
Genshin Impact, Teyvat's Starborne

Orion, a young man who arrives suddenly in the mystical world of Teyvat, with no memory of his past. Struggling with amnesia and unsure of his origin or purpose he embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of his existence. Along the way, he encounters formidable challenges, worthy allies and powerful enemies. and discovers latent powers within himself. as he navigates this foreign land, Orion must seek answers for his unknown past while forging a new destiny in a world brimming with danger, mystery and magic. . Also . Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact or characters, Only the MC Orion and the original characters in this story. Support my Patreon if you want to read extra chapters ahead of release here, I might even consider making it a full time commitment and that will naturally mean consistent and extra chapters, so thank you in advance! : https://www.patreon.com/frenzyaren as for this story, I've played this game up to first patch of fontaine, it will not be the same as Genshin impact's story 100%, yet i'll respect the characters and their traits and what makes them unique. I'll also be adding quite a number of stuff and new Original characters. Romance and relationships will progress slowly otherwise it will be plain and boring imo, and yes it's a Harem.

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38 Chs

A Stellar Entrance

As time went on, the initial surge of activity gradually settled into a steady rhythm. The crowd's attention shifted from the early participants to the remaining five contestants, including Orion, who stepped into the arena. He caught the gaze of several spectators, including a group of adventurers gathered near the stands. The girls, dressed in their distinctive gear, were chatting animatedly, but their focus soon turned to Orion.

"Who's that?" one of them asked, her curiosity piqued as she followed Orion's progress to the center of the arena, the crowd parting to make way for him.

"I don't know him," another replied, shaking her head. "I haven't seen him around either."

One of the adventurers, a young woman with striking emerald eyes and a sharp sense of observation, turned her full attention to Orion. She leaned closer to her companions, her voice tinged with admiration. "Look at him. He's not tall, but there's something striking about him. His ashen hair catches the light in such an intriguing way. It almost seems to shimmer with an otherworldly glow."

Her gaze lingered on the unique details of his attire. "And his eyes—those bright yellow eyes, like twin suns. They're so captivating, almost hypnotic. It's like looking into a different world."

She continued, her admiration evident. "His clothes are quite unlike anything we usually see in Mondstadt. They have this exotic flair, as if he's from a distant land. The white scarf around his neck, adorned with tiny star patterns, is particularly intriguing. It gives him a celestial presence, as if he's wrapped in a piece of the night sky."

Emily Richter, another adventurer in the group, nodded in agreement, her eyes never leaving Orion. "I thought the same thing. He definitely stands out. It's not every day you see someone with such a unique look."

As the young adventurer continued to describe Orion with fascination, her friends exchanged knowing glances. One of them, a girl with short, fiery red hair and a mischievous grin, nudged Emily playfully.

"Are you crushing on him or something?" she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Emily's cheeks flushed a deep pink. She stammered, trying to deflect the attention. "W-What? No! I'm just observing, that's all. His appearance is… intriguing, that's it!"

Another friend, a girl with a gentle smile and curious eyes, leaned in with a teasing tone. "Sure, Emily. It's not every day we see someone so striking. It's perfectly normal to be intrigued."

Emily huffed, her blush deepening as she tried to maintain her composure. "I'm not 'crushing' or anything! I just find his appearance unique and… different. That's all!"

Her friend with the fiery red hair gave her a playful wink. "Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that."

Despite her attempts to brush off the teasing, Emily couldn't hide the small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Whatever!! Let's just see how he performs in the test!"

Orion remained blissfully unaware of the admiration he had stirred among the adventurers. His focus was solely on the Automaton standing tall and imposing before him. Its mechanical eyes glowed with an almost sentient awareness, a silent challenge awaiting its opponent's first move.

Orion tilted his head slightly and called out, "Hello there!"

The Automaton's silence was its only response. Orion chuckled, "Guess you can't talk, huh? Well, that's fine. I won't feel bad about dismantling you."

With a confident grin, he pulled his polearm, Skyward Spine, from his back, the weapon gleaming in the light. The Automaton mirrored his action, drawing a similar polearm from its own assembly, the two weapons aligning in a striking resemblance.

