things anyways," he responded, his voice laced with a lot of urgency.

A new sound intruded suddenly on their concentration: the unmistakable echo of footsteps, growing louder and louder. First, it was faint—barely discernible over the hushed murmurs from the group or ambient sounds around the cavern. But with every step closer, the deliberate, measured cadence made them impossible to ignore.

Orion's head snapped towards the direction of the sound, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Do you hear that?" he asked, his voice low and tense.

Xiao's eyes flickered, his attention refocused as he turned onto the darkened passageway from which they had emerged. The footsteps were coming closer, each footstep echoing with a chilling clarity—as if something or someone was coming, echoing off the walls in a constant, relentless advance.

The sounds reached the entry of the chamber, making Diluc grip his sword harder. "We are not alone," he stated, very much on edge. "Someone's coming.

Eula, her usual bravado dampened by the ominous presence of the chamber, drew closer to the group. "We need to be ready," she said, her tone urgent. "It sounds like someone—or something—has been waiting for us."

The footsteps continued to grow louder, more distinct, and a sense of foreboding filled the chamber. The rhythmic sound seemed almost deliberate, echoing through the cavernous space with a haunting clarity. It was as if the footsteps were drawing closer to the very heart of their confrontation, an unsettling reminder that they were not alone in this dark, malevolent place.

The group tensed, eyes locked on the entrance chamber. The footsteps were now accompanied by a sense of expectation that felt almost tangible, each step transferring to the others in that cold air, adding to the tension. The noise approached and shadows at the entrance deepened, otherworldly, as if in response to the presence drawing nigh.

Just as the group braced, waiting for whatever was about to come around the corner, the footsteps vanished into silence, leaving nothing but an absolute void. The chamber itself held its breath, nervous glances around as the unknown presence prepared to reveal itself in the plunging, flickering light.

figure emerged from the darkness, stepping into the faint glow cast by the chamber's eerie illumination. He was tall, with a commanding presence that seemed to absorb the light around him. His long, black hair flowed like a dark river down his back, contrasting starkly with his piercing yellow eyes that glowed with an unsettling, almost predatory gleam—reminiscent of the emissary Orion had fought before.

Slowly clapping, the figure approached with an air of mocking amusement. His sword, as dark as the abyss itself, hung casually at his side, the blade seeming to swallow the light—reflecting none of the chamber's pale illumination. Its edge was unnerving in sharpness, an extension of the darkness that came with him.

"Well," he said, "I didn't expect you to find this place," — then abruptly the character seemed to change. His voice became very smooth and cold, laced with a sort of sinister edge. "And what a strange combination of people this is — a Yaksha, two contemptibly looking human knights, and you ?"

The entire group was abhorred through his tone, and his presence was that of malevolence personified. His eyes sparkled with a sinister coldness, an evil light, and had smirkingly cunning graphics. The chamber literally seemed to contract, shadows deepening and becoming more oppressive, fighting the introduction of his very being.

Xiao flicked his eyes sparkingly with a dismissive blink over the dark figure. His lips quirked with a sneer. "Hmph," he muttered, and the sound indicated a small but definite note of his contempt.

Eula, however, remained in high alert, her posture stiff and ready. Her eyes blinked left and right, searching for any sign of a coming attack. She gripped her weapon hard as all of her muscles tightened in preparation for the next strike. All of a sudden, danger seemed imminent and through it all, for Eula, her attitude told of preparation for whatever that would come next.

His gaze fell on Diluc, and a cruel smile twisted his lips. "Oh, it's you, the knight. I'm sorry, I have a tendency to forget things," he said with a mocking tone. "You know how it is, can't remember every insignificant bug now, can I?"

Diluc's expression hardened at the insult. His eyes narrowed, the flames of his greatsword flaring up in response to his rising anger. "We meet again, whoever or whatever you are," he said, his voice low and controlled but laced with a fierce edge.

Orion turned toward Diluc, confusion and concern etched on his face. "Do you know him?"

Diluc locked eyes with the dark figure. "Yeah," he replied curtly, "He's the person I briefed you about, the man I fought."

Recognition, coupled with determination, flashed in Orion's eyes; carping his polearm forward at the dark figure, his stance was never staggered, and his tone was pointed. "Is this done by your hand?" he asked, his voice cutting through the oppressive silence, sharp as a blade.

The man's lips curled into a cruel laugh. "I am merely a warden," he replied, his tone dripping with disdain. "the Dragons punishment must continue." The man's laughter was a chilling sound, echoing off the cavern walls. It was a sound devoid of warmth, filled with a sense of contempt and amusement, his gaze sweeping over the group with a look of disdainful amusement. "now that you're all here, you'll have to deal with me."

Orion's eyes narrowed, the flickering shadows revealing a glint of determination. As he locked eyes with the man,Then, all in one flashing sweep of the moment, they flared with such fervor, his eyes began to glow with a fierce light; a burning determination filled them. His held polearm, firm in grip, cracked with ethereal energy; flames swirled about its shaft, mingling with a chilling frost that seemed to dance on its edge.

He raised the glaive, from it bust forth a gust both of fire and ice; shattered apart in dramatic fashion, spreading out as if he had to show off the power of the elements. Much hotter and colder did the Cryo and Pyro elements play and dance over each other in this breathtaking waltz of heat and cold, vivid across the walls of the cavern.

With a confident smirk, Orion's voice cut through the charged atmosphere. "Oh, no.". "You'll find out very soon that you are the one who's stuck with me" he declared back, his sharp, defiant tone a match for the blazing inferno within him. "And trust me, you won't find me an easy picking." As he spoke, everything flared up around him.


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