Orion's grin widened. "Looks like we're going to have a fair fight after all."

He sprang into action with a flurry of rapid thrusts, his polearm darting out with precise speed. Each thrust was a test, aimed to gauge the Automaton's responsiveness. The metal figure's reactions were swift and precise, its own polearm meeting Orion's with an almost eerie synchronization.

The Automaton's strikes were as calculated as they were powerful, each swing a testament to its advanced design. Orion danced on the edge of each attack, his movements fluid and agile. He sidestepped and ducked with practiced ease, his eyes gleaming with a mix of focus and amusement.

Without missing a beat, he spun his polearm in a wide arc, forcing the Automaton to retreat momentarily. The crowd watched in awe as Orion showcased his unparalleled skill and control. Each move was a calculated display of his mastery, his body moving with a grace that seemed almost effortless.

With a sudden burst of momentum, Orion leaped into the air, Skyward Spine glinting as he threw it toward the Automaton. The weapon soared through the arena, aimed directly at the Automaton's head. In response, the Automaton's movements became a blur, evading the projectile with a swift sidestep.

Orion landed gracefully on his feet, watching as his polearm landed harmlessly behind the Automaton. He raised an eyebrow and said, "Well, this is actually a very good training dummy," his tone dripping with sarcasm.

With the Automaton momentarily distracted by the polearm's sudden appearance, Orion seized the opportunity to dart towards the weapon. He sprinted across the arena, dodging the Automaton's renewed attacks with agile footwork. Just as the Automaton swung its polearm with a fierce swipe, Orion rolled beneath the attack, reaching for Skyward Spine.

Orion grabbed Skyward Spine from the ground, spinning it effortlessly into his grip. Without hesitation, he whirled back towards the Automaton. With a swift and powerful motion, he swung the polearm in a vertical arc.

The clash was decisive. Orion's vertical slash connected with the Automaton's armor, causing a noticeable dent but not quite defeating it. The Automaton reeled back, its gears whirring frantically as it struggled to stabilize itself. Sparks flew from the impact, casting brief, shimmering light across the arena.

Orion stepped back, his eyes glowing with an ethereal yellow as he assessed his opponent. "Alright, let's wrap this up," he said, his voice steady and focused. He tightened his grip on Skyward Spine, and with a smooth, practiced motion, he hurled it through the air with incredible speed.

The polearm sailed toward the Automaton's head, a blur of steel and motion. The crowd held its breath, watching the weapon cut through the air. Just when it seemed the strike would land, the polearm veered off course, passing inches from the Automaton's head. Gasps of surprise rippled through the spectators.

"Oh, he missed!" someone in the crowd said with a sarcastic tone, breaking the silence.

Another voice chimed in, "Wow, that was close. Almost got him!"

Orion's smile widened as he casually extended his hand, and the crowd's anticipation reached a fever pitch. With a commanding gesture, the weapon's trajectory corrected mid-flight with a smooth, almost effortless arc.

The polearm whizzed through the air, its speed and precision returning to perfect alignment. Orion had never truly missed, his aim was impeccable. He used the feint to lure the Automaton into a false sense of security. As the weapon plunged into the Automaton's back with pinpoint accuracy, Orion's grin grew even wider.

The Automaton staggered, its mechanical systems whirring frantically. Seizing the opportunity, Orion delivered a powerful kick, sending the Automaton reeling back. In one fluid motion, he called Skyward Spine back to him again, the weapon arcing through the air with frightening speed. The polearm reconnected with the Automaton, impaling it through the back and pinning it firmly to the ground. The Automaton shuddered, then went still, defeated.

The arena erupted into applause and cheers. Emily and her friends, still stunned by the display, exchanged astonished glances. "His looks are not the only thing unique about him," one of Emily's friends remarked. "His fighting style is incredibly graceful."

The crowd's focus was entirely on Orion, their previous interest in the other four participants momentarily forgotten. Orion showed no sign of fatigue, his posture relaxed and confident.

Just as the excitement was dying down, Orion's sharp eyes caught sight of one of the remaining participants in trouble. The Automaton loomed over the unfortunate fighter, its sword poised to deliver a fatal blow. Without a moment's hesitation, Orion threw his own polearm with such incredible speed that it embedded itself in the Automaton's head, halting the attack with a resounding clang.

The crowd gasped, shocked by the sudden intervention. One onlooker, unable to contain their sarcasm, called out, "Are you saying he could have finished his fight that fast and was just showing off?"

The participant who had been saved glared at Orion, his anger palpable. "You had no right to interfere with my fight!"

Orion shrugged, his expression unbothered. "You were about to be potentially killed. Consider it a favor."

Orion stepped out of the arena, the roar of the crowd still echoing in his ears. The energy was palpable, and as he rejoined the other participants, he noticed that many eyes were on him, admiration and curiosity evident in their gazes.

Cyrus's voice boomed across the arena, silencing the chatter. "Congratulations to the sixty participants who have passed the first test! Your skills and determination have been truly remarkable. Take a moment to rest and prepare yourselves for the second test,

 which will commence in fifteen minutes. Details will be provided then."

Orion glanced around at the other participants, noting how some were already sitting and catching their breath. He thought to himself, "So I just fought, which means those who finished first got a longer rest time. They must have been able to recover fully by now." He then smiled to himself, shrugging off the thought. "Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm not tired anyway."

Orion joined the rest of the participants, receiving nods of respect and murmurs of admiration. A few of the other adventurers approached him, their eyes wide with awe.

"Hey, that was some performance back there," one of them said. "I've never seen anyone handle a polearm like that."

Another chimed in, "Yeah, you made it look almost effortless. Truly impressive."

Orion smiled humbly, nodding in acknowledgment. "Thank you. I've had a lot of practice." 

As he found a spot to sit and rest, a young woman approached him. She had striking blonde hair that framed her face, and her ruby-red eyes sparkled with curiosity. She wore a simple yet elegant outfit suitable for adventuring, complete with a backpack and a sword strapped to her side.

"Hi," she said with a friendly smile, extending her hand. "I'm Emily. I couldn't help but notice your performance. That was incredible."

Orion shook her hand, returning the smile. "Thank you, Emily. I'm Orion. I appreciate the compliment."

Emily sat down next to him, her gaze still fixed on him. "I've seen a lot of fighters, but none quite like you. Where did you learn to fight like that?"

Orion chuckled softly. "A bit here and there. I've traveled a lot and picked up different techniques along the way." As he said this, he thought to himself, "Hah, honestly, I don't even know. It's just muscle memory, I guess." His mind drifted briefly to his amnesia, a lingering shadow over his past. The skills seemed ingrained in him, like second nature, but the origins were elusive.

Emily's eyes widened with enthusiasm. "That's amazing! Are you an adeptus, by any chance?"

Orion tilted his head, confusion evident on his face. "A what?"

"An adeptus," Emily explained. "You know, the magical beings from Liyue? They're said to be incredibly strong and possess unique skills."

Orion thought for a moment, then to himself, "Am I one?"

He shook his head with a smile. "No, I don't think I am. Just a regular adventurer trying to make his way."

Before they could continue, Cyrus's voice interrupted, announcing, "The second test will commence in fifteen minutes. Please use this time to rest and prepare. Further details will be provided shortly."

Orion turned to Emily. "Do you know anything about the next tests?"

Emily shook her head. "Nope. The Guild has kept everything secret."

"I see," Orion replied. "Well, good luck then." He gave her a genuine smile and stood up.

Emily blushed slightly and quickly stood up, calling after him. "Wait, Orion!"

He turned back, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?"

She hesitated for a moment before speaking in a slightly awkward tone. "Um, do you want to hang out later, once we're done with the tests? I mean, if you're not too busy or anything."

Orion smiled warmly. "Sure, I'd like that. It's always nice to have company in the city."

Emily's blush deepened, and she nodded. "Great! See you later, then."

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